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听力原文:LECTURER: Mum. What you have so far is ideal for the home or office but what about commercial applications? 2022-01-07 听力原文:LECTURER: Good morning. Now, what is it you want to discuss today? 2022-01-07 Production of Rice 2022-01-07 听力原文:As you can see, the recipe for a happy life is to maintain a positive attitude and keep setting and achieving your goals. So, whatever your goal, whatever it is that you're aiming for—a new job, losing weight, giving up smoking, graduation— you need an appropriate (and by 'appropriate' I mean ' achievable' goal). That's the first step. 2022-01-07 Questions 36-38 2022-01-07 听力原文:Recorded voice: Thank you for calling Millenium Office Supplies. If you would like to place an order, please press '1'. Your call has been placed in a queue. A customer service operator will be with you shortly. 2022-01-07 听力原文:GRANT: How do visitors enter the competition on Open Day? 2022-01-07 听力原文:Student: Good morning! 2022-01-07 Complete the following notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer 2022-01-07 听力原文: Presenter: Have you ever wondered where your recyclables end up after they get picked up from the curb, after you've left them at a recycling drop-off centre or when your hauler has come to empty your recycling dumpster? Well, this presentation will tell you. 2022-01-07