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The word "scorching" in the first paragraph meansA.aboriginal.B.primitive.C.luxuriant.D.ba

The word "scorching" in the first paragraph means





提问人:网友wencoll 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“The word "scorching" in the fi…”相关的问题
Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Colorado River according to the Video?
A.The Colorado River has traveled from the Rocky Mountains to the deserts, to the scorching heat and freezing colD

B.The Colorado River lend its hand to 7 states, 2 countries, 9 national parks and 36million people

C.People love the Colorado River because of its playfulness, beauty and power .

D.The Colorado River is the only river in the world that no longer kisses the seA.

1多项选择:判断下列句子中平行结构包含了哪几种类型? It drew strength from the not-so-young p
eople who braved the bittercold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers, and from the millions of Americans who volunteered and organized and proved that more than two centuries later a government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the Earth. This is your victory. (Barrack Obama)





TEXT CA period of climate change about 130,000 years ago would have made water travel easi


A period of climate change about 130,000 years ago would have made water travel easier by lowering sea levels and creating navigable lakes and rivers in the Arabian Peninsula, the study says. Such a shift would have offered early modern humans-which arose in Africa about 200,000 years ago-a new route through the formerly scorching northern deserts into the Middle East. The new paper was spurred by the discovery of several 120,000-year-old tools at a desert archaeological site in the United Arab Emirates. The presence of the tools-whose design is uniquely African, experts say-so early in the region suggests early humans marched out of Africa into the Arabian Peninsula directly from the Horn of Africa, roughly present- day Somalia. Previously, scientists had thought humans first left via the Nile Valley or the Far East.

"Up till now we thought of cultural developments leading to the opportunity of people to move out of Africa, " said study co-author Hans-Peter Uerpmann, a retired archaeobiologist at the University of tübingen in Germany. "Now we see, I think, that it was the environment that was the key to this," Uerpmann said during a press brie6ng Wednesday.

The discovery "leaves a lot of possibilities for human migrations, and keeping this in mind, might change our view completely." During the past few years, a series of tools were discovered at the Jebel Faya site in the U.A.E., some of which-such as hand axes-had a two-sided appearance previously seen only in early Africa.

Scientists used luminescence dating to determine the age of sand grains buried with the stone tools.

This technique measures naturally occurring radiation stored in the sand. For the climatic data, scientists studied the climate records of ancient lakes and rivers in cave stalagmites, as well as changes in the level of the Red Sea. This warmer period 130,000 years or so ago caused more rainfall on the Arabian Peninsula, turning it into a series of lush rivers that humans might have boated or rafted.

During this period the southern Red Sea's levels dropped, offering a "brief window of time" for humans to easily cross the sea-which was then as little as 2.5 miles wide, according to Adrian Parker, a physical geographer from Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom.

Once humans entered the peninsula, they dispersed and likely reached the Jebel Faya site by about 125,000 years ago, according to the study, published in the journal Science.

Geneticist Spencer Wells called the discovery a "very :interesting find," especially because the Arabian Peninsula is becoming a hot spot for archaeological finds-particularly underwater, since the Persian Gulf was a fertile river delta during early human migrations. But he noted that the study doesn't "rewrite the book on what we know about human migratory history." That's because tools dating to the same period have already been found in Israel, so it's "consistent with what we suspected" about an earlier wave of m1E7'ation into the Middle East, said Wells, director of the National Geographic Society's Geographic Project. Wells also noted there's no evidence yet that the migrants in the new paper were our ancestors-the group, and their genes, may have died out long ago.

Bence Viola, of the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, agreed the finding was interesting but not that surprising, also citing the evidence of humans in Israel about 120,000 years ago. Viola, who wasn't involved in the study, added that the migration route proposed in the paper makes sense on another level-the Arabian Peninsula would have been something early humans were used to. "If you look even today, the environment in the Hotn of Africa, in Somalia or northern Ethiopia, is similar to what you see in Oman or Yemen-not like the big desert," Viola noted. "It's not like they needed to adapt to a completely different environment-it's an environment that they knew."

Why they made the trek is another question since they wouldn't have been hurting for food or re- sources in their African homeland, Viola noted. "Curiosity," he said, "is a pretty human desire."

The word "scorching" in the first paragraph means

[A] aboriginal.

[B] primitive.

[C] luxuriant.

[D] baking-hot.

听力原文:Astronaut Steve Robinson is going where no one has ever gone in orbit--to a shutt

听力原文: Astronaut Steve Robinson is going where no one has ever gone in orbit--to a shuttle's underside, which is covered with thousands of fragile ceramic tiles as a barrier to the scorching heat caused by high-speed friction with the atmosphere. Slivers of heat-resistant fabric filling the thin gaps between the tiles have popped up a couple of centimeters in two places. Engineers worry that the protrusions might change the aerodynamics of Discovery's reentry Monday and make some parts of the orbiter a few hundred degrees hotter than normal. They do not know if the shuttle can with stand the extra heat. So astronaut Robinson's task is to stand on the end of the robot arm mounted on the International Space Station, where Discovery is docked, and either pull out or trim the gap filler. He must be very careful not to strike and damage the delicate tiles with his space suit or tools, as he explained to reporters.

What is the problem with the space shuttle?

A.Two of the ceramic tiles were damaged.

B.Some gap fillers popped up.

C.The space shuttle was over-heated by high-speed friction with the atmosphere.

D.The engine of the space shuttle was out of control.

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: Pakistan's southern Baluchistan and Sindh provinces are used to heavy rains during the annual monsoon season. But, this year, the floods are much worse than normal. The United Nations estimates more than 2.5 million people are. affected. It says up to 400 people are dead and more are missing. It reports that nearly 400,000 people are homeless. U.N. Emergency Relief Coordinator, John Holmes, says the biggest slice of the $38 million appeal will go toward restoring peoples livelihoods as quickly as possible. That means bringing the devastated agricultural sector back to normal. The next biggest need is for shelter. He says hundreds of thousands of homeless people are living with friends or relatives. Many are living in school buildings or in makeshift roadside shelters. He says this is particularly unpleasant, as people are forced to endure scorching heat and dust storms. Holmes says health is another important consideration. "So far, we do not have any reports of outbreaks of communicable diseases, but the risk is obviously very high given the conditions of hygiene in the affected areas and the monsoon season very high heat and humidity conditions."

According to the United Nations, nearly ______ people are homeless because of the floods in Pakistan.





Why is the Native Language Learnt So Well?How does it happen that children learn their mot

Why is the Native Language Learnt So Well?

How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well? When we compare them with adults learning a foreign language, we often find this interesting fact. A little child without knowledge or experience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language. A grown-up person with fully developed mental powers, in most case, may end up with a faulty and inexact command. What accounts for this difference?

Despite other explanations, the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself, partly in the behavior. of the people around him. In the first place, the time of learning the mother tongue is the most favorable of all, namely, the first years of life. A child hears it spoken from morning till night and, what is more important, always in its genuine form, with the fight pronunciation, fight intonation, right use of words and fight structure. He drinks in all the words and expressions, which come to him in a flash, ever-bubbling spring. There is no resistance: there is perfect assimilation.

Then the child has, as it were, private lessons all the year round, while an adult language-student has each week a limited number of hours, which he generally shares with others. The child has another advantage: he hears the language in all possible situations, always accompanied by the right kind of gestures and facial expressions. Here there is nothing unnatural, such as is often found in language lessons in schools, when one talks about ice and snow in June or scorching heat in January. And what a child hears is generally what immediately interests him. Again and again, when his attempts at speech are successful, his desires are understood and fulfilled.

Finally, though a child's "teachers" may not have been trained in language teaching, their relations with him are always close and personal. They take great pains to make their lessons easy.

Compared with adults learning a foreign language, children learn their native language with ease.



C.Not mentioned

Why is the Native Language Learnt So Well How does it happen that children learn thei

Why is the Native Language Learnt So Well

How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well7 When we compare them with adults learning a foreign language,we often find this interesting fact.A little child without knowledge or experience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language.A grown-up person with fully developed mental powers,in most cases,may end up with a faulty and inexact command.What accounts for this difference

Despite other explanations the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself,partly in the behavior. of the people around him.In the first place,the time of learning the mother tongue is the most favorable of all,namely the first years of life.A child hears it spoken from morning till night and,what is more important,always in its genuine form,With the right pronunciation,fight intonation,right use of words and right structure.He drinks in all the words arid expressions which come to him in a fresh,ever-bubbling spring.There is no resistance:there is perfect assimilation(吸收).

Then the child has,as it were,private lessons all the year round,while an adult language-student has each week a、limited number of hours which they generally share with others.The child has another advantage:he hears the language in all possible situations。 always accompanied by the right kind of gestures and facial expressions.Here there is nothing unnatural,such as is often found in language lessons in schools,when one talks about ice and snow in June or scorching(灼热的)heat in January.And what a child hears is generally what immediately interests him. Again and again, when his attempts at speech are successful his desires are understood and fulfilled.

Finally though a child's "teachers" may not have been trained in language teaching, their relations with him are always close and personal. They take great pains to make their lessons easy.

第 20 题 Compared with adults learning a foreign language, children learn their native language with ease.



C.Not mentioned

Why is the Native Language Learnt So Well How does it happen that children learn their mot

Why is the Native Language Learnt So Well

How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well? When we compare them with adults learning a foreign language, we often find this interesting fact. A little child without knowledge or experience often succeeds in a complete mastery(精通) of the language. A grown-up person with fully developed mental powers, in most case, may end up with a faulty and inexact command(掌握). What accounts for this difference?

Despite other explanations, the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself, partly in the behavior. of the people around him. In the first place, the time of learning the mother tongue is the most favorable of all, namely, the first years of life. A child hears it spoken from morning till night and, what is more important, always in its genuine form, with the right pronunciation, right intonation, right use of words and right structure. He drinks in(吸收) all the words and expressions, which come to him in a flash, ever-bubbling(冒泡的) spring. There is no resistance: there is perfect assimilation.

Then the child has, as it were, private lessons all the year round, while an adult language-student has each week a limited number of hours, which he generally shares with others. The child has another advantage : he hears the language in all possible situations, always accompanied by the right kind of gestures and facial expressions. Here there is nothing unnatural, such as it is often found in language lessons in schools, when one talks about ice and snow in June or scorching heat in January. And what a child hears is generally what immediately interests him. Again and again, when his attempts at speech are successful, his desires are understood and fulfilled.

Finally, though a child's "teachers" may not have been trained in language teaching, their relations with him are always close and personal. They take great pains to make their lessons easy.

Compared with adults learning a foreign language, children learn their native language with ease.



C.Not mentioned

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

It seemed so promising—mirrors sprawled across desert land in the scorching southwest delivering clean electricity and helping Americans out of the increasing fuel crisis. Some scientists and industry developers claim that Nevada's empty and sun-drenched expanses alone could supply enough electricity to power the entire country.

Now even the optimists fear this wonderful prospect may be a mirage. Congress cannot make up their mind to extend the tax-reducing bill for solar-energy projects, which solar advocates say is critical to the future of their industry but which is due to expire at the end of the year. The latest attempt failed in the Senate earlier this month, prospects for a deal before November's presidential and congressional elections now look dim. Uncertainty has led some investors to delay or abandon projects in the past few months. Rhone Resch, the president of the Solar Energy Industries Association, said if the tax-reducing bill is allowed to expire at the end of the year, "it will result in the loss of billions of dollars in new investments in solar. "

Further dampening hopes for a big solar-energy boom, the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has abruptly suspended new applications to put solar collectors on federal land. The agency says it has received more than 130 applications and needs to conduct a region-wide environmental impact study on the industry before it will accept any more. The study will take 22 months to complete, however. Few argue against trying to preserve precious water sources and protect desert tortoises and other creatures that might not enjoy cohabiting with sprawling fields of mirrors. But many solar advocates wonder why the government is not acting as cautiously when it comes to drilling for oil and gas.

Senator Maria Cantwell, a Democrat from Washington State, wants a congressional probe into the proposed suspension. "The fact that the BLM pops this out without people even knowing about it, especially when solar thermal looks extremely promising as a power source, is not right," she says. Harry Reid of Nevada, who is the majority leader in the Senate, also condemns the BLM's freeze, saying that it could "slow new development to a crawl".

The BLM is not without its supporters, however. At a public meeting on June 23rd in Golden, Colorado, Alex Daue, of the Wilderness Society, said that his organization supports renewable energy development as long as it doesn't damage other important resources. The message is clear: no rubber stamps, even for renewable energy.

"mirrors sprawled across desert land" is mentioned to______.

A.show the technology of solar energy

B.spotlight the high technology in the United States

C.introduce the prospect of solar energy

D.explain how to make use of Nevada's empty and sun-drenched expanses

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