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Now that our friend Nick has passed so many examinations and speaks English like a native

he feels more at liberty to criticise the British. He has, believe it or not, been very scornful about a number of British ways of life. These have included the habit of drinking cups of tea at all times of the day (Nick considers this a terrible waster of time), and the law about driving on the left.

Just recently, though, he changed his tune. This was when he discovered that the former monetary system of pounds, shillings and pence had been replaced in February 1971 by a decimal system in which the pound is made up of a hundred new pence. Nick thought that this was a sensible idea. He would be the last to admit it but he had always had difficulty in getting used to the idea that there were twelve pennies in a shilling and twenty shillings in a pound. However it was not long before he began to find faults. He had three main criticisms. He rather pompously called them problems of nomenclature, pedagogy and economics. By nomenclature, Nick meant the names of the new coins. Knowing the British love of linguistic difficulties he was certain that there had to be subtle differences in meaning when people used the names for the new coins in speech. For example, he asked, did it mean the same to say a new halfpenny, a new half penny, and half a new penny? How long, he wondered, would this small coin last anyway.'? How should one express the larger sums such as 4.69--four pounds and sixty- nine new pence, four pounds sixty-nine, or four sixty nine?

By pedagogy, Nick meant the increased number of difficulties foreign students would face when they used both old and new books, for both systems would have to be learned and taught. By economics, Nick meant the high cost of all the practical changes that had had to be made when pounds and new pence were adopted. He finally decided to include Britain's monetary changes in his list of daily grumbles and was glad he had not been in the country on February 15th, 1971, the day the new systembegan.

Nick feels more at liberty to criticise the British because ______.

A.he has been very scornful about the British way of life

B.he considers drinking tea a terrible waste of time

C.he has trouble driving on the left

D.he can speak very good English

提问人:网友georgecxd 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Now that our friend Nick has p…”相关的问题
We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made inGermany. It wa
s made in 1681. We keep our clavichord in the living room. Our family has it for a long time. My grandfather bought the instrument many years ago. Recently a visitor damaged it. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard. She broke two of the strings. My father was shocked. Now he does not allow us to touch it. A friend of my father’s is repairing it now.

听力原文:M: Vicky, you've really done wonders with this place. How long have you been here

W: Almost a year. We moved in last fall and have been working on fixing it up ever since. Come and have a look at our kitchen.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


A.Their friend Vicky.

B.Their children.

C.Vicky's new home.

D.A new way of cooking.

It's been _______ that by the age of 18, the _____...

It's been _______ that by the age of 18, the ______ American will have seen 600,000 ads; by the age of 40, the total is almost one million. Each advertisement is doing its utmost to ______ our diverse buying decisions, from the breakfast cereal we eat to which cruise line we will use for our ______. There is no shortage of ideas and things to buy! Now, of course, we don't remember exactly what the products were, but the ______ message is cemented into our ______, "It's good to satisfy your ______. You should have what you want. You ______ the best. So, you should buy it - now!" A famous advertisement said it perfectly, "I love me. I'm a good friend to myself. I do what makes me feel good. I ______ pleasure from nice things and feel ______ by them. I used to put things off. Not anymore. Today I'll buy new ski equipment, look at new compact cars, and buy that camera I've always wanted. I live my dreams today, not tomorrow.

采用句子分析的方式查找并更正下文错误。 学生习作 My Best Friend M y best friend is Molly, my
junior high school deskmate. W e ’ ve known each other for seven years. S he is study in Fuzhou now. There are long black hair and big eyes. S he is of medium height, neither fat nor thin, but her skin is white. S he is warm-hearted. S he always comforting me when I’ m in bad mood. W henever I have learn difficulties, she will immediately offer help. T hough we are not in the same city now, our relationship holds very good. W e ’ ll always be in contact with each other on Wechat. W e also buy gifts each other on a regular basis to make small surprises. I will cook for her when we are on holidays. I hope we travel abroad together some day in the future. I believe that our relationship not change no matter how long it takes.

Today is October 14. My friend, Fei Junlong and I have spent four days in space. I'm 41 ye
ars old. He is one year younger than me. Shenzhou Ⅵ circled around the earth 80 times at the height of 347 kilometers above the earth. We are amazed at everything in space. For the first time, we take off our space suits and move around freely. We have as many as 50 dishes to choose from and we can now tell which foods and drinks are better for a long space journey. When my daughter sang "Happy Birthday" to me, I was very excited. We will have a five-day journey in space. We will return tomorrow. I believe Shenzhou Ⅶ will make the Chinese explore space further in the future.

Fei Junlong is forty years old.



听力原文:M: No. 11 Police Station. Can I help you?W: Yes. It's about my son Leech. He went

听力原文:M: No. 11 Police Station. Can I help you?

W: Yes. It's about my son Leech. He went to the school this morning but hasn't been back yet and it's 6:00 p.m. now.

M: Just a moment, please. May I have his name?

W: Leech Smith, 112 Broadway.

M: Thank you. Now Mrs. Smith, what is the matter exactly?

W: Well, Leech left home at 7 o'clock this morning, but just now her teacher called me and asked why Leech didn't go to school.

M: Do you think it's possible that he went to friend's home?

W: I don't think so. I called her friends and our neighbors, but none of them had seen Leech today.

M: I see. Now, let's move to some details. How old is he?

W: 10 years old. And he is 1.5 meters tall.

M: What's he wearing?

W: A blue shirt, and white shoes, carrying a green school bag.

M: We'll do our best to find him, Mrs. Smith, Please try not to worry.


A.At Leech's school.

B.In the police station.

C.On the phone.

D.At Mrs. Smith's home.

Part B (10 points) You are going to read a text about being a better friend, followed by a

Part B (10 points)

You are going to read a text about being a better friend, followed by a list of important ways. Choose the best way from the list A—F for each numbered subheading (41—45). There is one extra way which you do not need to use.

Back when we were kids, the hours spent with friends were too numerous to count. There were marathon telephone conversations, all-night studying and giggling sessions. Even after boyfriends entered the picture, our best friends remained irreplaceable. And time was the means by which we nurtured those friendships. Now as adult women we never seem to have enough time for anything. Husbands, kids, careers and avocations—all require attention; too often, making time for our friends comes last on the list of priorities. And yet, ironically, we need our friends as much as ever in adulthood. A friendship network is absolutely crucial for our well-being as adults. We have to do the hard work of building and sustaining the network. Here are some important ways for accomplishing this.

Let go of your less central friendships.

Many of our friendships were never meant to last a lifetime. It's natural that some friendships have time limits. Furthermore, now everyone has a busy social calendar, so pull back from some people that you don't really want to draw close to and give the most promising friendship a fair chance to grow.

(41) Be willing to "drop everything" when you're truly needed.

You may get a call from a friend who is really depressed over a certain problem when you are just sitting down to enjoy a romantic dinner with your husband. This is just one of those instances when a friend's needs mattered more.

(42) Take advantage of the mails.

Nearly all of us have pals living far away—friends we miss very much. Given the limited time available for visits and the high price of phone calls, writing is a fine way to keep in touch—and makes both sender and receiver feel good.

(43) Risk expressing negative feelings.

When time together is tough to come by, it's natural to want the mood during that time to be upbeat. And many people fear that others will think less of you if you express the negative feelings like anger and hurt.

(44) Don't make your friends' problems your own.

Sharing your friend's grief is the way you show deep friendship.

Never underestimate the value of loyalty.

Loyalty has always been rated as one of the most desired qualities in friends. True loyalty can be a fairly subtle thing. Some people feel it means that, no matter what, your friend will always take your side. But real loyalty is being accepting the person, not necessarily of certain actions your friend might take.

(45) Give the gift of time as often as time allows.

Time is what we don't have nearly enough of, and yet, armed with a little ingenuity, we can make it to give it to our friends.

The last but not the least thing to keep a friendship alive is to say to your friends "I miss you and love you". Saying that at the end of a phone conversation, or a visit, or writing it on a birthday card, can sustain your friendship for the times you aren't together.

A. But taking on your friend's pain doesn't make that pain go away. There's a big difference between empathy or recognizing a friend's pain, and over identification, which makes the sufferer feel even weaker. "I must be in worse pain than I even thought, because the person I'm confiding in is suffering so much!" Remember troubled people just need their friends to stay grounded in their own feelings.

B. Remember honesty is the key to keeping a friendship real. Sharing your pain will actually deepen a friendship.

C. Besides, letters, cards and postcards have the virtue of being tangible-friends ca

听力原文:M: No.11 Police Station. Can I help you?W: Yes. It's about my son Leech. He went

听力原文:M: No.11 Police Station. Can I help you?

W: Yes. It's about my son Leech. He went to the school this morning but hasn't been hack yet and it's 6:00 p. m. now.

M: Just a moment, please. May I have his name?

W: Leech Smith, 112 Broadway.

M: Thank you. Now Mrs. Smith, what is the matter exactly?

W: Well, Leech left home at 7 o'clock this morning, but just now her teacher called me and asked why Leech didn't go to school.

M:Do you think it's possible that he went to friend's home?

W: I don't think so. I called her friends and our neighbors, but none of them had seen Leech today.

M: I see. Now, Let's move to some details. How old is he?

W: 10 years old. And he is 1.5 meters' tall.

M: What's he wearing?

W: A blue shirt, and white shoes, carrying a green school bag.

M: We'll do our best to find him, Mrs. Smith. Please try not to worry.

Q8: Where does this conversation most probably take place?


A.At Leech's school.

B.In the police station.

C.On the phone.

D.At Mrs. Smith's home.

A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants allowed to go to the theatre?" Anybody who can pay for a(1)may go to the theatre in England, though only two percent choose to do so. This is not because theatres are expensive,(2)ecause most people prefer to watch television, football matches or to gamble.

The word "peasant" is not used in England, except as an insult or as a joke. We have no peasant class, only(3)laborers. We do not have a system, as in other parts of Europe,(4)people inherit a small piece of(5)and work it for substance. We have farms, which can employ laborers for wages. Such people are(6)as "agricultural workers". They are not highly paid out but they can manage to live fairly well.

Farming is becoming more(7). These days young men starting work on the farm are expected to spend some more time at agriculture college to learn how to do the job(8). English agriculture is very(9)and we are now self-sufficing in grain:(10), we have a surplus, which is stored by the Common Market and which we have to pay to store, through our taxes.






































B.In fact

C.On the contrary

D.By the way

One evening, long after most people had gone to bed, a friend of mine and I were【21】our wa
y happily home through the silent street. We had been to a【22】and were talking about the people we【23】and heard in it.

"The show made him a star overnight," said my friend about one of them. "He was completely【24】before. And now thousands of people send【25】gifts and letters." "I thought him quite good," I said. "But not【26】thousands of letters. As a matter of【27】one of his songs【28】me a shock. It was too【29】." "What was that?" my friend asked me. "Sing it to me." I began to sing. "Do be【30】, you'll give everybody a shock and wake them up for miles【31】, besides there will be a policeman after us." My friend gave a surprised look.

"Never mind, I won't care. What is the matter?" I said and went on【32】at the top of my voice.

Presently there came a policeman, standing in front of me, his note-book open.

"Excuse me, sir," he said, "You have a very good【33】if I may say so. Who taught you singing? I'd very much【34】to find someone who can give my daughter singing lessons. Would you be【35】to tell me your name and address? Then my wife and I would come to your house to discuss it."






听力原文:The interpretation of dreams has been a favorite activity of people for as long a

听力原文: The interpretation of dreams has been a favorite activity of people for as long as we have had recorded history. Some of these dream interprets have become famous, and some, like the European psychologist Sigmund Freud, felt that all dreams have meanings which relate to our personal relationships with family members and friends.

Good dreams include those in which we see 6urselves succeeding in some difficult or pleasant activity such as singing, dancing, talking with our friends, or experiencing the happiness which may not occur in our waking hours. Many persons report dreams of competing in athletic competitions or music competitions. The performance in these events can go beyond anything we might experience in reality. Who among us has not dreamed of spending pleasant hours with our real or imaginary lover, enjoying his or her company in ways known only to those who have loved? Interpreters of such dreams give varied meanings, most of which are probably not very reliable. But, we often a wake from good dreams in a good mood, rested and ready to face the day.

Bad or unpleasant dreams include those which frighten us, recall unpleasant experiences from our lives, or present problems for which there is no evident solution. Dreams of failing an exam at school, dreams of losing a job or a good friend, dreams of accidents or death of a loved one in our family, etc. are unsettling and not easily understood. Some dream experts believe these dreams are now a threatening way to face a problem from real life. They give us a way to deal with the problem so that we may find it less stressful in our waking hours.


A.What they have regretted for a long time.

B.Their relationships with families and friends.

C.What they have expected too much.

D.The things they have experienced during their childhood.

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