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听力原文: There are about two thousand and eight hundred languages in the world. According

to the investigation of linguists, the fastest speaking nation is French. A Frenchman speaks an average of three hundred and syllables per minute. The Japanese comes second, speaking three hundred and eleven syllables per minute.

The slowest speaking nation is the people of Polynesia island in the Pacific,

Both Americans and the British speak English; but it is interesting that tile British speak faster limn Americans. An Englishman speaks an average of two hundred and twenty syllables per minute while au American only speaks one hundred and fifty to one hundred and seventy-five.

Which is the fastest speaking nation?






提问人:网友jiaoer234 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文: There are about two thou…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: When does the train leave?W: It leaves at twelve.Q: What does the man ask abou

听力原文:M: When does the train leave?

W: It leaves at twelve.

Q: What does the man ask about?





听力原文:Would you like to go out to watch movies after the test?(A) I'd like to, how abou

听力原文:Would you like to go out to watch movies after the test?

(A) I'd like to, how about an Italian film?

(B) I've been there already.

(C) Yes, I did a good job in the exam.





听力原文:How will this competitive situation affect students?(36)A.Students may worry abou

听力原文:How will this competitive situation affect students?


A.Students may worry about the entrance requirement of the best colleges.

B.Students may worry about their talent in music required by the best colleges.

C.Students have to show interest in helping others.

D.Students have to read the Wall Street Journal actively.

听力原文:M: Are yon going to the rock concert Friday night?W: I haven' t thought much abou

听力原文:M: Are yon going to the rock concert Friday night?

W: I haven' t thought much about it. How about you?

M: Sure. Would you like to go with me?

W: Sounds like fun.

Where do they want to go?

A.to a rock and mineral show.

B.to an opera at the concert hall.

C.to a movie at the student center.

D.to a popular music concert.

听力原文:M: I have some news about Barbara that might interest you.W: Are you talking abou

听力原文:M: I have some news about Barbara that might interest you.

W: Are you talking about the great new job she found?

M: So you know about it too?

Q: What can we assume about the man?


A.He isn't interested in the news.

B.He's surprised that the woman knows.

C.He was also going to look for a job.

D.He thinks that the woman made a mistake.

听力原文:W: Can I help you?M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on reserve abou

听力原文:W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on reserve about British culture.

W: Professor Grand's class?

M: That's right. How could you know?

W: Let's just say you are not the first person coming in asking for those articles.

M: Oh, well, seeing as how I haven't read any of them yet, it doesn't really matter which one you give me first.

W: I'm afraid I can't give you any of them at the moment. They've all been checked out.

M: You're joking, all of them?

W: Every month. I've asked professor Grand twice already to bring in additional copies of the articles, but no sooner do I place them on the shelves than they are gone. See that girl in the black sweater? She's been waiting for half an hour for those same articles to be returned.

M: And here's me. I went out of my way to free out the whole afternoon to read.

W: I'm sorry, but there is not a whole lot I can do about it. All I can suggest is that you come in first thing tomorrow morning and try again. We open at eight.


A.That the library opens at 8:00.

B.That no one else has read the articles.

C.That none of the material he needs is available.

D.That reserve materials can be taken out of the library.

听力原文:Finally there is one more element to business success that we haven't talked abou

听力原文: Finally there is one more element to business success that we haven't talked about. I know what you think I'm going to say, luck and you're partially right. Good entrepreneurs know how to make their own luck and that means being in the right place at the right time with the right product. Let me give you a little example, early in this century, if you’re a traveler by train and subway and you happen to get a little thirsty in the station, where would you go for some water? There were no big soda machine at every corner or even drinking fountains, yet there were thousands of thirsty travelers out there, well, what they did was drank water out of one little tin cup that was passed from one thirsty commuter to the next. That's right, everybody drank out of the same cup, and you can bat it didn’t get washed after every user. Will, that was the right time for the right product and there was a man who had it. His name is H M and his product was the disposable paper cup. He came up with it just as the nation was becoming concerned about their health risks associated with the tin cups. Laws were passed outlying the things; reports were published showing just what sorts of germs can be passed around from sharing them. Mr. M road that way to become the best known producers of one of the most successful paper products of all time. He originally called his product health cups, but later changed the nature, so can anyone guess what that name might be?


A.Successful business practices.

B.Famous inventors.

C.Public health concerns.

D.Unsuccessful inventions.

听力原文:M: Come in.Please take your seat.W: Thank you.M: Now could you tell me a bit abou

听力原文:M: Come in. Please take your seat.

W: Thank you.

M: Now could you tell me a bit about yourself, please?

W: Yes, sir. My name is Linda King. I'm not 25 until the end of this month. I'm not married. I studied in the Department of Economics of N. C. State University. After graduation, I was working as an accountant with my last company for four years.

M: Well, tell me, why did you leave?

W: Actually I didn't leave. The company closed down.

M: Closed down?

W: Yes, it went bankrupt. So I was out of job.

M: I see. What foreign language can you speak?

W: I can speak a little French, but I am good at German because my mother came from Germany.

M: Great! Our company has established business with a German company recently. We are in need of a secretary and interpreter. Do you think you're qualified for the job?

W: I think so. I don't mind hard work.

M: Well, we'll call you, if we decide to hire you. Can I reach you by the fax number on your resume?

W: I'm sorry. My fax machine just broke down. But I cheek e-mail every day.

M: O.K. That will do. Thank you. Good-bye.

23. Which of the following information about Linda is correct?

24.Why does the man become excited when Linda says she speaks good German?

25.By which means will the company contact Linda when they decide to hire her?


A.She wants the job because she is bankrupt.

B.She can speak three languages.

C.She is 25 years old when she is attending the interview.

D.She is a student in N. C. State University.

听力原文:W: Hi, Ralf, how are you doing?M: Hi, Samantha, I'm fine, but I am not happy abou

听力原文:W: Hi, Ralf, how are you doing?

M: Hi, Samantha, I'm fine, but I am not happy about the new 15% increase in bus transportation fares. I don't think it is fair to students, poor people, and old people on fixed incomes. Transportation is now a major consideration in my budget.

W: You know how to get the student discount, don't you, Ralf?

M: What student discount, Samantha?

W: It's only for full-time students. Are you full time?

M: Yes, I am a full-time student.

W: Well then, you would qualify. Take your student card to the Derbyshire Building on Johnson Road. The Metro Pass is available there to all students from our university. The Student Union made a deal with them last year—I think part of our student union dues may be involved,but I am not sure. Anyway,you can get a monthly student pass that gives you unlimited,all zone access to public transit anywhere in the greater regional district for half price—$50 a month.

M: Really? Only 50 dollars? why didn't I know about that?

W: There was a page on it in “the Information for New Student Packet” that the Student Union sends welcoming to all students.

M: Oh, I remember that package. It included a welcome letter and a bunch of advertisements.

W: Yes,but one of the ads was from City Metro,explaining it all.

M: I just threw the whole envelope out. I am so sick of looking at advertisements. It annoys me that so much paper is wasted on material that is of no interest to me.

W: Well, I am sure if you go to the Derbyshire Building, there will be lots of information there. How many zones do you travel?

M: I have to go 3 zones. It takes me over an hour to get home.

W: Well, this pass would be especially good for you. It has the same cost regardless of how many zones you travel. I use it on weekends sometimes to visit my grandparents—they are 5 zones from my place so it's really cheap.

M: I am so glad you told me about this. I have been so worried about all my expenses since starting college that I hardly ever have a doughnut with my coffee. I think I will celebrate this news this afternoon. and buy a doughnut with my coffee. Can I invite you to join me? This tip you gave me is worth a lot,I'd like to buy you a coffee.

W: That is very nice of you, but no need. I am glad I could help. I am going swimming after class today. I'm trying out for the college swim team. The coach is excellent.

M: Yes, I have heard that. Well, thank you so much, Samantha. I shall head over to the Derbyshire Building right now.

W: I forgot to mention this pass is only good until the end of the term,then you have to renew and the line-ups can get quite long. During the summer, it is not available. Also, when you pay, they don't take personal checks. I made that mistake when I went the first time—they accept credit cards and cash only. I doubt there will be any line-up today.


A.At Citibank.

B.At a metro station.

C.At the Student Union Building.

D.At the Derbyshire Building.

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