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The texture of the soil depends on the relative amounts of different-sized particles that

combine to make up the soil. These particles can be as large as stone and gravel or as small as clay.

A typical clay soil is composed of approximately 60 percent actual clay, 20 percent silt, and 20 percent sand. The particles in a sandy soil are so fine that it tends to be compact and interferes with the oxygen supply for plant roots. Water has trouble entering this impervious soil, and runoff is very common during rainfalls.

A typical light sandy soil is composed of approximately 70 percent sand, 20 percent silt, and 10 percent clay. The particles in a sandy soil are comparatively large, permitting water to enter the soil and to pass through it so quickly that it often carries nutrients with it and dries out very rapidly. The texture of sandy soils is generally very difficult to modify because huge amounts of organic material must be added.

A typical loam soil is composed of approximately 40 percent sand, 40 percent silt, and 20 percent clay, making it an ideal garden soil. It is easily worked and retains water and nutrients, which are slowly absorbed by plant roots.

A typical adobe soil is a clay soil present in hot, dry areas of the country and is often very hard and cracked. It has all the disadvantages of a heavy clay soil and, being much drier, is more difficult to correct.

What is the author's main purpose in this passage?

A.To tell gardeners how to modify their soil.

B.To classify soil types on the basis of their composition.

C.To illustrate the effects of soil type on plant growth.

D.To show how water is absorbed by different soil.

提问人:网友gzmeng 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“The texture of the soil depend…”相关的问题

A、#include<stdio.h> #define NUM 50 struct desk { char texure[NUM]; char brand[NUM]; char function[NUM]; float price; } int main() { struct desk desk1={"wood","Top Cop.","up and down",1880 }; struct desk desk2={"composite","ordinary","80*100",600}; printf("compare two desks:\n"); printf("1: texture: %s %s\n",desk1.texure,desk2.texture); printf("2:brand: %s %s\n",desk1.brand,desk2.brand); printf("3:function:%s %s\n",desk1.function,desk2.function); printf("4:price: %.2f,%.2f\n",desk1.price,desk2.price); return 0; }

B、#include<stdio.h> #define NUM 50 struct desk { char texure[NUM]; char brand[NUM]; char function[NUM]; float price; } int main() { struct desk desk1,desk2; printf("compare two desks:\n"); printf("1: texture: %s %s\n",desk1.texure,desk2.texture); printf("2:brand: %s %s\n",desk1.brand,desk2.brand); printf("3:function:%s %s\n",desk1.function,desk2.function); printf("4:price: %.2f,%.2f\n",desk1.price,desk2.price); return 0; }

C、#include<stdio.h> #define NUM 50 struct desk { char texture[NUM]; char brand[NUM]; char function[NUM]; float price; }; int main() { struct desk desk1={"wood","Top Cop.","up and down",1880 }; struct desk desk2={"composite","ordinary","80*100",600}; printf("compare two desks:\n"); printf("1: texture: %s %s\n",desk1.texture,desk2.texture); printf("2:brand: %s %s\n",desk1.brand,desk2.brand); printf("3:function:%s %s\n",desk1.function,desk2.function); printf("4:price: %.2f,%.2f\n",desk1.price,desk2.price); return 0; }


听力原文:Establishing a good "breakfast habit" for your baby is what a mother should do. T
his food is excellent for babies. It has iron added and more texture, which are needed in baby’s diet. I am sure your baby will enjoy it and will develop healthy eating habits.

?You will hear five people selling products.

?For each recording, decide what the speaker is selling.

?Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the reconding.

?Do not use any letter more than once.

?You will hear the five recordings twice.

A drug for external use

B mobile phone

C skin care products

D computer

E car

F gloves

G baby cereals

H camera

听力原文:Forming a good "breakfast habit" for your baby is what a mother should do. This f
ood is excellent for babies. It has iron added and more texture, which are needed in baby's diet. I am sure your baby will enjoy it and will develop healthy eating habits.

You will hear five short recordings.

For each recording, decide what the speaker is selling.

Write one letter(A--H)next to the number of the recording.

Do not use any letter more than once.

After you have listened once, replay each recording.

A. medicine

B. mobile phone

C. skin care products

D. bicycle

E. car

F. gloves

G. baby cereals

H. camera

Soil quality is one of the most basic and perhaps least understood indicators of land heal
th. Soil supports plant growth and represents the living reservoir that buffers the flows of water, nutrients, and energy through an ecosystem. Soil quality refers to the capacity of a soil to perform. these beneficial functions and is determined by its texture, structure, water-holding capacity, porosity, organic matter content, and depth, among other properties. Because soils naturally vary in their capacity to perform. these functions, we must tie our understanding of soil quality to landscapes and land use. We must understand soil quality for two important reasons: First, we must match our use and management of land to soil capability. Second, we must establish baseline understanding about soil quality so we can recognize ongoing trends. If soil quality is stable or improving, we have a good indicator that the ecosystem is sustainable. If soil quality is deteriorating, the larger ecosystem will almost certainly decline with it.

People describe soil types in all kind of ways such as beavy, light, sandy, clay, loam, poor or good. Soil scientists describe soil types by how much sand, silt and clay is present. This is called texture. It is possible to change the texture by adding different things to the soil. You can roughly estimate the texture of a soil by a simple method called" manual texturing", through determining the feel of a moist sample when robbed between the thumb and forefinger. If the soil sample is predominantly sand, it will feel very gritty, If it is predominantly silt, it will feel smooth or slippery to the touch. And if it's predominant clay, it will feel sticky.

Particle size has a lot to do with a soil's drainage and nutrient holding capacity. Sand is the largest particle and doesn't hold many nutrients. Silt is a soil particle whose size is between sand and clay. When wet, silt feels smooth, but not sticky. Clay is smooth when dry and sticky when wet. Soils high in clay content are called heavy soils. Clay also can hold a lot of nutrients, but doesn't let air and water throuhgh it well. To better understand how big these three soil particles are, think of them like this. If a particle of sand were the size of a basketball, then silt would be the size of a baseball, and clay would be the size of golf ball.

According to the passage, which of the following has NOTHING to do with soil quality?





Echolocating bats emit sounds in patterns — characteristic of each species — that contain
both frequency-modulated (FM) and constant-frequency (CF) signals. The broadband FM signals and the narrowband CF signals travel out to a target, reflect from it, and return to the hunting hat. In this process of transmission and reflection, the sounds are changed,and the changes in the echoes enable the bat to perceive features of the target.

The FM signals report information about target characteristics that modify the timing and the fine frequency structure, or spectrum, of echoes --for example, the target's size, shape, texture, surface structure, and direction in space. Because of their narrow bandwidth, CF signals portray only the target’s pre, nee and, in the case of some bat species, its motion relative to the bat's. Responding to changes in the CF echo's frequency, bats of some species correct, their course in flight for the direction and velocity of their moving prey.

Which of the following is TRUE of CF echoes?

A.They enable the bat to determine the size of the target.

B.They help identify the range of widely spaced targets.

C.In some species, they enable the bat to judge whether it is closing in on its target.

D.In some species, they help the bat to tell the shape of the target.

Raccoon is an American Indian name for a small, tree-climbing animal, Raccoons are mainly
active at night. They are restless, known for their "bandit' s masks (强盗面孔)" ,ringed tails, and curiosity. A regular visitor to lakes and rivers, the raccoon lives on fish as well as nuts, fruits, and eggs. One ihteresting thing about this animal is that he always washes his meal. He does so be- cause of the habit of feeling his food for texture (软硬) and size, for the skillful and quick animals sharp of touch heightens when his fingers are wet.

In northern areas, the raccoon's activity drops off considerably during the winter, but he does not actually totally rest.

The raccoon family is usually made up of a mother and her young. After mom bears babies, she becomes teacher, protector, and provider of food. At first she nurses her babies; later she goes in search of solid food to bring back to her young.

Raccoons are born in the spring and are fed with mother's milk until late summer. Mother shows her children how to climb a tree quickly to escape enemies, how to swim, and how to catch mice and other small animals.

Raccoons are famous for their nighttime search in trash cans (垃圾桶). They can find a home almost anywhere.

One special thing about the raccoon is that______.

A.it can climb trees

B.it is active at night

C.it washes the food it eats

D.it has a sharp sense of smell

In primitive societies sick people had to rely on medicine men andwitch doctors.(Some peo

In primitive societies sick people had to rely on medicine men and

witch doctors.(Some people still rely on them. ) It was believed that a per-

son was sick because he has been attacked by evil spirits The witch doctor's S1.______

job was to drive away these spirits. S2.______

His technique involved a combination of three methods, first of which S3.______

was religious. He chanted magic words, and used good luck charms which

he thought had power on the evil spirits that supposedly had entered the S4.______

victim's body. Secondly, he deliberately fed the ancient mixtures, and were S5.______

often filthy and disgusting, to make the evil spirits so uncomfortable that

they would glad run away and so enable the patient to get well. The third S6.______

method was to give the patient medicines preparing from certain plants and S7.______

herbs that were similar in shape or texture to the various organs of the

body. From our points of view, this was the only method that had any val- S8.______

ue. Modem scientific study has shown that some of these remedies had real

usefulness in curing sickness, and at least in relieving pain, but not for the S9.______

reasons advanced by the witch doctors. S10.______


Why does one person's mouth water at the mere mention of oysters .【C1】______ someone else'
s curls in disgust? Puzzling【C2】______ the many reasons has left scientists feeling at times like blind men trying to【C3】______ an elephant. We are turned【C4】______ or off by the flavor, smell, texture and appearance of some food. Here, cultural biases come into【C5】______ .

We are born liking sweet tastes and disliking bitter ones.【C6】______ we learn other fondnesses and aversions. Psychologist Paul of the University of Pennsylvania assumed that we【C7】______ these things from our parents. But when he 【C8】______ the first survey on food preferences within families, he was【C9】______ to find he was wrong. Parents were proved to have no【C10】______ effect on their children's likes and dislikes or desire to try new foods.【C11】______ he concluded that cultural background is the single most powerful influence on our tastes because it 【C12】______ us to certain combinations of foods and flavors. Americans are familiar with salmon poached or broiled and【C13】______ with lemon, while the Japanese eat it raw and garnished with ginger.

But in a recent interview, Paul was quick to point to the 【C14】______ in his theory: "There's a lot of【C15】______ in tastes within nationalities." To be sure, not all Japanese like【C16】______ salmon, and many Americans have 【C17】______ their cultural bias against raw fish and now enjoy it. Individual food【C18】______ , Paul believes, "are【C19】______ .If you get sick on something once, you're not【C20】______ to eat it again."






Soil quality is one of the most basic and perhaps least understood indicators of land heal
th. Soil supports plant growth and represents the living reservoir that buffers tile flows of water, nutrients, and energy through an ecosystem. Soil quality refers to the capacity of a soil to perform. these beneficial functions and is determined by its texture, structure, water-holding capacity, porosity, organic matter content, and depth, among other properties. Because soils naturally vary in their capacity to perform. these functions, we must tie our understanding of soil quality to landscapes and land use. We must understand soil quality for two important reasons: First, we must match our use and management of land to soil capability. Second, we must establish baseline understanding about soil quality so we can recognize ongoing trends. If soil quality is stable or improving, we have a good indicator that the ecosystem is sustainable. If soil quality is deteriorating, the larger ecosystem will almost certainly decline with it.

People describe soil types in all kinds of ways such as heavy, light, sandy, clay, loam, poor or good. Soil scientists describe soil types by how much sand, silt and clay is present. This is called texture. It is possible to change the texture by adding different things to the soil. You can roughly estimate the texture of a soil by a simply method called "manual texturing", through determining the feel of a moist sample when rubbed between the thumb and forefinger. If the soil sample is predominantly sand, it will feel very gritty. If it is predominantly silt, it will feel smooth or slippery to the touch. And if it is predominantly clay, it will feel sticky.

Particle size has a lot to do with a soil's drainage and nutrient holding capacity. Sand is the largest particle and doesn't hold many nutrients. Silt is a soil particle whose size is between sand and clay. When wet, silt feels smooth but not sticky. Clay is smooth when dry and sticky when wet. Soils high in clay content are called heavy soils. Clay also can hold a lot of nutrients, but doesn't let air and water through it well. To better understand how big these three soil particles are, think of them like this. If a particle of sand were the size of a basketball, then silt would be the size of a baseball, and clay would be the size of a golf ball.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Characteristics of soil quality.

B.Particles typically found in soils.

C.The importance of soil texture.

D.How to determine soil texture.

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