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Darwinism created a problem with how species are defined.

提问人:网友cocolwang 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Darwinism created a problem wi…”相关的问题
【单选题】What was rejected by the early progressives?

A、Social Darwinism




Read the statement below and decide whether it is true or false. Andrew Keen uses “the law of digital Darwinism” to describe the phenomenon that people who do not scruple to make radical remarks have
Social Darwinism favors_________.

A、survival of the fittest

B、competition and self-interest


D、all the above

Although Darwinism was a profoundly ______ world view, it was essentially passive, since i
t prescribed no steps to be taken, no victories over nature to be celebrated, no program of triumphs to be successively gained.





Andrew Carnegie's philanthropic ideals ______.A.developed from his belief in social Darwin

Andrew Carnegie's philanthropic ideals ______.

A.developed from his belief in social Darwinism

B.developed through his education under Bessemer

C.developed from the Chartist ideals of his boyhood

D.resulted from union strikes and unrest(动乱) at the Carnegie Steel Company

Section ADirections: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation

Section A

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

The theory of social Darwinism generally claims that individuals, groups and peoples or cultures are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as are plants and animals.The theory holds that "superior" individuals or groups survived and succeeded while the inferior disappeared, with a consequent benefit to society, and that the existing order must be the natural one. Any individual, group or institution that survives the struggle to exist over a long period of time is regarded as having displayed evidence for its own "natural" superiority and legitimacy, similar to the Darwinian concept of "survival of the fittest". In history, this theory has been questioned because it could be easily used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism.

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Andrew Carnegie, American industrialist and philanthropist, made a fortune by manufacturing iron and steel protected by customs tariff. In 1873, on one of his frequent trips to England, he met Henry Bessemer and became convinced that the industrial future lay in steel. He built the J. Edgar Thomson Steel Mills near Pittsburgh, and from that moment on, the Carnegie Empire was one of constant expansion. Later on, the Carnegie Steel Co. became an immense organization. It included all the processes of steel production from the great furnaces and finishing mills of Pittsburgh to the lake steamers that moved the ores and the finished products.

Like his grandfather, Andrew Carnegie did not abandon the radical idealism of his forebears for the benefit of the working class and tile poor people. In spite of his espousal (支持) of Hebert Spencer's philosophy and the social Darwinism of the period, Carnegie remained deeply committed to many of the Chartist (宪章运动) ideals of his boyhood, He believed in the social responsibility of the man of wealth to society. He must serve as a steward for the fortune he has earned and use that fortune to provide greater opportunity for all and to increase man's knowledge of himself and of his universe. Furthermore, Carnegie considers that the dispensation of wealth for the benefit of society must never be in the form. of free charity but rather must be as a support to the community's responsibility for its own people.

When Carnegie died in Lenox, Massachusetts on August 11, 1919, most of his fortune was already gone. People wonder that if Carnegie had known this when he was alive, he would have spread most of his wealth to the poor people.

Carnegie followed his ancestor's steps ______.

A.by developing a large industrial company

B.in caring for and improving benefits for the workers and the poor

C.by furthering Spencer's philosophy

D.by being a follower of social Darwinism

Spot the difference

A Taxonomic history has been made this week, at least according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a conservation group. Scientists have described a new species of clouded leopard from the tropical forests of Indonesia with spots (or "clouds", as they are poetically known) smaller than those of other clouded leopards, with fur a little darker and with a double, as opposed to a "partial double"—stripe down its back.

B However, no previously unknown beast has suddenly leapt out from the forest. Instead, some scientists have proposed a change In the official taxonomic accounting system of clouded leopards. Where there were four subspecies there will likely now be two species. A genetic analysis and a closer Inspection of museum specimens' coats published in Current Biology has found no relevant difference between three subspecies described 50 years ago from continental Asia and from the Halnan and Taiwan islands. The 5000-11000 clouded leopards on Borneo, the 3000-7000 on Sumatra, and the remaining few on the nearby Batu Islands can now, the authors say, claim a more elevated distinction as a species.

C What this actually means is fuzzy and whether it is scientifically important is questionable. In any case, biologists do not agree what species and subspecies are. Creatures are given Latin first and second names (corresponding to a genus and species) according to the convention of Carl yon Llnné, who was born 300 years ago this May. But Linnaeus, as he Is more commonly known, thought of species as perfectly discrete units created by God. Darwinism has them as mutable things, generated gradually over time by natural selection. So delineating when enough variation has evolved to justify a new category is largely a matter of taste.

D Take ants and butterflies. Ant experts have recently been waging a war against all types of species subdivision. Lepidopterists, on the other hand, cling to the double barrel second names from their discipline's 19th century tradition, and categorise many local subclasses within species found over wide areas. Thus it would be futile if one were so inclined—to attempt to compare the diversity of ant and butterfly populations.

E The traditional way around the problem is to call a species all members of a group that share the same gene pool. They can mate together and produce fertile offspring. Whether Indonesian clouded leopards can make cubs with continental ones remains unknown but seems probable. Instead, the claim this week is that genetics and slight differences In fur patterning are enough to justify re-branding the clouded leopard as two significant types. Genetically, that makes sense if many DNA variations correlate perfectly between members of the two groups. The authors did find some correlation, but they looked for it in only three Indonesian animals. A larger sample would have been more difficult.

F One thing Is abundantly clear: conservationists who are flying to stop the destruction of the leopards' habitat in Borneo and Sumatra see the announcement of a new species of big cat as a means to gain publicity and political capital. Upgrading subspecies to species is a strategy which James Mallet, of University College London, likes to call species inflation. It is a common by-product of genetic analysis, which can reveal differences between populations that the eye cannot, Creating ever more detailed genetic categories means creating smaller and increasingly restricted populations of more species. The trouble is that risks devaluing the importance of the term species.

G The problem of redefining species by genetics is the creation of taxonomic confusion, a potentially serious difficulty for conservationists and others, Take for example the recent proposal to add the polar bear to the list of animals protected under America's Endangered Species Act. That seems all well and good. However, study the genetics and it transpires th

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