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The king said he would give a bag of gold to the person who told ______.A.a strange storyB

The king said he would give a bag of gold to the person who told ______.

A.a strange story

B.a story that he couldn't believe

C.the best story

提问人:网友diablofriend 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“The king said he would give a …”相关的问题
The king said he would give a bag of gold to the person who told ______.A.a story that he

The king said he would give a bag of gold to the person who told ______.

A.a story that he couldn't believe

B.a strange story

C.the best story

Many years ago there was a poor man.He had an orange tree()his garden.On the tree there were many fine oranges.One day he found one of his oranges was much bigger()the others.It was as big as a football.Nobody had ever seen such a big orange.The poor man took the orange to the king.The king was so happy()he gave the man a lot of money for it.

When a rich man heard of it, he said to himself, "It's only an orange.Why has the king given so much money for it?I'll take my gold cup to the king.He'll give me()money."

The next day when the king received the gold cup, he said to the rich man, "What a beautiful cup!I'll show you something beautiful,please()this great orange."


























Once the king of India fell ill and sent for his doctor. The doctor came, examined him and said, "You will be well again in a few days if you take bull’s (公牛的) milk." The king was very surprised, for he had never heard of a bull that gave milk. "How is it possible " he asked.

"Order Gulbo, the scholar, to get it for you. He can do anything." The doctor was an enemy to Gulbo, and thought this would be a way of making him suffer. When the king told Gulbo what the doctor had said and ordered him to get bull’s milk, Gulbo immediately understood what the doctor was trying to do. When he got home he sat thinking how to get out of the difficulties. His daughter, seeing him worried, asked what was the matter. On hearing what the king had asked for, she said, "Don’t worry, father. I’ll help you." The next day she took some old clothes, went to the bank of the river near the palace, and chose a place below the king’s bedroom window. In the middle of the night, when everyone was in bed, she started to do her washing. She made so much noise that the king could not sleep. The king got very angry and sent a guard to find out what was the matter. The soldier found the girl, and led her to the king. "Why do you wash your clothes here at night " asked the king. The girl pretended to be afraid and said, "I had to wash clothes at night. This afternoon my father had a baby. I was busy all day because of that. Then I found there were no clean clothes for the baby, so I had to come and wash them now." "What!" cried the king, "Are you trying to make a fool of me Who ever heard of a man having a baby " "Well, if the king himself orders someone to get bull’s milk for him, why can’t a man have a baby " The king smiled and said, "You must be Gulbo’s daughter. Go and tell your father that he may keep the bull’s milk for his baby.

6. According to the doctor in the story, the king’s illness can be cured by ().

A. making Gulbo suffer

B. drinking bull’s milk

C. seeing another doctor

D. feeding him with cow’s milk

7. The doctor told the king to ask Gulbo to find bull’s milk because he ().

A. admired Gulbo greatly

B. hated Gulbo very much

C. thought Gulbo was a scholar

D. tried to make Gulbo another doctor

8. How did Gulbo feel after getting the king’s order?()

A. He was upset.

B. He was excited.

C. He was surprised.

D. He was disappointed.

9. Why did Gulbo’s daughter wash clothes below the king’s bedroom window at night?()

A. Because she was forced to do it.

B. Because she often washed clothes there.

C. Because she enjoyed washing clothes there.

D. Because she wanted the king to notice her.

10. From the dialogue between the king and the girl, we know that after hearing the girl’s story, the king().

A. wanted to see the baby

B. became angry with her

C. thought the girl was a fool

D. understood the girl’s meaning

An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented by Sissa Ben, Prim

An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented by Sissa Ben, Prime Minister of King Shirham. As soon as the invention was finished he gave it to the king, who was glad and asked him what he would like to have in return. To the king's surprise, what Sissa wanted seemed very little. "Your Majesty, "said the minister, kneeling before the king. "I want nothing but some wheat. Please put a grain of wheat on the first square of the chessboard (棋盘), two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth.., and so on, doubling the number for each following square. Give me enough grains to cover the 64 squares of the chessboard."

"You don't ask for much, my honest servant. You might have asked for gold or money," said the king and then ordered a bag of wheat brought to the palace.

But when the counting began, with one grain for the first square, two for the second, four for the third, and so on, the bag was emptied before the 20th square. More bags were brought, but the number of grain needed for the following squares increased so rapidly that the king was not able to keep his promise even with all the crops in the whole India! In fact, he would have needed 8 466 744 073 709 511 615 grains, which would be as much as that they would produce in about 2000 years!

Now tile king found himself deep in debt to his minister. He had either to face the terrible trouble all his life or to cut off Sissa's head, the litter of which, it is said was what he finally chose.

This story tells us ______.

A.how cruel the king was

B.how clever the minister was

C.Sissa was a famous mathematician

D.how the game of chess came into being

A king once 【B1】 seriously ill. His doctors and wise men tried cure 【B2】 cure. But nothing
【B3】. They were ready to 【B4】 hope when the king's old servant spoke up. He said, "If you can find a happy man, take the shirt from his back and 【B5】 it on the king, then he will 【B6】 "So the king's officials rode 【B7】 throughout the kingdom, yet nowhere 【B8】 a happy man. No one seemed 【B9】; everyone had some complaints. If a man was rich, he never had enough. If he was not rich, it was someone else's 【B10】. If he was 【B11】, he had a bad mother-in-law. If he had a good mother-in-law, he was catching a cold. Everyone had something to complain about. 【B12】, one night the king's own son was passing a small cottage 【B13】 he heard someone say, "Thank you. I've finished my daily labor, and helped my fellow man. My family and I have eaten our fill, and now we can 【B14】 and sleep in peace. 【B15】 more could I want?" The prince was very happy 【B16】 a happy man at last. He gave 【B17】 to take the man's shirt to the king, and pay the 【B18】 as much money as he 【B19】. But when the king's officials went into the cottage to take the happy man's shirt 【B20】 his back, they found he had no shirt at all.






Passage Three An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented

Passage Three

An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented by Sissa Ben, Prime Minister of King Shirham. As soon as the invention was finished he gave it to the king, who was glad and asked him what he would like to have in return. To the king's surprise, what Sissa wanted seemed very little. "Your Majesty, "said the minister, kneeling before the king. "I want nothing but some wheat. Please put a grain of wheat on the first square of the chessboard (棋盘), two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth.., and so on, doubling the number for each following square. Give me enough grains to cover the 64 squares of the chessboard."

"You don't ask for much, my honest servant. You might have asked for gold or money," said the king and then ordered a bag of wheat brought to the palace.

But when the counting began, with one grain for the first square, two for the second, four for the third, and so on, the bag was emptied before the 20th square. More bags were brought, but the number of grain needed for the following squares increased so rapidly that the king was not able to keep his promise even with all the crops in the whole India! In fact, he would have needed 8 466 744 073 709 511 615 grains, which would be as much as that they would produce in about 2000 years!

Now tile king found himself deep in debt to his minister. He had either to face the terrible trouble all his life or to cut off Sissa's head, the litter of which, it is said was what he finally chose.

41. This story tells us ______.

A. how cruel the king was

B. how clever the minister was

C. Sissa was a famous mathematician

D. how the game of chess came into being

One day one of them said to the king. "After much thought and study. I have found out that
Ihert. is only one way for you to get well. You must wear the shirt of a happy ]nail. "

So Ihe king sent his men to every part of his land to look for a happy man. First they visited me rich They asked all thesepeoplethesamequostion. "Arc you happy?" Bul every one of them answcred. "No. 1 don't know what real happiness means. "

One day nile of the king's men mci a woodcutter (伐木工)

"Are you happy?" asked die king's man.

"As happy as the day is long. " answered Ibc woodcutter.

"Oh. goodt" said the man. "Give me your shirt. "

"Why?" said Ibe woodculter. "I beven'l got one. "

The king wasn't happy because he wtm ill.



听力原文:The King of Saudi Arabia has removed Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani as Saudi Arabia's Oi

听力原文: The King of Saudi Arabia has removed Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani as Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister. Yamani had held the job for twenty four years. Although it's been rumored for a few years that Yamani was out of favor with the King, his firing shocked the oil market. Yamani's replacement, Hicham Niza, is Saudi Arabia's Planning Minister. Oil traders in New York on the mercantile exchange said they had no idea that Yamani was about to be fired, but they took it as a sign that world oil prices would start to rise. Yamani had been leading OPEC in a price war over the past ten months. Saudi Arabia, the largest producer in the cartel, had raised its production and created an oil glut. That lowered the price of oil by 50%. Analysts say Saudi Arabia's King Fahd supposedly had enough of the price war and of Yamani. King Fahd has said that he would like to see the price of oil rise to about $18 a barrel.

On hearing Yamani's firing, on traders in New York were





A king once _56__ seriously ill. His doctors and wise men tried cure __57_ cure. But nothi
ng __58_. They were ready to _59__ hope when the king’s old servant spoke up. He said, “If you can find a happy man ,take the shirt from his back and _60__ it on the king, then he will _61__.” So the king’s officials rode _62__ throughout the kingdom, yet nowhere _63__ a happy man. No one seemed _64__; everyone had some complaints. If a man was rich, he never had enough. If he was not rich, it was someone else’s _65__. If he was _66__, he had a bad mother-in-law. If he had a good mother-in-law, he was catching a cold. Everyone had something to complain about. _67__, one night the king’s own son was passing a small cottage _68__ he heard someone say, “Thank you ”. I’ve finished my daily labor, and helped my fellow man. My family and I have eaten our fill, and now we can _69__ and sleep in peace. _70__ more could I want?” the prince was very happy _71__ a happy man at last. He gave __72_ to take the man’s shirt to the king, and pay the __73__ as much money as he _74__. But when the king’s officials went into the cottage to take the happy man’s shirt __75_ his back, they found he had no shirt at all.

56. A. fell B. felt C. feel D. Fall

A king once 56 seriously ill. His doctors and wise men tried cure 57 cure.

But nothing 58 They were ready to 59 hope when the king's old servant spoke up. He said, "If you can find a happy man, take the shirt from his back and 60 it on the king, then he will 61 " So the king's officials rode 62 throughout the kingdom, yet nowhere 63 a happy man. No one seemed 64 ; everyone had some corn- plaints. If a man was rich, he never had enough. If he was not rich, it was someone else's 65If he was 66 , he had a bad mother-in-law. If he had a good mother-in-law, he was catching a col

D.Everyone had something to complain a-bout.67 , one night the king's own son was passing a small cottage 68 he heard someone say, "Thank you. I've finished my daily labor, and helped my fellow man. My family and I have eaten our fill, and now we can 69 and sleep in peace.

70 more could I want?" The prince was very happy 71 a happy man at last. He gave 72 to take the man's shirt to the king, and pay the 73 as much mon- ey as he 74 . But when the king's officials went into the cottage to take the happy man's shirt 75 his back, they found he had no shirt at all. 根据以上内容,回答题。

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