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A recent article in Era magazine suggested ways to reduce inflation. The article suggested that the president reduce the federal budget; ______________ it suggested that the government reduce federal


B、in contrast



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更多“A recent article in Era magazi…”相关的问题
•Read the article about packaging and labeling.

•Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D that follow.

•For each Question 21-30, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

Packaging and labeling are both very important to a product, as most physical products have to he packaged and labeled. Both are thought of as an element of product strategy and many marketers even have called packaging a fifth P.

The main concern in designing packages for products, especially for new products, is to protect the (21) on its journey from the factory to the customer. This is especially true (22) industrial goods and appliances whose sales are made from display models. From the (23) of marketing, packaging is of vital importance in sales promotion. Sales are (24) by packages that are visible, informative, emotionally appealing, and workable.

Good packaging helps sell because (25) with high visibility are easier to find when they are displayed on store shelves. Design with good and useful information may help (26) customers and make them more (27) to decide to buy the goods. The (28) factor in packaging refers to the image that consumers form. after viewing a product.

(29) in packaging means that the container not only protects the product but is also easy to open and re-close, is readily stored, and has utility for secondary uses once the product is used up. For example, in China, some goods are packaged in a special container-- a real cup, which can be used as a cup after the goods within are used up.

The label may be a simple tag attached to the product or an elaborate designed (30) that is part of the package. The label normally carries information about the brand name, manufacturer's name and address, price, specifications, and so on.






Which of the below statement are correct?

A、Impact test is a typical static testing method.

B、Toughness is a measure of a material’s resistance to brittle fracture when a crack is present.

C、A material’s tensile stress tends to gradually increase with the size of the crack increases.

D、Fracture toughness is used in design to find allowable flaw size.

?Read the advice below about delivering a lecture.

?In most of the lines 34-45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

?If a line is correct, write CORRECT .

?If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

34. eight common mistakes people frequently make in front of an audience. Second is the

35. tendency of poorly prepared speakers who to 'wing it'. Next, don't rely entirely on a

36. speechwriter—who will inevitably lack of the personal touch, which is vital. Fouth,

37. face up to tough questions and give honest answers—candour is essential to leadership.

38. At least that sounding honest is no doubt very important. As is the fifth point:the need

39. to research in the audience:the talk must be pitched at the appropriate level. The sixth

40. point is that the need to anticipate the obvious first question, which nonetheless often

41. floors the most smartest of expels. One mistake that is surely well known to even the

42. lowliest junior is there is nothing worse than a speaker who doesn't know when he to sit

43. down. Accordingly, when time your speech beforehand, standing up and delivering it.

44. Finally to drop a witty comment or anecdote to loosen up the audience. Nothing is more

45. cringe-making than a joke that falls flat.


ASEAN was founded in 1967 by the 5 South-East Asian nations of Indonesia, ______, ______, ______ and ______.


B、the Philippines



Read the article below about South-east Asian stocks. For each question 1-6 on the opposite page, choose the correct answer. Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

After a good 2003, will 2004 be better

The past year has been a good one for Southeast Asian stocks. Markets in both Singapore and the Philippines have risen by more than 30% in dollar terms; Indonesia has surged more than 70%; and tigerish Thailand has leapt by almost 130%. Investors, needless to say, are keen to know whether lightning will strike again in the same places in 2004. There is indeed something good in store: elections.

The gains of the past year are easy to explain. Indonesia, for one, has finally found its feet after years of chaos following the regional crisis in 1997. Inflation and interest rates are failing, and the economy has grown by around 4% in the past year.

Thailands economy, meanwhile, has been doing even better. It has grown at an annual rate of 6.5% in the year as a whole. Because of low interest rates, consumers have been wildly purchasing cars and houses, helping crisis-hit companies pay off their debts and thus improving the balance sheets of Thailands struggling banks.

Analysts tell similar tales of asset increase all around the region. Markus Rosgen, of ING, a Dutch bank, notes that Asians have been piling up deposits in their bank accounts since the crisis. With interest rates so low, he argues, they now have an incentive either to consume more or to put their savings into more lucrative investments. Either way, share prices should rise. Even now, ail Southeast Asian markets are still well below their pre-crisis highs. Moreover, points out Christopher Wood of CLSA, an investment bank, all Southeast Asian markets except Singapore serve as useful hedges against America, since they do not rise and fall with Wall Street.

Unexpected events might yet upset these rosy prospects. There will be elections in the Philippines and Indonesia in 2004, and probably in Malaysia, too. Thailand goes to the polls at the beginning of 2005. Economically corrupted governments, street protests or bombing campaigns are always a possibility. But the responsible leaders seem likely to get re-elected in all four countries. Furthermore, they will spend a lot of money in the process, out of both the state budget and their own pockets, giving their economies a further boost. As a recent report by ING points out, Indonesian stocks rose in the nm-up to all of the past three elections.

About 2004 investors are eager to learn whether

A.it is the right time to make investment.

B.Southeast Asian stocks will be better.

C.there will be any elections.

Tsunami is a tidal wave produced by an earthquake on the ocean floor. The waves are very long and low in open water, but when they get close to land, they encounter friction because the water is shallow __________________ the waves increase in height and can cause considerable damage when they finally reach land.

A、on the other hand

B、as a result

C、for example


摘要部分一般遵循哪种论证结构? a. Conclusions b. Research methods c. Research motivation d. Research purpose/content e. Results






What is the logical order of the following paragraph? There are some differences, however. Whereas you will find more PCs in business offices, you will find more Macs in classrooms. Although Macs are the computers of choice of people who do a lot of art and graphic design in their work, PCs seem to be the choice of people who do a lot of “number crunching”. Finally, there is a difference in the availability of software, vendors, and service for the two computers. In general, there is a lot of PC-compatible software, but relatively little Mac software. Furthermore, for a Mac, you must purchase your machine and get service from Macintosh-authorized dealer, whereas many different computer stores sell and service PCs.

A、Chronological order

B、Inductive method

C、Logical division of ideas

D、Comparison and contrast

What is the logical order of the following paragraph? Figure 1 also shows that, in spite of the extensive loss of species, the number of species began to rise again and biodiversity began to return. At the start of May 2002, the number of different species in the soil had increased to nearly 15,000.

A、Comparison and contrast

B、Cause and effect

C、Inductive method

D、Deductive method

以下描述说明了摘要的哪一个特点? “An abstract should choose the exact words needed to convey precise meaning to the reader.”



C、Clear and concise

D、Professional & intelligible

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