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A: Look at the mess. And the inspector will be here any minute.B: ______.A.Relax. The insp

A: Look at the mess. And the inspector will be here any minute. B: ______.

A.Relax. The inspector will be late.

B.No problem, it looks fine.

C.Take .it easy. I'll make sure the room is in order.

D.Do you think so?

提问人:网友ruankao4 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“A: Look at the mess. And the i…”相关的问题
—— Neither do I. Look at our community, it is such a mess.A、Our service center don’t off

A. Look at our community, it is such a mess.

B.Our service center don’t offer much help for us.

C.I really don’t think our service center is satisfyin

D.I’m slightly satisfied with our service center.

听力原文:M: If you had signaled your intention to turn a little sooner, this wouldn't have

W: But I signaled in time. Just look at the mess you've made of my car!

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She believes that the man drives carefully.

B.She thinks that the man had signaled in time.

C.She thinks that the man has mined her car.

D.She doesn't know what to do with the mess.

听力原文:My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans du

听力原文: My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans during the summer to share an apartment with two of my close friends from high school. But before we moved in, problems started developing.

One of the two girls I was to share an apartment with was going to work instead of going to college. However, a week before we were to move in, she found out that she didn't get the job. She was forced to live at home and look for work. The rest two of us lasted for a month and then agreed that we couldn't make it with the higher monthly rent payments. I started looking around.

I found another apartment and the rent wasn't bad. The place was noisy, but it was the best I could afford for the time. However, one clay when I returned, I saw smoke coming from the back of the house. The cottage had caught fire, and my room was a burned mess. I was once more out of a place to stay.

I finally gave up looking around and moved home. I had to drive forty miles to school every day, so I almost spent as much on gas as I would have on lodging. I was very bored. I almost lost the will to study. It had been really a bad semester!


A.To look for two of her close friends.

B.To stay at home and study.

C.To share an apartment with friends.

D.To move out and live alone.

听力原文:Woman: Jim, thank goodness you arrived, the class presentation started half of an
hour. ago, and I was just beginning to panic.

Man: I'm sorry I'm late, Aileen, this morning has been real mess. I didn't take out to make it here at all!

Woman: Why are you late? Our whole presentation depends on these graphs you are holding.

Man: Yes, I know. I'll tell you about it later. First, Let's see how we are doing. Two groups are still holding off, aren't they? The presentation on the rights of consumer and the analysis of the stock market. That means I'll get 20 minutes to prepare.

Woman: You do look cold, what happened?

Man: I've been standing outside in arctic temperature for over an hour waiting for a bus.

Woman: Over an hour? But I thought your apartment was only 10 minutes' bus ride to campus.

Man: At the normal conditions yes, but the bus was delayed because of the weather. And when I step into a drugstore to call home for a ride, the bus went by. As luck would have it there was no one at home. So I had to wait another 45 minutes for the next bus. Woman: That's Murphy's law, isn't it? If anything can go wrong, it will. Well, we'll still get 20 minutes to get our wits together.

Man: We'd better stop talking, people are turning around and looking at us.

What is the woman's tone of voice when she first sees the man?





听力原文:W: Jim, thank goodness you' ve arrived. The class report started half an hour ago
. And I was just beginning to worry.

M: I' m sorry I' m late, Ellen. This morning has been a real mess. I didn' t think I was going to make it here at all.

W: Why are you late? Our whole report depends on those drawings you' re holding.

M: Yes, I know. I'll tell you about it later. First, let' s see how we' re doing for time. Two groups are still ahead of us, aren't they? The report on the rights of the consumer and the analysis of the stock market.

That means I' ve got about 20 minutes to warm up.

W: You do look cold. What happened?

M: I've been standing outside in cold temperatures for over an hour waiting for a bus.

W: Over an hour? But I thought your apartment was only a ten-minute bus fide to campus.

M: Under normal conditions, but the bus was delayed because of the weather. And when I stepped into a drugstore to call home for a ride, the bus went by. As luck would have it, there was no one home so I had to wait for another 45 minutes for the next bus.

W: That' s Murphy' s law, isn't it? What was it said? "If anything can go wrong, it will. " Well, we' ve still got 20 minutes to gather our wits together.

M: We' d better stop talking. People are turning around and looking at us.

What' is the woman' s tone of voice when she first sees the man?





With all the guests ______ (瞪眼看着他,他感到很羞愧造成) such a mess.

With all the guests ______ (瞪眼看着他,他感到很羞愧造成) such a mess.

My room is a mess. It needs ______.A.to be tidying upB.tidying upC.to tidy upD.tidied up

My room is a mess. It needs ______.

A.to be tidying up

B.tidying up

C.to tidy up

D.tidied up

The flat was in a bit of mess. (翻译)

The flat was in a bit of mess. (翻译)

When Mary came back home, she found her husband and their dog________ together on the sofa and the whole house was in a complete mess.
We used to call them "electronic brains". That was back in the 1950's, when names like ENI
AC and Univac were room-sized clunkers with hot tubes, punch cards, and mechanical clacking noises. Computers are much, much smaller and many times smarter now. But we know better than to call them "electronic brains". Computers don't really think. They calculate. They manipulate binary digits, one's and zero's, like the beads of an abacus, only much faster.

Computers can compete at chess because the board's options are limited. Program all of the possibilities and you've got Deep Blue, a competitor—but not a thinker. When chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov faced off IBM's Deep Blue, the machine won. That upset a lot of people. Not me. I'm happy to concede the few things a machine can do, if it helps us to appreciate the many things humans can do better—like, for example, making a mess. I'm real good at that. Look at my desk. Some people say a cluttered desk is a sign of a creative mind. People look at my desk and say I must be very creative. But where others see chaos, I see order. Believe it or not, I

know where everything is—usually. Order is in the mind of the beholder; so is disorder.

Today's scientists think about chaos the way Einstein thought about relativity. Chaos was an important theme in the movie "Jurassic Park". A concept called "chaos theory" predicted the breakdown of order and dinosaurs running amok. In simplest terms, chaos theory tries to appreciate just how much the universe is a vast, disorderly place, where here and there sheer probability has caused disorder to give way to a quite lovely and wondrous order. On at least one lovely planet, our own, it has created the human brain. It is a complex piece of meat chock full of disorderly thoughts that here and there give way to wondrous order.

To information theorists, our brains must look like a jumble of entropy, "noise" and random errors in the transmission of signals and messages out of which an often-lovely order emerges, just as a painting, when viewed close up, looks like so many chaotic brush strokes and squiggles; but when viewed from farther back, it becomes the Mona Lisa, orderly and beautiful, yet still mysterious, a reflection of its creator's sense of himself. The smartest computer's talents pale next to Leonardo De Vinci's genius. This computer is no more aware of what it does or what it is doing than a lawn mower is aware of the lawn it's cutting.

We no longer call computers "electronic brains" because ______.

A.they calculate faster than brains,

B.they are not as smart as brains.

C.they manipulate binary digits.

D.they cannot think as brains do.

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