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If I don't see you again, I hope it all ______ well for you.A.goB.wentC.goes

If I don't see you again, I hope it all ______ well for you.




提问人:网友sitpretty 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“If I don't see you again, I ho…”相关的问题
______I can see what you mean,even though I dont share your point of view.A.In no wayB.In

______I can see what you mean,even though I dont share your point of view.

A.In no way

B.In my way

C.In the way

D.In a way

Woman: Do you really think Professor Green will make you redo the entire experiment? Man:
Dont know. Ill cross that bridge when I come to it. Question: What does the man mean?

A.He will go across the bridge.

B.He will report the experiment to the professor.

C.He will come to the bridge game.

D.He will wait and see what happens.

Woman: Dont you think this candle light dinner is very romantic? Man: Sure, at least I don
t have to look at the food. Question: What does the man think of the food?

A.It is indeed quite romantic!

B.It doesn"t look very delicious.

C.It looks tasty and smells good.

D.It"s a pity he can"t see clearly what he"s eating.

听力原文:W: I have not received your e-mail yet. M: That's too bad. I'll send it to you ag

听力原文:W: I have not received your e-mail yet.

M: That's too bad. I'll send it to you again.

Q: What's the man probably going to do?


A.To see the woman.

B.To send the e-mail.

C.To go to the bank

D.To write a letter.

听力原文:Amy Morning, Dr. Carter. Im sorry to disturb you. But may I speak to you about m
y course? Dr. Carter Yes, come in, Amy. But anyway, I havent got long, because I have to give a lecture in half an hour. Amy Alright. I would just like to finish talking about the problem I have with you. think it wont take a long time. Dr. Carter Sure. Whats the problem? Sit down. Amy Well, Im having problems with one of my subject—economics. Im not doing very well and Im a bit concerned about it. Dr. Carter You havent been doing too well, thats true. I think you failed your last assignment, didnt you? Amy Ive failed the last one and the one before and I only just scraped through the first one. The problem is that Im not very interested in economics. I think thats why I dont really try and then... Dr. Carter So what are you saying, Amy? Amy I really feel that I should drop economics and pick up Spanish again. Dr. Carter And have you ever dealt with Spanish? Amy Yeah, I did first year Spanish last year, and I got really good marks. Dr. Carter So here, I really dont understand why you took up economics this year then. Amy Well, everyone told me that economics was more important than a language and I felt itd be really useful for further study. Dr. Carter It seems to not be your interest. And are you studying Spanish by yourself? Amy Well, at first I thought I could keep up my Spanish on my own with a private teacher. The problem is that I just dont seem to have time to do everything. Dr. Carter Surely Spanish isnt too time consuming. Amy No, it wouldnt be except that I um, Ive got a part-time job in a restaurant three nights a week...I cant give that up because I really need the money. I just um, cant fit it all in. Dr. Carter Oh, you must have spent a lot on that. Do you think such a part-time job puts too much pressure on your curricular performance? Amy To some extent, it does definitely. Dr. Carter We could offer you extra help with the economics if you are willing to stick to it. Amy No, really Dr. Carter, I dont think it would be any good. I want to change. Dr. Carter Yes, I can see that your mind is made up. Well, I have no objection, especially as you have a background in Spanish, but youll have to go and see Dr. Brown in the Spanish Department and see whether hell accept you or not. Amy Ok, Ill go and see him first. Would you be able to have a word with him about it as well, Dr. Carter? Dr. Carter You can tell him to phone me for a reference if he wants to. I must get to my lecture now. Let me know how you get on. Amy Thanks, Dr. Carter. I will.Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and her tutor. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Why did Amy go to see Dr, Carter?

A.She was unwell.

B.She was worried,

C.She was stressed.

D.She was depresse

Speaker A: I can't stand the school cafeteria. The food is terrible.Speaker B:______A.I ag

Speaker A: I can't stand the school cafeteria. The food is terrible.

Speaker B:______

A.I agree with you. It's quite difficult to find a seat in the cafeteria.

B.Yeah, you will feel more comfortable if you sit down.

C.Yeah, but that's not the worst thing about it. It's also very dirty.

D.I don't see why they don't supply some seats for us.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and her tutor. Amy Morning,
Dr. Carter. Im sorry to disturb you. But may I speak to you about my course? Dr. Carter Yes, come in, Amy. But anyway, I havent got long, because I have to give a lecture in half an hour. Amy Alright. I would just like to finish talking about the problem I have with you. I think it wont take a long time. Dr. Carter Sure. Whats the problem? Sit down. Amy Well, Im having problems with one of my subjects economics. Im not doing very well and Im a bit concerned about it. Dr. Carter You havent been doing too well, thats true. I think you failed your last assignment, didnt you? Amy Ive failed the last one and the one before and I only just scraped through the first one. The problem is that Im not very interested in economics. I think thats why I dont really try and then... Dr. Carter So what are you saying, Amy? Amy I really feel that I should drop economics and pick up Spanish again. Dr. Carter And have you ever dealt with Spanish? Amy Yeah, I did first year Spanish last year, and I got really good marks. Dr. Carter So here, I really dont understand why you took up economics this year then. Amy Well, everyone told me that economics was more important than a language and I felt itd be really useful for further study. Dr. Carter It seems to not be your interest. And are you studying Spanish by yourself? Amy Well, at first I thought I could keep up my Spanish on my own with a private teacher. The problem is that I just dont seem to have time to do everything. Dr. Carter Surely Spanish isnt too time consuming. Amy No, it wouldnt be except that I urn, Ive got a part-time job in a restaurant three nights a week...I cant give that up because I really need the money. I just urn, cant fit it all in. Dr. Carter Oh, you must have spent a lot on that. Do you think such a part-time job puts too much pressure on your curricular performance? Amy To some extent, it does definitely. Dr. Carter We could offer you extra help with the economics if you are willing to stick to it. Amy No, really Dr. Carter, I dont think it would be any good. I want to change. Dr. Carter Yes, I can see that your mind is made up. Well, I have no objection, especially as you have a background in Spanish, but youll have to go and see Dr. Brown in the Spanish Department and see whether hell accept you or not. Amy Ok, Ill go and see him first. Would you be able to have a word with him about it as well, Dr. Carter? Dr. Carter You can tell him to phone me for a reference if he wants to. I must get to my lecture now. Let me know how you get on. Amy Thanks, Dr. Carter. I will. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 1. Why did Amy go to see Dr. Carter? 2. How many assignments has Amy failed? 3. Why did Amy take up economics? 4. Amy is not studying Spanish at present. What does she lack? 5. What does Dr. Carter promise to help Amy?Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and her tutor. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Why did Amy go to see Dr. Carter?

A.She was unwell.

B.She was worried.

C.She was stressed.

D.She was depressed.

听力原文:M: You like living in the city, dont you? W: Oh, I love it. Its so convenient. I
can take the bus to work, or the subway, or the taxi. And there is so much more to do. M: I know what you mean. Id like to live in the city, but to live in the suburbs is better for children. W:Well, there are a lot of good things about suburban living. But, as a working woman, I think a city has all the conveniences, including the best food and fastest news. M: But there are more trees, grass and fresh air in the suburbs. W:Yeah, but living in a city, its convenient to go everywhere. There are lots of movie houses, theatres and so on. You can take them to the suburbs on weekends. M: Yeah, my children are at the right age. There are lots of things for them here. W: You are right. They are at the library in Brooklyn. And they come back home for lunch, then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. There is so much for young people to see and do. M: Not just for young people. What about me? Ive never been to the Museum of Natural History. W: Neither have I. When I was a child, I used to go to the Museum of Art. M: Ive been there several times. Twice with children. W: Well, I have an idea. Next weekend, lets go to the Museum of Natural History. M: OK, thats really a very nice idea. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. What does the man think of living in the suburbs? 14. What is the mans opinion of the city? 15. What do we know about the woman according to the conversation?14.

A.The children are too young to benefit from city life.

B.Even adults themselves cannot go everywhere in the city.

C.There is a lot to see and do for children and adults.

D.There isn"t a lot to see and do for children.

听力原文:M: What do you think of my new sweater, Tracy? W: Well, its very nice as far as
I can see, but put it on first, then Ill tell you if it suits you. M: I tried on about twenty times. This one isnt really what I wanted. W: Why did you buy it then? M: The salesman sold it to me before I realised what had happened. He just never stopped talking and he told me some stories about the latest fashion and special reductions. Before I could say anything hed wrapped it up and taken my money. W: Well, it doesnt look too bad. I think it looks good on you. M: But I went out to get a blue sweater with a V-neck, short sleeves and pattern, and I came home with a brown one with a high neck, long sleeves and no pattern. W: You must be easily taken in. Youve got to learn to stand up to these high-pressure salesmen. Theyll sell you all sorts of things you dont want if you dont watch out. M: Next time Ill send my wife. Shell probably sell something to the salesman. W: Thats a good idea. Actually women are good at shopping. Whenever my husband and I buy something important, I have the final say. M: I must admit that women have better taste in shopping. I should simply leave the whole business to them. W: Yes, I agree. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What is the main idea of this conversation? 10. Why does the man buy a sweater which he doesnt like? 11. Which character is not true about the sweater that the man buys? 12. What is the womans suggestion?10.

A.The one he likes doesn"t suit him.

B.This sweater is on special.

C.This sweater is the most fashionable one.

D.He is tricked by the salesman.

听力原文: Collecting information about pre-employment and filling out an application fo
rm. are closely connected. However, filling out an application form. is much easier because you have total control and have enough time to think and plan. That you are given a form. to fill out does not necessarily mean you have to answer all the questions in it. If the form. contains unclear questions or terms and conditions, you can make some changes before signing it, or refuse to answer some of the questions. What you must realise is that those terms and conditions have been written by highly-paid lawyers. Each word is important, or it would not be there; and you can be sure that there is not anything there that is written with your interests in mind. I know what I speak of, because as a lawyer for Litton Industries, I wrote the terms and conditions that were printed on the back of order forms. I wrote the most tiring terms and conditions anyone has ever seen. Still, 90 percent of the buyers would just sign on them without questioning anything. If anyone questions them, we would reach an agreement on something that was acceptable to both sides. So when you see a preprinted application that contains questions or terms and conditions, read it all and read it slowly. If you dont like something, you can simply change the parts you dont like. Remember that everything can be settled by discussion. To what degree it can be settled depends on your position, of course, and that is something only you can determine. Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. 16. Why is filling out application forms much easier? 17. What can we learn from the expression "Each word is important"? 18. What can we infer from the passage?16.

A.Each question in a form. must be answered.

B.Everything in a form. must be read carefully.

C.Something of your interest is most important.

D.The conditions that interest you are changeable.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to a conversation between Ana and her tutor about her courses se
ttlement. Tutor Have you settled in? Ana Yes, I feel quite at home now. I havent gotten used to the food yet, but Im enjoying life on campus. Tutor Good. Now wed better make sure you enjoy your studies. We offer a very wide range of options on foundation courses, as you know; but you can only take six modules. Do you know what you want to do yet? Ana Yes, more or less, but Im not sure whether to do biological sciences or German. Tutor Well, thats quite a difference. You want to do computer studies, dont you? Ana Mmmm, yeah. Tutor Well, lets see youve selected to do physical sciences, basic electronics, art and design CAD—thats computer design-.....isnt it? Ana Computer-aided design actually, "CAD", but... Tutor Oh, right, anyway, CAD and...and English. Thats quite a range. Dont you want to do maths or computer programming, for example? Why do you choose to do art and design? Ana Well, Im interested in electronics in computers - especially in writing computer games. Id like to produce educational software, educational games, eventually, Ive taught myself a lot of programming. I dont think Id benefit much from a foundation-level course. Tutor Oh. No...no, I see that, goon. Ana So, er, I want the basics—physical science and electronics—I was hopeless at physics at school, and we didnt have electronics but I was good at maths—I dont think I need that. Tutor ...and the art and design? Ana That will be good for graphics I need that to produce games CAD too Ive never done CAD before. Tutor No, right, theyve got some powerful packages in the computer graphics and CAD Offices youll enjoy that. So...that leaves English. Its mostly English lit. I know your English is very good, but do you know you can take English as a foreign language? That is one of the modules in the foundation year. Ana No, no, I didnt. Thats great if theyve got classes at my level. I dont have any problem speaking, but my writing is terrible. Tutor Oh, Im sure they have. Go and talk to them in the EFL Department. Oh, and I suggest you join the study skills classes too. Theyll have sessions on report writing and so on. Ana Great, I really need some help with my writing, especially spelling. Tutor Well, that would be in the EFL classes study skills would help more with how to structure your essays and so on ...Now, your last module... Ana Yeah...well...I gave up biology at school to do physics—but I much prefer biology Id like to do some more while I can but German is very important in technical subjects, so I want to do that too. Tutor Well, you could do it as an option next year—you do know that? Ana No, I didnt. I mean, I didnt check. Tutor Yes. Yes, I think thats the thing to do concentrate on your English this year you could take a Cambridge proficiency youll need IELTS for the first year of the degree—then, start German next year. Ana Right, that sounds good. Tutor Good, well, if you have any problems, academic or otherwise, just come and see me. Ana Ok, thanks. Tutor Im on extension 7459. Ana 7459. Tutor Thats it, just leave a message if Im not in the office. OK, if theres nothing else... Ana No...no, thats fine, thanks. Tutor Good-bye. Ana Bye. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 24. What is the dialogue mainly about? 25. Why does Ana choose to do computer design? 26. What are the suggestions that the tutor gave to Ana on her course settlement in the foundation year? 27. According to the dialogue, which of the following statements are true of the discussion between Ana and her tutor? Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Tutor Well, lets see--youve selected to do physical sciences, basic electronics, art and design CAD thats computer design—isnt it? Ana Computer-aided design actually, "CAD", but... Tutor Oh, right, anyway, CAD and ...And English. Thats quite a range. Dont you want to do maths or computer programming, for example? Why do you choose to do art and design? 28. What can be inferred from the tutors questions to Ana? Listen again to part of the dialogue. Then answer the question. Tutor Thats it, just leave a message if Im not in the office. Ok, if theres nothing else... 29. What does the tutor mean when he says this? Tutor OK, if theres nothing else...Narrator Listen to a conversation between Ana and her tutor about her courses settlement. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What is the dialogue mainly about?

A.A very wide range of options on the foundation courses.

B.Ana"s course settlement in the foundation year.

C.Various modules in the foundation year.

D.The importance of taking a Cambridge proficiency test.

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