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One of the most important results of research into ageing has been to pinpoint the signifi

cance of short-term memory. This faculty is easily (1)_____ as ageing advances. What seems to (2)_____ is that in formation is received by the brain, (3)_____ scans it for meaning in order to decode it at some future time. It looks as if the actual (4)_____ of the short-term memory itself may not change too much (5)_____ age. A young man and a man in his late fifties may (6)_____ be able to remember and repeat a(n) (7)_____ of eight numbers recited to them. But what (8)_____ change is that when the older man is asked to re member anything (9)_____ between the time he is first given the numbers to memorise and the time he is asked to (10)_____ them, he will be much less likely to remember the (11)_____ numbers than the young man. This is because the scanning stage is more easily (12)_____ by other activities in (13)_____ people.

In (14)_____ living one experiences this as a fairly minor (15)_____—a telephone number forgotten while one looks (16)_____ an area code, or the first part of (17)_____ street directions confused with the fast because the last 'turn lefts' and' turn rights' have interfered (18)_____ remembering the first directions. In more formal learning, however, the (19)_____ of short-term memory is more than just a mild social embarrassment. It can be a serious bar to further (20)_____ or indeed to any progress at all.





提问人:网友fevlin 发布时间:2022-01-07
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This new TV technology is called Qube (求比), a pay-cable system now operating in Columbus, Ohio in 20,000 homes for its first trial run. The new "two-way" cable system allows subscribers to "talk back" to those people miles away behind the TV cameras. Qube subscribers can select 30 different programs by pressing one of the buttons on a box like device, called the Qube console. (1)On the console, the channel selectors are connected by wire (cable) from the box, to the TV set, through the wall, into the street, then over utility poles (电线杆) or underground for miles and miles to the computers at the Qube's TV studio headquarters.Nine at the buttons connect to special TV programs that allow the audience to respond to questions by pressing the appropriate button on the Qube box, sending electronic signals to the Eclipse computers. A question is flashed on the screen with possible answers; or buttons 2 can serve as "yes" or "no" replies. The computers in the TV studio tabulate the responses from all viewers and flash the results on TV. (2)At last, the viewer can talk to his or her TV, and so far, Qube subscribers have held dialogues with politicians, decided on talent show winners, and even named a baby.They call it "touching in" since the words "touch now" flash at the bottom of the TV screen when a response is requested.

Qube is revolutionizing American's relationship with television. As expected, the more popular of the 30 channels are those where the audience can "interact" and "touch in". the computers scan the response buttons every 6 seconds to provide the talk-back facility. (3)Quiz shows allow the audience to guess along with the players in the TV studios by responding to the multiple choice or true-false questions flashed on the TV screen.A weekly amateur talent contest. Talent Search, has viewers voting on whether each local act should be allowed to continue. When 50% or more hit the "no" button, the performer must stop. An interview show called Columbus Active makes frequent use of the two-way connection. (4)On a recent program 53% of Qube viewers touched in to say they would 'jump at the chance' to have dinner with ex-president Richard Nixon.Qube viewers are still waiting for the time when a politician will make a statement and then ask his audience: "How many of you believed what I just said?"

Qube has the ability to provide a range of services that viewers can choose to subscribe to. (5)In the past, only a way a viewer could control what was broadcast on TV was to change the channel.Some see Qube as the beginning of a new era--Narrowcast. Narrowcast indicates the computers have ability to send a certain program only to some TV households (the rest get snow). With the cooperation of local colleges, Qube viewers, at extra cost can have various courses narrowcast into their living rooms.

•Read the text below about a European rail service and the questions below the passage.

•For each question (13-18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer sheet for the answer you choose.

Success of New Rail Links in Europe

The Eurostar company is now running frequent train services using the tunnel built beneath the sea between Britain and France. Millions of passengers have already travelled on Eurostar trains and there are now twenty services a day between London and Paris and nine between London and Brussels.

Eurostar has already won 40% of all passengers from the UK to Paris and Brussels but further growth will depend on the business market. The early morning departure to Paris is proving popular, especially for business people from London who need to do a full day's work in the French capital.

However. exactly how many of Eurostar's passengers are business travellers is unknown. While first-class accommodation has been 70% fill, many of these passengers are travelling on holiday: one travel agent estimates Eurostar has only 20% of the business travel market. Meanwhile, tour operators report a sharp rise in the sale of short trips to Paris. which, they claim, is largely due to the possibility of travelling by Eurostar.

As Eurostar increases the frequency of daily journeys over the next year. it will need more business travellers than ever to fill its trains. However, business travel agents feel that some aspects of Eurostar service could be improved. According to one large business travel agent. "Eurostar's marketing has been poor and it needs to look more closely at doing commercial deals with large travel agents and corporations to become more attractive than airlines". British travel agents alone are now spending over £1 million a month with Eurostar. Naturally, they are expecting Eurostar to provide some good deals and flexible tickets.

Eurostar is hoping to attract more customers as it expands its network of services. Already, train journeys between London and Paris stop at a few towns and cities enroute. There will also be daytime and overnight services front eighteen other British cities to Paris and Brussels, and planning is in progress for services from London to cities in Holland and Germany. Soon, many major towns and cities in Britain and other European countries will have regular direct connections within Eurostar's network.

The demand for Eurostar is forcing airlines to use smaller planes on the London-Paris and London-Brussels service, two of the busiest air routes in the world. One British airline reports a 15% decline in ticket sales to both Paris and Brussels. The crucial marketing aspect in business travel is frequency, Rather than cut frequency, airlines have reduced the size of their aircraft to prevent further losses. However, the large airlines will find it easier to maintain their flight schedules by introducing lower capacity planes. Eurostar threatens mainly the smaller airlines, which already have fewer services and smaller planes.

Which of the following statements is not true about Eurostar company?

A.Passengers can travel on its trains through the tunnel.

B.It offers frequent train services front London to Paris.

C.There are many passengers traveling on Eurostar.

D.It offers a variety of services on the train every day.

It is important to find the right ________ between good communication and a productive use of working time.





Family education is not important in modern society.
What is a paternalistic relationship between doctor and patient?

A、The doctor takes good care patient.

B、The patient is an equal partner of doctor.

C、The physician takes a controlling and dominant position in the relationship with patient.

D、Tha patient is playing a more active role than the doctor.

2单选(2分) The purpose of argumentation(议论文) is to ________. A.explain B.inform C.describe D.convince
5多选(3分) 英语短文中表示总结归纳的衔接词有_____ A.in conclusion B. in summary C. in a word D.in my opinion
3多选(3分) What are the features of narration (记叙文)? A.It has a beginning, middle and ending. B.It is usually told chronologically. C.It may use dialogues. D.It is usually written in the first person.
6判断(2分) In the conclusion of the essay, the thesis statement is reaffirmed. A. × B.√
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