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The writer comments on Stem's investigation and analysis in a ______ tone.A.indifferentB.n

The writer comments on Stem's investigation and analysis in a ______ tone.





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更多“The writer comments on Stem's …”相关的问题
According to the writer, Summers' comments on women's ability seem to be based onA.his own

According to the writer, Summers' comments on women's ability seem to be based on

A.his own attitude towards women scientists

B.his recent study on women's weaknesses

C.the latest findings about human brains

D.the conventional opinion about talents

Bernald DeVoto comments: “_________ wrote one of the great styles of American literature, he helped develop the modern American style, he was the first writer who ever used the American vernacular at

A、Benjamin Franklin

B、Mark Twain

C、Ralph Waldo Emerson

D、Walt Whitman

The author mentions Lu Xun's comments on A Doll's House in order to make the point that __

A.individualism, as presented in the play, benefits only the individual, not the community in which he or she lives

B.Chinese writer looks to Western literature for evidence of pressure of social conventions to those pressures in their own culture

C.Chinese writers felt the need to focus on the practical problems presented by a particular social environment as well as on personal needs

D.The preoccupation in Western literature with women's emancipation blinded writers and thinkers to the broader social issues involved

听力原文:Book reports may be required by teachers who want to know whether their students

听力原文: Book reports may be required by teachers who want to know whether their students have read the books assigned and how well they understand those books. If they are not required, students may as well write one or two for themselves, for writing book reports helps students to improve their reading comprehension and their ability to analyze and evaluate books. Moreover, it is very good writing practice.

Generally speaking, a book report consists of the following three main parts: information about the author and his times, a summary of the book, and comments on it.

A brief account of the author's life should be given together with a description of his times. The latter should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book.

As has been mentioned in the previous section, a summary should be self-contained, clear, and easy to understand. Above all, it should be objective. Comments on and criticisms of the book should not be mixed with the summary; they can be left to the third part.

Comments on the evaluation of the book form. the third and most important part of a book report. In this part the writer expresses his or her own views on the book, names its merits and demerits, and discusses its relevance to the present time.


A.How to read a book.

B.Evaluation of a book.

C.Evaluation of a writer.

D.The contends of a book report.

Criticism is judgment. A critic is a judge. A judgemust study and think about the material

Criticism is judgment. A critic is a judge. A judge

must study and think about the material presented to it, 【S1】______

correct it or reject it after thinking what he has read, 【S2】______

watched or heard,

Another word for criticism is the appreciation. 【S3】______

When I criticize or appreciate some object or another, 1

look for its good points and its bad points. In reading

any printing or written matter, 1 always have a pencil in 【S4】______

hand and put any comments in the book or on a separate

piece of paper. In other words, I never talk back to the 【S5】______


The sort of critical reading may well be called

creation reading because I am thinking along with the 【S6】______

writer, asking him questions, seeing that he answers the 【S7】______

questions and how well he answers them. I mark the

good passages to restore them in my memory and ask 【S8】______

myself about every other part and about the complete

piece of writing:—where, how and why could or

should I improve upon them? 【S9】______

You might think that doing what I suggested is

work. Yes, it is, and the work is a pleasure because I 【S10】______

can feel my brain expanding, my emotion reacting and

my way of living changing.


Identical twins are a perfect test case for theories of personality development. If a theo
ry can't explain the differences between identical twins, then it cannot explain environmental effects on personality. Even identical twins brought up in the same home have different personalities.

Take Ladan and Laleh Bijani from Iran. They were identical twins who had spent their entire 29 years joined at the head. And yet, Ladan, the more outspoken of the pair, told journalists, "We are two completely separate individuals, we have different world views, We have different lifestyles, we think very differently about issues." Why did Ladan and Laleh have different personalities?

Self-organized systems in insects can provide us with some ideas. A colony of ants, for example, can be seen as a self-organized system. No supervisor tells the ants what to do, and yet all the jobs get done. The system works in such a way that if one ant carries out a particular job, it be comes less likely that another ant will attempt that job because it no longer needs doing. The result is what economists call "division of labor. "

Self-organization also produces division of labor in human groups. Each individual looks for something to specialize in, his or her own suitable position in the group. If one position is occupied, the individual will seek another. This process increases the differences even between identical twins, because once they've chosen different specialities, a circular mechanism causes small initial differences between them to widen.

Although identical twins look very much alike, people who know them well will distinguish between them. They might, for example, address more questions and comments to one twin than the other—perhaps by chance first. But the consequence is that the twin who is addressed more of ten will do more talking than the other twin, which will cause people who know them to address still more of their questions and comments to that twin. The result, over time, will be one outspoken twin and one quieter one—like Ladan and Laleh Bijani.

According to the writer we learn that identical twins______.

A.differ in personality

B.differ in appearance

C.have the same lifestyle

D.have the same outlook

Text 2Identical twins are a perfect test case for theories of personality development. If

Text 2

Identical twins are a perfect test case for theories of personality development. If a theory can' t explain the differences between identical twins, then it cannot explain environmental effects on per-sonality. Even identical twins brought up in the same home have different personalities.Take Ladan and Laleh Bijani from Iran. They were identical twins who had spent their entire 29 years joined at the head. And yet, Ladan, the more outspoken of the pair, told journalists,"We are two completely separate individuals. we have different world views,We have different lifestyles, we think very differently about issues. " Why did Ladan and Laleh have different person-alities?

Self-organized systems in insects can provide us with some ideas. A colony of ants, for exam-ple, can be seen as a self-organized system. No supervisor tells the ants what to do, and yet all the jobs get done. The system works in such a way that if one ant carries out a particular job, it be- comes less likely that another ant will attempt that job because it no longer needs doing. The result is what economists call "division of labor. "

Self-organization also produces division of labor in human groups. Each individual looks for something to specialize in, his or her own suitable position in the group. If one position is occu-pied, the individual will seek another. This process increases the differences even between identical twins, because once they' ve chosen different specialities, a circular mechanism causes small initial differences between them to widen.

Although identical twins look very much alike, people who know them well will distinguish between them. They might ,for example, address more questions and comments to one twin than the other-perhaps by chance first. But the consequence is that the twin who is addressed more often will do more talking than the other twin, which will cause people who know them to address still more of their questions and comments to that twm. The result, over time, will be one outspo-ken twin and one quieter one-like Ladan and Laleh Bijani.

51. According to the writer we learn that identical twins_________

[ A] differ in personality

[B] differ in appearance

[C] have the same lifestyle

[D] have the same outlook

Answer ONE of Questions 2, 3 or 4 below.1. Question 2&8226;You are the Sales Manager of yo

Answer ONE of Questions 2, 3 or 4 below.

1. Question 2

&8226;You are the Sales Manager of your company. You have been asked by your Managing Director to write a report about the computer sales situation of the previous quarter.

&8226;Write your report, including the following information:

&8226;the sales in different markets:

&8226;the comparison between the sales of the laptop computer and the desktop computer;

&8226;the conclusions about the sales;

&8226;the suggestions for future sales strategy.

&8226;Write 200--250 words on the separate answer paper provided.

2. Question 3

? As China further speeds up developing the western part of the country, you are considering establishing a branch in Xi'an The Chairman of the Board has asked you to write a proposal saying why a branch should be opened in Xi'an.

&8226;Write the proposal, explaining the reasons why you think a branch should be opened in Xi'an, and include the following points:

&8226;the size of the branch;

&8226;the reasons for opening the branch;

&8226;the budget for opening the branch;

&8226;how to manage the branch.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.

3. Question 4

&8226;You have received a letter from Sunny Company concerning the goods your company sells to them.

&8226;Writer a letter to Sunny Company, advising them that the first order for 30 TV sets has been shipped. In order to attract more orders, you should include the following points in your letter:

&8226;you have some new types of the products to supply;

&8226;you can offer more discounts to regular customers;

&8226;ask about the end-users comments on the goods supplied;

&8226;you promise that the terms and conditions will be better on a large order.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on the separate paper provided.

If visitors ask some unfriendly questions, it is better to _____________.

A、criticize their comments

B、correct their comments

C、agree to their comments

D、shrug off their comments

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