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【单选题】Carpeting may initially be less expensive than installing hardwood floors. While c

arpeting may look fantastic when it is first laid, in a relatively short period of time, it can become badly soiled. If the carpet is not cleaned regularly, these stains can permanently mar its beauty. Once this happens, the only recourse is to replace the stained carpet with a new one. In the end, then, hardwood flooring is a better buy than carpeting.

A、Carpeting may initially be less expensive than installing hardwood floors.

B、If the carpet is not cleaned regularly, these stains can permanently mar its beauty.

C、In the end, then, hardwood flooring is a better buy than carpeting.

提问人:网友goldbeach 发布时间:2022-01-07
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【单选题】Where was the corpse of Mademoiselle L'Espanaye found?

A、In a yard behind the house.

B、Under the bed.

C、She was stuffed upside down into a chimney.

D、On the bed.

In 19th-century London, ( ) was the main source of smog.

A、Burning charcoal

B、Burning coal

C、Burning wood

D、Burning kerosene

The long talk was?_____and all of us were _____ of...
The long talk was_____and all of us were _____ of it.

[    ]

A. tired; tiring

B. tiring; tired

C. tiring; tiring

D. tired; tired


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A、Herbal remedies are gaining the respect of the medical profession.

B、Teas, poultices, and rubs, made from various parts of plants have been used for generations by many cultures in the world.

C、With the more recent interest in the survival of the rainforests, however, there has been increasing attention paid to the plants which serve as remedies for a host of ailments.

【单选题】Can the common cold be cured? For centuries humans have sought ways to alleviate the discomfort associated with this minor illness, trying everything from special baths to special healing stones. Today, thanks to a focused research effort, science is beginning to make headway in finding a cure. Doctors are able to replicate the cold and small steps have been made in producing medicine which can at least reduce the time people must endure the effects of this disease.

A、Can the common cold be cured?

B、For centuries humans have sought ways to alleviate the discomfort associated with this minor illness, trying everything from special baths to special healing stones.

C、Today, thanks to a focused research effort, science is beginning to make headway in finding a cure.


【单选题】The technique for eating a steamed lobster is relatively simple. The most obvious place to begin the culinary journey is with the claws. Once the claws have been devoured, one is ready to tackle the tail. To obtain meat here, open the tail by making a slice down the center and popping out the entire section. Last but not least is the delicate meat to be found in the smaller limbs just behind the claws. This part of the lobster offers a relatively large amount of easily obtainable meat with relatively little effort. How to eat a lobster, then, is fairly simple.

A、The technique for eating a steamed lobster is relatively simple.

B、This part of the lobster offers a relatively large amount of easily obtainable meat with relatively little effort.

C、How to eat a lobster, then, is fairly simple.


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