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Newspaper journalists must be good at ______________.A.managementB.investmentC.artD.lang





提问人:网友lqlq2018 发布时间:2022-01-06
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  • · 有5位网友选择 A,占比50%
  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比30%
  • · 有1位网友选择 D,占比10%
  • · 有1位网友选择 C,占比10%
匿名网友 选择了A
[0.***.***.92] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了B
[201.***.***.12] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了A
[163.***.***.140] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了A
[61.***.***.140] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了B
[94.***.***.124] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了A
[25.***.***.53] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[240.***.***.59] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了A
[178.***.***.233] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了B
[122.***.***.228] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了D
[221.***.***.249] 1天前
更多“Newspaper journalists must be …”相关的问题
The main difference between a newspaper journalist and a TV journalist is thatA.the former

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A.the former goes to the details of a story and the later generalizes it.

B.the former works alone and the later works with a team to back up him.

C.the former can"t sum something up in a short time but the later can.

D.the former is thoughtless and the later sits around all day to take notes.

Journalist Wanted(招聘记者)Student Newspaper is looking for a journalist. Applicants(申请

Journalist Wanted(招聘记者)

Student Newspaper is looking for a journalist. Applicants(申请人)should be studying at the university now, and should have at least one year’s experience in writing news reports. The successful applicant will be expected to report on the happenings in the city and on campus. If you are interested, please send your application to the Student Newspaper office before the end of June. For more information, please visit our website.

Which of the following about the journalist Stephen Farrell is INCORRECT?A.He was badly wo

Which of the following about the journalist Stephen Farrell is INCORRECT?

A.He was badly wounded in the gun battle.

B.He works for New York Times newspaper

C.He had been kidnapped since last week.

D.He was reporting when the gun battle happened

听力原文:The students performed the play written by George very well and got a good review
in the college newspaper.


A.George starred the play and reviewed a lot before the performance.

B.The performance was well received.

C.The college newspaper wrote an excellent article about George.

D.A journalist from the college newspaper interviewed the students.

Ada Cambridge is ______.A.the author of A Woman "s FriendshipB.a character of A Woman's Fr

Ada Cambridge is ______.

A.the author of A Woman "s Friendship

B.a character of A Woman's Friendship

C.a popular Australian journalist

D.a colonial newspaper publisher

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how great interest in sports. As a journalist in Campus Newspaper, you plan to write a special report about University students' sport habits. Write a letter of request to your schoolmates to gather relevant information.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

听力原文: A court in Zimbabwe is due to deliver its verdict today in a trial of a journali
st who works for the British newspaper the Guardian. It's seen as a test case for the country strict new media laws. Andrew Meldrum, an American who's lived in Zimbabwe for over twenty years, is accused of publishing an untrue story and faces up to two years in prison if found guilty. A dozen other journalists have also been charged with offenses related to the new laws. In the court Mr. Meldrum's defence argued that his story was published in Britain. It was beyond the jurisdiction of Zimbabwean law.

What is the journalist accused of?

A.Working for the British newspaper.

B.Objecting to the new media laws.

C.Violating the Zimbabwean laws.

D.Publishing an untrue story.

听力原文: A court in Zimbabwe is due to deliver its verdict today in a trial of a journali
st who works for the British newspaper The Guardian. The trial is seen as a test case for the country's strict media laws. Andrew Meldrum, an American, who has been living in Zimbabwe for over twenty years, is accused of publishing an untrue story and faces up to 2 years in prison if found guilty. A dozen other journalists have also been charged with offences relating to the new laws. In court Meldrum's defendant argued that his story was published in Britain. It was beyond the jurisdiction of Zimbabwe's laws.

The journalist was brought to court because

A.he was working for a British newspaper.

B.he published an untrue story.

C.the story was published in Britain.

D.he was working with other foreign journalists.

听力原文:Police in Macedonia have arrested a journalist on suspicion that he was behind th

听力原文: Police in Macedonia have arrested a journalist on suspicion that he was behind three murder cases he'd been reporting on. The journalist, Vlado Taneski, is accused of kidnapping, abusing and raping three women. Andrew Craig reports. Vlado Taneski is the correspondent for a Macedonia national newspaper in the town of Kicevo. [10] A police spokesman said suspicion fell upon him when his reports included details of murders that the police themselves had not disclosed. The three cases involved elderly women who were raped and mutilated, then naked bodies were cut into pieces and dumped into plastic bags. The spokesman said Mr. Taneski's DNA appeared to be linked to the murdered women. He is also suspected over the disappearance of another woman who has been missing for several years. The police say that all the women bore similarities to Mr. Taneski's late mother with whom he had had a troubled relationship.

The police locked their suspicion on Vlado Taneski when they found that

A.his reports covered the confidential information.

B.the three murder cases all involved elderly women.

C.all the victims had some similarities with his late mother.

D.he was responsible for the disappearance of a women.

听力原文: The president of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai has demanded that the American soldier
s be punished for mal-treating Afghan prisoners held in USA Military Custody. He was speaking after new details emerged of alleged abuse at the Bagram military airbase in Afghanistan. Mr. Karzai's spokesman described them as terrible and unacceptable. An American newspaper The New York Times published detailed allegations from a confidential US army report into the deaths of two Afghan detainees in December 2002. The US State Department said that 7 soldiers have been charged in connection with the incidence. The journalist Tim Gordon wrote the New York Times article.

"What I found was the army's complete report of the investigation to one of the death which also references the second death, and which tells a very harrowing story of how the two men were beaten by both the American military police guards who were guarding the prison and guarding the detainees, And in one case abused by the interrogator's questioner."

The president of Afghanistan has charged the American soldiers of ______.

A.injuring Afghan civilians

B.robbing Afghan banks

C.abusing Afghan prisoners

D.raping Afghan women


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:M: Good morning.

W: Good Morning. Please sit down. Why do you want to be a journalist?

M: Because I've always been interested in language and writing.

W: Since you're a graduate, you are older than the trainee we're looking for. Why did you apply for the job?

M: My age may be wrong. But my preparation for the job is right.

W: You are from London. We like our reporters to have local connections. Did you live at home while you were at the university?

M. No. I rented a flat. I enjoyed the freedom, the contacts and the friendship.

W: Apart from your studies, what did you do with your time at London University?

M. Much of it was spent on research of the kind I would have to do for a newspaper.

W: What else?

M: In my final year I helped with the student newspaper, and I also tried broadcasting on local radio. I presented a weekly student programme called "Forum". Writing for radio and producing a programme was exciting and rewarding. We had a strict time table.

W: You have to work against the clock like that on a newspaper. You didn't waste your time.

M: I didn't.

W: Good. Can you start on Monday?

M: Yes, Madam, and thank you very much.

What kind of job is the man applying for?

A.Teaching in a university.

B.Working in a local radio studio.

C.Working as a student reporter.

D.Working for a newspaper.

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