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The shape of Italy on a map has often been compared ______ a long Wellington boot.A.asB.to

The shape of Italy on a map has often been compared ______ a long Wellington boot.





提问人:网友siicwzy 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“The shape of Italy on a map ha…”相关的问题
The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called Mnemonics. The name is (1) from their G

The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called Mnemonics. The name is(1)from their Goddess of Memory, Mnemosene. In the ancient world, a trained memory was an(2)asset, particularly in public life. There were no(3)devices for taking notes and early Greek orators (演说家) delivered long speeches with great(4)because they learned the speeches using Mnemonic systems.

The Greeks discovered that human memory is(5)an associative process—that it works by linking things together. For example, think of an apple. The(6)your brain registers the word "apple", it(7)the shape, colour, taste, smell and(8)of that fruit. All these things are associated in your memory with the word "apple".

(9). An example could be when you think about a lecture you have had. This could trigger a memory about what you were talking about through that lecture, which can then trigger another memory.

(10). An example given on a website I was looking at follows: Do you remember the shape of Austria, Canada, Belgium or Germany? Probably not. What about Italy, though?(11)You made an association with something already known, the shape of a boot, and Italy's shape could not be forgotten once you had made the association.

What is the woman's main dilemma?A.Going to Italy or helping her mother.B.Going to Nepal o

What is the woman's main dilemma?

A.Going to Italy or helping her mother.

B.Going to Nepal or joining the Air Force.

C.Having fun or making money.

D.Doing the family duty or improving her engineering skills.

About the menisci,which is right?

A、The medial meniscus is large and has a "C" shape

B、The lateral meniscus is smaller and has an "O" shape

C、Easy to be injured

D、It's part of the knee joint

Most musicians agree that the best violins(小提琴) were made in Cremona, Italy, about 200y

Most musicians agree that the best violins(小提琴) were made in Cremona, Italy, about 200years ago. They even sound better than violins made today. Violin makers and scientists try to makeinstruments(乐器)like the Italian violins,however,they are not the same. Why are these old Italianviolins so special? No one really knows. But many people think they have an answer.

Some people think it is the age of the violins. But there is a problem here. Not all old violins sound wonderful. Only the old violins from Cremona are special. So age cannot be the answer.

Other people think the secret to those violins is the wood. It must be from certain kinds of trees.It must not be too young or too old. Perhaps the violin makers of Cremona knew something specialabout wood for violins.

But the kind of wood may not be so important. It may be more important to cut the wood in aspecial way. Wood for a violin must be cut into the right size and shape. The smallest difference willchange the sund of the violin. Musicians sometimes think that this is the secret of the Italians.

Size and shape may not be the answer either. Scientists make new violins that are exactly the same size and shape. But the new ones still do not sound as good as the old ones. Some scientiststhink the secret may be the varnish (清漆).It makes the wood look shiny, but it also helps the soundof the instrument. Since no one knows what the Italian violin makers used in their varnish, no one canmake the same varnish today.

There may never be other violins like the violins of Cremona. And there are not many of the old violins left. So these old violins from Cremona become more and more precious. What would be the best title for the text?

A.The Secrets of Cremona Violins.

B.The History of Cremona Violins.

C.The Making of Italian Violins.

D.The Studies of Italian Violins.

What is still not clear about Cremona violins?A.The shape

B.The wood

C.The size

D.The varnish

Which of the following Words can best describe Cremona violins?A.Light





Technology will play a key role in ______ future life - style.A.to shapeB.shapingC.shape o

Technology will play a key role in ______ future life - style.

A.to shape


C.shape of


People eat a lot of sugar______cakes, soft drinks, sweets and so on every day.A.in form. o

People eat a lot of sugar______cakes, soft drinks, sweets and so on every day.

A.in form. of

B.in the shape of

C.shaped by

D.at form. of

Most musicians agree that the best violins were made in Cremona, Italy, about 200 years ag
o. These violins sound better than any others. They even sound 【21】______ violins made today. Violin makers and scientists try to make 【22】______ like the old Italian violins. 【23】______ they aren't the same. Musicians prefer the old ones. No one really knows 【24】______ these old Italian violins are so special, 【25】______ many people think they have an answer.

Some people think it is the age of the violins. But not all old violins sound wonderful. Only the old violins from Cremona are 【26】______ .

Other people think that the 【27】______ to those violins is the wood. The wood of the violin is very important. It must be from certain kinds of trees. It 【28】______ too young or too old. Perhaps the violin makers of Cremona knew 【29】______ special about wood for violins.

But the kind of wood may not be 【30】______ important. 【31】______ may be more important to cut the wood in a special way. Wood for a violin must be cut very carefully. It was to be the right size and 【32】______ . The smallest difference will change the sound of the violin. Musicians 【33】______ think that this was the secret of the Italians. 【34】______ they understood more than we do about how to cut the wood.

Size and shape may not be the answer 【35】______ Scientists measured these old violins very care- fully. They can make new ones that are exactly the same size and shape. But the violins do not sound 【36】______ the old ones. Some scientists think the secret may be the varnish. Varnish is what covers the wood of the violin. It makes the wood 【37】______ shiny. No one knows 【38】______ the Italian violin makers used in their varnish. So no one can make the same varnish today. There may never be other violins 【39】______ the violins of Cremona. And there are not very many of the old violins 【40】______ .


A.better than

B.worse than

C.more than

D.rather than

听力原文:M: Hello, Sue! I'm leaving tomorrow on vacation. W: How nice! Where are you going

听力原文:M: Hello, Sue! I'm leaving tomorrow on vacation.

W: How nice! Where are you going?

M: Italy.

W. Tell me more.

M: Well, I'm leaving at 8 tomorrow morning.

W: Are you driving to the airport, or are you taking a coach?

M: Driving. That's about an hour. Er, I'm arriving at the airport at 9 o'clock and taking off at 10 o'clock.

W: What are you going to do in Italy? Lie on the beach and get nicely sun-tanned?

M: I enjoy sunbathing on the beach. But this holiday is going to be a bit different. It's more of a cultural holiday. I hope to visit some museums, art galleries, taste a bit of the food and the drink, and experience the lifestyle. of Italy.

W: Sounds pretty interesting.

M: Yeah, I've got a whole list of museums and art galleries. And in fact, I'm hiring a car in Milan so I can drive around a bit.

W: That's a good idea. Hiring a car makes it easier to see the city. Well, actually I'm going to have a holiday which is rather different from yours.

M: Where are you going then?

W: Haven't decided yet. I may go to the beach and stay in a small hotel where I can watch the sea. I just want to take it easy, you know.

M: I understand. You've worked too hard this semester. A bit of rest will do you good.

W: That's true. Oh, Gosh! I've got to go now. Have a nice holiday!

M: Thanks. You too ! Bye.

What are they talking about?

A.Italian lifestyle

B.holiday plans

C.living in Italy

D.living in foreign countries

听力原文:It was not yet eleven o'clock when a boat crossed the river with a single passeng

听力原文: It was not yet eleven o'clock when a boat crossed the river with a single passenger who promised an extra fare. The ferryman lifted a lantern, together with the moonlight, he found his passenger was a young man of barely eighteen years old, and now, as it seemed on his first visit to town. He was wearing a gray coat, which was in good shape, but which had seen many winters before this one. In his left hand was a walking stick. Brown, curly hair, well-shaped features, bright, cheerful eyes were nature's gifts. About half an hour later, the boat reached the town, and the young man, whose name was Robin, paid the boatman, and then Walked forward into the town with a light step. As he walked, he looked around as eagerly as if be were entering London or Madrid, instead of the little town of a New England colony.






When the first white man arrived in Samoa, they found blind men, who could see well enough
to de- scribe things in detail just by holding their hands over objects. In France, just after the First World War , Jutes Romaine tested hundreds of blind people and found a few who could tell the different light and dark. In Italy the neurologist Cesare Lomrose discovered a blind girl who could "see" with the tip of her nose and the lobe of her left ear. In 1956 a blind schoolboy in Scotland was taught to differentiate between colored lights and learned to pick out bright objects several feet away. In 1960 a medical board examined a girl in Virginia and found that, even with thick bandages over her eyes, she was able to distinguish different colors and read short sections of large print.

Rose Kuleshova can see with her fingers. She is not blind, but because she grew up in a family of blind people she learned to read Braille to help them and then went on to teach herself to do other things with her hands. The neurologist Shaefer made an intensive study with her and found that , securely blindfolded with only her arms stuck through a screen, she could differentiate among three primary colors. To test the possibility that the cards reflected heat differently, he heated some and cooled others without affecting her response to them. He also found that she could read newsprint and sheet music under glass, so texture was giving her no clues. Tested by the psychologist Novomcisky, she was able to identify the color and shape of patches of light projected on to her palm or on to a screen. In rigidly controlled tests, with a blind- fold and a screen and a piece of card around her neck so wide that she could not see round it, Rose read the small print in a newspaper with her elbow. And, in the most convincing demonstration of all, she repeated these things with someone standing behind her pressing hard on her eyeballs. Nobody can cheat under this pressure; it is even difficult to see clearly for minutes after it is released.

The first white man to visit Somoa found men who ______.

A.were not entirely blind

B.described things by touching them

C.could see with their hands

D.could see when they held hands

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