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听力原文: Government officials in India say several people are being tested for bird flu i

n the region where the country's first outbreak of the deadly H5N1 strain in poultry has been discovered. Maharashtra state's minister for animal husbandry says 50,000 birds have died in a poultry farm north of Bombay. In Vienna, Austrian officials say the H5N1 virus is spreading in that country, with a discovery of a dead swan in the city and other birds in the countryside. Earlier, Indonesia's health ministry said US health officials confirmed the latest bird flu death in Indonesia. And Hong Kong, officials said a dead magpie was infected with the deadly strain.

Several Indians are being tested for ______.

A.the SARS

B.the AIDS

C.the bird flu

D.the TB

提问人:网友yitianbaihu 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文: Government officials in …”相关的问题
听力原文:Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with governmen

听力原文: Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with government leaders to discuss the wave of civilian massacres. One bomb went off at a bus center in the center of the capital of Algeria, killing one person, and an hour later, another bomb blew up in the coastal town of Annaba, killing 3 others. The Algerians agreed to allow European Union deputy foreign ministers into discuss the situation but again, turned down any UN investigation.


A.A bomb explosion.

B.A traffic accident.



听力原文:Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with governmen

听力原文: Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with government leaders to discuss the wave of civilian massacres. One bomb went off at a bus center in the center of the capital of Algeria, killing one person, and an hour later, another bomb blew up in the coastal town of Algeria, killing 3 others. The Algerians agreed to allow European Union deputy foreign ministers to discuss the situation but again, turned down any UN investigation.


A.At a railway station.

B.At a bus center.

C.In the countryside.

D.In a coastal town.

听力原文: "About 40,000 Indian telecom workers called off their work to rule yesterday aft
er reaching an agreement with the government", officials and union leaders said. The employees of the department of teleconununication services launched their action on Friday in protest against plans to convert the department into a company, and the recent appointment of a non-technical official as a department head. Banks, major companies and long-distance customers were hit by the work to rule which involves obeying minor regulations only so as to slow down the workflow.

The news mentioned ______ reason(s) for the action taken by Indian telecom workers.





听力原文:The University of California at Davis has government experiments with chemicals t

听力原文: The University of California at Davis has government experiments with chemicals to get a bigger crop each year. But they haven't paid enough attention to necessary safety measures. In 1964 or 1965, an airplane was spraying chemicals over the fields. Flying low, the wheels of the plane were caught on the fence wire. The pilot got out, dusted himself off, and drank some water from a nearby pond. Then he died. The nurses and doctors got terribly sick too because of the chemicals he had on his body. A little girl was playing around a sprayer. She stuck her tongue on it and she died immediately.

These chemicals affect the farm worker through the lungs. He breathes them in. Nobody looks into the cause at all. They just was the he is sick.

Why did the plane fall to the ground?

A.It was flying low.

B.Its wheels were caught on a tree.

C.Because the chemicals caught fire easily.

听力原文: Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with governme
nt leaders to discuss the wave of civilian massacres. One bomb went off at a bus center in the center of the capital of Algiers, killing one person, and an hour later, another bomb blew up in the coastal town of Annaba, killing 3 others. The Algerians agree to allow EU deputy foreign ministers in to discuss the situation but again, turned down any UN investigations

What happened in Algeria Tuesday?

A.A bomb explosion.




听力原文: Air France plans to resume its normal flight schedule Friday after finding no ev
idence that terrorists plan to use one of its jets to attack the United States. The French airline canceled six flights to and from Los Angeles Wednesday and Thursday at the urging of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security. Jean- Claude Mallet, the permanent secretary for defense in the prime minister's office, says his government had to put protection before plane schedules.

What will Air France do with its flights to and from Los Angeles?

A.Cancel the flights.

B.Suspend the flights.

C.Restart the flights.

D.Put off the flights.

听力原文:In the 18th century French economists protested the excessive regulation of busin

听力原文: In the 18th century French economists protested the excessive regulation of business by the government. Their motto was laisser faire. Laisser faire means let the people do as they choose. In the economic sense, this meant that while the government should be responsible for things like maintaining peace and protecting property fights, it should not interfere with private business. It shouldn't create regulations that might hinder business growth, nor should it be responsible for providing subsidies to help. In other words, governments should take a hand off approach to business. For a while in the United States, laisser faire was a popular doctrine. But things quickly changed. After the Civil War, politicians rarely opposed the government’s generous support of business owners. They were only too glad to support government land grants and loans to railroad owners for example. Their regulations kept tariffs high and that helped protect American industrialists against foreign competition. Ironically in the late 19th century, a lot of people believed that the laisser faire policy was responsible for the countries industrial growth. It was generally assumed that because business owners did not have a lot of external restrictions placed on them by the government, they could pursue their own interests, and this was what made them so successful. But in fact, many of these individuals would not have been able to meet their objectives if not for government support.


A.Competition in business.

B.Government grants.

C.A type of economic policy.

D.International transportation practices.

听力原文: Another bomb has gone off in southern Thailand, the fourth in 24 hours. The late
st blast that is reported to have injured four soldiers was in Yala province.

Even while senior government officials held an emergency meeting to discuss 3 bombs overnight, the fourth was detonated. The blast in Yala on Monday marks a return to form. for violence in the southernmost provinces, where soldiers, police and local officials have been targeted by almost daily shootings and small explosions. But the attacks overnight represent a different kind of threat to Thailand's national security. The 3 explosions on Sunday killed 2 people and injured as many as 60. All of the blasts are thought to have been trigged by a mobile phone signals in the first major attacks outside the southernmost provinces in the large cities of Hat Yai and Songkhla.

What were the senior government officials doing when the last bomb took place?


B.Holding a meeting.

C.Indulging themselves.


听力原文: Frantic grain dealers shouted sell orders at Midwest commodities exchanges Wedne
sday / when the government lifted a two-day trading freeze. / But no one was buying and prices plunged. /

Brokers had expected prices to fall due to / President Carter' s embargo on the sale of 17 million metric tons of grain and soybeans ordered by Russia, / in retaliation for Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan, / but not as sharply as they did at exchanges in Chicago, / Minneapolis and Kansas City, Mo. /

Less than half a minute into the trading session, / prices for wheat, com and soybeans dropped by the daily limit the exchanges permit / before halting trading in those commodities. /

The decline may hurt many farmers who have held crops off the market, / hoping to get more for their grain, / but it is unclear how consumers will be affected. /


听力原文:A new enemy is threatening Japanese traditions:leisure.As part of its attempt to

听力原文: A new enemy is threatening Japanese traditions:leisure.As part of its attempt to increase imports,the government is trying to get people to work less and spend more.The workers are disgusted.

The figures support the western prejudice that the Japanese are all work and no play.Trying to force workers away from their desks and machines,the government said last April that the country should cut down from its 2,100 hours average work year to 1,899 hours and a five-day week.Beginning in February,banks and stock markets will be closed on Saturdays,staff of civil service will be forced out of their offices two Saturdays a month.The government hopes that others will follow that practice.

But some persuasion will be needed.small companies are very angry about it and they fear competitors may not cut hours.The unions are no happier:they have even advertised in newspapers arguing their case against the foreign pressure that is forcing leisure upon them.They say that shorter hours are a disguised pay cut.The industrialists,who have no objection to the government's plans,admit that shorter hours will help them cut costs. Younger Japanese,who are supposed to be acting against their hard-working parents,show no sign of wanting time off either.But unlike older workers,they do spend money in their spare time.Not content with watching television,they dance,dress up,sit in cafes,go to pop concerts and generally drive the leisure-industry boom. Now that they know how to consume,maybe the West can teach them to relax and enjoy themselves,too.


A.The government wants to show more concern for the health of the people.

B.The government needs to import more goods from abroad.

C.The Japanese have been working too hard.

D.The Japanese hope to change the western prejudice.

听力原文:Drivers worldwide have praised Toyota for making what they consider low maintenan
ce; high mileage vehicles. That formula is working in North America where the automaker is now thinking of building an eighth assembly plant, a move that could help ward off political pressure. But there has been growing criticism in the US over Toyota's rising imports. One American politician from the heart of the American auto industry in Detroit says the Japanese carmaker benefits unfairly from state-run pension systems and a government that dabbles in the currency markets.

What's true about Toyota according to the passage?

A.Toyota has won worldwide praise for its low maintenance and high mileage vehicles.

B.Toyota is going to build an eighth assembly plan in South America.

C.Toyota's expansion will not cause political pressure.

D.According to an American politician from Washington, Toyota benefit from state-run pension systems, which is unfair.

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