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Richard Brown, President Document Makers Salem, MA 34588Dear Mr. Brown:As someone who (141

Richard Brown, President

Document Makers Salem,

MA 34588

Dear Mr. Brown:

As someone who (141) with your company for over 3 years, we were very disappointed to see the documents you produced for our latest Drivers Co. publicity campaign.

As our written agreement stipulated, we expected full color leaflets with explanatory texts, but instead, we found that black and white photos had been included in the prepared leaflets. I think you will agree that a (142) problem exists.

We would like you to send out a (143) to provide us with the promised color coverage, or provide us with a refund.

Yours truly,

Thomas R. Smith,



A.are working

B.will work


D.has worked

提问人:网友terencefish 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Richard Brown, President Docum…”相关的问题
Thomas R. Smith Drivers Co.3489 Greene Ave. Olympia, WA 98502Dear Mr. Smith,I was very (14

Thomas R. Smith Drivers Co.

3489 Greene Ave.

Olympia, WA 98502

Dear Mr. Smith,

I was very (141) to read your letter of August 17 dealing with the issue of incorrectly produced publicity leaflets. As someone who values your business, I have already begun to find a(an) (142) to resolve this problem.

My top photographer will call you to arrange an appointment at your earliest possible convenience to retake photos in full color. Also, we will deduct another 15 percent of the bill for the misunderstanding. Thank you for your (143).


Richard Brown







The 12-member delegation was led by _________.A.France's UN AmbassadorB.South Africa Presi

The 12-member delegation was led by _________.

A.France's UN Ambassador

B.South Africa President Thabo Mbeki

C.former President Ketumile Masire of Botswana

D.former President Nelson Mandela of South Africa

France's highest court halted the final voyage of the Clemenceau becauseA.the French Presi

France's highest court halted the final voyage of the Clemenceau because

A.the French President Jacque Chirac has ordered the return of it.

B.some substances on board the ship may harm people's health.

C.the Clemenceau should return to France at the end of the week.

D.the French President is ordering a test to discover what is on board.

根据材料,回答 91~96 题 [1] “Daddy, you're crying,” say my sons. “No, boys, I'm man-cryi

根据材料,回答 91~96 题

[1] “Daddy, you're crying,” say my sons. “No, boys, I'm man-crying. Very useful skill.”

[2] A short walk from my house in Hampshire, on a hill overlooking the heathland,is a plaque marking the spot where Richard Pryce Jones deliberately crashed his Halifax bomber during the war. ① He could have parachuted to safety, but that would have meant crashing into the village. The epitaph reads: “He died that others might live.”

[3] It never fails to move me. Not to tears, you understand. That would be disrespectful. But I do usually manage a lump in the throat and that film of moisture over the eyes that men have in their emotional armoury. ②Gordon Brown demonstrated the non-crying cry beautifully when he made his farewell speech on the steps of Number 10. That catch in the throat. The determination not to weep in public. At that moment, if at no other,he had nobility.

[4] Not everyone can carry it off. I don't think Paul Gascoigne ever quite got the hang of it, for example.But I like to think I have it down to an art. My technique honed from years of watching The Railway Children,Sleepless in Seattle and that scene in Dumbo when the mother elephant is locked away. “Daddy!” my sons will say, pointing the accusing finger. “You're crying!”

[5] “Me? Over Dumbo? Ha ha ha. No, boys, what I am doing is man-crying, a sort of non-crying cry. I'll teach you it one day. Very useful.”

[6] They are too young to appreciate the nuance yet, but when they are older I will explain that open sobbing is associated with being female, and so inappropriate for men. ③ The Charlie Chaplin analogy might be useful here. He once said that the way to act drunk is to imagine yourself a drunk man trying to act sober. The same is true when a man learns the non-crying cry. To be convincing, you must look as if you are trying to avoid tears.

[7] Men have to be careful what they cry at, because some subjects are more worthy of tears than others.Grief, obviously. But not self-pity. And rarely should a man cry in pain. And never at the death of a princess he didn't know. Those are the rules.

[8] I suspect my colleague Matt Pritchett might be with me on this. One of his cartoons showed a father next to a television tuned to the World Cup, explaining to his children that “at some point in the next few weeks, you are going to see me cry”.④ And the day after the last survivor of the Great Escape died, he did a cartoon showing a gravestone with a mound of tunnelled earth trailing away from it. I seemed to have something in my eye when I saw that, and I expect he had the same something in his eye when he drew it.

第 91 题 Richard Pryce Jones didn't parachute because __________.

[A] he was not allowed to do so

[B] he wanted to save his plane [C] he was afraid of parachute jump

[D] he didn't want to take the villagers' lives

When the end of the world comes, we'll know what to blame. Scientists have found compellin
g evidence that the Sun has a baby brother, a dark star whose eccentric orbit is responsible for periodically showering the Earth with comets and meteorites.

The dark star -- named Nemesis by astronomers -- is thought to be a brown dwarf that spins round the Sun in an orbit so large it is measured in light years, the distance light travels in a year, equivalent to about 6,000 billion miles.

The research suggests that, every 26m years, the star's eccentric orbit brings it within one light year of the solar system. There it causes havoc in the Oort Cloud, a huge region surrounding the solar system that contains billions of bits of cosmic rabble left over from the formation of planets.

Of the millions of rocks it throws out of orbit at each visit, some hurtle Earthwards, and have several times nearly wiped out life on Earth.

Astronomers have long wondered if the Sun has a smaller partner. Recently, two independent groups of researchers have found evidence of one.

One group, led by John Matese, professor of physics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, confirms the notion that it is most likely to be a brown dwarf, a star that never accumulated enough mass to ignite and which has simply sat in space smoldering for billions of years.

Matese studied 82 comets from the Oort Cloud and found common elements in the shape of their orbits that could only be explained if they had been influenced by the gravitational pull of an object several times the size of Jupiter and existing about 25,000 times farther from the Sun than the Earth.

Matese said: "A companion to the Sun orbiting at these distances would have little effect on the planets. But it would play a big role in the way comets 'made their way' from their birth places in the planetary disc out to the Oort Cloud and in how they can return to the inner solar system."

Further research was published by Richard Muller, professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, following analyses of moon rock samples brought back to Earth by Apollo 14.

The absence of a protective atmosphere means the moon has been subjected to intense bombardment in its 4.5 billion-year existence.

Muller's breakthrough was to find a way to date how long ago any particle was melted -- meaning he could build up a picture of whether the moon gets a constant barrage or suffers spells of intense bombardment.

He said, "The evidence clearly shows that the moon has gone through spells of relatively frequent impacts and others of reduced intensity. I believe it is likely that this is because the Oort Cloud is being disturbed by a massive body that is throwing comets out of stable orbits, a small fraction of which could reach the Earth."

Muller and others believe that the dark star probably takes about 26m years to complete an orbit around the sun.

Other scientists have already noted that mass extinctions of life on Earth seem to occur in a pattern with gaps equivalent to multiples of 26m, suggesting some regular event is causing the comets to come Earth's way.

The best-known such event was the one that wiped out the dinosaurs 65m years ago, but that was not the worst; the planet has suffered several such large mass extinctions.

Astronomers have found the first Earth-sized planet orbiting another star. The discovery raises the chances of finding planets that could support life as we know it.

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Nemesis?

A.It contributes to showering of comets on the earth.

B.It is a smaller partner of the Sun.

C.It has a large orbit.

D.It contains bits of cosmic rubble.

1. Richard Jacques
Architects are hopeless when it comes to deciding whether the public will view their desig
ns as marvels or monstrosities, according to a study by Canadian psychologists. They say designers should go back to school to learn about ordinary people's tastes.

Many buildings that appeal to architects get the thumbs down from the public. Robert Gifford of the University of Victoria in British Columbia decided to find out whether architects understand public preferences and simply disagree with them, or fail to understand the lay person's view.

With his colleague Graham Brown, he asked 25 experienced architects to look at photos of 42 large buildings in the US, Canada, Europe and Hong Kong. The architects predicted how the public would rate the buildings on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 represented "terrible” and 10"excellent". A further 27 people who were not architects also scored the buildings out of 10. In addition, eight architects gave their own personal ratings of the buildings.

The three groups tended to agree among themselves on a building's merits. And architects correctly predicted that lay people would on average rate buildings higher than they did themselves. But for individual buildings, the architects' perceptions of what the lay people would think were often way off the mark. "Some architects are quite good at predicting lay preferences, but others are not only poor at it, they get it backwards,” says Gilford.

For instance, architects gave the Stockley Park Building B-3 offices in London a moderate rating of 5.2. They thought the public would like it much better, predicting a rating of 6.3. But the public actually disliked the offices, and gave it 4.7. Gifford thinks that lay people respond to specific features of buildings, such as durability and originality, and hopes to pin down what they are.

"Architects in architecture school need to be taught how lay people think about buildings," Gifford concludes. He doesn't think designers should pander to the lowest common denominator, but suggests they should aspire towards buildings that appeal to the public and architects alike, such as the Bank of China building in Hong Kong.

Marco Goldschmeid of the Richard Rogers Partnership, designers of the Millennium Dome in London, thinks the study is flawed. "The authors have assumed, wrongly, that buildings can be meaningfully judged from photographs rather than actual visits," he says. Goldschmeid thinks it would be more significant and interesting to look at the divergence of public taste between generations.

What does the first paragraph of this passage imply?

A.Architects have a dark future in designing marvelous buildings.

B.Architects don't care about how ordinary people view their designs.

C.It is very difficult for architects to please the general public.

D.Architects don't know much about the public tastes for buildings.

Richard would like Meimei to call him______.


B、Uncle Richard

C、Mr. Richard


Richard Ellis is best described as a whaleA.writer.B.photographer.C.researcher.D.hunter.

Richard Ellis is best described as a whale





A.He envied Richard's marriage.B.He was guilty of Richard's death.C.He felt lucky with

A.He envied Richard's marriage.

B.He was guilty of Richard's death.

C.He felt lucky with no rival in town.

D.He thought of Richard from time to time.

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