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Once the 12 Girls Band became popular, similar groups predictably starting popping up. Mus

icat and Beautiful Youth 18 were formed last year. Both feature now familiar formulas of attractive young women playing different instruments in songs that combine modem music with classic Chinese tunes. Yet they add to the mix by throwing in song, dance and even acrobatics. In an interview, noted music critic Jin Zhaojun said the gift band phenomenon was not new to China, as similar acts appeared in the 1980s.

However, the undying rule is that to be successful, bands have to have a novel look. "The 12 Girls Band was the first group to give big live shows and showy creativity in how they present their performances. The Beijing Red Poppy Ladies Percussion group, formed in 1999, has made a name for itself because they are the only band that exclusively plays drams and percussion instruments. Bands that don't have 'a thing' are sure to die fast", Jin said.

How many members are involved in the band?





提问人:网友smallc 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Once the 12 Girls Band became …”相关的问题
Once the 12 Girls Band became popular, similar groups predictably starting popping up. Mus
icat and Beautiful Youth 18 were formed last year. Both feature now-familiar formulas of attractive young women playing different instruments in songs that combine modem music with classic Chinese tunes. Yet they add to the mix by throwing in song, dance and even acrobatics. In an interview, noted music critic Jin Zhaojun said the girl band phenomenon was not new to China, as similar acts appeared in the 1980s. However, the undying role is that to be successful, bands have to have a novel look. "The 12 Girls Band was the first group to give big live shows and show creativity in how they present their performances. The Beijing Red Poppy Ladies Percussion group, formed in 1999, has made a name for itself because they are the only band that exclusively plays drums and percussion instruments. Bands that don't have ' a thing' are sure to die fast," Jin said. How many members are involved in the band?A.8. B.10.C.12.D.14.

Once the 12 Girls Band became popular, similar groups predictably starting popping up. Mus
icat and Beautiful Youth 18 were formed last year. Both feature now-familiar formulas of attractive young women playing different instruments in songs that combine modern music with classic Chinese tunes. Yet they add to the mix by throwing in song, dance and even acrobatics. In an interview, noted music critic Jin Zhaojun said the girl band phenomenon was not new to China, as similar acts appeared in the 1980s.

However, the undying role is that to be successful, bands have to have a novel look. "The 12 Girls Band was the first group to give big live shows and show creativity in how they present their performances. The Beijing Red Poppy Ladies Percussion group, formed in 1999, has made a name for itself because they are the only band that exclusively plays drums and percussion instruments. Bands that don't have ' a thing' are sure to die fast", Jin said.

How many members are involved in the band?





According to the writer, which of the following is NOT true?A.Storytelling did not come ba

According to the writer, which of the following is NOT true?

A.Storytelling did not come back until 1993 in Wales.

B.Storytelling is always well received in Wales.

C.Storytelling has a long history in Wales.

D.Storytelling once stopped in Wales.

Which of the following sentences does NOT bear logical fallacy (逻辑谬误)?

A、Don’t take Susan on a picnic. Every time I go somewhere with her, it rains!

B、We should not allow girls from that part of town into our club. I once knew a girl from there and she was a thief!

C、People are allowed to drink in restaurants, so they should be allowed to smoke in restaurants as well.

D、Mike is not smart, but it doesn’t mean he would not succeed in the future. Being successful depends on many factors, not only intelligence.

There seem to be two main reasons that women cry more often. One is biological. Up to age
12, boys and girls cry equally often. From then until age 18, the level of the hormone prolactin(催乳激素) rises in young women, until their blood contains 60 per-cent more than men' s. And prolactin affects the production of tears.

On the sociological side, men in particular are conditioned out of crying. From the age of 12 or 13, boys are told that crying shows a loss of control, that it is a sign of weakness. If men step outside the norm and show their feelings in the workplace, they run the risk of getting labels attached that are not complimentary.

Researches on conversations show that women are more likely to talk about feelings, men about activities. This is a reflection of our socialization. Also, men are more likely to express their opinions. It gives rise to women feeling enormous frustration about getting their views across. When women are crying at work, it's often out of sheer frustration, about not being able to get their needs identified, known, put across, and getting a response to them…There is a sense of "I'm not being taken seriously." The trouble is, if a woman cries in this situation, men are likely to say, "She's far too emotional." There are, though, a couple of arenas(活动场所) in which it seems to be acceptable for men to be emotional: sports and especially more recently, politics. An essay in Times magazine once reported on timely tears from former Presidents George Bush and Richard Nixon. The Times essay says 1988 presidential candidate Patricia Schroeder' s tears led some to describe her as "just another weak woman, temperamentally unfitted for the presidency". It concludes: "Men may weep, but women must prove them- selves made of sterner stuff."

The cause for women crying more often is that______。

A.women are born to be weaker than men

B.women have more prolactin in their bodies

C.men are taught not to cry

D.both B and C

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: A student reporter with a cell phone recorded scenes of police approaching one of the buildings on the campus of Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg where the shootings occurred. The events unfolded in the morning over two hours in two separate locations. University President Charles Steger says only one gunman seems to have been involved. "The shooter in Norris Hall is deceased," he said. "There are multiple fatalities. The number of fatalities has not been confn-med." Steger says Virginia Tech University was hit with a tragedy of monumental proportions. "The university is shocked and indeed horrified that this would befall us and I want to extend my deepest and most sincere and profound sympathies to the families of these victims, which include our students," he said. White House spokeswoman Dana Perino says President Bush is horrified by the killings and that his thoughts and prayers are with the victims. Asked about gun control policy, Perino says Mr. Bush believes in the people' s constitutional right to bear arms, but that all laws must be followed. Perino says state and local authorities are leading the investigation, adding that federal law enforcement assets are available, if Virginia should request them. America's first encounter with a campus massacre occurred in 1966, when a sniper at the University of Texas shot and killed 16 people. In 1999, 12 students and a teacher were killed by two boys at Columbine High School in the suburban town of Littleton, Colorado. In October 2006, an armed gunman killed six girls in a one room Amish schoolhouse in rural Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

The shootings unfolded in the morning over 2 hours in ______.

A.1 location

B.2 separate locations

C.3 separate locations

D.4 separate locations

William Appleton, author of a recent book entitled Fathers and Daughters, believes that it
is a woman's relationship with her father (1)_____ decides how successful she will be in her (2)_____ life. According to Appleton there are three important steps a girl must (3)_____ in her relationship with Daddy.

The (4)_____ is the "little girl" stage in which the daughter loves and idolizes her father (5)_____ he were a god or hero without (6)_____ And her father loves his daughter (7)_____ blindly, seeing her as an "oasis of smiles" in a hard, cold world. Then comes the second stage. It starts during adolescence and (8)_____ for many years. Here, the little girl begins to rebel against Daddy and (9)_____ his authority. He reacts with anger and (10)_____

And the final stage comes (11)_____ a woman reaches the age of about thirty. At this time, the daughter sees her father not-as a hero (12)_____ as a fool, but learns to accept him (13)_____ he is, for better or worse. And Daddy forgives her, too, for not being the (14)_____ little girl he had once hoped for.

But not all daughters go through all three stages, and it is here that the key to a woman's career (15)_____. Those girls who never get past the first "oasis of smiles" stage, (16)_____ all their lives seek out their fathers' love and approval, will never (17)_____ in the business world. They will remain at the secretarial (18)_____ all their lives.

It is only those women who get to the final stage, those who (19)_____ and accept Daddy's faults, who can even hope to be (20)_____ enough and independent enough to become a candidate for top-management.





第三篇There seem to be two main reasons that women cry more often. One is biological. Up t


There seem to be two main reasons that women cry more often. One is biological. Up to age 12, boys and girls cry equally often. From then until age 18, the level of the hormone prolactin(催乳激素) rises in young women, until their blood contains 60 per-cent more than men' s. And prolactin affects the production of tears.

On the sociological side, men in particular are conditioned out of crying. From the age of 12 or 13, boys are told that crying shows a loss of control, that it is a sign of weakness. If men step outside the norm and show their feelings in the workplace, they run the risk of getting labels attached that are not complimentary.

Researches on conversations show that women are more likely to talk about feelings, men about activities. This is a reflection of our socialization. Also, men are more likely to express their opinions. It gives rise to women feeling enormous frustration about getting their views across. When women are crying at work, it's often out of sheer frustration, about not being able to get their needs identified, known, put across, and getting a response to them…There is a sense of "I'm not being taken seriously." The trouble is, if a woman cries in this situation, men are likely to say, "She's far too emotional." There are, though, a couple of arenas(活动场所) in which it seems to be acceptable for men to be emotional: sports and especially more recently, politics. An essay in Times magazine once reported on timely tears from former Presidents George Bush and Richard Nixon. The Times essay says 1988 presidential candidate Patricia Schroeder' s tears led some to describe her as "just another weak woman, temperamentally unfitted for the presidency". It concludes: "Men may weep, but women must prove them- selves made of sterner stuff."

The cause for women crying more often is that______。

A. women are born to be weaker than men

B. women have more prolactin in their bodies

C. men are taught not to cry

D. both B and C

What is NOT true about the eight girls?A.They are all between 12 and 17.B.They have tried

What is NOT true about the eight girls?

A.They are all between 12 and 17.

B.They have tried a variety of measures.

C.They attend a suicide squad.

D.All their attempts to commit suicide are vital.

What is NOT true about the eight girls?A.They are all between 12 and 17.B.They have tried

What is NOT true about the eight girls?

A.They are all between 12 and 17.

B.They have tried a variety of measures.

C.They attend a suicide squad.

D.All their attempts to commit suicide are vital.

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