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The expression "do the trick" in the last paragraph most probably means _____.A.come to th

The expression "do the trick" in the last paragraph most probably means _____.

A.come to the point.

B.fulfill their purpose.

C.fail of their success.

D.live up to their promise.

提问人:网友jhonmary 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“The expression "do the trick" …”相关的问题
The expression "full-time housewives" in paragraph 2 means ______.A.wives who can' t do an

The expression "full-time housewives" in paragraph 2 means ______.

A.wives who can' t do any housework

B.wives who don' t like to stay at home

C.wives staying at home doing housework

D.wives working outside home sometimes

which expression is right when you show indiffence?

A、I don't care

B、Do what you want.

C、It doesn't matter to me.

D、That sounds great.

Fill in the blanks with a word or expression to complete the sentences. _____ me, do you k
now where the youth hostel is? The youth hostel is _____ Tabley Street. Turn left _____ the traffic lights. -Thank you _____ for your help. -Don’t _____ it. Goodbye. Can you tell me the _____ to the youth hostel?

Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (10 points)Direction: Pick out the appropriate expression from the e

Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (10 points)

Direction: Pick out the appropriate expression from the eight choices and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

A. Can I take a message?

B. Not at all.

C. Please take it easy.

D. Is that OK? E. Nice to meet you.

F. Don't worry.

G. But he panned to. H. What can I do for you?

56. A: Hello. May I speak to Mike please?

B: Just a moment. Mike! ... Mike! ... I'm sorry. He is out.______?

II. Read the following 6 short passages, and do th...

II. Read the following 6 short passages, and do the True (T) and False (F) based on each passage. 1. Bodily contact is of interest since it is the most primitive kind of social act, and is found in all animals. In addition to aggressive and sexual contacts there are various methods of influence, as when others are pushed, pulled or led. There are symbolic contacts, such as patting on the back, and-the various ways of shaking hands. 2. Bodily posture is another signal which is largely involuntary, but which can communicate important social signals. There are distinctive “superior” (or dominant) and “inferior” (or sub. missive) postures. 3. Gestures are movements of hands, feet or other parts of the body. Some are intended to communicate definite messages; others are involuntary social cues which may or may not be correctly interpreted by others. 4. Head-nods are a rather special kind of gesture, and have two distinctive roles. They act as reinforcers, i.e. they reward and encourage what has gone before, and can be used to make another talk more, for example. 5. Facial expression can be reduced to changes in eyes, brows, mouth, and so on. The face is an area which is used by animals to communicate emotions and attitudes to others; for humans it does not work so well since we control our facial expression, and may smile sweetly while seething within. (From a book by Michael Argyle titled The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour. It was published in London by Pelican in 1967 and this extract was from pages 36-37.) 1. ____ Symbolic contacts include patting on the back and shaking hands. 2. ____ Bodily posture is largely voluntary. 3. ____ Gestures are movements of the face. 4. ____ Head-nods indicate rewarding and encouraging what has gone before. 5. ____ Facial expression are movements of hands, feet or other parts of the body. Keys:

听力原文: The socks that people wear on their feet are not very exciting, but several inte
resting English expressions are made from them. One such expression is "pull up your socks". It means "try to do better", "improve your performance". Imagine a basketball team near the end of an important game. The players axe losing. They are so tired that even their socks look tired. The tops of their socks are falling down over their shoes. The coach calls time out to talk to his team. "Take a deep breath, " he tells them. "Get organized. If you pull up your socks, you can win this game. "He is telling them they can win only if they start playing better. A newspaper once reported that a political leader told members of his party that they needed to pull up their socks and get back in the game.

Another expression is to "sock away some money". It means to save some money instead of spending it. A friend might tell you, for example, that she is socking some money away for a holiday trip. Word experts say the expression probably came from people hiding their savings in a sock instead of putting it in a bank.

What does "pull up your socks" mean?

A.Your socks aren't decent enough.

B.Make you look tidy.

C.Improve your performance.

D.Try hard to win the game.

听力原文: The socks that people wear on their feet are not very exciting, but several inte
resting English expressions are made from them. One such expression is "pull up your socks". It means "try to do better", "improve your performance". Imagine a basketball team near the end of an important game. The players are losing. They are so tired that even their socks look tired. The tops of their socks are falling down over their shoes. The coach calls time Out to talk to his team. "Take a deep breath," he tells them. "Get organized. If you pull up your socks, you can win this game. "He is telling them they can win if they start playing better. A newspaper once reported that a political leader told members of his party that they needed to pull up their socks and get back in the game.

Another expression is to "sock some money away". It means to save some money instead of spending it. A friend might tell yon, for example, that she is socking some money away for a holiday trip. Word experts say the expression probably came from people hiding their savings in a sock instead of putting it in a bank.

What does "pull up your socks" mean?

A.Your socks aren't decent enough.

B.Make you look tidy.

C.Improve your performance.

D.Try hard to win the game.

Anyone who trains animals recognizes that human and animal perceptual capacities are diffe
rent. For most humans, seeing is believing, although we do occasionally brood about whether we can believe our eyes. The other senses are largely ancillary; most of us do not know how we might go about either doubting or believing our noses. But for dogs, scenting is believing. A dog's nose is to ours as the wrinkled surface of our complex brain is to the surface of an egg. A dog who did comparative psychology might easily worry about our consciousness or lack thereof, just as we worry about the consciousness of a squid.

We who take sight for granted can draw pictures of scent, but we have no language for doing it the other way about, no way to represent something visually familiar by means of actual scent. Most humans cannot know, with their limited noses, what they can imagine about being deaf, blind, mute, or paralyzed. The sighted can, for example, speak if a blind person a "in the darkness," but there is no corollary expression for what it is that we are in relationship to scent. If we tried to coin words, we might come up with something like "scent-blind." But what would it mean? It couldn't have the sort of meaning that "color-blind" and "tone-deaf' do, because most of us have experienced what "tone" and "color" mean in those expressions "scent-blind." Scent for many of us can be only a theoretical, technical expression that we use because our grammar requires that we have a noun to go in the sentences we are prompted to utter about animals' tracking. We don't have a sense of scent. What we do have is a sense of smell-for Thanksgiving dinner and skunks and a number of things we call chemicals.

So if Fido and sitting on the terrace, admiring the view, we inhabit worlds with radically different principles of phenomenology. Say that the wind is to our backs. Our world lies all before us, within a 180 degree angle. The dog's-well, we don't know, do we?

He sees roughly the same things that I see but he believes the scents of the garden behind us. He marks the path of the black-and-white cat as she moves among the roses in search of the bits of chicken sandwich I let fall as I walked from the house to our picnic spot. T can show that Fido is alert to the kitty, but not how, for my picture-making modes of thought too easily supply falsifyingly literal representations of the cat and the garden and their modes of being hidden from or revealed to me.

The phrase "other senses are largely ancillary" (paragraph 1) is used by the author to suggest that______.

A.only those events experienced directly can be appreciated by the senses

B.for many human beings the senses of sights is the primary means of knowing about the world

C.smell is in many respects a more powerful sense than sight

D.people rely on at least one of their other senses in order to confirm what they see

听力原文: The socks that people wear on their feet are not very exciting, but several inte
resting English expressions are made from them. One such expression is "pull up your socks". It means "try to do better", "improve your performance". Imagine a basketball team near the end of an important game. The players are losing. They are so tired that even their socks look tired. The tops of their socks are falling down over their shoes. The coach calls time Out to talk to his team. "Take a deep breath," he tells them. "Get organized. If you pull up your socks, you can win this game. "He is telling them they can win if they start playing better. A newspaper once reported that a political leader told members of his party that they needed to pull up their socks and get back in the game.

Another expression is to "sock some money away". It means to save some money instead of spending it. A friend might tell yon, for example, that she is socking some money away for a holiday trip. Word experts say the expression probably came from people hiding their savings in a sock instead of putting it in a bank.

What does "pull up your socks" mean?

A.Your socks aren't decent enough.

B.Make you look tidy.

C.Improve your performance.

D.Try hard to win the game.

choose the expression that undergo liaison:

A、there are

B、do homework

C、football game

D、any time

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