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Section A(89) What questions do visa officers have in mind when they face a student applyi

Section A

(89) What questions do visa officers have in mind when they face a student applying for a visa? Here is the gist of what Consul General David T. Hopper, the head of visa operations at the American embassy, explained:

Are you a genuine student, headed to the US for the purpose of studying? (90) Some applicants use fake documents, or have no real intention of attending college in America--the whole project is just a ruse (计策) to get to the US. The officers look closely at 1-20 forms, diplomas and school records for evidence of fraud.

Can you pay for your studies? (91) Some applicants have full scholarships, but many are self-supporting, so the visa officer must make sure the money is available.

Are you really going to America to study and only to study, not to work? [The problem here is work after graduation, not part-time campus jobs while the student is in an academic program.] Do you intend to leave the US when you have your degree? (92) Of course this is quite difficult to prove to the visa officer, and correspondingly difficult for the visa officer to judge. But the visa officer cannot simply ignore US visa law, which states that (93) if you give a person a student visa ,you must be convinced that he intends to leave the US when his studies are finished.


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C、put in

D、put off

阅读理解????A Brown University sleep researcher ha...
A Brown University sleep researcher has some advice for people who run high schools : Don't start

classes so early in the morning. It may not be that the students whonod offat their desks are lazy. And

it may not be that their parents have failed to enforce (确保) bedtime. Instead, it may be that biologically

these sleepyhead students aren't used to the early hour.

" Maybe these kids are being asked to rise at the wrong time for their bodies, " says Mary Carskadon,

a professor looking at problems of adolescent  (青春期的) sleep at Brown's School of Medicine.

Carskadon is trying to understand more about the effects of early school time in adolescents. And , at

a more basic level, she and her team are trying to learn more about how the biological changes of

adolescence affect sleep needs and patterns.

Carskadon says her work suggests that adolescents may need more sleep than they did at childhood ,

no less,as commonly thought.

Sleep patterns change during adolescence, as any parent of an adolescent can prove. Most

adolescents prefer to stay up later at night and sleep later in the morning. But it's not just a matter of choice-their bodies are going through a change of sleep patterns.

All of this makes the transfer from middle school to high school-which may start one hour earlier in

the morning-all the more difficult , Carskadon says. With their increased need for sleep and their

biological clocks set on the "sleep late , rise late"  pattern, adolescents are up against difficulties when it

comes to trying to be up by 5 0r 6 a. m. for a 7 : 30 a. m. first bell. A short sleep on a desktop may be

their bodies' way of saying,"l need a timeout. "

1. Carskadon suggests that high schools should not start classes so early in the morning because_______.
A. it is really tough for parents to enforce bedtime

B. it is biologically difficult for students to rise early

C. students work so late at night that they can't get up early

D. students are so lazy that they don't like to go to school early

2. The underlined phrase " nod off"  (Paragraph l) most probably means"__________".

A. turn around

B. agree with others

C. fall asleep

D. refuse to work

3. What might be a reason for the hard transfer from middle school to high school? __________
A. Adolescents depend more on their parents.

B. Adolescents have to choose their sleep patterns.

C. Adolescents sleep better than they did at childhood.

D. Adolescents need more sleep than they used to.

4. What is the text mainly about? _________
A. Adolescent heath care.

B. Problems in adolescent learning.

C. Adolescent sleep difficulties.

D. Changes in adolescent sleep needs and patterns.

Reflect on what you’ve learnt in this lesson by filling in the learning reflection card. 评分标准如下: 1. 详尽反思本节所学,并非只列标题。 2. 具体说明学习后想要尝试的方法、技巧、能力、内容等。 3. 认真思考自己的疑惑或进一步的学习计划。 I've learnt … I will try … I still want to know …
听力原文:IBS=Initial Business Supplies LG=Lacey Graphics

IBS: Initial Business Supplies. Good morning. LG: Good morning. This is Lacey Graphics. I'd like to place an order, please.

IBS: OK, I'll just get an order form. Right. Now, It's Lacey Graphics?

LG: That's right We have an account with you.

IBS: Sorry. I didn't know. I'm new here.

LG: Oh, that's OK.

IBS: Could you give me your address, please?

LG: Yes, of course. It's Unit 5, Hailsham Industrial Estate, Hailsham.

IBS: And that's the delivery address?

IG: Yes.

IBS: And could I have your name, please?

LG: Well, I'm Liz Price, but I'd like you to address it to the 'Office Manager', please.

IBS: OK. Fine. Now what's the order for?

LG: We'd like 10 boxes of printer paper.

IBS: I'm afraid we haven't got any printer paper at the moment. Will photocopy paper do?

LG: Yes, that'll he fine.

IBS: And when would you like it?

LG: Well, as soon as possible, really. We've nearly run out.

IBS: I can get it to you on Thursday, if you like.

LG: That's great. Thanks.

IBS: And how will you be paying?

LG: Well, you usually send us an invoice.

IBS: OK. And that's to the same address?

LG: That's right.

?You will hear three telephone conversations.

?Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.

?After you have listened once, replay each recording.

Conversation One

?Look at the note below.

?You will hear a man making a call about a delivery.

Customer Order Form Order Reference XR4930

Date Received 27/5/99

Customer Name Lacey Graphics

Delivery Address (1)______

Hailsham Industrial Estate


For the attention of: (2) ______

Order Details 10 boxes of (3)______

Delivery Date (4)______

Payment Method Invioce

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