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What Is Cancer?Cancer is actually a group of many related diseases that all have to do wit

What Is Cancer?

Cancer is actually a group of many related diseases that all have to do with cells. Cells are the very small units that make up all(51)things, including the human body. There are billions of cells(52)each person's body.

Cancer happens when cells that are not normal grow(53)spread very fast. Normal body cells grow and divide and know when to stop growing. Over time, they also die.(54) these normal cells, cancer cells just continue to grow and divide out of control and don't die. Cancer cells usually group together to form. tumors (肿瘤).

A growing tumor becomes a lump of cancer cells(55) can destroy the normal cells around the(56) and damage the body's healthy tissues. This can make someone very(57) .

Sometimes cancer cells break away from the original tumor and travel to other areas of the(58) , where they keep growing and can go on to form. new tumors. This is how cancer(59) . The spread of a tumor to a new place in the body is(60) metastasis (转移).

People with cancer may feel pretty sick at times--but can usually still do lots of normal things.(61) they are very sick, kids and teenagers with cancer may still be able to go to school. They may be tired or bruise (出现青肿) easily, but they(62) sometimes go to camp, movies, and sleepover (在外过夜的) parties. People with cancer still like the same things they did(63) they got sick.

Cancer in kids is rare--but today, many kids who do get cancer go on living normal lives. The number of kids who beat cancer goes(64)every year because of new cancer treatments. So a lot of kids with cancer will some day drive cars, go to college, have careers, and even get(65) and have families of their own.





提问人:网友jellyku 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“What Is Cancer?Cancer is actua…”相关的问题
What is the best title for this passage?A.Development of cancer research.B.Childhood cance

What is the best title for this passage?

A.Development of cancer research.

B.Childhood cancer and pollution.

C.Engine exhausts.

D.Pre-natal care.

What is the best title for this passage?A.Development of cancer research.B.Childhood cance

What is the best title for this passage?

A.Development of cancer research.

B.Childhood cancer and pollution.

C.Engine exhausts.

D.Pre-natal care.

初步诊断最可能是A.dysfunctional uterine bleedingB.carcinoma of endometriumC.cervical cance


A.dysfunctional uterine bleeding

B.carcinoma of endometrium

C.cervical cancer

D.submucous myoma

E.sarrnma of uterus

The last paragraph of the passage mainly discusses______.A.the treatment of the skin cance

The last paragraph of the passage mainly discusses______.

A.the treatment of the skin cancer

B.the prevention of the skin cancer

C.the parts of the body where cancer is most likely to develop

D.the lotions that work best in fighting against the skin cancer

Exercise Cuts Cancer Deaths in MenMen who exercise often are less likely to die from cance

Exercise Cuts Cancer Deaths in Men

Men who exercise often are less likely to die from cancer than those who 【51】______, new research published in the British Journal of Cancer revealed yesterday.

A team of scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden looked 【52】______ the effect of physical activity and cancer risk in 40,708 men aged 【53】______ 45 and 79.

The seven-year study found that men 【54】______ walked or cycled for at least 30 minutes a day had a 34 percent lower 【55】______ of dying from cancer than the men who did less exercise or nothing at all. 【56】______ the period studied, 3,714 men developed cancer and 1,153 died from the disease. The researchers suggest that half an hour's walking 【57】______ cycling a day increased survival among these men by 33 percent.

The researchers surveyed men from two counties in central Sweden about their lifestyle. and the amount of 【58】______ activity they were usually doing. They then scored these responses and compared the results with data on cancer diagnosis and death officially recorded in a central cancer registry(登记簿) over a seven-year 【59】______.

Lead author, Professor Alicja Wolk, said: "These results clearly show for the first time the effect that very simple and basic daily 【60】______ such as walking or cycling has in reducing cancer death risk in middle-aged and elderly 【61】______".

Dr. Lesley Walker, director of cancer information at Cancer Research UK, said: "This study gives us a clear indication that men who exercise are less 【62】______ to die from cancer, and that they are more likely to 【63】______ the disease if they get it. It's not entirely clear from this study what role exercise plays in preventing 【64】______ in men, but we do know that a healthy lifestyle. can prevent up to half of all cancers—and 【65】______ exercise forms a key part of this".





Exercise Cuts Cancer Deaths in MenMen who exercise often are less likely to die from cance

Exercise Cuts Cancer Deaths in Men

Men who exercise often are less likely to die from cancer than those who(51)new research published in the British Journal of Cancer revealed yesterday.

A team of scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden looked(52)the effect of physical activity and cancer risk in 40,708 men(53)between 45 and 79.

The seven-year study found that men(54)walked or cycled for at least 30 minutes a day had a 34 per cent lower risk of(55)from cancer than the men who did less exercise or nothing at all.(56)the period studied, 3,714 men developed cancer and 1,153 died from the disease. The researchers suggest that half an hour's walking(57)cycling a day increased survival among these men by 33 per cent.

The researchers surveyed men from two counties in central Sweden about their lifestyle. and the amount of(58)activity they were usually doing. They then scored these responses and compared the results(59)data on cancer diagnosis and death officially recorded in a central cancer registry over a seven-year period.

Lead author, Professor Alicja Wolk, said: "These results clearly show for the first time the effect that very simple and basic daily(60)such as walking or cycling has in reducing cancer death risk in middle-aged and elderly(61)".

Dr Lesley Walker, director of cancer information at Cancer Research UK, said: "This study gives us a clear indication that men who exercise are less(62)to die from cancer, and that they are more likely to(63)the disease if they get it. It's not entirely clear from this study what role exercise plays in preventing(64)in men, but we do know that a healthy lifestyle. can prevent up to half of all cancers — and(65)exercise forms a key part of this."





What are you advised to do if you have set the controls as a kitchen timer?Touch OFF/CANCE

What are you advised to do if you have set the controls as a kitchen timer?

Touch OFF/CANCEL to cancel the ______.

Caffeine Caffeine is probably the mostwidely used drug in the world. Humans have been cons


Caffeine is probably the mostwidely used drug in the world. Humans have been consuming caffe-ine forhundreds of years. primarily in the form. of coffee, tea, and cocoa. Habitualcoffee and tea drinkers had long been observed to have a lower incidence ofnon-melanoma素瘤) skin cancers,although no one knew why. A recent study found thatcaffeine affects skin cells damaged by ultraviolet radiation, a main cause ofskin cancer. Caffeine interferes with a protein that cancerous cells need tosurvive, leaving the damaged cells to die before they become cancerous. Drinkingcaffeinated coffee has also beenassociated with a decreased incidence of endometrial(子宫内膜的) cancer-that is, cancer of the cells liningthe uterus-the strongest effect appears to be in overweight women, who are atgrea-test risk for the disease. Researchers believe blood sugar, fat cells, andestrogen (雌性激素) may play a role. Although the mechanism remains unknown, people whodrink more than two cups of coffee or tea a day reportedly have about half therisk of developing chronic liver disease as those who drink less than one cupof coffee daily; caffeinated coffee has also been associated with lowered riskof cirrhosis(肝硬化) and liver cancer.

While many of caffeine'sundesirable effects', such as elevated heart rate and blood pressure, arebrief, some short-term benefits, including pain relief, increased alertness,and increased physical en-durance, have also been attributed to caffeine. As acomponent of numerous over-the-counter diet pills and pain relievers, caffeineincreases their effectiveness and helps the body absorb them more quickly.Byconstricting (收缩) blood vessels in thebrain, it can alleviate headaches-evenmigraines (偏头痛)-and can helpcounter the drowsiness (眩晕) caused by antihistamines c抗组胺药).

Caffeine does not alter theneed for sleep, but it does offer a temporary solution to fatigue for peo-plewho need to stay alert. Research has shown that sleep-deprived individuals whoconsumed caffeine had improved memory and reasoning abilities, at least in theshort term. Studies of runners and cyclists have shown that caffeine canimprove their stamina-hence its addition to energy-boosting sports drinks.

People who consume a lot ofcaffeine regularly may develop temporary withdrawal symptoms,headache being themost common, if they quit or cut back on it abruptly. Fortunately, thesesymptoms last only a day or two in most cases. Individuals who are moresensitive to the stimulatory side effects of caffeine may want to avoid it, butmost doctors agree 'that the equivalent of three cups of coffee a day does notharm healthy people. There is no medical basis to give up daily caffeine andmany reasons to include a moderate amount in one's diet.

Drinking coffee or tea may help

A.lower the incidence of being overweight

B.lower the incidence of non-melanoma skin cance

C.increase the incidence of endometrial cancer

D.increase the incidence of liver cance

Cancer Drug Trials Often Halted EarlyAn increasing number of clinical trials for new cance

Cancer Drug Trials Often Halted Early

An increasing number of clinical trials for new cancer treatments are being halted before the risks and benefits have been fully evaluated, say Italian researchers, who warn that this growing trend could put patients at risk of harm from new therapies rushed into use.

The researchers looked at 25 randomized, controlled clinical trials that were stopped early because the treatments had started to show benefit to patients.

"When we analyzed 25 trials over a 10-year period between 1997 and 2007, we found a consistent increase in prematurely stopped trials—more than 50 percent were stopped within the last three years", study co-author Giovanni Apolone said at a news conference Tuesday.

Of 14 trials halted early and published between 2005 and 2007, the researchers found that 11(79 percent) of them were used to support drug approval applications submitted to the European Medicines Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

"This suggests a strong commercial component in stopping trials prematurely. In fact, this strategy could guarantee quicker access to the market for companies. On the other hand, a quicker clinical drug development may lead to an ' immature' benefit/risk balance of new drugs", Apolone said.

He and his colleagues "are aware that trials stopped early because they are showing benefit may result in identification of promising new treatments for patients. However, findings obtained following this strategy should be considered to be preliminary results that require subsequent confirmation".

It can take several years for the long-term benefits or harmful side effects of a new treatment to become apparent, Apolone noted, but the average duration(持续时间) of the 25 studies he and his colleagues analyzed was 30 months, with a range from 12 to 64 months.

They also found that at the time five of the studies were stopped, they'd enrolled less than 40 percent of the total number of patients planned for final analysis.

"Clinical trials need to stop early for superior benefit whenever there's proof beyond reasonable doubt that the new treatment really is superior. That would be an ethical obligation", Stuart Pocock, a professor of medical statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom, said at the news conference. "However, too many trials are stopped early claiming efficacy(功效) without strong evidence being available".

The number of prematurely stopped clinical trials has increased recently.



C.Not mentioned

What is recommended to treat more advanced cancer and cancer that did not respond to hormone therapy?


B、Radical prostatectomy

C、Radiation therapy.

D、Proton therapy

【单选题】What is called "immortality in culture"?

A.Cancer cells

B.GI tract

C.Epithelial cells


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