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The press has been speculating on whether the Trump Administration will weed medical marijuana.

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更多“The press has been speculating…”相关的问题
听力原文: Officials in Russia say it will send at least 200,000 tons of grain to Ukraine w
hich has been hit by severe food shortages. President Putin's press office said he decided to aid Ukraine, the Soviet Union's former breadbasket, during a telephone conversation with its president Leonid Kuchma. Food prices have soared in Ukraine following a poor harvest exacerbated by a harsh winter and a spring drought.

What can be inferred about Ukraine?

A.It used to suffer from food shortages.

B.It used to be a grain-producing area.

C.It used to depend on foreign aid.

D.It used to be close to Russia.

In recent speeches at Republican fundraisers, President Bush has taken to criticizing the
press for baring government secrets.

The outgoing secretary of the Treasury, John Snow, in what may have been his last official act, wrote to The New York Times that in exposing the monitoring of bank transfers, it had undermined a successful counterterrorism program.

A house resolution, passed by a party line vote, called on the media to safeguard classified programs.

The government has discovered what governments have discovered before, that an undercurrent of hostility towards the news media runs through the country and that there could be political advantage in campaigning against the press in general.

The champion press hater, of course, was President Nixon, who told his staff that the press is the enemy, and he proceeded to declare his own private war against the media.

In 1969, he had a speech written by speechwriter Pat Buchanan denouncing the media as a "tiny and closed fraternity of privileged men". And he gave it to Vice President Spiro Agnew to deliver. That speech is best remembered today for the line contributed by another speechwriter, William Safire, about "nattering nabobs of negativism".

It is not clear that the public hates the press as much as officialdom would like to think. A recent Pew Research report found that public attitudes towards the press have been on a downward track for years. Growing numbers of people questioned the news media's patriotism and fairness. And yet most Americans continue to say they like mainstream news outlets.

And so, as The Christian Science Monitor headlined the other day: "Amid war on terror, a war with the press." You would not expect that I, as a journalist, would exhibit total neutrality in such a war. And so let me quote Justice Potter Stewart in his opinion in the Pentagon Papers ease in 1971: "In the absence of governmental checks and balances present in other areas of our national life, the only effective restraint upon executive policy and power in the area of national defense and international affairs may lie in an enlightened citizenry... Without an informed and free press, there cannot be an enlightened people;"

That remains true, even when Mr. Bush proclaims a state of war with the terrorists.

What's the best title for the passage.?

A.The Free Press Exposed Government Secrets.

B.The Government's Current War with the Free Press.

C.The Unfriendly Relationship between President and the Free Press.

D.The Free Press Bares Government Secrets.

Sales of newspapers may be falling, but the power of the press has not been ________.





______ has been the traditional home of the British national press since the 18th century.

A、Downing Street

B、Fleet Street

C、Wall Street

D、The Capitol

The London 2012 sustainability watchdog embroiled in a row over the sports ship of the Ol
ympic Stadium by Dow Chemical is to push the International Olympic Committee to appoint an “ethics champion” for future Games.

The Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 has been bruised by criticism over Dow’s sponsorship of the wrap that will surround the Olympic stadium, particularly since commissioner Meredith Alexander last month resigned in protest.

Campaigners believe that Dow has ongoing liabilities relating to the 1984 Bhopal disaster that resulted in the deaths of an estimated 20,000 people and the serious injury of tens of thousands more. Dow, which bought the owner of the plant in 2001, insists that all liabilities have been settled in full.

Commission chairman Shaun McCarthy said that its tight sustainability remit did not extend to acting as moral guardian of the Olympic movement but that it would press for such a role to be created when evaluating sponsors for future Games.

In addition to sponsoring the 7m pounds wrap that will surround the Olympic Stadium, Dow has a separate 100m dollars sponsorship deal with the IOC that was signed in.

But McCarthy also defended the commission ’s role in evaluating the Dow deal, after Amnesty International wrote to London 2012 chairman Lord Coe to raise the issue.

“What has been lost in all of this story is that a really excellent, sustainable product has been procured, we looked at Locog ’s examination of Dow Chemical ’s current corporate responsibility policies and, again, Dow achieved that highest score in that evaluation. We verified that. ” said McCarthy.

“As far as the history is concerned and issues around Bhopal, there is no doubt Bhopal was a terrible disaster and snore injustice was done to the victims. Who is responsible for that injustice is a matter for the courts and a matter for others. We have a specific remit and terms of reference that we operate under and we have operated diligently under those terms. ”

The commission will on Thursday release its annual review. It finds that “good press” has been made to wands many of Locog ’s sustainability target, but that “major challenges” remain. In particular, the commission found that there was no coherent strategy to achieve a 20% reduction in carbon emissions after an earlier scheme to use renewable energy feel through when a wind turbine on the site proved impractical.

“We had conversations with Locog over a year ago about this and said they had to demonstrate how they were going to achieve at least 20% carbon reductions through energy conservation if they ’re not going to do it through renewable energy, ” said McCarthy. “There are some good initiatives, but quite frankly they just haven ’t done it.”

Why was Dow ’s sponsorship criticized according to the passage?

A.The products are not sustainable.

B.It was related to Bhopal disaster.

C.It bribed the London Olympic committee.

D.It can ’t reduce 20% of the carbon emission.

What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A.Commission ’s role

B.Commission’s achievements

C.Commission’s complaints

D.Commission ’s defense

Which of the following words can best replace the underlined word “row” (Para. 1)?A.line




What is one of the challenges of the sustainability target mentioned in the passage?A.Ethic champion of the games.

B.Reduction in carbon emissions.

C.The wind turbine proved to be impractical.

D.Renewable energy is not available.

Which of the following can best summarize the passage?A.Commission defends its own role in evaluating controversial.

B.Dow’s way to the 2012 London Olympic Games.

C.Campaign against Dow ’s sponsorship.

D.IOC’s review on the controversy.


The Fifth National Census Office under the State Council has called on everyone for a fact
ual report in the upcoming census due to be taken on November 1st.

"Any action which may put down the accuracy of the census is forbidden and will receive severe punishment. "Lin Changsong, deputy director of the office, said at a press conference in Beijing on Wednesday.

Almost all the preparations for the census have been finished, 6 million census workers have been selected and trained and initial residence registration has been accomplished.

The census will start at midnight on November 1st.

During the first 10 days of November, census takers will work from door to door.

In order to get accurate (精确的) data on the population, the central government has permitted households who have not registered their children who are "more than family-planning policy allows" to apply for lasting residence during the census.

China's family-planning policy encourages urban citizens to have one child per family and rural families with one girl child may have a second child. The policy is more flexible among ethnic(种族的) minority (少数) people and is dependent upon the local autonomous regional government.

People who violate (违反) the regulation have to pay a fine in order to make up for the government's expenditure (支出) in bringing up and educating the extra children.

According to statistics available to China Daily, China's population reached 1.26 billion in 1999. And the central government expects that the figure will be below 1.3 billion in the census.

According to the passage, who are (is) going to take up the upcoming census?

A.The government.

B.Special census workers.

C.Citizens and peasants.


根据以下内容回答题:If you asked people what the most important invention has been,manv wou


If you asked people what the most important invention has been,manv would say the printing press.Others(1)say the wheel.But even though it's(2)whether the appear- ance of the printing press affected the course of history more than the wheel,the printing press(3)within the top two or three inventions in history.

(4)the telephone,the television,the radi0,and the computer,the written word was the only way to(5)ideas to people too far away to talk with.Until the 6th or 7th century.all books had to be written(6).Creating a book was difficult,and very few existed.Therefore,very few people read books.

In the 6th and 7th centuries,the Chinese invented a way to print pages by(7)characters and pictures on wooden,ivory,or clay blocks.They would print a page from the block by putting(8)on the block and pressing paper onto the ink.This(9)is called letterpress printing.The invention of letterpress printing was a great advance in communication(10)each block could be inked many times and many copies of each page could be made.Many books could now be made.Therefore,many people could read the same book.

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B.ought to

C.had to


The exhibition has been held()World Press Freedom Day annual celebration.
The exhibition has been held()World Press Freedom Day annual celebration.


B、on this occasion

C、on the occasion of

?Look at the statements below and at the five extracts from an article about recruitment s
ector and recruitment communications market.

?Which article (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1—8 refer to?

?For each statement 1—8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.

?You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


Creativity in recruitment has always enjoyed something of a mixed reputation. Until recently the recruitment sector was traditionally seen as the Cinderella of the advertising industry—for many creatives, at best a stepping stone to a proper career in consumer advertising. Yet there is plenty to suggest that this view is beginning to change significantly. As the recruitment communications market becomes more sophisticated, the opportunities for creative innovation multiply accordingly. Recruitment has, for example, been quicker to exploit the creative potential of the Internet than many other advertising sectors.


On the subject of how the multi-channel environment has affected the creative challenge, there was a strong consensus that today's broad range of media options provides the opportunity to create innovative work. Rice says that creative concepts and strategies need to be much more adaptable to work in different ways with different media, while Haskayne believes that the past would have involved a simple press campaign now offers a range of different elements to play with—and thus more opportunities to do something special. For Davies, the key is to think in the right channels, rather than only to take a concept and plonk it on a banner or a website.


One of the trends evident in recruitment communications today is the evolving relationship between press advertising and online content. Press ads are increasingly being used to create impact rather than to carry self-contained recruitment messages, with potential respondents being directed to the web for hard information about jobs, requirements and applications. An inevitable consequence of this new relationship is that the focus has shifted from selling specific jobs to marketing generic career opportunities-hence the continued rise of the employer brand.


How important is branding to today's recruiters? Very, say the creative professionals. Rice says that in sectors such as retail and hospitality, employers often differ little in terms of salaries, benefits and opportunities, not to mention a shortage of good candidates. In these circumstances, an employer's culture is the only true differentiator—which is why it is vital to get the brand message right. Dobinson stresses the value of branding to major clients in ensuring their recruitment messages are consistent and that they're getting the most from their investment.


It's important for any agency to be seen to be producing award-winning work, but stresses that the awards themselves need to be 'credible' They have an essential role in setting standards for the industry to aim for, by highlighting best practice and promoting debate about what constitutes good recruitment advertising and communication. But recruitment industry awards have tended to suffer because the judging has frequently been called into question—which is presumably why our creative professionals feel that creative peers would play a bigger role in the judging process.

More media advertising options have more impact on the creative challenge.

If a reporter who has been in the front row walks into the conference room one day and fin
ds he is sitting five rows back, it means ______.

A.he is not a regular reporter

B.he has come late

C.he didn't talk about the conference with the press secretary beforehand

D.he has probably offended the President

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