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听力原文: The president of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai has demanded that the American soldier

s be punished for mal-treating Afghan prisoners held in USA Military Custody. He was speaking after new details emerged of alleged abuse at the Bagram military airbase in Afghanistan. Mr. Karzai's spokesman described them as terrible and unacceptable. An American newspaper The New York Times published detailed allegations from a confidential US army report into the deaths of two Afghan detainees in December 2002. The US State Department said that 7 soldiers have been charged in connection with the incidence. The journalist Tim Gordon wrote the New York Times article.

"What I found was the army's complete report of the investigation to one of the death which also references the second death, and which tells a very harrowing story of how the two men were beaten by both the American military police guards who were guarding the prison and guarding the detainees, And in one case abused by the interrogator's questioner."

The president of Afghanistan has charged the American soldiers of ______.

A.injuring Afghan civilians

B.robbing Afghan banks

C.abusing Afghan prisoners

D.raping Afghan women

提问人:网友linux5151 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文: The president of Afghani…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president's speech on the radio last night?M: I was writ

听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president's speech on the radio last night?

M: I was writing a report on economics, a report you know.

Q: What can we learn from the man's reply?


A.The president spoke on the radio on economics.

B.The president should have reported on economies.

C.The man missed the speech.

D.The man thought it was a wonderful report.

听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president’s speech on the radio last night M: I was writ
听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president’s speech on the radio last night M: I was writing a report on economics, a report you know. Q: What can we learn from the man’s reply ()

A.The president spoke on the radio on economics.

B.The president should have reported on economics.

C.The man missed the speech.

D.The man thought it was a wonderful report.

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听力原文:M: I wonder if the University has chosen the new president yet?

W: Someone said they picked a person a few months ago. But I guess it was just a rumor.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.They have already chosen a president.

B.They will choose a president in a few months.

C.She thinks earlier reports that they chose a new president were false.

D.She thinks the appointment will take effect soon.

听力原文: Indonesin President Megwti Sukrnoputri hs declredn end of mrtil lw in
听力原文: Indonesin President Megwti Sukrnoputri hs declredn end of mrtil lw in the troubled northern province ofceh. The lif
听力原文: Indonesin President Megwti Sukrnoputri hs declredn end of mrtil lw in

听力原文: Indonesin President Megwti Sukrnoputri hs declredn end of mrtil lw in the troubled northern province ofceh. The lif

A.lifted martial law

B.imposed martial law

C.sent troops to take over power

D.reached peace agreement with the military

听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president's speech on the radio last night?M: I was writ

听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president's speech on the radio last night?

M: I was writing a report on economics, a report you know.

Q: What can we learn from the man's reply?


A.The president spoke on the radio on economics.

B.The president should have reported on economics.

C.The man missed the speech.

D.The man thought it was a wonderful report.

听力原文: Indonesin President Megwti Sukrnoputri hs declredn end of mrtil lw in听力原文: I
ndonesin President Megwti Sukrnoputri hs declredn end of mrtil lw in the troubled northern province ofceh. The lifting of mrtil lw took effectt mid-night Tuesdy locl time, exctly yerfter the militry took over the region. In television speech to the ntion, Ms. Megwti sidceb will be under civilinuthority but will still be subjected to extrordinry security mesures to help government forces hunt down seprtist guerills. The Indonesin President hs ______ in the province ofceh.lifted mrtil lw B.imposed mrtil lw C.sent troops to tke over power D.reched pecegreement with the militry

A.lifted martial law

B.imposed martial law

C.sent troops to take over power

D.reached peace agreement with the military

听力原文:M: Are there any more questions on this lecture? Yes, Mary.W: Dr. Baker, do you t

听力原文:M: Are there any more questions on this lecture? Yes, Mary.

W: Dr. Baker, do you think an independent candidate could become president?

Q: What most probably is Mary?


A.A student.

B.A reporter.

C.A visitor.

D.A lecturer,

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pointing a new prime minister to end a series of strikes which brought the country to a standstill for several weeks. President Come announced members of the new cabinet on a television broad- cast after consultations with the Prime Minister Lansana Kouyate.

One month ago Lansana Kouyate was appointed as the new prime minister of Guinea by the president Lansana Conte on the television broadcast.



听力原文:Where will the president make his annual speech?(A) It was so boring and also ted

听力原文:Where will the president make his annual speech?

(A) It was so boring and also tedious.

(B) On the fourth floor by the lounge.

(C) The schedule has been pushed back to next week.





听力原文:(Man) Here's the company president's monthly message for the newsletter.(Woman) T

听力原文:(Man) Here's the company president's monthly message for the newsletter.

(Woman) Thank you. Do you have a minute to help me?

(Man) I'd be happy to, but I've never worked on a newsletter.

(Woman) Don't worry about that. I just need another opinion about the placement of the photographs.

What is the woman working on?

A.A staff survey

B.The monthly schedule

C.Some charts and graphs

D.A newsletter

听力原文: Susan Ford, the 21-year-old blonde daughter of the former President, is engaged
to Charles Frederick Vance, 37, Secret agent assigned to the detail guarding the family, and they will be married in June, it was announced Wednesday.

When will the couple be married?

A.This July.

B.Next June.

C.This June.

D.This Wednesday.

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