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She developed paralysis(瘫痪), after giving birth to a large calf. That changed her status

She developed paralysis(瘫痪), after giving birth to a large calf. That changed her status from milk producer to "downer", the dairy industry's word for a cow unable to stand up. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that downers account for between 130,000 and 195,000—a large percentage—of the total cows slaughtered each year.

Her owner, the Sunny Dene Ranch dairy farm, sent her to Veru's Moses Lake Meats. She was given a routine test for nervous-system diseases, killed, then shipped to Midway Meats in Centralia. The test, taken on December 9th but not fully analyzed until December 22nd, froze America's $27-billion-a-year cattle industry, the world's largest producer of beef. This cow had tested positive for BSE(牛绵状脑病),a fatal sickness popularly known as mad cow disease. Humans can get a different kind of disease of BSE by consuming the brains or nervous-system tissue of infected cattle. Britain diagnosed its first case of BSE in 1986. It eventually spread to 180,000 cattle and was linked to the deaths of nearly 150 people.

The USDA at once quarantined(隔离) the Sunny Dene herd and made efforts to recall the meat. Two dozen countries equally swiftly slammed the door on American beef experts, which earn $3 billion a year. The Asian market, particularly Japan, which buys about a third of those exports, was especially quick to ban American meat. Cattlemen cursed their bad luck after a year of decent prices.

On December 27th the USDA suggested that the infected cow came from Canada. This does not let the American beef industry off the hook. But it suggests that the cause of the trouble lies outside the United States. It was not such good news for Canada. Last May one case of BSE in northern Canada led to a three-month ban on exports of Canadian beef and live cattle. When will the cattlemen get their market back.'? The Americans hastily sent a team to Japan to try to calm Japanese fears and, more practically, to discuss the import of beef from animals less than 30 months old. Steve Kay, an expert on the cattle industry from Petaluma, California, points out that BSE has never been found in cattle younger than 30 months.

Much as officials once did in Britain, people from the USDA and the meat industry have rushed to assure Americans that their product is safe. Shares in McDonald's at first tanked, but recovered when the burger giant insisted it used strict safety standards. Yet America's meat industry still has to pay more attention to what it feeds its animals and how it kills them.

What cows constitutes high percentage in the total cows butchered each year?

A.Cows that have give birth to calves.

B.Cows that have produced milk.

C.Cows that are less than 30 months old.

D.Cows that cannot stand up.

提问人:网友smallc 发布时间:2022-01-07
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When she had developed a portfolio of illustrations, Rebecca found publishers ______.A.mor

When she had developed a portfolio of illustrations, Rebecca found publishers ______.

A.more receptive to her work.

B.equally cautious about her work.

C.uninterested in her work.

She gave all her properties to a charity organization which _______ her great respect
from people all over the world.





Identify the run-on in each selection. If the selection contains no run-on, choose "Correct."

A.Christie worried that she would lose her tennis scholarship because she developed carpel tunnel syndrome

B.Fortunately, a teammate recommended an acupuncturist.

C.This person was able to help Christie


What’s true about Estelle in Margaret Atwood’s “Rape Fantasies”?

A、she is the narrator of the story

B、she starts the discussion on “Rape Fantasie”

C、she is the only thoroughly developed character

D、Her constant observations about the other women and their conversation tells much more about herself than the other characters

听力原文: Since her mid-20s, Jane had been troubled by health problems-joint pain in her hands and feet at first, then her knees and back, weakness and headaches. She consulted three doctors, but she was

Finally, after four years of repeated attacks of sharp joint pain, a cancer expert found out Jane's problem and told her that she had developed joint cancer.

26-year-old Jane is now chairing the Public Awareness Committee. She works to raise public awareness of a disease that doctors often miss. She wants to use her experience to help others.

Since her mid-20s, Jane had been troubled by health problems-joint pain in her hands and feet at first, then her knees and back【11】and headaches. She consulted three doctors, but she was told there was nothing wrong with her【12】.

Finally, after four years of repeated attacks of【13】joint pain, a cancer expert【14】Jane's problem and told her that she had developed joint cancer.

26-year-old Jane is now chairperson of the Public Awareness Committee. She works to raise public awareness of a disease that doctors often【15】. She wants to use her experience to help others.

Choose the one in which the underlined part is closest in meaning to that of the sentence
taken from the text. Those who achieve greatness do so not only because of the gifts they were given or the talents they developed, but because they had passion for the adventure that inspired their lives. (Para. 2)

A、This is an absolute gift at that price.

B、The husband gave his wife a necklace as an anniversary gift.

C、She is endowed with the gift of drawing by nature.


Florence Nightingale is most remembered as a pioneer of nursing and a reformer of hospital
sanitation methods. For most of her ninety years, Nightingale pushed for reform. of the British military health-care system and with that the profession of nursing started to gain the respect it deserved. Unknown to many, however, was her use of new techniques, of statistical analysis, such as during the Crimean War when she plotted the incidence of preventable deaths in the military. She developed a method to prevent the needless deaths caused by unsanitary conditions and the need for reform. With her analysis, Florence Nightingale revolutionized the idea that social phenomena could be objectively measured and subjected to mathematical analysis. She was an innovator in the collection, interpretation, and display of statistics.

Florence Nightingale's two greatest life achievements-pioneering of nursing and the reform. of hospitals-were amazing considering that most Victorian women of her age group did not attend universities or pursue professional careers. It was her father, William Nightingale, who believed women, especially his children, should get an education. So Nightingale and her sister learned Italian, Latin, Greek, history, and mathematics. She in particular received excellent early preparation in mathematics.

During Nightingale's time at Scutari, she collected data and systematized record-keeping practices. Nightingale was able to use the data as a tool for improving city and military hospitals. Nightingale's calculations of the death rate showed that with an improvement of sanitary methods, deaths would decrease. In February, 1855, the death rate at the hospital was 42.7 percent of the cases treated. When Nightingale's sanitary reform. was implemented, the death rate declined. Nightingale took her statistical data and represented them graphically.

As Nightingale demonstrated, statistics provided an organized way of learning and lead to improvements in medical and surgical practices. She also developed a Model Hospital Statistical Form. for hospitals to collect and generate consistent data and statistics. She became a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society in 1858 and an honorary member of the American Statistical Association in 1874. Karl Pearson acknowledged Nightingale as a "prophetess" in the development of applied statistics.

What does the word "sanitation" mean in the passage?





From: Keiran HendersonTo: Sharon HaslerSubject: Olivia WrightDear Ms. Hasler,I'm writing t

From: Keiran Henderson

To: Sharon Hasler

Subject: Olivia Wright

Dear Ms. Hasler,

I'm writing to congratulate you on your hiring of Olivia Wright. Olivia has been an excellent employee here at San Francisco Advertising, and I'm sure she will do a great job for you in London. (87) the day she first started with us, Olivia has stood out as a talented and hardworking individual. She has now developed her skills and experience, too.

Please know that Olivia has is leaving our company on the best of terms. Her husband is British and they had been looking for an opportunity to move to England for a few months. I (88) losing her after working with her for so many years. However, I am delighted that she has found a suitable position at your high-profile and well-respected agency.

Olivia (89) a superb addition to your company. I wish you both all the best in the future.


Keiran Henderson






Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements

Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.

One of the most successful singers of the twentieth century, Ella Fitzgerald has made several different styles of her own. She was born in Virginia but was brought up in an orphanage in Yonkers, New York. Chick Webb spotted her in an amateur competition when she was sixteen. He engaged her to sing with his bands, and when he died in 1939, she took over.

Unlike Bessie Smith, Ella Fitzgerald taught herself the sentimental music so popular .in the 1930's—songs like "My Heart Belong to Daddy'—and her recording became bestsellers. During the 1940's she developed her own "scat singing"—a breathless, nonsensesyllable style—for songs like "Flying Home" and "Lady Be Good".

Ella Fitzgerald was the perfect musical partner for her friend, the trumpeter Louis Armstrong, matching him in warmth and artistry, "I just like music," she has said. "To me, it's a story. There's only one thing better than singing. It's more singing".

Where did Fitzgerald spend most of her childhood?



C.Louis Armstrong.


Not too long ago, a guest checking out of our Polynesian Village resort at Walt Disney Wor
ld was asked how she enjoyed her visit. She 【C1】______ the front-desk clerk she had had a wonderful vacation, but was heartbroken about losing several rolls of Kodacolor film she had not yet 【C2】______ She was particularly upset over the loss of the 【C3】______ she had shot at our Polynesian Luau, as this was a memory she especially treasured.

Now, please 【C4】______ that we have no written service standards covering lost luau snapshots. 【C5】______ ,the hostess at the front desk understood Disney's philosophy of caring for our guests. She asked the 【C6】______ to leave her a couple of rolls of fresh 【C7】______ ,promising she would take care of the 【C8】______ .

Two weeks 【C9】______ , this guest received a package at her home. In 【C10】______ were photos of the entire cast of our luau show, personally autographed by each performer. There were also 【C11】______ of the parade and fireworks in the theme park, 【C12】______ by the front-desk 【C13】______ on her own time,after work. I happen to 【C14】______ this story because this guest wrote us a letter. She said that never in her life had she received such compassionate 【C15】______ from any business establishment. Heroic service does not come from policy manuals. It comes from people who care—and from a culture that encourages and models that attitude.

told pictures developed understand Fortunately

woman film rest later it

hostess know service photos taken


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