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In every myth, ______.A.there is a connection with some natural eventB.there exists some r

In every myth, ______.

A.there is a connection with some natural event

B.there exists some religious teaching

C.there are angry gods and goddesses

D.there is not necessarily an attempt to explain an event in nature

提问人:网友bixkjwfnh 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“In every myth, ______.A.there …”相关的问题
In every myth, ________.A.there is a connection with some natural eventB.there is not nece

In every myth, ________.

A.there is a connection with some natural event

B.there is not necessarily an attempt to explain an event in nature

C.there are angry gods and goddesses

D.there exists some religious teaching

Questions 26~30 are based on the following passage. Ask most people how they define the A
merican Dream and chances are they’ll say,“Success.” The dream of individual opportunity has been home in American since Europeans discovered a “new world” in the Western Hemisphere. Early immigrants like Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur praised highly the freedom and opportunity to be found in this new land. His glowing descriptions of a classless society where anyone could attain success through honesty and hard work fired the imaginations of many European readers: in Letters from an American Farmer (1782) he wrote. “We are all excited at the spirit of an industry which is unfettered (无拘无束的) and unrestrained,because each person works for himself ... We have no princes,for whom we toil (干苦力活),starve,and bleed: we are the most perfect society now existing in the world.” The promise of a land where “the rewards of a man’s industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labor” drew poor immigrants from Europe and fueled national expansion into the western territories.

Our national mythology (神化) is full of illustration the American success story. There’s Benjamin Franklin,the very model of the self-educated,self-made man,who rose from modest origins to become a well-known scientist,philosopher,and statesman. In the nineteenth century,Horatio Alger,a writer of fiction for young boys,became American’s best-selling author with rags-to-riches tales. The notion of success haunts us: we spend million every year reading about the rich and famous,learning how to “make a fortune in real estate with no money down,” and “dressing for success.” The myth of success has even invaded our personal relationships: today it’s as important to be “successful” in marriage or parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business.

But dreams easily turn into nightmares. Every American who hopes to “make it” also knows the fear of failure,because the myth of success inevitably implies comparison between the haves and the have-nots,the stars and the anonymous crowd. Under pressure of the myth,we become indulged in status symbols: we try to live in the “right” neighborhoods,wear the “right” clothes,eat the “right” foods. These symbols of distinction assure us and others that we believe strongly in the fundamental equality of all,yet strive as hard as we can to separate ourselves from our fellow citizens.

第26题:What is the essence of the American Dream according to Crevecoeur?

A.People are free to develop their power of imagination.

B.People who are honest and work hard can succeed.

C.People are free from exploitation and oppression.

D.People can fully enjoy individual freedom.

Greek mythology is largely made up of stories about gods and goddesses, but it must not be
read a kind of Greek Bible, an account of the Greek religion.

According to the most modern idea, a real myth has nothing to do with religion. It is an explanation of something in nature; how, for instance, any and everything in the universe came into existence: men, animals, this or that tree or flower, the sun, the moon, the stars, storms, eruptions, earthquakes, all that is and all that happens. Thunder and lightning are caused when Zeus hurls his thunderbolt. A volcano erupts because a terrible creature is imprisoned in the mountain and every now and then struggles to get free. The Dipper (大熊星座) , the constellation (星座) called also the Great Bear, does not set below the horizon because a goddess once was angry at it and decreed (命令) that it should never sink into the sea. Myths are early science, the result of men's first trying to explain what they saw around them.

But there are many so-called myths which explain nothing at all. These tales are pure entertainment, the sort of thing people would tell each other on a long winter' s evening. The story of Pygmalion (皮格马利翁) and Galatea is an example; it has no conceivable connection with any event in nature. Neither has the Quest of the Golden Fleece (寻找金羊毛), nor Orpheus (奥菲士,竖琴圣手) and Eurydice, nor many another. This fact is now generally accepted; and we do not have to try to find in every mythological heroine the moon or the dawn and in every hero' s life a sun myth. The stories are early literature as well as early science. But religion is there, too. In the background , to be sure , but nevertheless plain to see. From Homer through the tragedians and even later, there is a deepening realization of what human beings need and what they must have in their gods.

The author believes that myths ________.

A.have nothing to do with religion

B.contain very modern ideas

C.are pure entertainment with no religious content

D.have to do with science, religion and entertainment

Aids in South Africa is threatening to become a problem. At the end of 1993, 4.25% of Sout
h African adults were HIV positive. By the end of 1994, the figure was 7.57%.

This increase in a year is the largest for the spread of the virus in Africa and possibly the world, and it seems certain that 12% or more of the population will be HIV positive by Christmas.

In the worst hit area, the HIV positive rate now tops 20%. It seems South Africa is moving rapidly towards the catastrophic 35% levels of infection in East Africa. This will be the first time that the virus will have become so widespread in a sophisticated, industrialized country.

Both the present and preceding governments should bear responsibility; each was aware of the crisis and did almost nothing. There is no public campaign to promote safe sex, for example. The apartheid regime was too conscious of religious sensitivities to organize an explicit anti-Aids campaign, and the African National Congress is far too nervous about traditional African attitudes to sex.

A survey of black women in Johannesburg revealed that 75% were willing to accept condoms if they could persuade their partners to use them, but that in practice only 2% had managed to do

so. Women are the chief victims with the highest HIV-positive rates among nurses and teachers.

Many African men have responded to the epidemic by choosing younger and younger partners. There is even a myth that sex with a young enough girl can cure an Aids-stricken male. Inevitably young women are the hardest hit, a phenomenon compounded by the high incidence of rape. More than 100 rapes are reported to the authorities every day, although this figure is believed to represent a minority of actual cases.

Despite the spread of the virus, the statistics manage to struggle on to only about page six of most South African newspapers because the crisis is still in "phoney war" stage —although there are more than 1.8 million HIV-positive South Africans, relatively few of them have developed Aids. Doctors say the virus seems to be taking longer to move through its cycle here, perhaps because South Africans with their higher standards of living, are healthier and therefore more resistant than people further north in Africa.

Without doubt, the present air of complacency will vanish as soon as high profile members of the elite begin to be affected and the implications for the economy sink in. Moreover, the spread of the virus may greatly damage the present racial reconciliation in South Africa, since Aids is now overwhelmingly a disease of blacks, and many whites are beginning to see almost every African as an Aids risk.

According to the passage, which of the following is not blamed as the factor that prevents anti- Aids campaign?

A.Over sensitive to religious belief.

B.Traditional African attitude to sex.

C.High standard of living.

D.The myth about having intercourse with a virgin.

As more and more material from other cultures became available, European scholars came to
recognize even greater complexity in mythological traditions. Especially valuable was the evidence provided by ancient Indian and Iranian texts such as the Bhagavad-Gita and the Zend-Avesta. From these sources it became apparent that the character of myths varied widely, not only by geographical region but also by historical period.(46). He agreed that the relatively simple Greek myth of Persephone reflects the concerns of a basic agricultural community, whereas the more involved and complex myths found later in Homer are the product of a more developed society.

Scholars also attempted to tie various myths of the world together in some way. From the late 18th century through the early 19th century, the comparative study of languages had led to the reconstruction of a hypothetical parent language to account for striking similarities among the various languages of Europe and the Near East. These languages, scholars concluded, belonged to an Indo-European language family. Experts on mythology likewise searched for a parent mythology that presumably stood behind the mythologies of all the European peoples.(47). Muller attributed all later myths to misunderstandings that arose from the picturesque terms in which early peoples described natural phenomena. For example, an expression like "maiden dawn" for "sunrise" resulted first in personification of the dawn, and then in myths about her.

Later in the 19th century the theory of evolution, put forward by English naturalist Charles Darwin heavily influenced the study of mythology. Scholars researched on the history of mythology, much as they would dig fossil-bearing geological formations, for remains from the dies tan past.(48). In Primitive Culture (1871), Tyler organized the religious and philosophical development of humanity into separate and distinct evolutionary stages. Similarly, British anthropologist Sir James George Frazer proposed a three-stage evolutionary scheme in The golden bough. According to Frazer's scheme, human beings first attributed natural phenomena to arbitrary supernatural forces(magic),later explaining them as the will of the gods (religion), and finally subjecting them to rational investigation(science).

The research of British scholar William Robertson Smith, published in Lectures on the Religion of the Semites (1989), also influenced Frazer. Through Smith's work, Frazer came to whom the annual cycles of vegetation were of central importance.(49). This approach reached its most extreme form. in the so-called functionalism of British anthropologist A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, who held that every myth implies a ritual, and every ritual implies a myth.

Most analyses of myths in the 18th and 19th centuries showed a tendency to reduce myths to some essential core-whether the seasonal cycles of nature, historical circumstances, or ritual. That core supposedly remained once the fanciful elements of the narratives had been stripped away. In the 20th century, investigators began to pay closer attention to the content of the narratives themselves.(50).

[A] German-born British scholar Max Muller concluded that the Rig-Veda of ancient India—the oldest preserved body of literature written in an Indo-European language-reflected the earliest stages of an Indo-European mythology.

[B] The myth and ritual theory, as this approach came to be called was developed most fully by British scholar Jane Ellen Harrison. Using insight gained from the work of French sociologist Emile Durkheim, Harrison argued that all myths have their origin in collective rituals of a society.

[C] Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud held that myths-like dreams-condense the material of experience and represent it in symbols.

[D] This approach can be seen in the work of British anthropologist Edward Burnett Tyler.

[E] The studies made in this period were consolidated in the wor

The U. S. Department of Labor Statistics indicate that there is an oversupply of college-t
rained workers and that this oversupply is increasing. Already there is an overabundance of teachers, engineers, physicists and other specialists. Yet colleges and graduate schools continue every year to turn out highly trained people to compete for jobs that aren't there. The result is that graduates cannot enter the professions for which they were trained and must take temporary jobs which do not require a college degree. These "temporary" jobs have a habit of becoming permanent.

On the other hand, there is a tremendous need for skilled workers of all sorts; carpenters, electricians, mechanics, and TV repairmen. These people have more work than they can handle and their annual incomes are often higher than those of college graduates. The old distinction that white-collar workers make a better living than blue collar workers no longer holds true.

The reason for this situation is the traditional myth that a college degree is a passport to a prosperous future. Parents begin telling their children this myth before they are out of grade school. Under this pressure the kids fall in line. Whether they want to go to college or not doesn't matter. Everybody should go to college.

One result of this emphasis on a college education is that many people go to college who do not belong there. Of the sixty percent of high school graduates who enter college, half of them do not graduate with their class. Many of them drop out within the first year. Some struggle on for two or three years and then give up.

What does the U. S. Department of Labor Statistics show?

A.There is an oversupply of labor force and this oversupply is increasing.

B.Many college graduates find it difficult to get jobs for which they were trained.

C.There is a short supply of teachers, engineers and other professionals.

D.There are more temporary jobs than permanent ones in U. S. companies.

Greek mythology is largely made up of stories about gods and goddesses, but it must not be
read as a kind of Greek Bible, an account of the Greek religion.

According to the most modern idea, a real myth has nothing to do with religion. It is an explanation of something in nature; how, for instance, any and everything in the universe came into existence: men, animals, this or that tree or flower, the sun, the moon, the stars, storms, eruptions, earthquakes, all that is and all that happens. Thunder and lightning ale caused when Zeus hurls his thunderbolt. A volcano erupts because a terrible creature is imprisoned in the mountain and every now and then struggles to get free. The Dipper (大熊星座), the constellation (星座) called also the Great Bear, does not set below the horizon because a goddess once was angry at it and decreed (命令) that it should never sink into the sea. Myths ale early science, the result of men's first trying to explain what they saw around them.

But there are many so-called myths which explain nothing at all. These tales are pure entertainment, the sort of thing people would tell each other on a long winter's evening. The story of Pygmalion (皮格马利翁) and Galatea is all example; it has no conceivable connection with any event in nature. Neither has the Quest of the Golden Fleece (录找金羊毛), nor Orpheus (奥菲士,竖琴圣手) and Eurydice, nor many another. This fact is now generally accepted; and we do not have to try to find in every mythological heroine the moon or the dawn and in every hero's life a sun myth. The stories are early literature as well as early science. But religion is there, too. In the background, to be sure, but nevertheless plain to see. From Homer through the tragedians and even later, there is a deepening realization of what human beings need and what they must have in their gods.

The author believes that myths ______.

A.have nothing to do with religion

B.have to do with science, religion and entertainment

C.are pure entertainment with no religious content

D.contain very modern ideas

The United States has a major racial problem on its hands. True, Britain is facing a simil
ar problem, but for the time being it is in America that it is graver. The only way to solve it is through education. Negroes should know about the contributions that black individuals and groups have made towards building America. This is of vital importance for their self-respect, and it is perhaps even more important for white people to know. For if you believe that a man has no history worth mentioning, it is easy to assume that he has no value as a man.

Many people believe that, since the Negro’s achievements do not appear in the history books, he did not have any. Most people are taken aback when they learn that Negroes sailed with Columbus, marched with the Spanish conquerors of South America and fought side by side with white Americans in all their wars. People are astonished when you tell them about Phillis Wheatley, who learned English as a slave in Boston and wrote first-class poetry. They have never heard of Benjamin Banneker, a mathematician and a surveyor, who helped to plan the city of Washington.

There has been a tendency all along to treat the black man as if he were invisible, little has been written about the 5,000 American Negroes who fought in the Revolution against the British, but they were in every important battle. In the Anglo-American war of 1812, at least one out of every six men in the U. S. Navy was a Negro. In the Civil war, more than 200,000 black troops fought in the Union forces. How, then, did the image of the Negro as a valiant fighting man disappear? To justify the hideous institution of slavery, slaveholders had to create the myth of the docile, slow- witted Negro, incapable of self-improvement, and even contented with his lot. Nothing could be further from the truth. The slave fought for his freedom at every chance he got, and there were numerous uprisings. Yet the myth of docility persisted.

There are several other areas where the truth has been twisted or concealed. Most people have heard of the Negro. Carver, who invented scores of new uses for the lowly peanut. But whoever heard of Norbert Rillieux, who in 1846 invented a vacuum pan that revolutionized the sugar-refining industry? Or of Elijah McCoy, who in 1872 invented the drip cup that feeds oil to the moving parts of heavy machinery? How many people know that Negroes are credited with inventing such different items as ice creams, potato chips, the gas mask and the first traffic light? Not many. As for the winning the West, the black cowboy and the black frontiersman have been almost ignored, though film producers are becoming more aware of their importance. Yet in the typical trail crew of eight men that drove cattle from Texas to Kansas, at least two would have been Negroes. The black troops of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry formed one-fifth of all the mounted troops assigned to protect the frontier after the Civil War. What difference does it make? You may ask. A lot. The cowboy is the American folk-hero. Youngsters identify with him instantly. The average cowboy film is really a kind of morality play, with good guys and bad guys and right finally triumphing over wrong. You should see the amazement and happiness on black youngsters' faces when they learn that their ancestors really had a part in all that.

From the passage we know that Negroes ______.

A.have no self-respect.

B.have no history.

C.need to have an interest in history.

D.need to learn what they have done for America.

There are different definitions of myth in mythology.
Today, urban myth is circulated by email instead of orally.
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