题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

When we met Mr. Smith last year, he ______ in that school for ten years.A.taughtB.was teac

When we met Mr. Smith last year, he ______ in that school for ten years.


B.was teaching

C.had taught

D.would teach

提问人:网友atskyfly 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“When we met Mr. Smith last yea…”相关的问题
When Mr. Pomat failed ________ us, we left without him.

A.to meet

B.to be met

C.not to meet

D.not to be met

听力原文:M: Hello, ABC Company. What can I do for you?W: This is Jenny Black from the Smit

听力原文:M: Hello, ABC Company. What can I do for you?

W: This is Jenny Black from the Smith Company. Can I speak to Peter Haw?

M: Speaking.

W: Mr. Haw, I'm calling about the delivery of the printers.

M: When did you order them?

W: About a week ago. And they should have been here yesterday.

M: I'm sorry about that. Well, let's see what can be done. Your delivery can be delivered tomorrow.

W: Tomorrow morning will be fine. So what time can we expect your truck?

M: Should we say between 10 and 11?

W: Good.

M: My apologies for the delay. Bye.

W: Bye.


A.To make an apology.

B.To place an order.

C.To ask about delivery.

D.To cancel an appointment.

听力原文:W: What a memory I have! I did write down the number on a sheet of paper when I a
nswered the phone this morning. But now the paper has disappeared without any trace.

M: Don't worry. I will be seeing Mr. Brown in an hour.

Q: What do we learn from this conversation?


A.It was probably Mr. Brown's phone number that the woman wrote down.

B.It was just an hour ago that the man met Mr. Brown.

C.The woman forgot to write down the phone number.

D.The woman needed a sheet of paper to put down the number.

听力原文:W: What a memory I have! I did write down the number on a sheet of paper when I a
nswered the phone this morning. But now the paper has disappeared without any trace.

M: Don't worry. I will be seeing Mr. Brown in an hour.

Q: What do we learn from this conversation?


A.It was probably Mr. Brown's phone number that the woman wrote down.

B.It was just an hour ago that the man met Mr. Brown.

C.The woman forgot to write down the phone number.

D.The woman needed a sheet of paper to put down the number.

听力原文:W: What a memory I have! I did write down the number on a sheet of paper when I a
nswered the phone this morning. But now the paper has disappeared without any trace.

M: Don't worry. I'll be seeing Mr. Brown in an hour.

What do we learn from this conversation?

A.It was probably Mr. Brown's phone number that the woman wrote down.

B.It was just an hour ago that the man met Mr. Brown.

C.The woman forgot to write down the phone number.

D.The woman needed a sheet of paper to put down the number.

Woman: What a memory I have! I did write down the number on a sheet of paper when I answer
ed the phone this morning. But now the paper has disappeared without any trace. Man: Dont worry. Ill be seeing Mr. Brown in an hour. Question: What do we learn from this conversation?

A.It was probably Mr. Brown"s phone number that the woman wrote down.

B.It was just an hour ago that the man met Mr. Brown.

C.The woman forgot to write down the phone number.

D.The woman needed a sheet of paper to put down the number.

Yesterday I got up later than usual I had breakfast in a burry and almost! Missed the bus.
At school. Mr. Green was absent because be was iii and we studied by ourselves. On my way home from school. met Tom. an old friend of mine. He was going to his aunt’s with bus brother. After supper I began to water TV. After finishing my homework in madl. I was going to bed. when Mr. Smith called me up. He asked me to return tile novel(小说). lie lenl me tile book the other day. I went to bed at eleven.

I got up very eaely that morning.



Mr. Long was only thirty but drank for thirteen years. He spent much time in the restauran
ts and often drunk a lot there. He had a rich sister who often supplied him enough money. So he was never worried about food or clothes.

Once a young man began to work in his company. They met at a party and introduced themselves to each other. Mr. Long knew his name was Mr. Kidd and he came from another city. The young men liked to drink too and they became good friends. They always met in the restaurant at weekend and didn't leave there until they were drunk. Of course it was bad for their health. Their friends advised them to stop drinking, but they didn't listen.

It was Saturday again. Mr. Long called his friend and they decided to spend the evening in the restaurant. Mr. Kidd agreed to his opinion and got there in time. They drank one glass after another and they didn't stop until the men in the restaurant refused to sell the wine to them. They came out together and sat down at the side of the street.

Pointing at the moon, Mr. Kidd said, "Your sun is smaller than ours!"

"We have a bigger one, "said Mr. Long "But I wouldn't show it to you."

"I'll buy it for all the jewelry in world, "called out the first drunkard(醉鬼).

"What makes you think I'll sell it to you? the other drunkard asked in reply(反问).

Mr. Long began to drink when he was ______.





根据以下材料回答第 21~30 题: I can clearly remember the first time I met Mr. Andrews, m

根据以下材料回答第 21~30 题:

I can clearly remember the first time I met Mr. Andrews, my old headmaster, (21) that was over twenty years ago . During the war ,I was at school in the north of England . As soon as it ended, my family returned to London. There were not enough schools left for children to go to and my father had to go from one school to another, asking them to (22) me as a pupil . I used to go with him but he had such a (23) time trying to persuade people even to see him that I seldom had to do any tests. We had been to all the schools near where we lived ,but the more (24) my father argued ,the more it became. In the end ,we went to a school about five miles away from home. The headmaster kept us waiting for (25) an hour. While we were waiting , I (26) around at the school building ,which was one of those old Victorian structures, completely out of date but still standing. I could hear the boys playing in the playground outside when the headmaster’s secretary finally (27) us into his office. Mr. Andrews spoke to me first ,“Why do you want to come here ?” he asked. I had been thinking of saying something about studying but couldn’t (28) remembering the boys outside .“I don’t know anyone in London, ” I said . “I like to play with the other boys. I like to read a lot of books too,” I (29) . “All right ,”Mr. Andrews said . “We have one place (30) ,in face.”

My two years at that school were among the happiest of my life.

第 21 题 填入(21)处的最佳答案是()。





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