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Some colleges, since they accept almost any high school graduate, are referred to as “diploma mills”.

提问人:网友chunfengbao 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Some colleges, since they acce…”相关的问题
What, then, is a good education at the end of the twentieth century? Some educators sugges
t that it should include foreign languages and the study of foreign cultures;a mastery of English, including the ability to write and speak well, because communications have become all-important in the modern world. and also because “a person who doesn't speak and write Clearly doesn't reason clearly either” ; some knowledge of the social sciences(sociology, psychology)that deal with human relations and human problems;some basic knowledge of modem information systems, since the educated professionals of tomorrow will have to understand their machines. Is that all? “No, of course not. ”answer the educators, “We have not mentioned the two great building blocks of education:history and literature!”

Is this truly the best modern education? Perhaps. But every educator would add or subtract a few subjects. And no matter what list of courses would be offered, it would not be approved by all. Not only do the professors have their own ideas on the matter, but the students have theirs' too. “I don't believe, ”protested a Harvard student when his university revised its programs, “I don't believe that colleges have the fight to define what an educated person is. ”But then, who has?

Because colleges and universities perform. such a wide variety of roles, some educators co
mplain that their institutions are expected to meet the needs of too many competing interests. For example, business and government leaders count on colleges and universities to provide occupational training for individuals to enter professional and public life. However, most people also expect colleges and universities to provide students with a broad-based liberal arts foundation of learning that may have no direct vocational application. Accordingly, some critics of the curriculum offered by contem porary institutions of higher education argue for the establishment of educational standards that would combine academic and vocational objectives. Others defend the separation of academic and vocational curriculums.

Admissions standards at colleges and universities have become controversial among educators and students alike. Although some institutions of higher education in the United States and Canada have highly selective admissions standards, others admit virtually any high school graduate able to meet minimum academic requirements. Many educators feel that every student should complete high school and that everyone desiring access to higher education should have an opportunity to pursue a college degree. However, critics of loose admissions standards argue that admitting large numbers of students who are academically unprepared for a college education often compromises the quality of the institution. Moreover, from the 1970s to the 1990s grade point averages have risen steadily at nearly all U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities, causing many educators and even some students to complain that acaidemic standards are too low.

Since passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, colleges and universities in the United States have carried out debates over affirmative action policies intended to diversify the racial composition of students and faculty. These policies influence student admission guidelines, financial aid distribution, and faculty hiring procedures by giving some preference to minority groups. In the 1990s several judicial decisions began to abolish affirmnative action programs at state-controlled universities. These decisions also imposed legislation to prohibit race-based preferences in college admissions, financial aid, and hiring. These decisions have far-reaching consequences and potentially impactthe efforts of all colleges and universities to achieve racial diversity while consistent with the law.

In addition to calls for a more diverse student body and faculty, many educators and students advocate a more diverse Undergraduate curriculum at colleges and universities. Arguing that traditional college curriculums focus too much on the history and culture of white males, they advocate a more multicultural curriculum that does not ignore women and minority cultures. Others argued that advocates of a multicultural curriculum are constrained by their own narrow ideo logical perspectives, and that they do not like the traditional moral, intellectual, and aesthetic judgment. These tradition alists argue for an undergraduate curriculum that emphasizes a core of knowledge that lies within the Western, cultural tradition. Most colleges and universities in the United States and Canada offer some courses that focus on traditional Western culture in addition to others that explore multicultural themes.

According to the first paragraph, the author wants to tell us that______.

A.educational standards that would combine academic and vocational objectives

B.educational standards that would separate academic and vocational curriculums

C.there exists the educational standards argumentation on the combination or separation of the academic and vocational objectives

D.colleges and universities perform. such a wide variety of roles

听力原文: Digital rap3 players like Apple's iPod can download and play hours of music and
thousands of images. It's not surprising that they are among the nation's most popular entertainment devices. Now, a handful of U. S. colleges and universities are using them as education devices.

That chance to listen as many times as necessary makes a difference. Back in the days when students came to class, they hear what the teacher says. They rely on the notes that they take away from it and they type it. With the lectures on iPods and on-line discussion forums when requested by students, pupils grasp the material more quickly.

And there may be additional benefits for shy students. They actually begin to shine in an on-line environment. in the online world, they're able to create thoughts, write them down, and post them to class where they can be a full participant.

According to some expert, this technology is d0ing more than giving students the flexibility to listen and learn anytime, anywhere; instead it's empowering them as education consumers, and colleges and universities are paying attention. Nowadays, they need to focus on the student experience and make the entire teaching experience not about the professor giving their lectures. It's about how can schools reach out to the students in a way that meets their needs, since so many of today's students are not "traditional learners" any more.

According to the passage, what is applied in teaching today?




D.Digital devices.

听力原文: "Where is the university?" is the question many visitors to Cambridge ask. But n
o one could point at any direction because there is no campus. The university consists of 31 self-governing colleges. It has lecture halls, libraries, laboratories, museums and offices throughout the city. Individual colleges choose their own students who have to meet their minimum entrance requirements set by the university. And the students usually live and study in their colleges but they are taught in very full groups. Lectures and laboratories and practical work are organized by the university and held in university buildings. There are over ten thousand undergraduates and three thousand five hundred post-graduates. About 40% of them are women and some 8% from overseas. As well as teaching, research is of major importance. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, more than sixty university members have won Nobel prizes. The university has a huge number of buildings for teaching and research. It has more than 60 specialist subject libraries as well as the university library, which as the copy-right library, is entitled to a copy of every book published in Britain. Examinations are held and degrees are awarded by the university. It allowed women to take the university exams in the 1881, but it was not until 1941 that they were awarded degrees.

Why is it difficult to locate Cambridge University?

A.Because there are no signs of direction.

B.Because it lies in a remote place.

C.Because the university is everywhere in the city.

D.Because there are no guides available.

Yes, that college tuition bill is bigger this year.Confirming what students and their pare

Yes, that college tuition bill is bigger this year.

Confirming what students and their parents already knew, an influential education think tank (智囊机构) says that states are passing along their budget woes (因难) to public university students and their families. Tuitions are rising by double digits in some states, while the amount of state funded student aid is dropping.

The result, says the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education in San Jose, Calif., is "the worst fiscal news for public higher education institutions and their students in at least a decade."

Although incomes are rising by only 1% to 2% in most states, tuition at four-year public schools leapt by 24% in Massachusetts, 20% in Texas and 7% nationally since the 2001-2002 school year, the center says.

State budget deficits (预算赤字) are the cause. Nationally, states spend about 48% of their revenue on education, or about $235 billion in 2001 for kindergarten through college, says the National Governors Association. Elementary and secondary education budgets are protected in many state constitutions, which means they are generally the last expense that states will cut. But higher education is vulnerable to budget cuts--and tuition increases: After all, no one has to go to college.

Colleges and universities "have clients they can charge," says the National Center's president, Patrick M. Callan. Tuition "is the easiest money to get," he adds.

The pressure to raise tuition is particularly intense because states froze or even cut state university tuition during the 1990s. With its eye on the knowledge-driven economic boom, the University of Virginia cut tuition by 20% in 1999. This year, although per-capita income grew by less than 1% in Virginia, the state raised tuition at its four-year colleges by 9% and cut student aid by 8%, about $10 million.

The rising cost of public education, and the fear that it is financially squeezing some students out of an education, have prompted some state universities to adopt a practice long used by private schools to attract students: tuition discounting. In tuition discounting, colleges turn around a share of the tuition paid by some students, and use it to pay for scholarships for others. Private colleges typically return $35 to $45 in scholarships for every $100 they collect in tuition revenue. But until recently, states have viewed discounting as politically unpopular.

There are a few steps students and their families can take to offset rising tuitions, but not many. Because colleges are always interested in raising academic quality, talented students can pit one college against another in hopes of raising their financial-aid offer. Some colleges now invite students to call and renegotiate their aid packages if they get a better offer from another institution.

College education becomes costlier because______.

A.the state-funded student aid is increased

B.the budgets for elementary and secondary education are increased

C.colleges can no longer depend on states for fund

D.higher education budget will get cut by states

While, almost every department of the federal government is concerned about and involved w
ith some aspects of education, and【C1】______.federal government influence is an important【C2】______in education, the regulation of education at all【C3】______remains a responsibility of the states. Policies of education institutions,【C4】______public 'and private are largely determined by【C5】______groups of citizens, and administration of education is in tike【C6】______of officials of state, local, and private agencies.

There has been an U.S. Office of Education【C7】______1867 and it was the Education Division of the federal Department of Health, Education, and Welfare since 1953. In 1979 it became the Department of Education to【C8】______policies and administer and coordinate (协调) more than 150 federal aid-to-education【C9】______,such as student loan programs, education programs【C10】______migrant workers.

【C11】______of the principal functions of the Department of Education today is the【C12】______to the States of tile large sums of money given by Congress for【C13】______purposes. The money must be used for the【C14】______ specified by Congress, but the states【C15】______have the responsibility for distributing it and for【C16】______use in educational pursuits within their borders.【C17】______recent years some funds from federal agencies have been【C18】______for direct aid to schools, colleges, and universities for research, construction of facilities, and development of curriculums and library resources regarded as important in the national【C19】______. The institutions must submit applications for the money to get approval【C20】______the federal agencies dealing with the funds.






There is an immense and justified pride in what our colleges have done. At the same time t
here is a growing uneasiness about their product. The young men and women who carry away our degrees are a very attractive lot - in looks, in bodily fitness, in kindliness, energy, courage and buoyancy. But what of their intellectual equipment? That too is in some ways admirable; for in spite of President Lowell's remark that the university should be a repository of great learning, since the freshmen always bring a stock with them and the seniors take little away, the fact is that our graduates have every chance to be well informed, and usually are so. Yet the uneasiness persists. When it becomes articulate, it takes the form. of wishes that these attractive young products of ours had more intellectual depth and force, more at-homeness in the world of ideas, more of the firm, clear, quiet thoughtfulness that is so potent and so needed a guard against besetting humbug and quackery. The complaint commonly resolves itself into a bill of three particulars. First, granting that our graduates know a good deal, their knowledge lies about in fragments and never gets welded together into the stuff of a tempered and mobile mind. Secondly, our university graduates have been so busy boring holes for themselves, acquiring special knowledge and skills, that in later life they have astonishingly little in common in the way of ideas, standards, or principles. Thirdly, it is alleged that the past two decades have revealed a singular want of clarity about the great ends of living, attachment to which gives significance and direction to a life. Here are three grave charges against American education,, and I want to discuss them briefly. My argument will be simple, perhaps too simple. What I shall contend is that there is a great deal of truth in each of them, and that the remedy for each is the same.

The main subject of this passage is ______.

A.the achievements of American colleges graduates

B.the deficiencies of American colleges graduates

C.the productive aspects of American colleges

D.the tasks of American colleges

听力原文:"Where is the university?" is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no o

听力原文: "Where is the university?" is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no one now could point them in any one direction because there is no campus. The university consists of thirty-one self-governing colleges. It has lecture halls, libraries, laboratories, museums and offices throughout the city.

Individual colleges choose their own students, who have to meet the minimum entrance requirements set by the university. Undergraduates usually live and study in their colleges, where they are taught in very small groups. Lectures, and laboratory and practical work are organized by the university and held in university buildings.

There are over 10,000 undergraduates and 3,500 postgraduates. About forty percent of them are women and some eight percent from overseas. As well as teaching, research is of major importance. Since the beginning of the 20th century more than sixty university members have won Nobel prizes.

The university has a huge number of buildings for teaching and research. It has more than sixty specialist subject libraries, as well as the University Library, which, as a copy-right library, is entitled to a copy of every book published in Britain.

Examinations are set and degrees are awarded by the university. It allowed women to take the university exams in 1881, but it was not until 1948 that they were awarded degrees.


A.Because there are no signs to direct them.

B.Because no tour guides are available.

C.Because all the buildings in the city look alike.

D.Because the university is everywhere in the city.

In colleges, student - athletes are called so since the colleges intends to demonstrate th
at they ______ between the intellectual pursuit and physical pursuit.

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