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The nerve fibers connecting these light-sensitive elements to the brain______.A.all work t

The nerve fibers connecting these light-sensitive elements to the brain______.

A.all work together

B.help each other

C.work independently

D.work in small groups

提问人:网友keke52ni 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“The nerve fibers connecting th…”相关的问题
Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as two hundred m
iles per hour.





The fibers from the nucleus ambiguus join in

A、glossopharyngeal nerve and hypoglossal nerve

B、hypoglossal nerve and accessory nerve

C、vagus nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve and accessory nerve

D、facial nerve and vagus nerve

Nerve signals may travel through nerve or,muscle fibers at speeds as high as two
hundred miles per hour.





Your nerve system reacts Ato Bwhat you imagine to be true Con much the same way that it Dd
oes to real experiences.

Your eye is a window on the nerves and blood vessels, revealing vital information about yo
ur entire body. An (1)_____ exam starts from the outside and works in. First the ophthalmologist(眼科医生) gauges (2)_____ with the familiar wall chart and checks visual field by moving objects in and out of (3)_____. A limited visual field could be the (4)_____ of the high inner eye pressure of glaucoma(青光眼)or (5)_____ a tumor pressing on nerves leading from the eye. The physician also checks for infection around the lashes and notes how fast the lids follow the eyes downward. Lid lag sometimes (6)_____ thyroid disease(甲状腺疾病).

If one pupil contracts (7)_____ the other doesn't, the physician is (8)_____ to the fact that (9)_____ a tumor or stroke, perhaps, has damaged the nerves between the eye and brain. A tumor as far away (10)_____ the lung can cause capillary problems by hitting a nerve that loops through the neck.

The white of the eye, tear ducts, lens and retina(视网膜) are checked for (11)_____ of trouble. Too many white blood cells (12)_____ inflammation, blood means tissue has tom or a vessel has burst, and deposits of (13)_____ material can mean eye disease. The orange-red retina holds many more (14)_____ for disease detection. High blood pressure may announce its (15)_____ by pushing the vessels off track at their intersections. (16)_____ vessel growth is a sign of diabetic retinopathy(糖尿病性视网膜病). Narrowed vessels may indicate (17)_____ of the arteries, and damage to tiny capillaries could be a sign of early diabetes.

The doctor even examines the pin-head-size hole in the back of the optic nerve on their way to the brain. (18)_____ the appearance of these nerve fibers is abnormal, nerve tissue may have been damaged because of intraocular pressure, indicating glaucoma or the presence of a tumor. When a physician needs quick, (19)_____ information about the body, the eyes have (20)_____.





Watch a baby between six and nine months old, and you will observe the basic concepts of g
eometry being learned. once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three-dimensional, it reached out and begins grasping various kinds of objects. It is then, from perhaps nine to fifteen months, that the concepts of sets and numbers are formed. So far, so good. But now an ominous development takes place. The nerve fibers in the brain insulate themselves in such a way that the baby begins to hear sounds very precisely. Soon it picks up language, and it is then brought into direct communication with adults. From this point on, it is usually downhill all the way for mathematics, because the child now becomes exposed to all the nonsense words and beliefs of the community into which it has been so unfortunate as to have been born. Nature having done very well by the child to this point, having permitted it the luxury of thinking for itself for eighteen months, now abandons it to the arbitrary conventions and beliefs of society. But at least the child knows something of geometry and numbers, and it will always retain some memory of the early happy days, no matter what vicissitudes it may suffer later on. The main reservoir of mathematical talent in any society is thus possessed by children who are about two years old, children who have just learned to speak fluently.

Which of the following activities would teach a baby about geometry?

A.Picking up language.

B.Communicating with others.

C.Recognizing numbers.

D.Catching different objects.

Watch a baby between six and nine months old, and you will observe the basic concepts of g
eometry being learned. Once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three-dimensional, it reaches out and begins grasping various kinds of objects. It is then, from perhaps nine to fifteen months, that the concepts of sets and numbers are formed. So far, so good. But now an ominous development takes place. The nerve fibers in the brain insulate themselves in such a way that the baby begins to hear sounds very precisely. Soon it picks up language, and it is then brought into direct communication with adults. From this point on, it is usually downhill all the way for mathematics, because the child now becomes exposed to all the nonsense words and beliefs of the community into which it has been so unfortunate as to have been born. Nature, having done very well by the child to this point, having permitted it the luxury of thinking for itself for eighteen months, now abandons it to the arbitrary conventions and beliefs of society. But at least the child knows something of geometry and numbers, and it will always retain some memory of the early halcyon days, no matter what vicissitudes it may suffer later on. The main reservoir of mathematical talent in any society is thus possessed by children who are about two years old, children who have just learned to speak fluently.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.How basic concepts of physics are learned.

B.Math-learning strategies for babies.

C.How basic concepts of physics are learned.

D.Math-learning strategies for babies.

Animals on the MoveIt looked like a scene from “Jaws” but without the dramatic mus

Animals on the Move

It looked like a scene from “Jaws” but without the dramatic music. A huge shark was lowly swimming through the water, its tail swinging back and forth like the pendulum of a clock.

Suddenly sensitive nerve ending in the sharks skin picked up vibrations of a struggling fish. The shark was immediately transformed into a deadly, efficient machine of death. With muscles taut, the shark knifed through the water at a rapid speed. In a flash the shark caught its victim, a large fish, in its powerful jaws. Then, jerking its head back and forth, the shark tore huge chunks of flesh from its victim and swallowed them. Soon the action was over.

Moving to Survive

In pursuing its prey, the shark demonstrated in a dramatic way the important role of movement, or locomotion, in animals.

Like the shark, most animals use movement to find food. They also use locomotion to escape enemies, find a mate, and explore new territories. The methods of locomotion include crawling, hopping, slithering, flying, swimming, or walking.

Humans have the added advantage of using their various inventions to move about in just about any kind of environment. Automobiles, rockets, and submarines transport humans from deep oceans to as far away as the moon. However, for other animals movement came about naturally through millions of years of evolution. One of the most successful examples of animal locomotion is that of the shark. Its ability to quickly zero in on its prey has always impressed scientists. But it took a detailed study by Duke University marine biologists S. A. Wainwright, F. Vosburgh, and J. H. Hebrank to find out how the sharks did it. In their study the scientists observed sharks swimming in a tank at Marine land in Saint Augustine, Fla. Movies were taken of the sharks’ movements and analyzed. Studies were also made of shark skin and muscle.

Skin Is the Key

The biologists discovered that the skin of the shark is the key to the animal’s high efficiency in swimming through the water. The skin contains many fibers that crisscross like the inside of a belted radial tire. The fibers are called collagen fibers. These fibers can either store or release large amounts of energy depending on whether the fibers are relaxed or taut. When the fibers are stretched, energy is stored in them the way energy is stored in the string of a bow when pulled tight. When the energy is released, the fibers become relaxed.

The Duke University biologists have found that the greatest stretching occurs where the shark bends its body while swimming. During the body’s back and forth motion, fibers along the outside part of the bending body stretch greatly. Much potential energy is stored in the fibers. This energy is released when the shark’s body snaps back the other way.

As energy is alternately stored and released on both sides of the animal’s body, the tail whips strongly back and forth. This whip-like action propels the animal through the water like a living bullet.

Source of Energy

What causes the fibers to store so much energy? In finding the answer the Duke University scientists learned that the sharks similarity to a belted radial tire doesnt stop with the skin. Just as a radial tire is inflated by pressure, so, too, is the area just under the sharks collagen “radials”. Instead of air pressure, however, the pressure in the shark may be due to the force of the blood pressing on the collagen fibers.

When the shark swims slowly, the pressure on the fibers is relatively low. The fibers are more relaxed, and the shark is able to bend its body at sharp angles. The animal swims this way when looking around for food or just swimming. However, when the shark detects an important food source, some fantastic involuntary changes take place.

The pressure inside the animal may increase by 10 times. This pressure change greatly stretches the fib

A.to find food

B.to avoid being chased by its enemies

C.to find a new place to live

D.to show its braveness

Watch a baby between six and nine months old, and you will observe the basic concept of ge
ometry being learned. Once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three dimensional, itreaches out and begins grasping various kinds of objects. It is then, from perhaps nine to fifteen months, that the concepts of sets and numbers are formed. So far, so good. But now an ominous development takes place. The nerve fibers in the brain insulate themselves in such a way that the baby begins to hear sounds very precisely. Soon it picks up language, and it is then brought into direct communication with adults. From this point on, it is usually downhill all the way for mathematics, because the child now becomes exposed to all the nonsense words and beliefs of the community into which it has been so unfortunate as to have been born. Nature, having done very well by the child to this point, having permitted it the luxury of thinking for itself for eighteen months, now abandons it to the arbitrary conventions and beliefs of society. But at least the child knows something of geometry and numbers; and it will always retain some memory of the early halcyon days, no matter what vicissitudes it may suffer later on. The main reservoir of mathematical talent in any society is thus possessed by children who are about two years old, children who have just learned to speak fluently.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.The impact of language on mathematics

B.Children's ability to learn languages

C.How basic concepts of physics are learned

D.Math-learning strategies for babies

The Television CameraThe television camera is rather like the human eye. Both the eye and

The Television Camera

The television camera is rather like the human eye. Both the eye and the camera have a lens, and both produce a picture on a screen. In each case the picture is made up of millions of spots of light.

Let us see how the eye works. When we look at an object-a person, a house, or whatever it may be, we do not see all the details of the object in one piece. We imagine that we do, but this is not the case. In fact, the eye builds up the picture for us in our brain, which controls our sight, in millions of separate parts, and although we do not realize it, all these details are seen separately. This is what happens when we look at something. Beams of light of different degrees of intensity, re-fleeted from all parts of the object, strike the lens of the eye. The lens then gathers together the spots of light from these beams and focuses them on to a light-sensitive plate-the retina-at the back of the eyeball. In this way, an image of the object is produced on the retina in the form. of a pattern of lights. The retina contains millions of minute light-sensitive elements, each of which is separately connected to the brain by a tiny fiber in the optic nerve. These nerve fibers, working independently, pick out minute details from the image on the retina and torn the small spots of light into nerve impulses of different strengths. They then transmit these impulses to the brain. They do this all at the same time. All the details of the image are fed to the brain, and as we have taught our brain to add them together correctly, we see a clear picture of the object as a whole.

Television, which means vision at a distance, operates on a similar principle. A television picture is built up in thousands of separate parts. Beams of light reflect from the subject being televised strike the lens of the television camera, which corresponds to the lens of the eye. The camera lens gathers together the spots of light from these beams and focuses an image of the subject on to a plate, the surface of which is coated with millions of photo-electric elements sensitive to light. The spots of light forming the image on the plate cannot be transmitted as light. So they are temporarily converted by an electronic device into millions of electrical impulses ; that is, into charges of electricity. These electrical impulses are then sent through space on a wireless wave to the homes of the viewers. They are picked up by the aerials and conveyed to the receivers to the television set. There, they are finally converted back into the spots of light that make up the picture on the television screen.

We are told that the television resembles the human eye in______.

A.one way

B.two ways

C.three ways

D.four ways

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