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According to Paragraph 3, which of the following is true of implements "flaked with a coun

ter-clockwise rotation"?

A.They are less common than implements "flaked with a clockwise motion".

B.They are larger than implements "flaked with a clockwise motion".

C.They are more sophisticated than implements "flaked with a clockwise motion".

D.They are older than implements "flaked with a clockwise motion".

提问人:网友yitianbaihu 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“According to Paragraph 3, whic…”相关的问题
What does the professor imply about the fact that the annual catch of fish in the Biramichi River has been reduced?

A.The reason is that there were fewer fish in the river.

B.Over-fishing in the river has been prohibited.

C.The local Chamber of Commerce tried to preserve the fish.

D.The local fishing cooperative decided to reduce its catch.

According to Paragraph 4, the fact that the Inuit cut meat by holding it between their teeth is significant because______.

A.the relationship between handedness and scratches on fossil human teeth can be verified

B.it emphasizes the differences between contemporary humans and their ancestors

C.the scratch patterns produced by stone knives vary significantly from patterns to patterns

D.it demonstrates that ancient humans were not skilled at using tools

The authors description of the Colorado River flow rate mentions which of the following?

A.100 000 CFS before the building of the Dam.

B.8 000~20 000 CFS before the building of the Dam.

C.8 000~ 100 000 CFS after the building of the Dam.

D.20 000 CFS at peak rate after the building of the Dam.

The word it in Paragraph 2 refers to______.

A.the rain

B.the flood

C.the canyon

D.the river

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A.The flow of water in the Atlantic takes warm water from the tropics north to Europe, which resulted in the drop in temperature in Europe in the future.

B.The temperature in the Europe dropped by between three and eight degrees Celsius over the next two hundred years due to the flood of water.

C.Huge amounts of water from northern Canada flooded Europe two hundred years ago, which caused the temperature in Europe to have dropped by between three and eight degrees Celsius.

D.The flood of water caused by the ice melting from the northern polar ice cap resulted in the drop in temperature in Europe over the next two hundred years.

According to Paragraph 3, modernization has all of the following features EXCEPT______.

A.heavy urbanization

B.advanced technology

C.high population growth

D.a legal-rational political system

Which of the following statements best expresses the benefit the U. S. gained from the Louisiana Purchase?

A.The U. S. paid France only $ 15 000 000 for the Louisiana Territory.

B.The U. S. greatly increased its size and natural resources.

C.The U. S. gained control of New Orleans, which was important for its shipping trade.

D.The U. S. acquired the Mississippi River and as a result enhanced its exploration and transportation.

According to the passage, which continent is most likely to experience cold weather in the future?






听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor. Student Hello! Professor Hi, come in... Ill be with you in a moment...OK, hi, Melissa, how are you doing? Student Im doing great. Hi, Dr. Golden. How are you doing? Professor Pretty busy these days! How are your studies now? Student Good! Everything is on the right track. Im trying to meet the deadlines for my papers. Professor Melissa. I wanted to let you know that we have been notified about this years scholarship winner. Student Really? It seems so soon! I cant believe that it is almost May! So, did I pull it off? Do I get to be the first student from UAP to accept a scholarship to the University of Lima? Professor Yes, you did! Congratulations, Melissa! Student Thank you so much! Dr. Golden, I feel so excited about this news. Professor You did it! You are the first student from UAP to be accepted! What an honor! We are all so proud of you! Student Thank you, Dr. Golden. You have been a great help to me in getting this scholarship. Professor You are welcome. Your efforts have paid off. Student I promise that Ill do my best to represent our school and to make you all proud of me! Professor We are already proud of you. You got to tell your parents about it. They must be very proud of you. Student Yes, I will. They have been waiting to learn this news for quite a long time. Professor Eh...Melissa. I really feel that you will be able to contribute great things to the field of anthropology in the future! Yes, Im very much interested to see what insights you come back with from Peru. Have you started thinking about what kind of senior project youd like to write when you return from South America? Student Yes, Ive been thinking that it would be great to study the Amazon and all of the cultures that thrive on its banks. Professor Uh-huh, I think that would make a great paper. Student I think I would like to do my senior project on this topic. What do you think? Professor Well, thats good, but... Student But what? Professor The Amazon is a huge river, and there is no way that you can write just one paper on all of the cultures and peoples who live along the bank of the Amazon. If I were you, I would choose three or four tribes to write about. Student You are right. But Im so interested in knowing all the cultures and peoples there that I want to cover all of them in my paper. Professor I understand. But it would be quite difficult to include them all in your paper. Student OK then, I will take your advice. Professor Good! Student Before I leave for Peru, Ill have an outline for you. Ill try to limit my focus to three or four tribes living along the river. Professor Congratulations again! Im very proud of you! Student Thanks! Id better call my parents to tell them the good news! Professor Bye! Have a good day! Student You too. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 7. Why does the woman go to see her professor? 8. What is the professors concern about the student? 9. What will the woman do about her senior project? Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Professor The Amazon is a huge river, and there is no way that you can write just one paper on all of the cultures and peoples who live along the bank of the Amazon. If I were you, I would choose three or four tribes to write about. 10. What does the professor imply when he says this? Professor If I were you, I would choose three or four tribes to write about. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Student Really? It seems so soon! I cant believe that it is almost May! So, did I pull it off? Do I get to be the first student from UAP to accept the scholarship to the University of Lima? 11. What does the student mean when she says this? Student So, did I pull it off?Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Why does the woman go to see her professor?

A.She wants to get materials for a class she missed.

B.She wants to discuss an assignment she is working on.

C.The professor wants to tell her about her scholarship.

D.She wants to inform. the professor of changes in her schedule.

The word disparate in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to______.





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