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听力原文:M: Hello, Alice. What was the film like?W: Awful. It was a complete waste of time

听力原文:M: Hello, Alice. What was the film like?

W: Awful. It was a complete waste of time.

M: Why? What was it about?

W: It was about a married couple. They had to live with the wife's mother, because they didn't have enough money to buy a house of their own.

M: A lot of young poeple have to do that.

W: Yes, but the husband had to work overtime three times a week, so he was always tired.

M: It sounds like the story of my life.

W: Yes, it does doesn't it? But this man was always over-tired, and he couldn't sleep. So he used to take two sleeping pills every night.

M: I take sleeping pills sometimes.

W: Yes, but not two every night, right? Anyway, the strain was too much for him, He had a nervous breakdown and went to hospital.

M: It sounds like a very depressing film.

W: Not really. His wife was able to find a good job as an interpreter, because she could speak French fluently. After a few months' work, she had a better job than her husband. So in the end, they were able to buy a house, and he didn't have to work any more, stupid, wasn't it?

M: I don't know. My wife used to speak French. I must tell her to brush it up.

What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A film.

B.A TV program.

C.A concert.

D.A book.

提问人:网友hhhh7130 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:M: Hello, Alice. What was…”相关的问题
Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questi

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文:Hello, may I speak to Alice?


A.No, you may not.

B.This is Alice speaking.

C.Yes, my name's Alice.

D.I'm Alice.

听力原文:W: Hello, Robert, Alice here.M: Hello, Alice, how are you?W: Fine, thanks. Look,

听力原文:W: Hello, Robert, Alice here.

M: Hello, Alice, how are you?

W: Fine, thanks. Look, I've just got the prospectus for this year's evening classes. You said you were hoping to come again, so I thought it would be nice if we could go to one or two classes together.

M: Oh, that's a good idea. Is the program the same as last year?

W: More or less. There are a couple of new classes.

M: Which classes are you thinking of joining?

W: Well, there's pottery on a Monday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 and! thought I might go to the folk guitar class on Tuesday and Spanish conversation on Thursday.

M: You usually go to "keep-fit", don't you?

W: Yes, that's on Wednesday, but you're not interested in that, are you?

M: Not really. Have they got a "car maintenance" class this year?

W: Yes, that's on a Monday evening, 7:30 to 9:30.

M: I'd rather like to go to that.

W: Well, you can't do car maintenance and pottery.

M: When is the Spanish conversation class?

W: Thursday, 7:30 to 9:30.

M: I think I'll do car maintenance and Spanish conversation then.

W: Well, look, I've got a spare enrolment form. and I'm going to the college this evening. Shall I put you down for those two classes?

M: Oh, could you really?

W: Of course, no problem.

M: And I'll see you at the weekend so I can pay you then.

W: Fine. Bye.

M: Bye.


A.To talk about the evening class with the man.

B.To see what class the man will attend

C.To attend one or two evening classes together with the man.

D.To find what classes the man is interested in.

听力原文: (A =AliceT=Tony)A Sinwell & Co. Good morning.T Hello, Alice?A Oh, hello Tony

听力原文: (A =Alice T=Tony)

A Sinwell & Co. Good morning.

T Hello, Alice?

A Oh, hello Tony.

T I’m glad I caught you. Listen, I’m at the airport, and I’ve just realized I’ve left my diary in the office. You can’t see it anywhere, can you?

A Hang on. Here it is.

T Oh, great. Now can you have a look at tomorrow? I’ve got an appointment at nine thirty at the airport. But what’s the name of the woman I’m seeing?

A It’s Ms. Chen. Chen Hong.

T That’s it. It had gone right out of my head. Is that C-H-E-N H-O-N-G?

A That’s right.

T And what’s her position in the company, exactly?

A She’s their new Research Director.

T That’s it. Right. Then in the afternoon, I’m meeting Mr. Johnson at 2.30. but I can’t remember whether we agreed to meet at his company or the hotel.

A Well, there’s nothing here about the hotel.

T Right, then it must be at his company. Sorry, Alice, I’ll have to go. My plane’s boarding.

A Ok, Tony. Oh, before you go. Don’t forget on Wednesday you’ll need to confirm your flight to Shanghai.

T Thanks. I’ll make a note of it. I’ll call you first thing in the morning.

A Bye.

&8226;Look at the form. below.

&8226;You will hear a man checking details of his appointments



9.30 Meeting at (9) ______ with Ms. Chen Hong.

She's their new (10) ______ .

14.30 Meet Mr. Johnson at (11) ______ to discuss new products.

Don't forget

Call office tomorrow.

(12)______ to Shanghai on Wednesday.

听力原文:M: Hello, Karen Williams speaking.F: Hello, Karen, this is Alice Everett here.M:

听力原文:M: Hello, Karen Williams speaking.

F: Hello, Karen, this is Alice Everett here.

M: Oh, hello, Mrs Everett. How are you?

F: Fine, thanks. Karen, the reason I am ringing is to sort out the arrangements for my visit to Liverpool next month. I'd like to go over the whole itinerary.

M: All right. I think I've got all the details as well as the travel arrangements.

F: OK, then we can start with 24th. What time shall I arrive at Liverpool?

M: Well, the plane arrives at 10:00 a.m.

F: That's good. When am I supposed to meet Mr Davis from Sunrise?

M: At about 11:00 to 11:30, I think. Then you have an lunch appointment with Mrs Rebecca from National Bank at 12:30.

F: Oh, I almost forgot about this. Is it correct that I only have one appointment in the afternoon ?

M: That's right, you have to sign an agreement with Mr McDonald from Ford at 3 o'clock. Then you'll be free in the evening. But you'll have to visit two factories on 25th before your return flight at 2:30 in the afternoon.

F: OK, thank you, Karen, I'll remember that. It sounds like a hectic trip.

M: Yes, it is. Mrs Everett. Bye-bye.

&8226;Look at the form. below.

&8226;You will hear a man calling to check the schedule.

Mrs Everett's Schedule

24th January

10 a.m.: arrive at the airport of (9) ___________________

11:00~11:00: (10) ___________________ from Sunrise

12:30: lunch appointment with Mrs Rebecca from

(11) ___________________

3 p.m.: (12) ___________________ with Mr McDonald from Ford

Evening: no-specific arrangement

听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, Dad?M: Yes... Alice! How are you? Is there anything wrong?W: O

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Dad?

M: Yes... Alice! How are you? Is there anything wrong?

W: Oh, no. l just wanted to call and see how you and Mom were. It's been quite a while since I saw you last time.

M: Oh, we're both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center. How's Jack?

W: He's fine. He likes his work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Davis. We were all pleased about that.

M: Yes, I think you should be. And how are the children?

W: Well, Billy's home from school today. It's nothing serious, just a bad cold. And it's his birthday, too!

M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.

W: No, the twenty-third.

M: Well, that's too bad. Tell him we'll send him a present.

W: All fight. Sally's still taking dancing lessons.

M: She must be pretty good by now. I'd like to see her sometime. And how is Ted?

W: He's OK, too. He has a part-time job at the garage now.

M: When are you coming for a visit?

W: I hope we can come for a few weeks this summer, probably in July.

M: That would be nice. Call again soon.

W: OK, Dad. Give Mom our love.

M: All right. Goodbye.

W: Goodbye, Dad.

Why did Alice call her father?

A.She wanted to tell him that everything was OK.

B.She wanted to know if everything was OK with her parents.

C.She wanted to tell him that she was coming to see him in July.

D.She wanted to invite her parents to Billy's birthday party.

Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conve

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:W: Hello, John, this is Alice. I'm calling from work. How's your mother feeling?

M :That was very, thoughtful of you. Mom is out of the hospital but she has to stay in bed a few more days.

Q: Where is Alice?


A.In bed.

B.At her mother's.

C.In the hospital.

D.At the office.

听力原文:M: Hello. W: Hello, Dad?M: Yes. . . Alice! How are you? Is there anything wrong?W

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Dad?

M: Yes. . . Alice! How are you? Is there anything wrong?

W: Oh, no. I just wanted to call and see how you and Mom were. It been quite a while since I saw you last time.

M: Oh, we' re both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center shopping.

W: For a new dress?

M: No, for shoes this time, I think. How' s Jack?

W: He' s fine. He likes his work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Davis. We were all pretty pleased about that.

M: Yes, I think you should be. And how are the children?

W: Well, Billy' s home from school today. It' s nothing serious, just a bad cold. And it' s his birthday, too!

M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.

W: No, the twenty-third.

M: Well, that' s too bad. Tell him we' ll send him a present.

W: All right. Sally's still taking dancing lessons.

M: She must be pretty good by now. I' d like to see her sometime. And how is Ted?

W: He' s OK, too. He loves working on cars and has a part-time job at the garage now.

M: Well, it' s certainly good to hear your voice. When are you coming for a visit?

W: Not for a few months, I' m afraid. But I hope we can come for a few weeks this summer, probably in July.

M: That would be nice. Call again soon.

W: OK, Dad. Nice talking to you and glad everything' s all right. Give Mom our love.

M: All right. Good-bye.

W: Good-bye, Dad.

Why did Alice call her father?

A.She wanted to tell him that everything was OK with the children.

B.She wanted to know if everything was OK with her parents.

C.She wanted to tell him that she and her family were coming to see him in July.

D.She wanted to invite her parents to Billy' s birthday party.

听力原文:M: Hello. W: Hello, Dad?M: Yes. . . Alice! How are you? Is there anything wrong?W

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Dad?

M: Yes. . . Alice! How are you? Is there anything wrong?

W: Oh, no. I just wanted to call and see how you and Mom were. It' s been quite a while since I saw you last time.

M: Oh, we' re both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center shopping.

W: For a new dress?

M: No, for shoes this time, I think. How' s Jack?

W: He' s fine: He likes his work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Davis. We were all pretty pleased about that.

M: Yes, I think you should be. And how are the children?

W: Well, Billy' s home from school today. It' s nothing serious, just a bad cold. And it' s his birthday, too!

M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.

W: No, the twenty-third.

M: Well, that' s too bad. Tell him we'll send him a present.

W: All right. Sally' s still taking dancing lessons.

M: She must be pretty good by now. I' d like to see her sometime. And how is Ted?

W: He' s OK, too. He loves working on cars and has a part-time job at the garage now.

M: Well, it' s certainly good to hear your voice. When are you coming for a visit?

W: Not for a few months, I' m afraid. But I hope we can come for a few weeks this summer, probably in July.

M: That would be nice. Call again soon.

W: OK, Dad. Nice talking to you and glad everything' s all right. Give Mom our love.

M: All right. Good-bye.

W: Good-bye, Dad.

Why. did Alice call her father?

A.She wanted to tell him that everything was OK with the children.

B.She wanted to know if everything was OK with her parents.

C.She wanted to tell him that she and her family were coming to see him in July.

D.She wanted to invite her parents to Billy' s birthday party.

听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, Dad?M: Yes... Alice! How are you? Is there anything wrong?W: O

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Dad?

M: Yes... Alice! How are you? Is there anything wrong?

W: Oh, no. I just wanted to call and see how you and Mom were. It' s been quite a while since I saw you last time.

M: Oh, we' re both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center shopping.

W: For a new dress?

M: No, for shoes this time, I think. How' s Jack?

W: He's fine. He likes his work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Davis. We were all pretty pleased about that.

M: Yes, I think you should be. And how are the children?

W: Well, Billy' s back home from school today. It' s nothing serious, just a bad cold. And it' s his birthday, too!

M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.

W: No, the twenty-third.

M: Well, that' s too bad. Tell him we' 11 send him a present.

W: All right. Sally' s still taking dancing lessons.

M: She must be pretty good by now. I' d like to see her sometime. And how is Ted?

W: He' s OK, too. He loves working on cars and has a part time job at the garage now.

M: Well, it' s certainly good to hear your voice. When are you coming for a visit?

W: Not for a few months, I' m afraid. But I hope we can come for a few weeks this summer, probably in July.

M: That would be nice. Call again soon.

W: OK, Dad. Nice talking to you and glad everything' s all right. Give Mom our love.

M: All right. Good-bye.

W: Good-bye, Dad.

Why did Alice call her father?

A.She wanted to invite her parents to Billy' s birthday party.

B.She wanted to tell him that everything was OK with the children.

C.She wanted to know if everything was OK with her parents.

D.She wanted to tell him that she and her family were coming to see him in July.

听力原文:W: Hello, Superstar Computers. May I help you?M: Yes, this is Kent Smith from Hun

听力原文:W: Hello, Superstar Computers. May I help you?

M: Yes, this is Kent Smith from Hunter's Office Supplies. May I speak to Alice Strong, please?

W: I'm sorry, but she's not in right now.

M: Okay, do you know when she'll be hack?

W: Uh, yes, she should be here later on this afternoon, maybe around 4:30. May I take a message?

M: Yes. Ms. Strong sent me a brochure detailing your newest line of laptop computers with a description of other software products, but there wasn't any information about after-sales service.

W: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?

M: Yes, but our fax is being repaired at the moment, and it won't be working until about 2:30. Hum...could you try sending that information around 3:30? That should give me time to look over the material before I call Ms. Strong, say, around 6 o'clock.

W: Sure. Could I have your name, telephone number, and fax number, please?

M: Yes. Kent Smith and the phone number is 650-1363. And the fax number is 650-1388.

W: All right, Mr. Smith. And your phone number is 650-1363, and the fax number is 650-1388. Is that correct?

M: Yes, it is.

W: All right. I'll be sure to send you the fax this afternoon.

M: Okay, bye.


A.She's in a meeting.

B.She's out of the office.

C.She's talking with another customer.

D.She's on the way to the past office.

听力原文:W: Could you give this note to Alice?M: Give this to Alice? What do you think I a

听力原文:W: Could you give this note to Alice?

M: Give this to Alice? What do you think I am? A messenger?

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He does not know who Alice is.

B.He has found a job as a messenger.

C.He does not want to deliver the note.

D.He does not know where Alice is.

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