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Stress is ______.A.always harmful to youB.a disease in your lifeC.an example of human expe

Stress is ______.

A.always harmful to you

B.a disease in your life

C.an example of human experience

D.a normal state for everyone

提问人:网友qsgamdc 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Stress is ______.A.always harm…”相关的问题
Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University believes that ______.A.a person's memory is det

Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University believes that ______.

A.a person's memory is determined by the level of hormones in his body

B.stress hormones have lasting positive effects on the brain

C.short bursts of stress hormones enhance memory function

D.a person's memory improves with continued experience of stress

A.A police officer is always not very alarm at the beginning.B.It is necessary fo

A.A police officer is always not very alarm at the beginning.

B.It is necessary for a police officer to be familiar with his surroundings.

C.The stress is too large for a policeman at the beginning.

D.More policemen get injured during a routine stop.

A.A couple that has stressful discussion takes the longest time to heal the wound.B.A

A.A couple that has stressful discussion takes the longest time to heal the wound.

B.A couple that has hostile argument takes the longest time to heal the wound.

C.Supportive discussion slows the wound healing process.

D.Higher levels of stress speed up the wound healing process.

Which of the following is Dr. Bruce McEwen inclined to emphasize by saying "But in the lon
g run these hormones can have a harmful effect on the body and brain"?

A.a person's memory is determined by the level of hormones in his body.

B.stress hormones have lasting positive effects on the brain.

C.short bursts of stress hormones enhance memory function.

D.a person's memory improves with continued experience of stress.

Based on the information in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2, what can be inferred about a pers
on with a score of 30 on the SRRS?

A.A person with a higher score will experience less stress than this person will.

B.It is likely that this person has not suffered any major problems in the past year.

C.The amount of positive change is greater than that of a person with a score of 40.

D.This person has a greater probability to be ill than a person with a 20 score.

听力原文:W:So,why exactly does your job have a reputation for being stressful?M:Stress is

听力原文:W:So,why exactly does your job have a reputation for being stressful?

M:Stress is generally driven by the feeling of being out of control of a situation,and the feeling of a situation controlling you.Trading in financial markets combines both.

W:HOW do you relax in the evening?

M:I very rarely do anything work related.So it's easy to escape the markets.I generally go to the gym or go for a run.especially if I've had a bad day.I always cook a meal rather than have a take-away.To do something my brain would regard as creative.

W:Do you think what you do to relax is an effective way to beat stress?

M:I don't think there's a specific rule about how to beat stress.I generally find that what I do is effective for me.

W:Would you consider changing your job because of the high stress factor?

M:I have considered leaving my job due to stress related factors.However,I do think that an element of stress is a good thing,and if used the right way,can actually be a positive thing.

W:What do you enjoy about the stressful aspects of your job?

M:Having said all that,I do actually enjoy an element of uncertainty.I enjoy a mental challenge.Trading generates a wide range of emotions second by second.How you deal with and manage those emotions dictates short,medium and long term trading performance and success.


23.What is the man's job?

24.Why does the man prefer to cook a meal rather than have a take-away?

25.What does the man say about an element of stress in his job?


A.A training coach.

B.A trading adviser.

C.A professional manager.

D.A financial trader.

听力原文:Hello, you're listening to KBC Radio. I'm Luther Lee with Travel Tips. Have you e
ver had to deal with the stress of losing your luggage while traveling? Here are a few tips to prevent losing the things you need. First, pack light so you don't have to check in any luggage. However, if you do have luggage to check in, make sure you don't include anything valuable or that you'll need within 24 hours in it. Second, put a copy of your name and address inside your luggage in case your baggage tag gets torn off. Third, take a picture of your luggage in case you need to describe it to airline personnel. Last, if you're really concerned about the airline losing your luggage, there are a variety of shipping companies that will ship your luggage to your final destination ahead of time. After our commercial break, I'll tell you about fun activities you can do during your flight.

Who might Mr. Lee be?

A.A salesperson

B.A travel agent

C.A radio show host

D.An airline employee

Patients tend to feel indignant and insulted if the physician tells them he can find no or
ganic cause for the pain. They tend to interpret the term "psychogenic" to mean that they are complaining of nonexistent symptoms. They need to be educated about the fact that many forms of pain have no underlying physical cause but are the result, as mentioned earlier, of tension, stress, or hostile factors in the general environment. Sometimes a pain may be a manifestation of "conversion hysteria".

Obviously, it is folly for an individual to ignore symptoms that could be a warning of a potentially serious illness. Some people are so terrified of getting news from a doctor that they allow their malaise to worsen, sometimes past the point of no return. Total neglect is not the answer to hypochondria. The only answer has to be increased education about the way the human body works; so that more people will be able to steer an intelligent course between promiscuous pill popping and irresponsible disregard of genuine symptoms.

Of all forms of pain, none is more important for the individual to understand than the "threshold" variety. Almost everyone has a telltale ache that is triggered whenever tension or fatigue reaches a certain point. It can take the form. of a migraine-type headache or a squeezing pain deep in the abdomen or cramps or a pain in the lower back or even in the joints.

The individual who has learned how to make the correlation between such threshold pains and their cause doesn't panic when they occur; he or she does something about relieving the stress and tension. Then, if the pain persists despite the absence of apparent cause, the individual will telephone the doctor.

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.A pain can only be caused by physical harm.

B.Some people are complaining of a pain which does not exist.

C.A pain can be caused by psychogenic factors.

D.Educated people do not complain of nonexistent pain.

Stress in CollegeMost students in US colleges are just plain stressed out, from everyday w

Stress in College

Most students in US colleges are just plain stressed out, from everyday worries about grades and relationships to darker thoughts of suicide, according to a poll of undergraduates from coast to coast. The survey was conducted for the Associated Press and MFVU, a television network available at many colleges and universities.

Students' Stress Problem

Four in 10 students say they endure stress often. Nearly one in five say they feel it all or most of the time. But most are bearing it. Nearly 60% in the survey say they enjoy life.

The majority cite classic stress symptoms including trouble concentrating, sleeping and finding motivation. Most say they have also been disturbed, worried, too tired to work. "Everything is being piled on at once," said Chris Curran, a junior at the Albany College of Pharmacy (制药) in Albany, N.Y. tie said he has learned to cope better since starting school. "You just get really disturbed and anxious. Then you start procrastinating (拖延), and it all piles up." Many cite eating problems and say they have felt lonely, depressed, like they are failures. Substantial numbers are even concerned about spring break, chiefly not having enough money or being in good physical shape.

More than a quarter of the students sometimes think they should cut down on drinking or going out. A third say they, sometimes want to use drugs or alcohol to relax. About 15% say they're at least somewhat concerned about drinking too much on spring break. One in five say they have felt too stressed to do schoolwork or be with friends. About the same number say things have been so bad ill the past three months that they have seriously considered dropping out of school. Darker still, about one in six say they have friends who in the past year have discussed committing suicide, and about one in 10 say they have seriously considered it themselves. Friends have actually tried to end their lives in that time, one in 10 say. In this ocean of campus anxiety, 13% say they have been diagnosed with a mental health condition such as depression or an anxiety disorder.

Of that group, two-thirds say they always or usually follow their treatment, one-tenth say they have been unable to stick to it, and the rest are not on a plan. The perils (危险) of halting treatment were highlighted last month when police said the girlfriend of Steven Kazmierczak, who fatally shot five people and then himself at Northern Illinois University, told them he had stopped taking medication. Six in 10 in the survey say they are usually hopeful and enjoy life. Half even concede they feel understood by their families.

What Causes the Stress Problem

Even so, the survey shows plenty of sources of stress, led by the seven in 10 students who attribute it to school work and grades. Financial problems are close behind, while relationships and dating, family problems and extracurricular activities all are named by half as adding pressure.

College women have a more stressful existence than men, with 45% of females and 34% of males saying they face pressure often. The youngest students cite frequent stress most often. Whites report more stress than blacks and Hispanics. From schoolwork to dating, women are more possible than men to say they experience pressure from virtually every potential source of distress in the survey. Six in 10 women and just four in 10 men say family issues cause problems, though the differences between the sexes in most areas are slimmer. Besides balancing her approaching graduation with the 20-hour-per-week job that helps finance school, Jeanette Devereaux-Weber said she has a new pressure: beginning her post-college life. She has not decided what to do." It doesn't feel like looking for a summer job anymore, it's looking for a career, it's things that will shape everything to come," she said. "Sometimes it feels like

A.a TV station

B.a university

C.a radio station

D.a television network

听力原文: Last time I talked about the student services in the college. Today I'd like to
talk about the Counseling Services.

The college Counseling Service is located in the North Building. The counselors are Ms. Penny Rawson and Ms. Ann. I have asked Ms. Rawson to join us today to discuss their role. Ms. Rawson

Ms. Rawson: Thank you. Both Ann and I are full-time counselors. Students either come to us on their own or are referred to us by a tutor. We are here to help them with any problems, no matter how great or small, such as homesickness, relationship difficulties, death and separation, sexual problems, undue stress due to work and so on. You will not be the first to be homesick, find college life stressful, or decisions problematic. So please don't hesitate to come and have a chat if there is anything bothering you.

This is a confidential service but we are willing to arrange with your course directors, your tutors, Student Union officers, career department or doctors. We can also put you in touch with ouside counseling services. As a part of the university, all counseling is free of charge for full-time students. I know some of you may feel that seeing a counselor has a stigma attached to it, but let me assure you that even the best balanced individuals encounter situations where they need someone to talk with. So please don't hesitate. You're welcome to make use of this service. We hope you will en- joy your studies at the university. Thank you.

Who might be the first speaker?

A.A student

B.A counselor

C.A course director

D.A Students Union officer

All of us can change our behaviour to fit different situations

.We are often noisy at weddings and sympathetic at funerals.Our table manners are not the same at a picnic as in a restaurant.When speaking with people,we feel free to interrupt close friends but tend to listen to our employers until they finish.If we don’t make such adjustments(调整),we are likely to get into trouble.

From one point of view,language is behaviour;it is part of the way we act.And like every other kind of behaviour,it must be adjusted to fit different contexts or situations where it is used.For instance,among people who are used to a writing system,there is one adjustment everyone makes:they speak one way and write another way.Speakers can stop in the middle of a conversation and repeat themselves if they sense that they are being misunderstood;writers often go back over their writing to see that it is clear,which is,however,before the communication occur.Once writers have passed their writing to someone else,they cannot change it.

Speakers can use intonation(语调),stress(重音),and pauses to help make their meaning clear.A simple sentence like “John kept my pencil” may mean,by a shift in the stress and intonation patterns,either John rather than someone else kept the pencil,or John kept rather than just borrowed the pencil,or it was a pencil rather than anything else that he kept.Writers,on the other hand,have their special tools of various punctuation(标点) marks,capitals,italic(斜体) letters,and so on.Skillful writers could also change the word order of a sentence.So“Cindy only had five dollars” could be turned into “Cindy had only five dollars” to mean Cindy had no more than five dollars,or into “Only Cindy had five dollars” to mean nobody but Cindy had five dollars.

36.The main purpose of the first paragraph in this passage is to _______.

A.summarize the passage

B.introduce the topic of the passage

C.use examples to illustrate the first sentence of the paragraph

D.use examples to illustrate the last sentence of the paragraph

37.According to Paragraph 1,we must adjust our behavior. because _______.

A.we should appear happy at weddings and sad at funerals

B.we should listen to our employers more than to our friends

C.our manners should be different in different places

D.our behavior. should be acceptable to others around

38.Language as mentioned in Paragraph 2 is considered _______.

A.a kind of behavior

B.an act found in all situations

C.an adjustment everyone makes

D.both spoken and written

39.According to Paragraph 2,speakers and writers differ mainly in _______.

A.the amount of time they spend on the communication

B.the number of times they stop while communicating

C.how they can make sure that they are not misunderstood

D.when they decide to begin the communication

40.According to Paragraph 3,speakers can use such tools as _______ to make their meaning clear.

A.intonation patterns and word order

B.stress patterns and word order

C.pauses and punctuation marks

D.pauses and shifts in stress patterns

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