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The recent spate of mergers and ______ could influence job stability in the field of medic

al sales representatives.

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更多“The recent spate of mergers an…”相关的问题
Media experts give credit for all not toA.the fierce rivalry of the current ratings "sweep

Media experts give credit for all not to

A.the fierce rivalry of the current ratings "sweep"

B.TV dramas' growing tendency to transform. news into fiction

C.writers' increasing the ability to imagine the killings

D.the recent spate of real-life school violence making headlines

Consider the following dialogue: Hansel: The recent spate of mass shootings by deranged in
dividuals shows that it is much too easy for the wrong people to obtain guns in our country. Restrictions on the sale and transfer of guns should be tightened. Gretel: Oh, so you want us to live in a tightly controlled police state where individuals have no power and the central authority controls everything Well, that was how things were done in the Soviet Union—and look what happened to them. In this exchange, Gretel refutes

A.Hansel’s argument by parallel reasoning.

B.a straw man.

C.Hansel’s argument by counterexamplE.

D.Hansel’s argument by reductio ad absurdum.

E.all of the above

A recent spate of launching and operating mishaps with television satellites led to a corr
esponding surge in claims against companies underwriting satellite insurance. As a result, insurance premiums shot up, making satellites more expensive to launch and operate. This, in turn, has added to the pressure to squeeze more performance out of currently operating satellites. Which of the following, if true, taken together with the information above, best supports the conclusion that the cost of television satellites will continue to increase?

A.Since the risk to insurers of satellites is spread over relatively few units, insurance premiums are necessarily very high.

B.When satellites reach orbit and then fail, the causes of failure are generally impossible to pinpoint with confidence.

C.The greater the performance demands placed on satellites, the more frequently those satellites break down.

D.Most satellites are produced in such small numbers that no economies of scale can be realized.

E.Since many satellites are built by unwieldy international consortia, inefficiencies are inevitable.

A recent spate of art thefts at a major museum has led to a drastic increase in the insura
nce premiums that the museum must pay to insure its collection. Many art fans are concerned that the museum, which traditionally has charged no entrance fee, will be forced to charge a high entrance fee in order to pay for the increased insurance premiums. Which of the following, if true, would most alleviate the concern of the art fans that the museum will be forced to charge high entrance fees?

A.Law enforcement officials recently apprehended the Belgian Bobcat, a notorious art thief who has been linked to at least 20 art heists.

B.Citing a dispute with the insurance company over the terms of its coverage, the museum has chosen to cancel its insurance policy.

C.The majority of visitors to the museum are schoolchildren, who could not reasonably be expected to pay a high entrance fee.

D.The museum pays for the majority of its total expenses from its large endowment, which is earmarked specifically for purchasing new art.

E.The museum recently installed a state-of- the-art burglar alarm system that will make future thefts almost impossible.

Clinicians at a recent psychoanalytic conference brought forth interesting evidence that g
uilt, far from being the psychic impediment generally conceived, has the potential to inspire creativity, and enhance sensitivity.

Tests of prison inmates have shown significantly low scores on guilt scales, measured by psychologist - researcher Donald L. Mosber. The Mosher scales measure the tendency to feel guilt in three forms: sex guilt, hostility guilt, and general guilt, called morality conscience. Prisoners who had committed sex crimes scored low on sex guilt; those who were imprisoned the violent crimes scored low on hostility guilt; those incarcerated for crimes against property scored low on morality conscience.

Other studies conducted in the armed forces corroborate the findings that men accused of brutality to- ward those they command feel little or no sense of remorse or guilt, but tend to defend vigorously the "correctness" of their actions.

That guilt can be a lonely and lacerating burden, as has long been known. The ancient Greeks under- stood the redemptive feelings and cathartic benefits of watching the tragic hero struggle with guilt. Hamlet: plots to "catch the conscience of the King. "O’Neill re -creates the ancient themes and adds to them con- temporary guilt. The Judeo - Christian ethic transmits this heavy burden, commencing with" original sin" and continuing with the need for confession and atonement.

Although in the past many psychoanalysts, joined by a recent spate of authors, seem to have been dedicated to eliminating the sense of guilt, some clinicians hold that guilt is the necessary price for socialization.

Still others agree with Dr. Karl Menninger in the value of appropriate, or rational, guilt, and feel that a prime objective of therapeutic intervention should be to help the patient differentiate between guilt feelings that are unwarranted and unfounded, based perhaps on distorted perceptions of past occurrences, and those which are well -founded responses to real situations. The child, it is felt, should not be made to feel guilty a- bout exploring his body, just as the adult should not be ashamed of his or her sexuality. But this freedom must not be viewed as license. When tile individual’s desires or needs can be fulfilled without coming into conflict with societal needs, the albatross of guilt can be shed.

It is this new approach, this compromise, which we find surfacing in twentieth - century literature. Herzog and Willy Loman battle their needless guilt, and their experiences help us all to cope.

A point that the passage emphasizes concerning guilt is, by inference, that______.

A.guilt serves to punish the person who commits offense against individuals or society

B.some people never suffer from feelings of guilt

C.unfortunately, many people who have been judged guilty of offenses against society do not recognize their acts as being wrong

D.crimes against property should not arouse guilt feelings in tile perpetrator

Clinicians at a recent psychoanalytic conference brought forth interesting evidence that g
uilt, far from being the psychic impediment generally conceived, has the potential to inspire creativity, and enhance sensitivity.

Tests of prison inmates have shown significantly low scores on guilt scales, measured by psychologist researcher Donald L. Mosher. The Mosher scales measure the tendency to feel guilt in three forms: sex guilt, hostility guilt, and general guilt, called morality conscience. Prisoners who had committed sex crimes scored low on sex guilt; those who were imprisoned for violent crimes scored low on hostility guilt; those incarcerated for crimes against property scored low on morality conscience.

Other studies conducted in the armed forces corroborate the findings that men accused of brutality to ward those they command feel little or no sense of remorse or guilt, but tend to defend vigorously the "correctness "of their actions.

That guilt can be a lonely and lacerating burden, as has long been known. The ancient Greeks under stood the redemptive feelings and cathartic benefits of watching the tragic hero, struggle with guilt. Hamlet plots to "catch the conscience of the King. "O' Neill re - creates the ancient themes and adds to them con temporary guilts. The Judeo - Christian ethic transmits this heavy burden, commencing with" original sin" and continuing with the need 'for confession and atonement.

Although in the past many psychoanalysts, joined by a recent spate of authors, seem to have been dedicated to eliminating the sense of guilt, some clinicians hold that guilt is the necessary price for socialization.

Still others agree with Dr. Karl Menninger in the value of appropriate, or rational, guilt, and feel that a prime objective of therapeutic intervention should be to help the patient differentiate between guilt feelings hat ate unwarranted and unfounded, based perhaps on distorted perceptions of past occurrences, and those which are well - founded responses to real situations. The child, it is felt, should not be made to feel guilty a lout exploring his body, just as the adult should not be ashamed of his or her sexuality. But this freedom must not be viewed as license. When the individual' s desires or needs can be fulfilled without coming into conflict with societal needs, the albatross of guilt can be shed.

It is this new approach, this compromise, which we find surfacing in twentieth - century literature. Hterzog and Willy Loman battle their needless guilt, and their experiences help us all to cope.

A point that the passage emphasizes concerning guilt is, by inference, that______.

A.guilt serves to punish the person who commits offense against individuals or society

B.some people never suffer from feelings of guilt

C.unfortunately, many people who have been judged guilty of offenses against society do not recognize their acts as being wrong

D.crimes against property should not arouse guilt feelings in the perpetrator

听力原文:Marines gathered Monday to remember 23 of their own who were killed in a spate of

听力原文: Marines gathered Monday to remember 23 of their own who were killed in a spate of violence that accelerated calls for the Bush administration to plan U. S. troop withdrawals. Six Marines were killed Aug. 1, including five from the 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, based in northern Ohio. Fourteen from the 25th Marines were killed Aug. 3 when their amphibious assault vehicle struck a roadside bomb; nine were from the Columbus-based Lima Company. Three other Marines were killed in separate incidents in the region. Reports of continuing deaths of U.S. service members have contributed to a decline in President Bush's favourable rating for handling the situation in Iraq. A USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll released last week showed the nation split on whether it was a mistake to invade. Bush, responding last week to calls from protesters to withdraw U.S. troops, said it "would be a mistake for the security of this country."

Why did marines gather on Monday?

A.To remember the death of 23 soldiers.

B.To call for the U.S. administration for compensation.

C.To call for social justice.

D.To remember the death of Iraqi civilians.

听力原文: Once again, US network television finds itself turning society's worst nightmares into a night of entertainment "you'll never forget."

The season finale of top-rated prime-time drama "ER" last week centred on the show's doctors and nurses struggling to save several bloodied young gunshot victims after an angry father goes on a rampage at a foster care facility.

A night earlier, "Law & Order" drew the highest ratings of it 11-year history with a ripped-from-the-leadlines episode about a high school cafeteria shooting and the trial of the teenage gunman, with faux home video footage of the killings.

And this Monday, a third NBC drama, "Third watch," wrapped its second season with police and paramedics rushing to the scene of yet another fictional high school massacre.

Media experts chalk it all up to the fierce rivalry of the current ratings "sweeps, "combined with TV dramas' growing tendency to transform. news into fiction and the recent spate of real-life school violence making headlines.

For action and pathos, it is hard to beat the "ER" scene of emergency physicians scurrying to resuscitate a young girl lying limp on a hospital gallery, with sheets soaked in blood from a gunshot wound to her head ,before they finally, somberly, declare her death and snap off their rubber gloves.

"It's gripping and it's disturbing," "Robert Univer-sly's centre for the study of popular television, said. Television is kind of the way that the entire collective subconscious of our culture plays out these issues".

Joseph Turow, a communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania and author of several books on the mass media, said the line between reality and fiction has become increasingly blurred on network TV.

"Viewers see multiple versions of the same reality, first on news programmes, then on socalled news magazines and then on entertainment shows like ER' and Law & Order," he said. "Some studies suggest that after a while, people won't be able to tell where they've gotten their information from."

Dramatic TV portrayal of children as victims of violence ,neglect and abuse is nothing new. A famous episode of "Dragnet" in the 1960s depicted a couple who allowed their young child to drown in a bathtub while they were smoking; pot.

It has been nearly 20 years since the real-life abduction and murder of Florida boy Adamwalsh was dramatized on the NBC TV movie "Adam," helping to publicize a case that turned the issue of missing children into a national crisis.

Now, the horror of kids being gunned down in schools and day care centers is on the public's mind, the latest grist for networks trying to grab viewers with" unforgetable" episodes of their favorite shows. "We're a show that has a long history of looking at the crinlinal justice system as it occurs, ''said Barry Schindel, executive producer and head writer of "Law & Order. "" If we didn't do the show, people would be asking ,why aren't your characters considering the events of a school shooting'?"

The timing is hardly coincidence. Schindel said a flurry of school violence in southern California and elsewhere in early March caught the attention of "Law & Order" writes-- and probably those on other shows--at about the time they were brain storming ideas for the end of the current season.

Which programme is season finale top-rated prime-time drama?

A.You'll never forget .


C.Law & Order

D.Third Watch.

听力原文: Oslo This year's Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded in Oslo to the Bangladeshi b

听力原文: Oslo

This year's Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded in Oslo to the Bangladeshi banker Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank. Announcing the winner, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee said Muhammad Yunus had shown himself to be a leader who had managed to translate visions into practical action for the benefit of millions of people. Mr. Yunus is credited as the founder of the concept of "micro credit", which is the extension of small loans to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans.


In the countries hardest hit by AIDS, economic growth has declined by half a percent every year between 1992 and 2004, a report released by ILO reveals. AIDS is killing the workforce. In 2005 three point four million people of working age died of the disease, and that figure is expected to be four and a half million in 2006. Usually the economies become sluggish, so there's no energy for initiatives that will create new jobs. The ILO report recognizes that greater availability of anti-retro viral drugs is having an effect but calls the progress towards universal access woefully delayed.


Volkswagen is taking measures to improve its profit margins by reducing production costs. Earlier this year, its chairman Bernd Pischetsreider introduced a major cost-cutting drive, which could ultimately lead to as many as 20,000 jobs being lost. So far, the company says, more than 13,000 employees have taken voluntary redundancy or agreed to retire early. Workers' representatives have suggested that they could make concessions, but only if the company promises to build important new models at its German plants, and offers guarantees of job security. People within the company say the talks are unlikely to result in a formal agreement.


Airlines and airports are expected to face some serious economic issues due to restrictions on carrying hand luggage. The bulk of airline profits come from business travelers flying in higher priced seats. Business flyers might be permanently barred from taking their laptops as hand luggage, and this could mean that the lucrative traffic would disappear. Airports face equally serious concerns. By one estimate, global airport sales of duty-free drink, perfume and so forth amounted to 27 billion dollars last year. Tougher airport security restrictions could undermine the economics of airlines, airports, and of luxury goods manufacturers, the likes of Gucci and Prada, who make healthy profits from airport sales.


Dr. Margaret Chan is appointed Director-General of WHO by the World Health Assembly. Before being appointed Director-General, Dr. Chan was WHO Assistant Director-General for Communicable Diseases as well as Representative of the Director-General for Pandemic Influenza. Prior to joining WHO, she was Director of Health in Hong Kong. During her nine-year tenure as director, Dr. Chan confronted the first human outbreak of HSN1 avian influenza in 1997. She successfully defeated the spate of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Hong Kong in 2003. She also launched new services to prevent disease and promote better health.


6.Why Muhammad Yunus was award the Nobel Peace Prize this year?

7.According to the ILO report, which of the following is NOT true?

8.What's the goal of Volkswagen in its recent talks with the workers' repres-entatives?

9.Which of the following is the most possible consequence following the restrictions on carrying hand luggage?

10.Which of the following is NOT true about Dr. Magaret Chan?


A.Because he successfully brokered many peace talks in the world.

B.Because he established the largest bank in Bangladeshi.

C.Because he did a lot of translation for the Grameen Bank.

D.Because he helped entrepreneurs with the mode of "micro credit".

Finding something new to say about America's love affair with the death penalty is not eas
y. The subject not only amuses intense emotions, it has produced an ocean of comment from lawyers, judges, politicians, campaigners, statisticians, social scientists and quite a few demagogues. Nevertheless, Franklin Zimring, one of America's leading criminologists, has managed to rise above this cacophony to write a thought-provoking and genuinely original book, 'The Contradictions of American Capital Punishment', which deserves to become a classic.

Mr. Zimring tackles head-on the most puzzling question of all: why are Americans so determined to keep the death penalty when nearly all other developed democracies have given it up, and now view it as barbaric? In the past two decades, attitudes in America and Europe have diverged so much that any dialogue on the subject has been replaced by blank incomprehension, and America's retention of capital punishment has become a significant diplomatic irritant. For European governments the abolition of capital punishment is a human-rights priority, and they have expended valuable political capital in trying to achieve it. American governments, Republican and Democratic, insist that the death penalty has nothing to do with human-rights, and deeply resent European efforts to make its abolition an international norm.

The difference between European and American attitudes, says Mr. Zimring, is not the breadth of support for the death penalty, but its depth. At the time of the death penalty's abolition in each developed country, a majority similar to America's, currently 65%, wanted to keep it, according to opinion polls. But when European political elites turned against it after the second world war, electorates acquiesced. Today most Europeans probably would not want it back.

The death penalty is a far more contentious issue in America, says Mr. Zimring, because the debate about it draws on a cherished American political tradition which does not exist anywhere else: vigilante justice. Many death-penalty supporters see executions not as acts of a distant or unreliable government, or even as a crime-control measure, but as an instrument of local, community justice, a form. of vengeance on behalf of the victims' relatives.

In a startling analysis, Mr. Zimring shows that most executions are performed in a few states in the south and south-west where, the lynching of African-Americans, other forms of mob violence and six-shooter justice were most endemic at the end of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. Opinion-poll support for the death penalty may be fairly uniform. across America, and 38 states have the death penalty on their books, but many states hardly ever execute anyone. The vast bulk of executions take place only where the values of the lynch mob have endured, he says.

Many people will find this linkage distasteful. But Mr. Zimring marshals a powerful ease for it, and sceptics will have to reply to his evidence, not just brash the argument aside. Americans, distrust of overweening government power is as deeply rooted a tradition as vigilante justice, Mr. Zimring concedes. However, when it comes to the death penalty, this distrust is manifest not in an abolitionist movement, as in other countries, but in the maze of legal-appeals procedures which mean that most murderers condemned to death spend years, even decades, on death mw. More death-row inmates are likely to die of old age than by execution. Neither supporters nor opponents of the death penalty are happy with this odd result.

What Americans really want is an error-free death penalty, but this can never be guaranteed, as the recent spate of death-row exonerations has shown. Moreover, Mr. Zimring argues that Americans' am bivalence about capital punishment can never be resolved. Sooner or later, one of these competing traditions——a regard for careful legal processes to seco

A.To discuss capital punishment in America

B.To support Mr. Zimring's views on capital punishment

C.To review Mr. Zimring's book on capital punishment

D.To help sell Mr. Zimring's book on capital punishment

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