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听力原文: Leadership is the global obsession. Many writers and psychologists try to go ins

ide the mind of the leaders. Kets de Vries here describes the psychological profile of successful CEOs. He explores top executives' vulnerabilities.

You've studied the psychology of leaders in your whole life. How do you identify the successful ones?

The first thing I look for is emotional intelligence — basically how self-reflective is the person? Of course, emotional intelligence involves a lot more than just being introspective. It also involves what I call the teddy bear factor. Do people feel comfortable with you? Do they want to be close to you? An emotionally intelligent leader also knows how to single people out and say, "Hey; Deborah, you are special. I've looked a long time for you." In general, emotionally intelligent leaders tend to make better team players, and they are more effective at motivating themselves and others. Furthermore, leaders do not always learn skill of emotional intelligence on the job. Of course, over the years, I've met highly successful executives who are not self- reflective at all. They are total doers. You have to be a doer to make it in business.

Nevertheless, in my experience, the most effective leaders are able to both act and reflect, which prepares them to manage for the long term.

Do the background of successful leaders you've studied have anything in common?

There is evidence that many successful male leaders had strong, supportive mothers and rather remote, absent fathers. This is beautifully exemplified by Jack Welch, who in his autobiography, describes his attachment to a powerhouse of a mother and depicts his father, a train conductor, as pleasant enough but not very present. However, when it comes to women, it's harder to explain what makes for success. But it does seem that the model for great women leaders is more complicated than that of great male leaders. As with the men, some strong women leaders had powerful, supportive mothers. But others had powerful fathers.

Would you say that culture plays a role in determining what type of leader you have?

Certainly, different cultures have very different expectations of leaders. In America, for instance, a leader is a big shot. He takes himself very seriously, and other people regard him as a kind of support. In Dutch culture, a leader is someone who suffers. A leadership style. that would be effective in Sweden, for example, may be quite malfunctional in Russia. On the other hand, corporate culture varies enormously as well, and companies differ in how they regard factors such as power, status, and hierarchy. There are also great differences in the way executives from various national cultures look at control and authority.

You often write that executives are irrational. What do you mean by that?

Well, ff you study executives, you quickly see that they don't behave rationally all the time. Indeed, irrational behavior. is common in organizational life. The mental health of senior executives is very subtle. They can't be too crazy or they generally don't make it to senior positions, but they are nonetheless extremely driven people. But executives don't like to hear this, they like to think they are totally in control.

Now to sum up, what is your prescription for healthy leadership?

Self-awareness and a well-rounded personal life, as well as an ability to suffer fools and laugh at yourself.

? You will hear an interview with Dr. Kets de Vries, a psychologist on leadership.

? For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

? You will hear the interview twice.

Emotional intelligence concerns mainly with self-reflective and

A.decision making.

B.personal achievement.

C.the relationship with others.

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更多“听力原文: Leadership is the global…”相关的问题
听力原文:Entire communities also come to understand that while it is necessary to hold the
ir governments accountable, it is equally important that in their own relationships with each other, they exemplify the leadership values they wish to see in their own leaders, namely justice, integrity and trust.

Now people believe that both their governments and individuals should practice justice, integrity and trust.



听力原文:It is my great honor to introduce to you tonight's guest speaker, Dr. Hugh MacLeo

听力原文: It is my great honor to introduce to you tonight's guest speaker, Dr. Hugh MacLeod. Dr. MacLeod is the founding chairman of the Canadian National Health Board, a position created by Parliament only one year ago. Prior to his government service, Dr. MacLeod was a longtime vice president for B-C Pharmaceuticals. In addition to serving on the Health Board, Dr. MacLeod is an associate professor of medicine at Royal Heights University, where he has been instrumental in developing the school's highly acclaimed Leadership and Health Studies Program. Dr. MacLeod's topic this evening is: Organizational Leadership and Health Care. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Hugh MacLeod.

Who is Dr. MacLeod?

A.A research scientist

B.A university president

C.The chairman of a government organization

D.The vice president of a pharmaceutical company

听力原文:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I want to take of your time to make you know

听力原文: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I want to take of your time to make you know about the short training program the company is now planning. The program is called "Learning from Adventure" and it is designed to develop leadership skills. There will be lectures on public relations and management, as well as outdoor activities such as climbing mountains, long-distance running and camping. You don't need any past experience. There will be no end program test. However, the company will receive a full report on your performance. You'll sure improve your ability to help others to realize their goals and deal with difficult tasks under difficult conditions, The 12-day program will be in July. If you like, you can use part of your 20-day paid holidays, There is no charge for this prgram, If you're interested, please write your name on this piece of paper after the meeting. Thank you.

What is the aim of the program?

A.To keep trainees in shape.

B.To improve public relations.

C.To develop leadership skills.

听力原文:W Hi, Keiko. Have you confirmed your reservation at the hotel for the conference
yet? I'm trying to decide whether to call and book early, or just wait and check in when I get there. I'm sure they won't be busy.

W I booked my reservation on Wednesday morning. I want to make sure I have a room to stay in after the conference.

W That's a good idea. I'll call ahead and reserve a room, too.

W You should try to make your reservation soon. The hotel was almost full when I called.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.A new restaurant

B.A leadership workshop

C.Reserving a place to stay

D.Traveling abroad

StatementsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. Th


Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper, so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

听力原文:I didn't know I wanted to go into business, but I knew I wanted a leadership position. That appealed to me.


A.What I longed for was to be a leader.

B.I didn't know if I was suitable to be a leader.

C.To get into business appealed to me.

D.What truely interested me was business.

听力原文:As a professional futurist, Glen Thomson has been listening to the future intentl

听力原文: As a professional futurist, Glen Thomson has been listening to the future intently for nearly two decades. We want to welcome him to our program today. Glen is the founder and CEO of Futurist.com. He has been compared to Alvin Toffler for the scope of his vision and to James Burke for his style. of presentation. One of the most respected futurists in the United States, Glen works for enterprises in fields as diverse as transportation, aerospace, energy, telecommunications, financial services, and health care. Prior to going into business, Glen was an award-winning educator, selected Most Influential Professor at Whitworth College. Now Glen is a visiting scholar at the University of Washington. Glen is the co-author of a handbook, Strategic Leadership: Achieving Your Preferred Future, available at Amazon, com. Today Glen is going to stretch his imagination of the future as he discusses fields ranging from science and technology to culture -and society as well as business and economics. Let's welcome Glen Thomson to our program.

What is Glen about to do?

A.Give his usual lecture to his class.

B.Offer his consulting services to a company.

C.Promote his publication.

D.Give a speech.

Section D听力原文:If this is a "Mandela moment" for America, there were—perhaps inevitably

Section D

听力原文: If this is a "Mandela moment" for America, there were—perhaps inevitably—few specific clues in Barack Obama's victory speech as to how that will work its way through on to the world stage. But for those who have objected to American unilateralism during the Bush years there was the commitment to listening, the promise—in Mr. 0bama's words—of a new dawn of American leadership, coupled with the pledge to defeat those who "would tear this world down".

Among the reaction from Europe, President Sarkozy said the American people had chosen "change, openness and optimism". And the European Commission president, Jose Manuel Barroso, said "we need a new deal for a new world".

Iraq's foreign minister was quick to tell Mr Obama that there was "a great deal at stake" in Iraq and he did not foresee a quick US disengagement, while President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan said he hoped the election would bring peace, life and prosperity to his country.

Managing such expectations abroad, as well as at home, will clearly be one of Mr. Obama's biggest challenges.

If this is a "Mandela moment" for America, there were—perhaps inevitably—few specific clues in Barack Obama's victory speech as to how that will work its way through on to the world stage. But for those who have objected to American【21】during the Bush years there was the commitment to listening, the promise—in Mr. Obama's words—of【22】American leadership, coupled with the pledge to defeat those who "would【23】"

Among the reaction from Europe, President Sarkozy said the American people had chosen "change, openness and【24】" And the European Commission president, Jose Manuel Barroso, said "we need a new deal for a new world".

Iraq' s foreign minister【25】Mr. Obama that there was "【26】" in Iraq and he did not foresee a quick US disengagement,【27】President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan said he hoped the election would bring peace, life and【28】to his country.

Managing such【29】abroad, as well as at home, will clearly be one of Mr. Obama's biggest【30】


听力原文:More shuffling was in the Bush administration, President Bush today said, in addi

听力原文: More shuffling was in the Bush administration, President Bush today said, in addition to moving intelligence director John Negroponte to the No. 2 slotted at the State Department. He is proposing that Mike McConnell take over Negroponte's job. Mr. Bush is calling on the Senate act quickly to confirm both men. President is also making changes in top command leadership in Iraq ahead of the expected release next week of the administration's new policy plan for the now fully nearly 4-year-old Iraq War. The president will nominate Admiral William Fallon to replace General John Abizaid as the head of U. S. central command. America's top military commander in Iraq, General George Casey, will be replaced by Lieutenant General David Petraeus.

Employers added 167,000 jobs to the economy last month. Labor Department's report today, showed that the service sector continues to drive jobs' growth, even as manufacturing and construction shared more positions.

Mike McConnell is going to be ______.

A.intelligence director

B.chief administrator

C.head of America's central command in Iraq

D.America's top military commander in Iraq

SECTION 1(10 points)Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statement

SECTION 1 (10 points)

Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.

听力原文: For most of us, success and the ability to control our own fate are linked to our ability to lead. Leadership, in fact, is something that concerns everyone. A leader does not necessarily occupy a formal leadership position, for example, as the assistant secretary of state or the chief executive officer. Very often people with leadership titles are not necessarily leaders. Parents, spouses, teammates, colleagues, friends, classmates or playmates can all be leaders if they so desire. A teacher can also be as a leader as he or she is a friend. In fact, most of us spend a great deal of time trying to get other people to do willingly what we want them to do, and that, in the purest sense of the term, is what leadership is all about. Of course, we can force people to do things for a short period of time, but that is not leadership. A true leader is apt to persuade and influence other people to accept his ideas, to follow him and to take action.

So, what is the essence of leadership? Basically, what is required of a true leader? It is communication. Without communication, leadership does not exist. It is impossible to get someone to do something without verbal or nonverbal communication. We rely on communication to manage and motivate. We use communication to resolve conflict and facilitate innovation as well as to negotiate.

We may expect our leader to be frank, direct, and to the point. We may also expect that our ideal leader listens, is willing to talk, is open to discussion and constructive suggestions, is receptive to new ideas, and is supportive. But, in most social interactions and economic activities, an ideal and recognized leader invariably emerges as the most competent communicator.

Success has something to do with leadership.



听力原文:Business and public organizations spend tens of millions of dollars each year on

听力原文: Business and public organizations spend tens of millions of dollars each year on development programs to improve their managers' interpersonal skills. You'd think, therefore, that there would be little debate over whether such skills can be effectively taught. But there are diverse opinions on this question.

On one side are those who view interpersonal skills as essentially personality traits that are deep-rooted and not inclined to change. Just as some people are naturally quiet, while others are outgoing, the anti-training side argues that some people can work well with others while many cannot. That is, it's a talent you either have or you don't. They believe that no amount of training is likely to convert individuals with highly offensive interpersonal styles into "people-oriented' types.

The skills advocates have an increasing body of experimental research to support their case. For instance, there is evidence that training programs focusing on the human relations problems of leadership, supervision, attitudes toward employees, communication, and self-awareness produce some improvement in managerial performance.

Nothing in the research suggests that skills training can magically trans form. the interpersonally incompetent into highly effective leaders. But that should not be the test of whether interpersonal skills can be taught. The evidence strongly demonstrates that these skills can be learned. Although people differ in their baseline abilities, the research shows that training can result in improved skills for most people.


A.Human relations.


C.Interpersonal skills training.

D.Interpersonal competence.

听力原文:In early American history, a hero was a man who was wise, brave and able to save

听力原文: In early American history, a hero was a man who was wise, brave and able to save his country from trouble. George Washington was a great American hero. He fought courageously in the Revolutionary War and won independence from Great Britain for the United States. His wisdom and leadership were largely responsible for the organization of the government and for the development of the country.

The modern American hero must be daring and independent as he solves problems. His problems may or may not be national ones. Most of the time they are problems that involve principles like religious freedom or civil fights. For example, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a modem hero, tried to achieve equal rights for the American black people. He gave his life for the principle of human equality.

However, most American heroes are those who axe less concerned with national crises than they are with simple, everyday problems in life. American heroism can be seen in those who rush into burning buildings to save books and manuscripts; who run into paths of automobiles to save the life of a stranger; who work very hard to do credit to their family or faith through sports, music or volunteer services.

In brief, anyone in America can become a hero, and everyone should try to behave like a hero.


A.American heroes in history.

B.The importance of American heroes.

C.Modern American heroes.

D.American heroism.

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