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听力原文:Of all the stars the sun is the nearest to the earth. Millions of other stars are

听力原文: Of all the stars the sun is the nearest to the earth. Millions of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun. They look small only because they are much father away. You can't see them in the daytime. But if you go out at night,you'll be able to see thousands of them.

The earth is one of the sun's planets,and the moon is the nearest to the earth in space,and men have visited it already. No man has traveled farther than the moon,but spaceships without people have reached other planets.

Many countries have sent up man-made satellites to circle the earth. With their help,people have done much research in many fields of science. Our countries sometimes have sent up man-made satellites to send and receive TV programs. This has helped the people of China and other countries to understand each other better.


A.It is the smallest one of all the stars.

B.It is the nearest one to the earth.

C.It is the biggest one of all the stars.

D.It is the farthest one from the earth.

提问人:网友jellongd 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:Of all the stars the sun …”相关的问题
听力原文: All star center Yao Ming will play in his hometown when (28[B])the National Bask

听力原文: All star center Yao Ming will play in his hometown when (28[B])the National Basketball Association announced to stage pre-season games in Beijing and Shanghai in October 200(29[B])This is part of the league's continuing effort to support the development and growth of basketball in China.

"We are excited about scheduling our first NBA exhibition games in China," said NBA Commissioner David Stern in a statement on Monday. "China has been our fastest growing global market and with the extraordinary success of Yao Ming, we anticipate the development of more elite players as the 2008 Beijing Olympics approach." Stern said.

What games will be moved to China by NBA in 2004?

A.Regular games.

B.Pre-season games.

C.Off-season games

D.All-star games

听力原文:Thank you for coming here today—I hope you're all enjoying the lunch. As you know

听力原文: Thank you for coming here today—I hope you're all enjoying the lunch. As you know, we're here to celebrate with Mr. Kim, who is retiring after 37 years with New Star Corporation. When he started here as an inexperienced university graduate, he had no idea that he would be president of the company one day. But he never stopped trying to improve things. With great persistence— he never gave up—he worked his way up to become the company's leader. Even in this last year of his service to New Star, Mr. Kim initiated a market research study to reevaluate our company's performance and ensure its continued profitability. On a very personal level, I believe Mr. Kim has inspired each one of us with his wisdom, fairness and empathy towards all staff from board members to our newest recruits. Please join me in wishing Mr. Kim a fond farewell.

What is the purpose of the luncheon?

A.To discuss business strategies

B.To welcome new staff

C.To honor a colleague

D.To conduct market research

听力原文:As you know, Wellington Corporation is a global company so we sell our products a
ll over the world. Our best-selling international product is our headphones. We do sell a lot of calculators, stereos, and cell phones, but our headphones really are the star product. Currently, we have sales in thirty-six countries, but we hope to increase that to fifty during the next three years. It's taken a few years to get sales in thirty-six countries, but we're confident that with hard work we won't have too much trouble increasing that number.

What is learned about Wellington Corporation?

A.It has sales in 36 countries.

B.It increased its sales by 18 percent.

C.It recently opened an office in London.

D.It sells products through its Website.

听力原文: All star center Yao Ming will play in his hometown when the National Basketball
Association announced to stage pre-season games in Beijing and Shanghai in October 200This is part of the league's continuing effort to support the development and growth of basketball in China.

"We are excited about scheduling our first NBA exhibition games in China," said NBA Commissioner David Stern in a statement on Monday. "China has been our fastest growing global market and with the extraordinary success of Yao Ming, we anticipate the development of more elite players as the 2008 Beijing Olympics approach." Stern said.

Which games will be moved to China by NBA in 2004?

A.Regular games.

B.Pre-season games.

C.Off-season games.

D.All-star games.

听力原文: No matter what type of holiday you are looking for you will find the answer in S
witzerland. There is really no other country quite like it, for here you have some of the finest and most beautiful scenery in the whole of Europe together with an attractive climate, hotels and the friendliest people you could wish to meet.

Think of the variety of attractions. You may seek outdoor sporting activities. Walking, swimming, riding, sailing and fishing are just a few of the many possibilities for enjoying your holiday. Then there is an infinite variety of excursions by coach or railway, free afternoons on a lake steamer, visits to historic cities, — these are just a few more of the variety of interests for your holiday in Switzerland. In the evening, music fills the air, whether it is the local village band or an all star variety show.

What do Swiss people like to do in the evening?

A.Listening to music.



D.Going to movies.

听力原文:M: Did you watch television last night?W: No, I didn't. I seldom watch it anymore

听力原文:M: Did you watch television last night?

W: No, I didn't. I seldom watch it anymore.

M: Why is that?

W: There are only a few programs that I find interesting enough to watch.

M: Well, there are some shows that I never miss. Don't you ever watch star trek?

W: Yes, I watch it now and then but it isn't something I can't live without.

M: I' m a big fan of star trek. I love the characters and the idea of traveling through the universe at speeds faster than light is fascinating to me. I really like all the different life forms that they create, too.

W: I know all about fans like you. I think they call you "trekkies". Is that right?

M: Yeah, that's what they call us.

W: I know there are some good shows on TV, but there is so much violence on so many of the shows. A person could witness more killings in one night that a soldier would encounter in months of warfare!

M: I agree with you there. However, there are some shows that I never miss.


A.Because she has no time.

B.Because she doesn't like to watch the TV ads.

C.Because she hardly finds interesting programs to watch.

D.Because she has no TV set.

听力原文:W: The Tan Film Festival is coming to Bellville next month. I can't believe it! M

听力原文:W: The Tan Film Festival is coming to Bellville next month. I can't believe it!

M: Does that mean that all the big stars will make their appearance here?

W: That's exactly what it means. I am so excited. I'm going to put in my request for a holiday during that time and see every movie they're going to show. I'm also going to get the signatures of every star I know. Would you like to join me?

M: I wish I could, but I won't be here next month. The company is sending me to our head office in London for the annual managerial training for a week.

When is the film festival scheduled to start?

A.This week.

B.Next week.

C.Next month.

D.In two months.

听力原文:How do the birds manage to find their way? There seems to be no single answer: (3

听力原文: How do the birds manage to find their way? There seems to be no single answer: (32)they use many methods. Some we are beginning to understand; and there may be some that depend on abilities we have not yet suspected. (33) Many birds certainly follow major geographical features. Migrants follow recognized land, fly over familiar sea and arrive at their summer homes.

But all birds cannot use such straightforward methods. An Arctic sea bird, for example, has to fly at least 3,000 kilometers across the Antarctic Ocean with no land to guide it. We know that some birds flying at night, (34) navigate by the star for on cloudy nights they tend to get lost.

Day-flying birds may use the sun. If they are to do so, they must (35) have a precise sense of time. Still others appear to be able to use the earth's magnetic field as a guide. So it seems that many migrating birds must carry in their brains a clock, a compass and the memory of a map.


A.They use many different methods.

B.All birds follow major geographical features.

C.All birds use their memory of a map.

D.We have no information about this.

听力原文:The first postal service in North America began in NewEngland (33)in the 17th cen

听力原文: The first postal service in North America began in New England (33)in the 17th century. All mail arriving in Massachusetts colony was sent to the home of appointed official in Boston. In turn, he would deliver the mail from Boston on horseback to its destination, receiving one penny for each good article of mail. Later in the century postal services were established between Philadelphia and Delaware. (34) In 1691, the British crown appointed the first postmaster general to have charge of the mail for all the colonies in North America. Later, Benjamin Franklin served as the postmaster general for the British government and then was made postmaster by the newly formed United States govern ment. (35)Franklin was responsible for establishing the United States'postal systems on a permanent basis. He in creased the number of post office, introduced the use of stagecoaches to carry mail, and started a package service system. They were used to carry mail into the towns. Some communities, especially those out west, were far from the services of transportation. To serve them, the post office developed a system called "star routes". Private contractors paid to deliver mail to the communities from railways by horse and wagon. The postal service, which was (32) started over 3 centuries ago, has developed into an extensive government service with post offices in every city, town, and village in the United States.


A.The history of Benjamin Franklin.

B.The history of the U.S. mail.

C.The Changes of writing letters.

D.The history of U. S.

听力原文:How do the birds manage to find their way? There seems to be no single answer: th

听力原文: How do the birds manage to find their way? There seems to be no single answer: they use many methods. Some we are beginning to understand; and there may be some that depend on abilities we have not yet suspected. Many birds certainly follow major geographical features. Migrants follow recognized land, fly over familiar sea and arrive at their summer homes.

But all birds cannot use such straightforward methods. An Arctic sea bird, for example, has to fly at least 3,000 kilometers across the Antarctic Ocean with no land to guide it. We know that some birds flying at night, navigate by the star for on cloudy nights they tend to get lost.

Day-flying birds may use the sun. If they are to do so, they must have a precise sense of time. Still others appear to be able to use the earth' s magnetic field as a guide. So it seems that many migrating birds must carry in their brains a clock, a compass and the memory of a map.


A.They use many different methods.

B.All birds follow major geographical features.

C.All birds use their memory of a map.

D.We have no information about this.

听力原文:The simplest way to lower your energy bills is to use less energy, and White Star
Energy can help you do that. Simply call and speak to a White Star Energy expert to schedule a free home energy audit. Our auditors will evaluate how much energy you're using, from air conditioning and water heating to all other home appliances. You'll also receive recommendations for improving your home's energy efficiency. If you're planning to install a new air conditioning unit, our energy auditors can also help you determine the right size for your home. We can also explain how ceiling fans decrease room temperatures by five to seven degrees at a fraction of the cost of air conditioning. To arrange for a free White Star energy audit call five-one-six, five-nine-five, forty-two, eighty-two. Call us today and you'll be on your way to lower energy bills. That number again: five-one-six, five-nine-five, forty-two, eighty-two.

What is learned about the energy audits?

A.They are free of charge.

B.They are offered once a year.

C.They will be discontinued soon.

D.They will become available at the end of the year.

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