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根据材料请回答 16~22 题 Fermi ProblemOn a Monday morning in July, the world' s first at

根据材料请回答 16~22 题

Fermi Problem

On a Monday morning in July, the world' s first atom bomb exploded in the New

Mexico desert.Forty seconds later, the shock waves reached the base camp where the I-talian-American physicist Enrico Fermi and his team stood.After a mental calculation, Fermi announced to his team that the bomb's energy had equated 10,000 tons of TNT.The bomb team was impressed, but not surprised.Fermi' s genius was known throughout the scientific world.In 1938 he had won a Nobel Prize.Four years later he produced the first nuclear chain reaction, leading' us into the nuclear age.Since Fermi's death in 1954,no physicist has been at once a master experimentalist (实验家) and a leading theoretician

Like all virtuosos (大师), Fermi had a distinctive style.He preferred the, most direct route to an answer.He was very good at dividing difficult problems into small, managea-ble bits talent we all can use in our daily lives,

To develop this talent in his students, Fermi would suggest a type of question now known as a Fermi problem.Upon first hearing one of these, you haven't the remotest no-tion of the answer, and you feel certain that too little information had been given to solve it.Yet when the problem is broken into sub-problems, each answerable without the help of experts or books, you can come close to the exact solution.

Suppose you want to determine Earth's circumference without looking it up.Every-one knows that New York and Los Angeles are about 3,000 miles apart and that the time difference between them is three hours.Three hours is one-eighth of a day, and a day is the time it takes the planet to complete one rotation (旋转), so its circumference must be eight times 3000 or 24000 miles.This answer differs from the true value, 24,902.45 mi-les, by less than four percent.

Ultimately (最终地) the value of dealing with everyday problems the way Fermi did lies in the rewards of making independent discoveries and inventions.It doesn't matter whether the discovery is as important as determining the power of an atom or as small as measuring the distance between New York and Los Angeles.Looking up the answer, or letting someone else find it, deprives you of the pleasure and pride that accompany creativ-ity, and deprives you of an experience that builds up self-confidence.Thus, approaching personal dilemmas as Fermi problems can become a habit that enriches your life.

第 16 题 Fermi's team was impressed by Fermi' s announcement in the base camp because he could even work out the power of the atom bomb in his mind.



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提问人:网友hypers 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“根据材料请回答 16~22 题 Fermi ProblemO…”相关的问题
根据材料请回答 16~22 SmokingSince 1939, numerous studies have been conducted to determ根据
材料请回答 16~22 Smoking Since 1939, numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard.The trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a serious health risk.Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasona-ble doubt that tobacco smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy ()

And low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent sa-fer, but they can only slightly reduce,not eliminate,the hazards. 第 16 题 It is easy to determine whether smoking is hazardous. A.Right


C.Not mentioned

根据下列材料请回答 16~30 题: Some years ago,Chinese high school students would show t

根据下列材料请回答 16~30 题:

Some years ago,Chinese high school students would show their new schoolbags,new clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term started.Today,however,all have 16 If you still come back to school 17 0nly these things,you are out—of-date(过时的)。Students in big cities like to bring the latest high.tech things to school,and feel happy and 18 to show off(炫耀)these things to 19 .Mobile phones,MP3 players,CD players,electronic dictionaries,the list is endless.

Young people think that.1iving in the 21 st century,they must keep up with the 20 They don't want to fall 21 .Besides,they think 22 they need to keep in touch with their classmates.SO they need mobile phones.They also like to 23 the pop music,SO they need CD players.They explain that, 24 like electronic dictionarjes,these can be 25 in their study, 26 .They think that their parents should understand 27 they want these things-

Foreign students will also bring some latest high-tech things when they 28 to school at the beginning of a new term. 29 ,they often use the money which they made by themselves during the holiday to 30 these high—tech things that they want.

第 16 题





根据材料请回答 16~22 SmokingSince 1939, numerous studies have been conducted to determ

根据材料请回答 16~22


Since 1939, numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard.The trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a serious health risk.Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasona-ble doubt that tobacco smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy (预期寿命).

Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of some other organs of the body.Male cigarette smokers have higher death rate from heart disease than none-smoking males.Female cigarette smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply.

Apart from statistics, it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobacco does to the human body.Smoke is a mixture of gases, vaporized chemicals, minute particles of ash and other solids.There is also nicotine (尼古丁), which is powerful poison, and black tar.As smoke is breathed in, all those components form. deposits on the membranes (膜) of the lungs.One point of concentration is where the air tube and bronchus divides.Most lung cancer begins at this point.

Filters (过滤嘴) and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent sa-fer, but they can only slightly reduce, not eliminate, the hazards.

第 16 题 It is easy to determine whether smoking is hazardous.



C.Not mentioned

根据下列材料请回答 16~22 题:What Is Giobalization ?It was the anti—globalization movement

根据下列材料请回答 16~22 题:

What Is Giobalization ?

It was the anti—globalization movement that really put globalization on the map.As a word it has existed since the 1 960s,but the protests against this allegedly new process,which its opponents condemn as a way of ordering people’S lives,brought globalization out of the financial and academic worlds and into everyday current affairs.

In the late 1 980s and early 1 990s.the business model called the“globalized”financial market came to be seen as an entity that could have more than just an economic impact on the parts of the world it touched.Globalization came to be seen as more than simply a way of doing business,or running financial markets—it became a process.From then on the word took on a life of its own.

So how does the globalized market work? It is modern communications that make it possible;for the British service sector to deal with its customers through a call centre in India,or for a sportswear(运动服)manufacturer to design its products in Europe,make them in south.east Asia and sell them in north America.

But this is where the anti—globalization side gets stuck in(关注).If these practices replace domestic economic life with an economy that is heavily influenced or controlled from overseas.then the creation of a globalized economic model and the process of globalization can also be seen as a surrender of power to the corporations,or a means of keeping poorer nations in their place。

Not everyone agrees that globalization is necessarily evil,or that globalized corporations are running the lives of individuals or are more powerful than nations.Some say that the spread of globalization,free markets and free trade into the developing world is the best way to beat poverty—the only problem is that free markets and free trade do not yet truly exist.

Globalization can be seen as a positive,negative or even marginal process.And regardless of whether it works for good or ill,globalization’S exact meaning will continue to be the subject of debate among those who oppose,support or simply observe it.

第 16 题 Globalization is a term used only in the financial and academic worlds.



C.Not mentioned

根据所听材料,回答 16~18 题 第 16 题 The six policies to prevent millions of death linke

根据所听材料,回答 16~18 题

第 16 题 The six policies to prevent millions of death linked to tobacco use are known as __________.





根据下列材料请回答 16~22 题:Survey Finds Many Women Misinformed about CancerSixty—three pe

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Survey Finds Many Women Misinformed about Cancer

Sixty—three percent of American women think that if there’S no family history of cancer,you’re not likely to develop the disease,a new survey found.

In fact,most people who develop cancer have no family history of cancer,according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists(ACOG)(美国妇产科医师学会),which sponsored the survey.

“Too many women are dying from cancer,”Dr.Douglas W.Laube,ACOG’S immediate past president,said during a Friday teleconference.“An estimated 200,070women will die in the U.S.this year,and over 600,078 women will be diagnosed with cancer,The results of this survey found a worrisome(令人担忧的)gap in women’s know ledge about cancer.”

Based on the findings.ACOG is increasing its efforts to educate women about cancer and the need for regular screening tests.

Although the survey found many misconceptions(错误观念)about cancer,76 percent of women surveyed did say they feel knowledgeable about how they can reduce their risk of the disease.

However,only 52 percent said they were doing enough to reduce that risk.And 10 percent said they hadn’t done anything in the past year to lower their risk.Seventeen percent said they wouldn’t change their lifestyles,even if changes would lower their cancer risk.

Many women said they were afraid to undergo screening out of fear of finding cancer。Twenty percent said they didn’t want to know if they had cancer.

In response to these findings.ACOG will launch on Oct.29 a new website—Protect&Detect:What Women Should Know about Cancer.The guide is designed to help women to take charge of their health and improve their understanding of their risk of cancer—and the lifestyle. steps they can take to cut that risk.

第 16 题 Many American women have a poor knowledge of cancer



C.Not mentioned

根据下列材料,请回答 16~18 题: 第 16 题 “我与汝皆健者,汝敢与我尉马前决生死乎?”一句的意思

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第 16 题 “我与汝皆健者,汝敢与我尉马前决生死乎?”一句的意思是什么?(5分)

根据下列材料,请回答 16~18 题: 第 16 题 “使人之不惧,皆如婴儿、醉人与其未及知之时,则虎畏之

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第 16 题 “使人之不惧,皆如婴儿、醉人与其未及知之时,则虎畏之,无足怪者”一句的意思是什么?

根据下列材料请回答 16~22 题:PetitionsPetitions(请愿,请愿书)have long been a part of Britis

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Petitions(请愿,请愿书)have long been a part of British political life.Anyone who wanted to change something would get a list of signatures from people who agreed to the idea and either send them to the government or deliver them personally to the Prime Minister’s house in London.

They are always accepted at the door by one of the PM'S officials.What happens then? Nothing much,usually.But petitions have always been thought of as a useful way for those who govern to find out what the people really think.

That’s why the UK government Launched its“e—petition”site in November 2006.Instead of physically collecting signatures,all anyone with an idea has to do now is to make a proposal on the government website,and anyone who supports the idea is free to add his or her signature.

The petitions soon started to flow in.The idea was for the British people to express their constructive ideas.Many chose instead to express their sense of humor.

one petitioner called on Tony Blair to stop the Deputy Prime Minister eating SO much”.Another wanted to expel(驱逐)Scotland from the United Kingdom because Scottish football fast never support England in the World Cup.

other petitioners called on the Prime Minister to abolish the monarchy.Some wanted to give it more power.Some wanted to oppose the United States.others wanted to leave the European Union.Some wanted to send more troops to Iraq and others wanted them all brought home.Some wanted to adopt the Euro(欧元).Others wanted to keep the pound.

Yet if some petitions are not serious。others present a direct challenge to government policy.A petition calling on the government to drop plans to charge drivers for using roads has already drawn around 1.8 million signatures.1n response to that,a rival petition has been posted in support of road pricing.And that is also rapidly growing.

There are about 60 million people in Britain.So it is understandable that the government wants to find out what people are thinking.But the problem with the e-petition site seems to be that the British people have about 70 million opinions,and want the Prime Minister to hear all of them.Perhaps he could start a petition asking everyone to lust shut up for a while.

第 16 题 A petition needs to be signed



C.Not mentioned

根据下列材料,请回答 16~18 题: 第 16 题 将这段文字中下列句子译成现代汉语。东面而视:______

根据下列材料,请回答 16~18 题:

第 16 题 将这段文字中下列句子译成现代汉语。






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