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Having ______ so many obstacles, she established her fame as a first-rate actress at last.





提问人:网友xfqiao 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Having ______ so many obstacle…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Professor Edward has been very busy this term. As far as I know, he works unti
l mid-night every day.

M: I wouldn't have troubled him so much if I had known he was so busy.

Q: what do we learn from the conversation?


A.The man regrets having taken up much of the professor's time.

B.The man has trouble getting along with the professor.

C.The man knows the professor has been busy.

D.The man knows the professor has run into trouble.

The author seems to be especially impressed by the fact that ______.A.Mason, a responsible

The author seems to be especially impressed by the fact that ______.

A.Mason, a responsible citizen, resisted for so long the obligation to represent his state in politics

B.Mason, having so little political inclination, turned out to be such an influential statesman

C.Mason was willing to leave home and family for public service

D.Mason could be a devoted family man and a statesman at the same time

The author seems to be especially impressed by the fact that ______. ()A.Mason, a respons

The author seems to be especially impressed by the fact that ______. ()

A.Mason, a responsible citizen, resisted for so long the obligation to represent his state in politics

B.Mason, having so little political inclination, turned out to be such an influential statesman

C.Mason was willing to leave home and family for public service

D.Mason could be devoted family man and a statesman at the same time

听力原文:M:I still can't get over the show last Saturday evening. I keep having nightmares
all night.

W:So,next time before you walk into a theatre,make sure what you are going to see.I don't want to hear your complaints again.

Q:What can we infer from this conversation?


A.The man enjoyed the movie very much.

B.The man saw a horror movie last Saturday.

C.The woman asked the man to be careful at night.

D.The woman went to the show with the man.

听力原文:M: Well, if I had begun studying English earlier, I wouldn't be having so much tr
ouble with my pronunciation.

W: Oh, I can understand why you feel that way.

Q: What problem does the man have?


A.He had much trouble with his pronunciation.

B.He began studying English too early.

C.No one can understand him.

D.He knew nothing about English.

So society has us all at its mercy. It has only to murmur to the man that staying home
is a feminine characteristic, and he will be out of the house like a bullet. It has only to suggest to the woman that logic and reason are the exclusive province of the masculine mind, whereas “intuition” and “feeling” are the female forte, and she will throw her physics textbooks out of the window, barricade herself into the house and give herself up to having wishy-washy poetical feelings while she arranges the flowers.

听力原文:M: Well, if I had begun studying English earlier, I wouldn't be having so much tr
ouble with my pronunciation.

W: Oh, I can understand why you feel that way.

Q: What problem does the man have?


A.He had much trouble with his pronunciation.

B.He began studying English too early.

C.No one can understand him.

D.He knew nothing about English.

听力原文:W: Having visited so many different countries, you must be able to speak several
different languages.

M: I wish I could.

What does the man mean?

A.He can speak several languages.

B.He cannot speak several languages.

C.He likes foreign languages.

D.He is good at speaking languages.

听力原文:W: Won't you take the car? It's quite cheap.M I'm having second thoughts about bu

听力原文:W: Won't you take the car? It's quite cheap.

M I'm having second thoughts about buying the car.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He's not so sure to buy the car.

B.He's ready to buy that car.

C.He's certain to buy the car.

D.He's afraid to buy that car.

听力原文:W: I still can't get over the show last Saturday evening. I keep having nightmare
s all night.

M: So, next time before you walk into a theatre, make sure what you are going to see. I don't want to hear your complaints again and it is kind of wasting money too.

Q: What do we team from this conversation?


A.The woman enjoyed the movie very much.

B.The woman saw a horror movie last Saturday.

C.The man asked the woman to be careful at night.

D.The man went to the show with the woman.

听力原文:(Woman—Susan Man—David)W: What is so interesting in that book, David?M: Oh, Susan

听力原文:(Woman—Susan Man—David)

W: What is so interesting in that book, David?

M: Oh, Susan, it's a book about the changes in weather.

W: We certainly are having different weather this year, aren't we?

M: That's why I borrowed this book from the library. I wanted to read about differences in climate.

W: Does the book talk about cold weather like we've been having?

M: As a matter of fact, it does. It tells how weather seems to come in cycles. There will be periods of very cold winters and very hot summers.

W: Well, we've had both this year, haven't we?

M: Yes, and according to the book, that type of weather will last for several years.

W: Then what happens? Does it just continue to get colder and hotter?

M: No, that was what I was afraid of, but the book says that after the very cold/very hot cycle is over, there will be a time of moderate weather.

W: What do you mean by "moderate"?

M: The book says that the weather will be cold in the winter but not too cold. In the summer, the temperature will not be so high as it was this last summer.

W: Will it last for several years?

M: It seems that it will. It's a cycle, just like we're having now. Then it will go back to the very cold and very hot.

W: I'll look forward to the moderate years, then.

M: Me, too!


A.The climate in cold countries.

B.The weather for tomorrow.

C.The changes in weather.

D.The cold winter.

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