题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

Which of the facts illustrates the theory of relativity().

A.Nothing can travel faster than light.

B.Time is a dimension related to spac

C.Time passes more quickly when you travel.

D.The universe is continuing to travel.

提问人:网友Chenshan2019 发布时间:2022-01-07
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  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比37.5%
  • · 有3位网友选择 C,占比37.5%
  • · 有1位网友选择 D,占比12.5%
  • · 有1位网友选择 A,占比12.5%
匿名网友 选择了A
[115.***.***.37] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[158.***.***.52] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了D
[44.***.***.151] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了B
[171.***.***.187] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[154.***.***.222] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了B
[47.***.***.143] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了B
[84.***.***.26] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[252.***.***.117] 1天前
更多“Which of the facts illustrates…”相关的问题
Which of the following sentences is an ORDER?A.It is essential that all the facts be exami

Which of the following sentences is an ORDER?

A.It is essential that all the facts be examined first.

B.I want to propose a toast.

C.Take good care of yourself.

D.If only I knew her address.

Which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? ,NOW, what I
want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form. the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. ⋯Stick to Facts, Sir!





Which of the following best describes each of the four women's attitudes towards slimming?
(1) Glynis Davis. a. I put on weight soon after getting married.

(2) Roz Juma. b. Facts doesn't necessarily mean success.

(3) Lesley Godwin. c. Facts speak much louder than words.

(4) Ros Langfod. d. I like myself as I am, and to be what you are.

A.1-d; 2-d; 3-b; 4-c

B.1-c; 2-b; 3-d; 4-a

C.1-c; 2-d; 3-b; 4-a

D.1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d

The fol lowing line of output was extracted from the output of the show ip bgp command on
Router R1. Which of the following can be determined from this output?()Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path* 0 1 2 3 4 i

A. The route is learne d from an eBGP peer

B. The route has no more than three ASNs in the AS_PatH

C. The route is the best route for this prefix

D. None of these facts can be positively determined by this output

History as the artificial extension of the social memory (and I willingly concede that th

History as the artificial extension of the social memory (and I willingly concede that there are other appropriate ways of apprehending human experience) is an art of long standing, necessarily so since it springs instinctively from the impulse to enlarge the range of immediate experience; and however camouflaged by the disfiguring jargon of science, it is still in essence what it has always been. History in this sense is story, in aim always a true story; a story that employs all the devices of literary art (statement and generalization, narration and description, comparison and comment and analogy) to present the succession of events in the life of man, and from the succession of events thus presented to derive a satisfactory meaning. The history written by historians, like the history informally fashioned by Mr. Everyman, is thus a convenient blend of truth and fancy, of what we commonly distinguish as "fact" and "interpretation". In primitive times, when tradition is orally transmitted, bards and story-tellers frankly embroider or improvise the facts to heighten the dramatic import of the story. With the use of written records, history, gradually occurred; and with the increase and refinement of knowledge the historian recognized that his first duty is to be sure of his facts, let their meaning be what it may. Nevertheless, in every age history is taken to be a story of actual events from which a significant meaning may be derived; and in every age the illusion is that the present version is valid because the related facts are true, whereas former version are invalid because based upon inaccurate or inadequate facts.

听力原文:Man: I have monthly targets set by head office. Now, customers usually need a lot
of help choosing the right product, which is fair enough, but at the same time I've got to make sure that what I do is cost-effective for the company, so I have to watch my time and expenses carefully.

&8226;You will hear five short recordings. Each speaker is saying what a manager must do to achieve success.

&8226;For each recording, decide which is the most important action for that speaker.

&8226;Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;After you have listened once, replay each recording.

A. sort out staff disagreements

B. delegate tasks fairly

C. obtain all the facts

D. develop a range of strategies

E. establish clear goals

F. carry out regular planning

G. clarify all job descriptions

H. act immediately

What are the possible contexts in which the given sentences can be used for other purposes
than just stating facts? 哪些语境可能使所给的句子不仅陈述事实而且可转作其他的用途? (a)The room is messy. (b)I can’t work under untidy circumstances. (C)It would be good if she had a green skirt on. 译:(a)房间里乱糟糟的。 (b)我不能在不整洁的环境中工作。 (C)假如她穿的是绿裙子就好了。

听力原文:M: Miss White, welcome.W: Thank you.M: You said in your speech that when you were

听力原文:M: Miss White, welcome.

W: Thank you.

M: You said in your speech that when you were young, you loved to read literature for children, but you didn't find there the reality that you knew, that you experienced as a child.

W: I loved to read, but I longed to find in books children like me with families like my family which wasn't perfect; it was a loving family, but it wasn't perfect. I never read anything like that when I was growing up.

M: So you decided, "I'm going to do it myself"?

W: (Laughs)I didn't decide it at nine or ten. I decided it much later.

M: And then writing became a way to a new life?

W: It certainly did. What I remember when I started to write was how I couldn't wait to get up in the morning to get to my characters.

M: You read a very funny letter at the book awards. Someone asked you to send.., what was it, the facts of life?

W: "Please send me the facts of life, in number order."

M: In number order.

W: (Laughs) Yeah, I love that. Yes. I'm still trying to figure that out. What is the number order?

Why did Miss White eventually start to write for children?

A.She loved to read literature for children.

B.She loved her childhood experiences.

C.She wanted to write about the true reality.

D.She had an unhappy family life.

The most notable surface fact about " The Waste Land" is of course its extreme disconnecti
on. I do not know just how many parts the poem is supposed to have, but to me there are something like fifty parts which offer no bridges the one to the other and which are quite distinct in time, place, action, persons, tone and nearly all the unities to which art is accustomed. This discreteness reaches also to the inside of the parts, where it is indicated by a frequent want of grammatical joints and marks of punctuation; as if it were the function of art to break down the usual singleness of the artistic image, and then to attack the integrity of the individual fragments. I presume that poetry has rarely gone further in this direction. It is a species of the same error which modern writers of fiction practice when they laboriously disconnect the stream of consciousness and present items which do not enter into wholes. Evidently they think with Hume that reality is facts and pluralism, not compounds and systems. But Mr. Eliot is more enterprising than they, because almost in so many words he assails the philosophical or cosmical principles under which we form. the usual images of reality, naming the whole phantasmagoria Waste Land almost as plainly as if he were naming cosmos Chaos. His intention is evidently to present a wilderness in which both he and the reader may be bewildered, in which one is never to see the wood for the trees.

The intellect is usually defined as a separate faculty in human beings--the ability to thi
nk about facts and ideas and to put them in order. The intellect is usually contrasted with the emotions, which are thought to distort facts and ideas, or contrasted with the imagination, which departs from facts.

As a result, it is often assumed that intellectuals are people who think, who have the facts and the ideas, and that the rest of society is composed of nonintellectual and anti-intellectuals who don't. This is of course not the case, and it is possible to be an intellectual and not be intelligent, and to be a nonintellectual and think very well. It is also assumed that there are basic differences between science and art, between scientists and artists; it is assumed that scientists are rational, objective, abstract, concerned with the intellect and with reducing everything to a formula, and that artists, on the other hand, are temperamental, subjective, irrational, and concerned with the expression of the emotions. But we all know temperamental, irrational scientists and abstract, cold-blooded artists. We know, too, that there is a body of knowledge in art. There are as many facts and ideas in art as there are in any other field, and there are as many kinds of art as there are ideas--abstract or concrete, classical, romantic, organized, unorganized, expressionist, surrealist, intuitive, intellectual, sublime, ridiculous, boring, exciting, and dozens of others. The trouble lies in thinking about art the way most people think about the intellect. It is not what they think it is.

This would not be quite so serious a matter if it were not taken so seriously, especially by educators and those who urge their views upon educators--that is, I suppose, the rest of mankind. If thinking is an activity which takes place in a separate faculty of the intellect, and if the aim of education is to teach people to think, it is therefore natural to assume that education should train the intellect through the academic disciplines. These disciplines are considered to be the subject matter for intellectual training, and they consist of facts and ideas from the major fields of human knowledge, organized in such a way that the intellect can deal with them. That is to say, they are organized in abstract, conceptual, logical terms. It is assumed that learning to think is a matter of learning to recognize and understand these concepts. Educational programs in school and college are therefore arranged with this idea in mind, and when demands for the improvement of education are made, they usually consist of demands for more academic materials to be covered and more academic discipline of this kind to be imposed. It is a call for more organization, not for more learning.

One of the most unfortunate results of this misunderstanding of the nature of the intellect is that the practice of the arts and the creative arts themselves are too often excluded from the regular curriculum of school and college or given such a minor role in the educational process that they are unable to make the intellectual contribution of which they are supremely capable. (529)

The three faculties in human beings mentioned are _______.

A.intellect, emotions, imagination

B.intellect, ideas, facts

C.thinking, abilities, emotions

D.thinking, distorting, departing

From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when Igrew I should be

From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when I

grew I should be a writer. Between the ages of about seventeen and 【1】______

twenty-four I tried to abandon this idea, but I did so with the conscience that I 【2】______

was outraging my true nature and that soon or later I should have to settle 【3】______

down and write books.

I was the child of three, but there was a gap of five years on the either 【4】______

side, and I barely saw my father before I was eight. For this and other reasons

I was somewhat lonely, and I soon developed disagreeing mannerisms which 【5】______

made me unpopular throughout my schooldays. I had the lonely child's habit

of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginative persons, and 【6】______

I think from the very start my literal ambitions were mixed up with the 【7】______

feeling of being isolated and undervalued. I knew that I had a facility with

words and a power of facing in unpleasant facts, and I felt that this created a 【8】______

sort of private world which I could get my own back for my failure in 【9】______

everyday life. Therefore, the volume of serious—i. e. seriously intended— 【10】______

writing which I produced all through my childhood and boyhood would not amount to half a dozen pages. I wrote my first poem at the age of four or five, my mother taking it down to dictation.


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