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听力原文:W:I am trying to find out how this dishwasher works.The manual is in French and I

can't wait for Bill to translate it for me.

M:Don't worry,Mary,I will do the dishes until the machine starts to work.

Q:What will the man do?


A.He will help Mary to cook the dish instead of Bill.

B.He will wash the dishes himself instead of Mary.

C.He will help Bill to translate the manual.

D.He himself will operate the dishwasher.

提问人:网友lili11888 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:W:I am trying to find out…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: I am fed up with trying to get group members to pull their weight. I'm just go
ing to do the work by myself this time.

W: It's your decision. I've seen many go that route but not many who haven't regretted it.

Q:What does the woman imply?


A.It's an unwise decision.

B.Individual projects are much better.

C.The decision will definitely be rejected.

D.Many people try to lose weight nowadays.

听力原文:W: I am trying to pick up that bottle on the top shelf. Would you mind helping me
with it?

M: I don't work here. Maybe you can get a ladder from the manager.

Q: Is the man willing to help?


A.Yes, but he is not the manager.

B.No, because the woman is not his boss.

C.Yes, but he needs the permission of the manager.

D.He suggests the woman should get help from the manager.

听力原文:M:Rachel sounds like in a blue mood recently. I was quite worried about her. Did
she quarrel with her husband?

W:Don't you think that I am trying to figure it out? But I simply couldn't pin her down.

Q:What can we learn about the conversation?


A.Rachel has some problem with her husband.

B.It's hard to know Rachel's real feeling.

C.The man has got no chance to talk with Rachel.

D.The woman knows what Rachel is thinking about.

听力原文:M: Operator, I'm trying to call 8324,531. But I couldn't get through and it was i
n service only an hour ago.

W: I am sorry, but that number is no longer in service.

Q: Why is the man not satisfied with the operator's explanation?


A.He completed a call to that number only a short time ago.

B.He believes the operator cannot hear him.

C.He believes the operator does not want him to make the call.

D.He thinks that the number must have been changed.

听力原文:W: Hey, John. How is your new life in Korea? Do you go for a drink after work oft
en with your Korean colleagues?

M: Yes, I am trying to have fun. I think it's very important for me to socialize with my co-workers in the office. It is good but sometimes it makes it hard to get up in the next morning. If someone asks me to have a drink with him, it's hard to refuse. I am pretty sure that many people in Seoul like to drop into a caf or a bar after work.

W: How about the weekend? Do you stay home alone?

M: No, I don't like to be home alone. I often throw a potluck party at my apartment. I love the Korean food my co-workers are bringing in.

Who does the man like to enjoy time with?

A.His clients

B.His siblings

C.His associates

D.By himself

听力原文:M: Excuse me, madam. Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?W: I beg y

听力原文:M: Excuse me, madam. Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?

W: I beg your pardon?

M: I'd like to look into your bag, if you don't mind.

W: Who are you to insist? I advise you to take off, before I call a policeman.

M: I am a policeman, madam. Here's my identity card.

W: What'? Oh ... well ... and just what fight does that give you to go around looking into people's bags?

M: None whatsoever, unless I have reason to believe that there's something in the bags belonging to someone else.

W: What do you mean belonging to someone else?

M: Well, perhaps, things that haven't been paid for?

W: Are you talking about stolen goods?

M: Exactly, but if the citizens are honest, they wouldn't mind, would they?

W: Stopping people in the street and demanding to see what in their bags!

M: I'm sorry. I'm trying to do my job as politely as possible. However, I must insist on seeing what you have in your bag.

W: And what, precisely, do you expect to find in there'?

M: Thank you, madam.

W: Not at all.

M: Mm. Sixteen lipsticks?

W: Yes, nothing unusual in that. I like to change the color with my mood.

M: I see you smoke a lot. Fifteen cigarette lighters!

W: Yes, I am rather a heavy smoker.

M: Now are you going to come along quietly or am I going to have to call for help?

W: But this is unfair!


A.A businessman in a store.

B.A wander in the street.

C.Amateur detective.

D.A policeman with plain clothes.

听力原文:W: Hi Peter! How are you doing these days?M: Oh, I am trying to shift to another

听力原文:W: Hi Peter! How are you doing these days?

M: Oh, I am trying to shift to another work.(19)And you know it seems very hard to find a job these days because it is a dead season for the employment.

W: That's too bad. Why did you leave your last job?

M: Well, (20)my boss is very critical, and the worst thing is that I can not see any chance of promotion in the company.

W: That makes sense. A job without opportunities and a critical boss isn't very attractive.

M: Exactly! So, anyway. I decided to quit and find a new job. (21)I sent out my resume to more than twenty companies. Unfortunately, I've only had two interviews so far.

W: Have you tried looking for a job online?

M: Yes, but so many of the jobs require moving to another city. I don't want to do that.

W: I can understand that. How about going to some of those networking groups?

M: I haven't tried those. What are they?

W: (22)They're groups of people who are also looking for work. They help each other discover new opportunities

M: That sounds great! I'll definitely try some of those.

W: I'm glad to hear that. So, what are you doing here?

M: Oh, I'm shopping for a new suit. I want to make the best impression possible at my job interviews!

W: There you go. That's the spirit. I'm sure things will look up for you soon.


A.Because he changes to another job.

B.Because he is not a good employee.

C.Because there are few job opportunities.

D.Because the job is not good enough.

听力原文:W: Professor White caught some students cheating on the final exam and failed the
m right away.

M: Serve them right, I am not sympathetic with anyone trying to pass in that way.

W: I agree with you.

What was the man's attitude toward the students?

A.He feels sorry for those students.

B.He considers the punishment unfair.

C.He thinks it good to punish tile students.

D.He sympathizes with the students.

听力原文:W: It seems good but I am not sure about its stability.M: Our company has been in

听力原文:W: It seems good but I am not sure about its stability.

M: Our company has been in this line for many yearsand enjoys high reputation, so you can be reassured with its quality.

Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?


A.He is making a public advertisement.

B.He is trying to sell something to the woman.

C.He does not agree with the woman.

D.He is making a report.

听力原文:M: Hi, Linda.W: Hi, James. What am you doing in the mall? I thought you said you

听力原文:M: Hi, Linda.

W: Hi, James. What am you doing in the mall? I thought you said you avoid these places and here you arc.

M: Oh, I still do but it's my roommate's birthday tomorrow and I am looking to get him a present. He's not exactly the easiest person to find a present for.

W: Have you any idea what to get?

M: Not really. I want to get him something he will be able to use instead of something he'll just shove into the closet.

W: That's true. I know half the time I get something from somebody I hardly ever use it. And they stay in the closet or garage before they get thrown away.

M: I know, I know. That's the problem. That's why I hate buying gifts for somebody because it can never be perfect. So, I am heading over to the clothing store right now.

W: Perhaps you are trying too hard to get something very impressive or decorative. I always think a gift should be practical. I know what, why don't you think of something he might like or something that he will most likely get soon?

M: Oh, I know. His knapsack is almost wrecked and the zipper has almost had it. Maybe I should get him a knapsack instead.

W: There you go. It sounds like a perfect gift.

M: Gosh, now I am wondering which color I should pick. He is really picky about the color.

W: That's not difficult. What was the last color he chose? He obviously chose it for a reason.

Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a mall outside a clothing store.

B.In a mall inside a clothing store.

C.In a knapsack store.

D.On the telephone.

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