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In concluding from the lack of increase in the incidence of uterine cancer that environmen

tal pollutants may not play a significant role in the increase of the incidence of breast cancer, the author makes which of the following assumptions?

A.Geographical differences between the rates of susceptibility to uterine cancer and susceptibility to breast cancer are negligible.

B.The human uterus is affected by the same set of environmental pollutants as the human breast.

C.Independent epidemiological studies are generally compatible with the experimental findings performed on humans.

D.It is generally easier to diagnose breast cancer than it is to diagnose uterine cancer.

E.Animal data similarly reflects that breast cancer rates are rising in animals while uterine cancer rates are falling.

提问人:网友deamongel 发布时间:2022-01-07
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II. Multiple Choice 1. “I know of course that all ...

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In our writing practice, apart from the prototypical construction, that is, a topic sentence + 3 supporting details + a concluding sentence, we can also use "PEE" pattern.
After reading the article, one would refrain from concluding that ______.A.optimism reigns

After reading the article, one would refrain from concluding that ______.

A.optimism reigns in regard to getting Ph.D dropouts to return to their pursuit of the degree

B.a Ph.D dropout, by and large, does not have what it takes to learn the degree

C.colleges and universities employ a substantial number of Ph.D dropouts

D.Ph. D.'s are not earning what they deserve in nonacademic positions

After reading the article, one would refrain from concluding that ______.A.optimism reigns

After reading the article, one would refrain from concluding that ______.

A.optimism reigns in regard to getting Ph.D.dropouts to return to their pursuit of the degree

B.a Ph.D.dropout, by and large, does not have what it takes to learn the degree

C.colleges and universities employ a substantial number of Ph.D.dropouts

D.D.Ph.D.s are not earning what they deserve in nonacademic positions

1.A good paragraph doesn't need _____.

A、a topic sentence

B、supporting sentences

C、a concluding sentence

D、irrelevant sentences

Which of these is the best advice when preparing an e-mail responding to a request?

A、Do not waste time on fact checks or data verification because e-mails are not legally binding in the same way a response letter is.

B、In concluding your response message, be succinct and avoid personal notes.

C、When answering a group of questions, avoid clumping them into a bulleted list.

D、If a policy or procedure presented in your response needs authorization, seek approval from a supervisor or executive before writing.

Application files are piled highly this month in colleges across the country. (67) Ad

Application files are piled highly this month in colleges across the country. (67) Admissions officers are poring essays and recommendation letters, scouring transcripts and standardized test scores.

(68) But anything is missing from many applications: a class ranking, once a major component in admissions decisions.

In the cat-and-mouse maneuvering over admission to prestigious colleges and universities, (69) thousands of high schools have simply stopped providing that information, concluding it could harm the chances of their very better, but not best, students. (70) Canny college officials, in turn have found a tactical way to response. (71) Using broad data that high schools often provide, like a distribution of grade averages for entire senior class, they essentially recreate an applicant's class rank.

(72) The process has left them exasperating.

(73) "If we're looking at your son or daughter and you want us to know that they are among the best in their school with a rank we don't necessarily know, " said Jim Buck, dean of admissions and financial aid at Swarthmore College.

(74) Admissions directors say strategy can backfire. When high schools do not provide enough general information to recreate the class rank calculation, (75) many admissions directors say they have little choice and to do something virtually no one wants them to do: give more weight to scores on the SAT and other standardized exams.


Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are requir

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Many men and women have long bought into the idea that there are “male” and “female” brains, believing that explains just about every difference between the sexes. A new study (26)that belief, questioning whether brains really can be distinguished by gender.

In the study, Tel Aviv University researchers(27)for sex differences the entire human brain.

And what did they find? Not much. Rather than offer evidence for(28)brains as “male” or “female,” research shows that brains fall into a wide range, with most people falling right in the middle.

Daphna Joel, who led the study, said her research found that while there are some gender-based(29) , many different types of brain can’t always be distinguished by gender.

While the “average” male and “average” female brains were(30)different, you couldn’t tell it by looking at individual brain scans. Only a small(31)of people had “all-male” or “all-female” characteristics.

Larry Cahill, an American neuroscientist (神经科学家),said the study is an important addition to a growing body of research questioning(32) beliefs about gender and brain function. But he cautioned against concluding from this study that all brains are the same,(33)of gender.

“There’s a mountain of evidence(34)the importance of sex influences at all levels of brain function,” he told The Seattle Times.

If anything, he said, the study(35) that gender plays a very important role in the brain “even when we are not clear exactly how.”

A) abnormal

B) applied

C) briefly

D) categorizing

E) challenges

F) figure

G) percentage

H) proving

I) regardless

J) searched

K) similarities

L) slightly

M) suggests

N) tastes

O) traditional

Impatience has been around for a long time. There is nothing new about people losing their
patience while stuck in traffic or waiting in line. But some experts believe that people are less patient today than in the past. Some analysts suggest that in recent years many people are less patient because of technology.They suggest that "digital technology, from cellphones to emails to iPads, is changing our lives. The instant results we get from this technology have in turn increased our desire for instant satisfaction in other aspects of our lives." Psychologist Jennifer Hartstein makes some observations. She explains that " we have become an immediate satisfaction culture, and we expect things to move quickly, efficiently and in the way we want. When that doesn t happen, we tend to become increasingly frustrated and unsatisfied." Some believe that e-mail is losing popularity and could soon become outdated. Why? Because many people who send messages do not have the patience to wait hours, or even minutes, for a response. Also, with e-mails, as with letter writing, introductory and concluding greetings are often expected. But many people consider such formalities (客套)to be boring and time-consuming. They prefer instant messaging. Many people do not take the time to proofread what they put in writing. As a result, letters and e-mails contain numerous grammatical and spelling errors. The thirst for immediate results is not limited to the digital communications. People seem to be losing their ability to wait in other areas of life. For instance, do you ever find yourself talking too fast, eating too fast, driving too fast, or spending money too fast? The few moments it takes to wait for an elevator to come, for a traffic light to change, or for a computer to start may seem like too long a time.

According to the first paragraph, people______.

A.have been patient for a long time

B.were more patient in the past

C.used to be patient while stuck in traffic

D.used to be patient while waiting in line

In concluding from the lack of increase in the incidence of uterine cancer that environmen
tal pollutants may not play a significant role in the increase of the incidence of breast cancer, the author makes which of the following assumptions?

A.Geographical differences between the rates of susceptibility to uterine cancer and susceptibility to breast cancer are negligible.

B.The human uterus is affected by the same set of environmental pollutants as the human breast.

C.Independent epidemiological studies are generally compatible with the experimental findings performed on humans.

D.It is generally easier to diagnose breast cancer than it is to diagnose uterine cancer.

E.Animal data similarly reflects that breast cancer rates are rising in animals while uterine cancer rates are falling.

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