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听力原文:Man:I love deep-sea diving. I go at least once every summer. The deeper you go,th

听力原文:Man: I love deep-sea diving. I go at least once every summer. The deeper you go,the quieter everything becomes, until finally all you can hear is the sound of your own heartbeat. It's my way of getting away from it all, finding some peace for once. I spent my honeymoon diving, although my wife's not so keen, and it's not something we always do together. I don't need company necessarily, and I'm not looking for some incredible adventure. I did, however', once join some guys in a cage off Florida, searching for the great white shark. If sharks stop moving, they die. That sounds like me back home.

You hear a man talking about deep-sea diving. Why does he like the sport?

A.It suits his sociable nature.

B.It contrasts with his normal lifestyle.

C.It fulfils his need for a challenge in life.

提问人:网友zouhao1985 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文:Man:I love deep-sea divin…”相关的问题
I'm sorry. I must have ____________(dial).
Before the interview, you could do these preparations including____.

A、Clearing with interview time and location

B、Researching the company

C、Preparing some copies of your resumes

D、Practicing introduction and interview questions

听力原文:Interviewer: It's difficult to talk about the beauty of a sound, but our great musicians today still clearly feel that these sixteenth-century Italian violins are the best. Do you agree with them?

Scientist: Well, if you look closely at a violin, um ... it may be a beautiful-looking instrument, but it is basically just a wooden box, whose function is to take a little energy out of the string that the musician plays and to turn it into sound that is then heard by the listener. The function of an individual violin is to provide suitable playing and sound qualities for the musician to express all of his or her emotions.

You turn on the radio and hear a scientist being interviewed about violins. What is the scientist doing?

A.Explaining how a violin works.

B.Explaining how a violin is made.

C.Explaining how a violin should be played.


听力原文:Woman: if, like me, you're about to set off for Australia and you haven't yet bought a guide book, how about trying a CD ROM instead? Be careful though, the majority of interactive CDs turn out to be a let down. Many publishers convert printed material to digital format, add a few flashy linkages, and expect the buying public to be impressed. I wasn't. In this context, Wilson's multimedia package is a refreshing contrast. It's got all the information, readily accessed from a single-page pictorial index covering states, cities, wildlife, famous people, etc., and the data is accompanied by good still pictures and 92 video clips.

You hear part of a radio programme about CD ROMs. What is the speaker's opinion of the CD ROMs about Australia which she tried?

A.Most of them are disappointing

B.You are better off with an ordinary guidebook.

C.There is little difference between them.


听力原文:Woman: If you have to deal with a customer who keeps ringing your office about a problem you think you've already dealt with, it's important to be forceful. Make them understand that you really sympathise with their problem, but decide on a course of action early in the conversation and try to keep it moving quickly to avoid any difficult areas. If you can, it might be worth your while trying to discover if there is another reason for their persistence, to try to do something about it before they call again.

You turn on the radio and hear a woman giving advice to business people. What advice does she give about dealing with customers?

A.Don't let them force you to agree to something.

B.Don't be too sympathetic towards them.

C.Don't allow them to stay on the phone too long.

听力原文:Interviewer: Today's guest needs no introduction. He is a man who has given us hours of interest and entertainment over the years, with his weekly series of wildlife programmes. He is, of course, Martin Middleton. Martin, you've been to the four corners of the Earth in search of material. Where did this love of adventures come from?

Martin: I don't really know ... I didn't travel much as a child, but I remember reading about the East and being fascinated by it. Then, when I was about 12, I met someone who'd been to Singapore -- and to me that seemed incredible ... and, of course, when I started in television, back in the early 1960s, you didn't travel to make a wildlife programme ... you went along and filmed at the local zoo. So, when I said I'd like to go and film in Africa, the Head of Programmes just laughed at me.

Interviewer: ... and, did you go to Africa?

Martin: On that occasion, no! But I eventually got them to allow me to go to Borneo in 1962. There was just me and a cameraman. We went off for four months, filming wherever we found something interesting. We bought a canoe, sailed up-river for ten days and ended up in a traditional long house. Nowadays, of course, it's all quite different.

Interviewer: Different? In what way...?

Martin: We do months of preparation before we set off, so when we start filming, we know exactly what scenes we want to get. I mean, you don't get up in the morning and say to your team, 'What shall we do this morning?' You have to know exactly what each scene is going to show ... to work to a strict plan.

Interviewer: Some of your programmes have taken place in some pretty remote areas. It's hard to imagine other programme-makers wanting to risk the dangers or discomfort that you've experienced.

Martin: Well, if you want original material -- you've got to go off the beaten track ... but you can find yourself doing some pretty strange things ... um ... like, for example, on one occasion, jumping out of a helicopter onto an iceberg. There I was ... freezing cold ... then it started to snow ... and the helicopter had gone back to the ship and couldn't take off again. So I was stuck there, on this iceberg, thinking, 'This is crazy ... I didn't even want to come here!'

Interviewer: What I wonder is ... where does somebody like yourself, who travels to all these exotic places as part of their work, go on holiday?

Martin: (laughs) I'm not very good at lying on a beach -- that's for sure. I wouldn't go to a place just to sit around. It's nice to have an objective when you're travelling... to have something you want to film ... mm ... I've just come back from the Dominican Republic, and we were put up for the first night in a big hotel ... The place was absolutely full of people, just lying there sunbathing. They seemed quite happy to spend the whole day stretched out around the pool ... they never seemed to want to go and explore the amazing things there were to see outside the hotel. For me, that would be a very boring way to spend a holiday.

Interviewer: Your programmes, though, must have inspired a lot of people to take their holidays in remote and little-known places.

Martin: You are probably right, but ...well ... I have mixed feelings about all this. I go back to the places where, years ago, I was the only European, and now there are cruise ships coming three times a day. So, you worry that in ten years or so, every remote place on the planet will be swallowed up, because everyone will be visiting it. But, on the other hand, I am in favour of tourism that is done in a way that protects the environment. You can see a good example of this in the Galapagos Islands, where the tourism is carefully managed. That's very successful, and could be a model for the future ...

What was the origin of Martin Middleton's love of travel?

A.living abroad in the 1960s

B.something he read as a child

C.a television film about Africa

When he visited Borneo, Martin

A.had no fixed expectations.

B.made a programme about life on the river.

C.became more interested in filming old buildings.

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