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In a nationwide poll, P people were asked 2 questions. If 2/5 answered "yes" to question 1

, and of those 1/3 also answered "yes" to question 2, which of the following represents the number of people polled who did not answer "yes" to both questions?

A.2/15 P

B.3/5 P

C.3/4 P

D.5/6 P

E.13/15 P

提问人:网友qqgg1227 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“In a nationwide poll, P people…”相关的问题
And researchers say that like those literary romantics Romeo and Juliet, they may be blind
to the consequences of their quests for an idealized mate who serves their every physical and emotional need.

Nearly 19 in 20 never-married respondents to a national survey agree that "when you marry you want your spouse to be your soul mate, first and foremost," according to the State of our Unions: 2001 study released Wednesday by Rutgers University.

David Popenoe, a Rutgers sociologist and one of the study's authors, said that view might spell doom for marriages.

"It really provides a very unrealistic view of what marriage really is," Popenoe said. "The standard becomes so high, it's not easy to bail out if you didn't find a soul mate."

The survey points to a fundamental dilemma in which younger people want more from the institution of marriage while they seemingly are unwilling to make the necessary commitments.

The survey also suggests that some respondents expect too much from a spouse, including the kind of emotional support rendered by same-sex friends. The authors of the study also suggest that the generation that was polled may more quickly leave a marriage because of infidelity than past generations.

Popenoe said the poll, conducted by the Gallup Organization, is the first of its kind to concentrate on people in their 20s. A total of 1, 003 married and single young adults nationwide were interviewed by telephone between January and March. The margin of error was plus or minus four percentage points.

Respondents said they eventually want to get married, realize it's a lot of work and think there are too many divorces. They believe there is one right person for them out there somewhere and think their own marriages won't end in divorce.

Since the poll is the first of its kind, researchers say it is impossible to say if expectations about marriage are changing or static.

But scholars say the search for soul mates has increased over the last generation--and the last century--as marriage has become an institution centering on romance rather than utility.

"One hundred years ago, people married for financial reasons, for tying families together, they married for political reasons," said John DeLamater, a sociologist at the University of Wisconsin. "And most people had children."

Those conditions are no longer the case for young adults like David Asher, a 24-year waiter in a Trenton cafe who has been in a relationship for about two years. He wants to wait to make sure he's ready to exchange vows.

"I know a lot of it has to do with financial reasons," he said. "Maybe if you're going to have children, marriage is the best bet."

But the main reason for matrimony: "If you're in love with someone, it's sort of like promising to them you are in love."

That's all well and good, said Heather Helms- Erikson, an assistant professor of human development and family studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, but passion partly in endorpin--caused physiological phenomenon--has been known to diminish in time.

What's the best title of this passage?

A.Marriage Scholars Worry Search for "Soul Mates" is Unrealistic.

B.People Should Seek for Romantic Love like Romeo and Juliet.

C.Marriage Should Happen between Soul Mates.

D.Search for "Soul Mates" Should be Superseded by Reality.

House-price falls are gathering momentum and are spreading across the UK, according to a m
onthly poll of surveyors which on Monday delivered its gloomiest reading for nearly 12 years.

Fifty-six percent of surveyors contacted by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors reported price falls in the three months to October. Only 3 percent saw prices rise in their area, compared with 58 percent as recently as May.

There was further evidence of slowing activity in the property market as the number of sales per surveyor dived to a nine-year low. Unsold stock on agents' books has increased 10 percent since the summer. Ian Perry, Rics' national housing spokesman, said it was now very clear that buyers were unsettled by higher interest rates.

The Bank of England raised rates five times to 4.75 percent over the last year to cool the property boom.

But he also blamed comments by Mervyn King, the Bank's governor, and misleading media headlines for "injecting additional uncertainty into the market by continued speculation over more serious price declines".

"Mervyn King presumably felt that he had to be more explicit in the summer when people were still buying. His warnings of a drop in property prices then have had the desired effect.

"But our concern now is that the pendulum is swinging too far", be said.

Last week, the Bank's monetary policy committee predicted for the first time that "house prices may fall modestly for a period" in its November inflation report. The Nationwide and Halifax mortgage lenders both showed a modest monthly decline in house prices in their latest loan approval data.

Although the majority of surveyors expect prices to fall further in the next three months, Mr. Perry stressed there were signs of stabilizing demand from buyers in London.

"London tends to be ahead of the rest of the market. And agents are telling us that more people are looking to buy. It is much better than it was", Mr. Perry said.

However, falling prices continued to spread from the South of England as surveyors reported the first clear decline in prices in Yorkshire and the Humber, the north and the northwest. Scotland remained the only region with rising prices.

We learn from the passage that

A.the present house price falls are at most a momentary phenomenon.

B.the property market is experiencing its most depressing time over the decade.

C.58 percent of surveyprs contacted started to encounter house price falls in May.

D.Rics' widely-followed headline indicator began to fall since Dec. 1992.

The schools where the poll was conducted are not being identified in order to______.

Since early November, cases of H1N1 have continued to decline nationwide, and scientists k
eeping track of the numbers say that as pandemics go, 2009 H1N1 may turnout to be a mild one—at least for the time being.

The question now on health officials' minds is: Will there be a second wave of cases in the new year? The answer depends on whom you ask. "We took an informal poll of about a dozen of some of the world's leading experts in influenza," Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), told reporters recently. "About half of them said, Yes, we think it's likely that we'll have another surge in cases. About half said, No, we think it's not likely. And one said, Flip a coin."

It is an accurate reflection of how unpredictable the influenza virus can be. Although flu activity has been waning for the third week in a row, health officials warn that there are still four to five months left in the official influenza season, plenty of time for the virus to make its rounds and find new hosts. "The story of pandemics, and the story ofH1N1 in general, is the story of persistent uncertainty where we never quite know what we are going to get or when," says Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

How severe the current H1N1 pandemic seems depends on what you use as a measuring stick. Compared with previous pandemics, like the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed 20 million people and infected up to 40% of the world's population, or even the far less deadly 1957 and 1968 bouts with a strain of H1N1 influenza similar to the 2009 strain, things don't seem as bad this time around. Fewer people are getting severely ill when infected, and fewer have died or required hospitalization from the flu than in previous pandemics.

Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health, and his colleagues studied the course of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic last spring in two cities—New York and Minneapolis—and determined that 0.048% of people who developed symptoms of H1N1 died, and 1.44% required hospitalization. Based on that data, published in PLoS Medicine, Lipsitch anticipates far fewer deaths from 2009 H1N1than was initially believed. By the end of the flu season in the spring of 2010, Lipsitch predicts, anywhere from 6,000 to 45,000 people will have died from H1N1 in the U.S., with the number most likely to end up between 10,000 and 15,000. Those estimates are far below the death toll of the 1957 flu, which killed 69,800 people in the U.S., according to government figures, and smaller also than the early predictions for the2009 H1N1 flu deaths, which ranged from 30,000 to 90,000.

It is not clear, however, that past pandemics are an appropriate gauge for evaluating the current flu or that the new projections are based on complete data. The eventual death toll of 2009 H1N1 may be less grim than the outcomes of previous pandemics, but it should be noted that 90 years ago, and even 40 years ago, health officials lacked the antiviral therapies and nationwide vaccination capabilities that are available today. That may have contributed to pandemics having a more devastating effect on the health of past populations.

The new estimates are also less alarming than those provided—also by Lipsitch—to the President's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology last summer near the start of the pandemic. At the time, researchers had only patchy data on the number of people infected by, and seeking treatment for, the new flu. The initially bleak prediction of the impact of H1N1—with up to 50% of the U.S. population becoming infected in the fall and winter of 2009, resulting in as many as 90,000 deaths—was based on modeling of previous pandemics.

Fortunately, the worst case scenario did not come to pass. "The worst case

A.It is not as severe as experts expected.

B.It is likely to have a second wave of H1N1.

C.It is not likely to have a second wave of H1N1.

D.No one knows for sure whether there will be a second wave of H1N1.

In a 1988 poll , most Britons felt the Queen’s most important job was to represent Britain at home and abroad.()
The book Zhong Yao Zhi was produced with the help of a nationwide survey.




According to the poll in the last paragraph,citizens’attitude toward soda tax is______.A

According to the poll in the last paragraph,citizens’attitude toward soda tax is______.





They are ______ students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations.A.so

They are ______ students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations.

A.so diligent

B.such diligent

C.so much diligent

D.such very diligent

The poll reveals some surprising_____.A、findingsB、finding

The poll reveals some surprising_____.



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