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Owing to cultural ethnocentrism, people may ______.A.think they are superiorB.think they a

Owing to cultural ethnocentrism, people may ______.

A.think they are superior

B.think they are right

C.think they are critical

D.think they are different

提问人:网友siasren 发布时间:2022-01-06
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Focus the connectives in the following text, choos...

Focus the connectives in the following text, choose the correct type of logical relation each connective express. She further stated that Mikaye found no anxious/avoidant children, because many Japanese mothers rarely left their child at 12 months, so being alone, or even with a stranger would have been extremely upsetting (Brain, 2002). Some psychologists however, claim that the strange situation test is not an accurate way to define attachment types, as they do not take into account the effect of cultural differences on attachment. An example of this is that in some cultures children are often put into day care, this could be confounding, because those children will have learnt that their mothers will return, and will not find the strange situation test as distressing as others (Cowie et al., 1991). There have also been found to be certain flaws in some of the studies upon which Bowlby based his theories. The major concern with ‘imprinting’ for example, is that it is based upon birds and mammals, rather than primates. The logical relation the connective "because" expresses is _____________.





Match the conjunction with the type of logical rel...

Match the conjunction with the type of logical relation they express. Pay attention to the different classes of the conjuntions: whether they are between sentences, between independent clauses, or between dependent clauses. contrasting exemplifying causative She furthered stated that Mikaye found no anxious/avoidant children, (1) because many Japanese mothers rarely left their child at 12 months, so being alone, or even with a stranger would have been extremely upsetting (Brain, 2002). Some psychologists (2) however, claim that the strange situation test is not an accurate way to define attachment types, (3) as they do not take into account the effect of cultural differences on attachment. (4) An example of this is that in some cultures children are often put into day care, this could be confounding, because those children will have learnt that their mothers will return, and will not find the strange situation test as distressing as others (Cowie et al., 1991). There have also been found to be certain flaws in some of the studies upon which Bowlby based his theories. The major concern with 'imprinting' for example, is that it is based upon birds and mammals, rather than primates. (1) because

Pain is a central component of end-of-life care, and nurses are in a prime positionto re
lieve pain and suffering throughout the dying process. But as the United Statescontinues to become more ethnically and culturally diverse, healthcare providers faceincreasing challenges as they care for patients with different cultural values.

Cultural competence is especially important in end-of-life care because culturalbeliefs, values and experiences shape each patients definition of a"good death.”

Cultural beliefs surrounding pain and death affect patients’ attitudes and preferences in end-of-life care. In some cultures, openly discussing death is inappropriate. Forexample, Cheng et al. conducted a survey of East Asian palliative care physicians. Seventypercent of participants from Taiwan reported that patents’ Family members were reluctantto discuss end of life. Fifty-six percent identified the cultural belief ”bad things happen after you say them out loud” as a reason family members avoid end-of-lifediscussion. Consequently, families may avoid discussing death to avoid bad luck or tempting fate.

Certain cultural groups may request that healthcare providers withhold disclosure of a terminal diagnosis to protect the patient. In some Asian cultures, these requests stemfrom a desire to preserve hope or to prevent emotional suffering in the dying patient.Healthcare providers must consider such beliefs before approaching patients with news of a poor prognosis.

These beliefs can be a significant barrier to the initiation of pain management at the end of life. Researchers have found that oncologists often cite family reluctance todiscuss end-of-life issues with patients as a major barrier to initiating pain managementin dying patients. Providers may misinterpret a reluctance to discuss impending death asa refusal of pain treatment.

Similarly, cultural beliefs about the origin, role, and meaning of pain can affect how a patient perceives pain. Many beliefs regarding pain stem from religion and spirituality.For example, some religious groups believe pain is a part of God's plan, a penance forsins or a test of faith. In contrast, other cultures ascribe positive meanings to pain. Forexample, some patients may believe in the mantra "No pain, no gain. "These patientsmay view pain as a sign of progress toward recovery. Chinese patients may believepain results from an imbalance between yin and yang, which has its roots in TaoismBuddhism and Confucianism.

Similarly cultural beliefs affect how patients express pain. Many cultures havenegative attitudes toward expressing pain outwardly. For example, Black American,Hispanic American, Asian American, and American Indian patents may be reluctant tocomplain of pain due to strong cultural beliefs in stoicism. As a result, these patients mayprefer to keep a neutral face and avoid grimacing, crying or moaning, even if their pain issevere Stoic pain behavior. can lead to inaccurate pain assessments if nurses interpret the lack of observable cues such as facial expression, body posture, crying or moaning as theabsence of pain.

In addition. cultural beliefs may affect self-report of Pain. A study of cancer painexperience found that Asian Americans reported significantly lower pain scores thanBlack Americans, Hispanic Americans and non-hispanic White Americans. Interestingly,there were no differences in severity of symptoms associated with cancer pain, such aslack of energy, shortness of breath or difficulty in sleeping. Asian Americans may believe that they should endure pain bravely to serve as a role model for others or to improve their standing in life after death.In this cultural groups, decreased pain expression may lead providers to assume the absence of pain,causing under or non-treatment of symptoms.

46、What bring healthcare providers including nurses in the US increasing challenges?

A.Different definitions of a“ good death”

B.Diverse cultures from different ethnic groups

C.End-of-life pain care and management.

D.Patients with similar cultural values

47、According to the survey, why were some family members in Taiwan reluctant to discuss end of life?

A.They wanted to avoid bad luck or tempting fate

B.They were too sad to have end-of-life discussion

C.They believed the disease could be cured completely.

D.They trusted the palliative care physicians

48、What does the word "prognosis"(in the 3rd sentence of the 4th paragraph)probably mean?

A.Signs or symptoms of a disease

B.Identifying the cause of some disease

C.A prediction of the course of a disease

D.Doctor's order and prescription

49、Which of the following statements is not true?

A.Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism influence Chinese patients' view of pain

B.Different cultural beliefs are no huge barriers to end-of-life pain management

C.In some Asian cultures, openly discussing death is not welcomed

D.People with dissimilar cultural beliefs understand pain in different ways

50、How do some religious groups perceive pain?

A.Pain tests a person's faith in God

B.Pain is a penance for sins

C.All of the above

D.Pain is a part of god's plan

?Read the following article about culture in business negotiation and the questions. ?For

?Read the following article about culture in business negotiation and the questions.

?For each question (15-20), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

Negotiation is a common and necessary process in concluding an international transaction. Businesspeople from different cultures may sometimes find themselves in an awkward position owing to the cultural conflict. As a matter of fact, when two parties of different cultures sit at the negotiation table, two cultures are conflicting. Cultural conflict may result in a failure of a deal or loss of opportunity or loss of profits. For example, foreigners with some knowledge about Chinese culture will avoid making an appointment with Chinese businesspeople to negotiate during the traditional Chinese Spring Festival, especially on the New Year's Eve and in the following three days, as Chinese people think that it is not the time to make money during the Festival. On the other hand, they need relaxation after a whole year's hard work.

Cultural elements influence the style, method, pace, and goals of the negotiators. The negotiators must remain alert to not only the culture of the society represented but the personal views and outlook of the negotiator across the negotiation table and even across wire (talking on the phone).

Negotiation between businesspeople is an activity of cross-cultural communication, and closely linked with communication is the accommodation of differences in negotiating styles. Some cultures are more formal than others, others more confrontational; some will be understated, others inclined to exaggeration; some more conscious of status and far less egalitarian than Americans, others so circumspect (to save face and preserve harmony as to leave a typical Western businessman baffled in trying to find out the intent).

Understanding manners and customs is especially important in negotiations because misunderstanding manners or customs of another culture may result in poor outcomes or even disasters.

To negotiate effectively in cross-culture negotiation, all types of communication should be read correctly. For example, Americans often interpret inaction and silence as negative sign. Japanese managers tend to expect that their silence can get Americans to lower prices or sweeten a deal. Even a simple agreement may take days to negotiate in the Middle East because the Arab party may want to talk about unrelated issues or do something else for a while. The aggressive style. of Russian negotiators and their usual last-minute change requests may cause astonishment and concern on the part of ill-prepared negotiators. The following examples may further show how culture conflicts damage international trade transactions.

At the negotiation table, Western business negotiation group leader found the Japanese negotiation leader nodding his head after he made his offer to the Japanese negotiator, so he thought the Japanese business counterpart agreed to their offer, and he took out the contract, hoping to conclude the negotiation by signing the sales contract. But, to his great astonishment, the Japanese counterpart did not show any sign of signing the contract. The Western business negotiation group leader, however, felt offended. He thought the Japanese counterpart was not serious. The negotiation then ended resultless.

The process of decision making is varied. The time taken to make one decision will depend on whether such authority is centralized, assigned to a committee of technical people, routed through a network within the organization, or entirely delegated to the negotiator. For example, again it is concerned with the negotiation between the Japanese businesspeople and an American group. After being offered the price, The Japanese negotiators habitually remained silent f

A.negotiation is very important in international business.

B.differences in culture in negotiation cannot be neglected.

C.businesspeople must negotiate carefully.

D.culture is very important.

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D . Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Crime is significantly higher in the US than anywhere else in the developed world. Thanks to the political power of the National Rifle Association, Americans have access to deadly weapons, and use them, to a degree that astonishes observers abroad. Americans possess an estimated 60 million hand-guns. Since 1960 the rate of murder crime per capita has grown by 35 percent, a truly horrible statistic. Violent death rates per capita are four or five times higher than in Western Europe (while rape rates are seven times higher, and forcible robbery rates some four to ten times higher). Experts suggest that this violence has cultural roots, and cannot simply be linked to poverty. New York's murder rate is far larger than that in the slums of Calcutta, for example, and in prosperous Seattle --recently rated the number one city in the United States for "live ability" the murder rate is seven times of Birmingham, England. Nor is violence owing to lack of police efforts and checks; at the last count, American prisons were holding more than a million convicted prisoners, a proportion of the population larger more than in South Africa or the former USSR. Three thousand out every 100,000 black American males are in prison, whereas South Africa managed to preserve apartheid by imprisoning 729 black males per 100,000.

Doubling the number of people behind bars during the 1980s has not been very effective, therefore, in dealing with the erosion of American society, partly because of the difficulty of at tempting major social reforms in a politically decentralized, libertarian society. Any attempt to relieve homelessness and poverty in the inner cities--and the rural South --might cost a great deal of money, and a transfer of resources from the better-off (who vote) to the poor(who don' t). Since the Boston Tea Party, middle-class Americans have had a deep aversion to paying taxes' with some justification, since unlike Europeans they do not enjoy in return such middle-class benefits as: free college tuition, health care, subsidized cultural events, efficient public-transport systems, and so on. Perhaps funds could be made available if productivity and real growth were bounding upward. When they are not, changes in spending priorities become part of a "zero-sum game", blocked by groups who lose out.

Which of the following sentence is true according to the passage?

A.Americans can easily get weapon from the National Rifle Association.

B.The National Rifle Association had successfully prevented the government from banning civilian's access to deadly weapons.

C.Observers abroad are astonished to a great degree that Americans have access to deadly weapons.

D.The author expresses his thanks to the National Rifle Association.

owing to/due to/because of
Owing to the climate change, people are easier to be infected.A.YB.NC.NG

Owing to the climate change, people are easier to be infected.




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