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You're Not Picky Enough If...1. You are willing to date anyone fairly decent, regardless o

You're Not Picky Enough If...

1. You are willing to date anyone fairly decent, regardless of whether or not he or she is a good match for you.

You don't want much from a partner. If he or she has a sense of humor, a job and feelings for you, then he or she is good enough.

You get into relationships quickly.

You accept lots of imperfections in your partner.

You date people to whom you are not physically attracted.

If you identify more with the "not picky enough" list, you mostly end up with people who aren't very good matches for you. Perhaps, not having been in a relationship in a long time, you are so desperate for love that being with any person seems better than being alone.

If you are not picky enough,

A.date someone, whether he or she is decent enough.

B.date someone, whether he or she has a sense of humor.

C.date someone, whether you are physically attracted.

D.date someone, whether he or she has feelings for you.

提问人:网友cherrylin 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“You're Not Picky Enough If...1…”相关的问题
听力原文:I'm afraid you're being too particular about your food. What does the speaker imp

听力原文:I'm afraid you're being too particular about your food.

What does the speaker imply?

A.Your food is special.

B.Your food is nice.

C.You are picky about food.

D.You like some particular food.

Are You Too Picky Enough?When it comes to love, are you too picky... or not picky enough?

Are You Too Picky Enough?

When it comes to love, are you too picky... or not picky enough? If you have been in one or more long term relationships and are now single again, you may find yourself at one of these two extremes. However, by adjusting your expectations you may improve your chances of finding true love. Read on to see how you can adjust your pickiness level.

You're Too Picky If ...

1. You have no problem getting dates, but everyone you go out with turns you off in some way.

2. You have very specific ideas about who your partner needs to be when it comes to things like income level, profession, interests, etc.

3. You need a person to prove himself or herself to you many times before you even consider accepting him or her.

4. You expect that your partner will never let you down.

5. You will only date a particular "type" person or someone with a particular style.

If you identify more with the "too picky" list, it may be because you are trying to protect yourself from being hurt. You may seek perfection in others with the hope that a "perfect" partner would never cause you pain. Because of this, you tend to end up alone.

According to the passage, which of the following means that you are too picky?

A.You don't want much from a partner.

B.You date people to whom you are not physically attracted.

C.You have no problem getting dates, but everyone you go out with turns you off.

D.You are willing to date anyone fairly decent, whether or not a good match for you.

听力原文:M: Hi, Susan. Where have you been?W: Hi, David. I was just at the library. I have

听力原文:M: Hi, Susan. Where have you been?

W: Hi, David. I was just at the library. I have to hand in my biology paper tomorrow.

M: Tomorrow? Oh, no[ I thought it wasn't due until next week.

W: Oh. Don't worry. It is due next Tuesday. But I'm going away for the weekend and won't be back till Monday night.

M: Oh, where are you going?

W: Philadelphia. We're having a family reunion. It's my grandmother's eightieth birthday.

M: Great! How many people will be there?

W: Around sixty.

M: It seems that your family are pretty close.

W: You said it. So have you started working on your biology paper?

M: Yeah. I'm doing it on bees and how they're able to recognize whether another bee is related to them.

W: How can they tell?

M: They use their sense of smell. The bees guard their nests this way. If another bee approaches the nest, the guard determines if the new bee is familiar. If it is, it's allowed to enter.

W: Sounds interesting. Can other insects do this?

M: Well, as far as I am concerned, some wasps can. Each wasp nest has a special combination of plant fibers and so the wasps that live there have a unique smell.

W: Urn, it sounds like that the bees are picky about who comes to their family reunion.


A.They're roommates.

B.They're classmates.

C.They're cousins.

D.They're lab partners.

听力原文:M: Hi, Sue. Where have you been?W: Oh. Hi, Dan. I was just at the library. I have

听力原文:M: Hi, Sue. Where have you been?

W: Oh. Hi, Dan. I was just at the library. I have to hand in my biology paper tomorrow.

M: Tomorrow? Oh, no. I thought it wasn't due till Monday.

W: Oh. Don't worry. It is due Monday. But I'm going away for the weekend and won't be back till Monday night.

M: Oh, where are you going?

W: California. We're having a family reunion. It's my grandmother's ninetieth birthday. So all the cousins and aunts and uncles are going. She planned the whole thing herself.

M: Wow. That's great. How many people will be there?

W: Around sixty. My family is big and spread out but we're pretty dose. So have you started working on your biology paper?

M: Yeah. I'm doing it on bees and how they're able to recognize whether another bee is related to them.

W: How can they tell?

M: They use their sense of smell. The honey bees guard their nests this way. If another bee approaches the nest, the guard determines if the new bee is familiar. If it is, it's allowed to enter.

W: Interesting. Can other insects do this? Well, the paper wasps can. Each wasp nest has a special combination of plant fibers and se the wasps that live there have a unique smell. Those two are the only kinds I've read about so far.

M: Well, you've still got time. It sounds like that the bees are picky about who comes to their family reunion.


A.They' re classmates.

B.They' re roommates.

C.They' re cousins.

D.They' re lab partners.

According to the passage, what will result if you are too picky enough?A.Your partner will

According to the passage, what will result if you are too picky enough?

A.Your partner will never let you down.

B.Your perfect match will never cause you pain.

C.Your partner will be physically attracted to you.

D.You will be most unlikely to end up in marriage.

Study Styles You know whether you're a morning person or a night owl. You know whether you

Study Styles

You know whether you're a morning person or a night owl. You know whether you're a picky eater or a human garbage pail. But do you know if you learn better by reading or by hearing? … if you've survived school so far, you already have some sort of study routine—for better or for worse. We asked students all over the country for the lowdown on their methods of operations, and also collected some hard-won advice. See if you can recognize your own personal study method on the list below and learn how to study effectively.

The Dreamer

You may say you're studying. You may even look like you're studying. But your mind is in the clouds. Your test performance seldom reflects those long hours you spend at your desk, almost studying. Kim, from Montreal, says, "When I get to the library, I end up sitting there and people-watching." Cindy, from Lafayette, Pennsylvania, says: "Personally, I tend to write everything down on flash cards so I can quiz myself later. Everyone else thinks that I'll ace(成绩为A) the exam, but sometimes I find myself spending so much time writing down every little detail that I don't have time to actually study. "

Warning: If you spend all day pretending studying, you'll pay all night cramming for real. (What a waste of socializing time!) This year's resolution: Stay on target by setting goals (Like four chapters by Wednesday) and asking your friends to test you. Also, tune in to your interests: If you find yourself drawing elaborate doodles in the margins when you're supposed to be analyzing Shakespeare, take drawing classes and snap out of your day dream.

The Grind

One looking at your sock drawer, meticulously(非常细心地) arranged in rainbow order, suggests control-freak tendencies. You never fail to do a fixed amount of studying each evening—and your good grades show it. You cautiously plot a course to conquer an unruly assignment, and you rarely break your routine. Gretchen, from Chicago, describes her hard-core method: "I completely organize all of my notes. Then, before I do anything else, I plan out exactly how many hours I'm going to study and how long I am going to take breaks. This way, I always stay on task. I read through my notes and then highlight the things I don't know well, to commit them to memory." But she's not done yet! "Then I read my assignments again and take notes and study these notes the same way I studied my class notes." Whew, Sarah, from Scarsdale, New York, also considers herself a worker bee. "I plan my work so that there's something I have to do every night of the week. But when there's a test, I'll do all my assignments before trying to do an overview. Studying comes last because I'll wait until the last minute to even try to concentrate on something with so little structure."

Warning: While your self-discipline will serve you well in college (or the military), you might want to add more inspiration to your perspiration. No amount of memorization, or color coding your notebooks will help you write an original, opinionated essay—and you'll be writing plenty. This year's resolution: Vary your routine and think about your own insights more. After reading an assignment, try closing your eyes and recalling what you found interesting before buckling down with your impeccable notes. And if you've got a half hour to spare in your study schedule, try something messy and creative, like writing a poem.

The Social Studier

You're the kind who learns out loud. You make your way to enlightenment, so study buddies are a must. In school, you remember more from hearing the lectures than from doing the reading. Roberta, from Princeton, New Jersey, says: "I went to a study counselor to find out that I learn best by listening. It's true: Until I hear something out loud, it's not really real to me. When I'm studying and I don't understand something in our




Study StylesYou know whether you're a morning person or a night owl. You know whether you'

Study Styles

You know whether you're a morning person or a night owl. You know whether you're a picky eater of a human garbage pail. But do you know if you learn better by reading or by hearing?...if you've survived school so far, you already have some sort of study routine—for better or for worse. We asked students all over the country for the lowdown on their methods of operations, and also collected some hard-won advice. See if you can recognize your own personal study method in the list below and learn how to study effectively.

The Dreamer

You may say you're studying. You may even look like you're studying. But your mind is in the clouds. Your test performance seldom reflects those long hours you spent at your desk, almost studying; Kim, from Montreal, says," When I got to the library, I end up sitting there and people-watching. "Cindy, from Lafayette, Pennsylvania, says: "Personally, I tend to write everything down on flash cards so I can quiz myself later. Everyone else thinks that I'll ace(成绩为A) the exam, but sometimes I find myself spending so much time writing down every little detail that I don't have time to actually study."

Warning: ff you spend all day pretend studying, you'll pay all night cramming for real.(What a waste of socializing time!) This year's resolution: Stay on target by setting goals(Like four chapters by Wednesday) and asking your friends to test you. Also, tune in to your interests: If you find yourself drawing elaborate doodles in the margins when you're supposed to be analyzing Shakespeare, take drawing classes and snap out of your day dream.

The Grind

One look at your sock drawer, meticulously(非常细心地) arranged in rainbow order, suggests control-freak tendencies. You never fail to do a fixed amount of studying each evening—and your good grades show it. You cautiously plot a course to conquer an unruly assignment, and you rarely break your routine. Gretchen, from Chicago, describes her hard-core method: "I completely organize all of my notes. Then, before I do anything else, I plan out exactly how many hours I'm going to study and how long I am going to take breaks. This way, I always stay on task. I read through my notes and then highlight the things I don't know well, to commit them to memory. "But she's not done yet] "Then I read my assignments again and take notes and study these notes the same way I studied my class notes." Whew, Sarah, from Scarsdale, New York, also considers herself a worker bee. "I plan my work so that there's something I have to do every night of the week. But when there's a test, I'll do all my assignments before trying to do an overview. Studying comes last because I'll wait until the last minute to even try to concentrating on something with so little structure."

Warning: While your self-discipline will serve you well in college (or the military), you might want to add more inspiration to your perspiration. No amount of memorization, or colorcoding your notebooks will help you write an original, opinionated essay—and you'll be writing plenty. This year's resolution: Vary your routine and think about your own insights more. After reading an assignment, try closing your eyes and recalling what you found interesting before buckling down with your impeccable notes. And if you've got a half hour to spare in your study schedule, try something messy and creative, like writing a poem.

The Social Studier

You're the kind who learns out loud. You yak your way to enlightenment, so study buddies are a must. In school, you remember more from hearing the lectures than from doing the reading. Roberta, from Princeton, New Jersey, says: "I went to a study counselor to find out that I learn best by listening. It's true: Until I hear some- thing out loud, it's not really real to me. When I'm studying and I don't understand something in our textbook, I'll c




Study Styles You know whether you're a morning person or a night owl. You know whether you

Study Styles

You know whether you're a morning person or a night owl. You know whether you're a picky eater of a human garbage pail. But do you know if you learn better by reading or by hearing? If you've survived school so far, you already have some sort of study routine for better or worse. We asked students all over the country for the lowdown on their methods of operations, and also collected some hard-won advice. See if you can recognize your own personal study method in the list below and learn how to study effectively.

The Dreamer

You may say you're studying. You may even look like you're studying. But your mind is in the clouds. Your test performance seldom reflects those long hours you spent at your desk, almost studying. Kim, from Montreal, says:" When I get to the library, I end up sitting there and people-watching." Cindy, from Lafayette, Pennsylvania, says:" Personally, I tend to write everything down on flash cards so I can quiz myself later. Everyone else thinks that I'll ace (成绩为A) the exam, but sometimes I find myself spending so much time writing down every little detail that I don't have time to actually study." Warning: If you spend all day pretending studying, you'll pay all night cramming for real. (What a waste of socializing time!) This year's resolution: Stay on target by setting goals (Like four chapters by Wednesday) and asking your friends to test you. Also, tune in to your interests: If you find yourself drawing elaborate doodles in the margins when you're supposed to be analyzing Shakespeare, take drawing classes and snap out of your day dream.

The Grind

One look at your sock drawer, meticulously arranged in rainbow order, suggests control-freak tendencies. You never fail to do a fixed amount of studying each evening and your good grades show it. You cautiously plot a course to conquer an unruly assignment, and you rarely break your routine. Gretchen, from Chicago, describes her hard-core method:" I completely organize all of my notes. Then, before I do anything else, I plan out exactly how many hours I'm going to study and how long I am going to take breaks. In this way, I always stay on task. I read through my notes and then highlight the things I don't know well, to commit them to memory." But she's not done yet! "Then I read my assignments again and take notes and study these notes the same way I studied my class notes." Sarah, from Scarsdale, New York, also considers herself a worker bee. "I plan my work so that there's something I have to do every night of the week. But when there's a test, I'll do all my assignments before trying to do an overview. Studying comes last because I'll wait until the last minute to even try to concentrating on something with so little structure. "Warning: While your self-discipline will serve you well in college (or the military), you might want to add more inspiration to your perspiration. No amount of memorization, or color-coding your notebooks will help you write an original, opinionated essay and you'll be writing plenty. This year's resolution: Vary your routine and think about your own insights more. After reading an assignment, try closing your eyes and recalling what you found interesting before buckling (扣住) down with your impeccable (无瑕疵的) notes. And if you've got a half hour to spare in your study schedule, try something messy and creative, like writing a poem.

The Social Studier

You're the kind who learns out loud. You yak your way to enlightenment, so study buddies are a must. In school, you remember more from hearing the lectures than from doing the reading. Roberta, from Princeton, New Jersey, says:" I went to a study counselor to find out that I learn best by listening. It's true: Until I hear something out loud, it's not really real to me. When I'm studying and I don't understand something in our textbook, I'll call my friends to get the scoop." Amy, from East Lansing, Michi

A.know whether you are a morning person or not

B.learn whether you are an excellent student

C.form. some sort of study routines of your own

D.learn how to study more effectively

what would happen at meal time if you remembered eating a lot in the previous meal?A.You w

what would happen at meal time if you remembered eating a lot in the previous meal?

A.You would probably be more picky about food.

B.You would not feel like eating the same food.

C.You would have a good appetite.

D.You would not feel so hungry.

听力原文:M: Hi, Linda.W: Hi, James. What are you doing in the mall? I thought you said you

听力原文:M: Hi, Linda.

W: Hi, James. What are you doing in the mall? I thought you said you avoid these places.

M: Oh, I still do, but it's my roommate's birthday tomorrow and I am looking around to get him a present. He's not exactly the easiest person to find a present for.

W: Have you had any ideas of what to get?

M: Not really. I want to get him something he will be able to use instead of something he'lI just put into the closet.

W: That's true. I know often I get something from somebody I hardly ever use. And they stay in the closet or garage before they get thrown away.

M: I know. That's the problem. That's why I hate buying gifts for people because it can never be perfect.

W: Perhaps you are trying too hard to get something very impressive or decorative. I always think a gift should be practical.

M: Oh, I know. His bag is almost wrecked. Maybe I should get him a new one instead.

W: It sounds like a good gift.

M: Gosh, now I am wondering which color I should pick. He is really picky about the color.

W: That's not difficult. What was the last color he chose? He obviously chose it for a reason.


A.In a shopping mall.

B.In the dormitory.

C.In the office.

D.In a library.

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