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基础体温(basal body temperature,BBT)

提问人:网友zero01 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“基础体温(basal body temperature,BB…”相关的问题
基础体温(basal body temperature,BBT)

basal body (基体)
基粒(basal body)

基粒(basal body)

Your basal metabolic rate(BMR) is the amount of energy your body needs to ______while you

Your basal metabolic rate(BMR) is the amount of energy your body needs to ______while you are sleep.

Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is determined by basal metabolism (BMR), the thermic effect of food (TEF), and () or physical activities.

A、volatile body surface (VBS)

B、the resting energy expenditure

C、the thermic effect of exercise (TEE)

D、the mental work

A.The body temperature drops and the heartbeat and breathing slow down.B.The body temp

A.The body temperature drops and the heartbeat and breathing slow down.

B.The body temperature drops and the heartbeat stops.

C.The body temperature rises and breathing speeds up.

D.The body movements decrease and the heartbeat slows down.

CaloriesFor years now, calories have been all the rage—people are Counting them and cuttin


For years now, calories have been all the rage—people are Counting them and cutting them, and you'd be hard pressed to find something at the supermarket that does hot list its calories per serving somewhere on the package. But have you ever wondered what exactly a calorie is?

What is a Calorie

A caloric is a unit of energy. We tend to associate calories with food, but they apply to anything containing energy. For example, a gallon (about 4 liters) of gasoline contains about 31,000,000 calories.

Specifically, a caloric is the amount of energy, or heat, it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius(1.8 degrees Fahrenheit). One caloric is equal to 4.184 joules(焦耳), a common unit of energy used in the physical sciences. Most of us think of calories in relation to food, as in "This can of soda has 200 calories." It turns out that the calories on a food package are actually kilocalories (1,000 calories=1 kilocalorie). The word is sometimes capitalized to show the difference, but usually not. A food calorie contains 4,184 joules. A can of soda containing 200 food calories contains 200,000 regular calories, or 200 kilocalories. A gallon of gasoline contains 31,000 kilocalories.

The same applies to exercise when a fitness chart says you burn about 100 calories for every mile you jog, it means 100 kilocalories. For the duration of this article, when we say "calorie", we mean "kilocalorie".

What Calories Do

Human beings need energy to survive—to breathe, move, pump blood—and they acquire this energy from food.

The number of calories in a food is a measure of how much potential energy that food possesses. A gram of carbohydrates(碳水化合物) has 4 calories, a grain of protein has 4 calories, and a gram of fat has 9 calories. Foods are a compilation of these three building blocks. So if you know how many carbohydrates, fats and proteins are in any given food, you know bow many calories, or how much energy, that food contains.

If we look at the nutritional label on the back of a packet bf maple-and-brown-sugar oatmeal(麦片), we find that it has 160 calories. This means that if we were to pour this oatmeal into a dish, set the oatmeal on fire and get it to burn completely(which is actually pretty tricky), the reaction would produce 160 kilocalories (remember: food calories are kilocalories) enough energy to raise the temperature of 160 kilograms of water 1 degree Celsius. If we look closer at the nutritional label, we see that our oatmeal has 2 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein and 32 grams of carbohydrates, producing a total of 162 calories(apparently, food manufacturers like to round down). Of these 162 calories, 18 come from fat(9cal×2g), 16 come from protein(4cal×4g) and 128 come from carbohydrates(4cal×32g).

Your Caloric Needs

Just how many calories do our cells need to function well? The number is different for every person. You may notice on the nutritional labels of the foods you buy that the "percent daily values" are based on a 2,000 calorie diet—2,000 calories is a rough average of what a person. needs to eat in a day, but your body might need more or less than 2,000 calories. Height, weight, gender, age and activity level all affect your caloric needs. There are three main factors involved in calculating how many calories your body needs per day:

-Basal metabolic rate(基本新陈代谢率)

-Physical activity

-Thermic(热的) effect of food

Your basal metabolic rate(BMR) is the amount of energy your body needs to function at rest. This accounts for about 60 to 70 percent of calories burned in a day and includes the energy required to keep the heart beating, the lungs breathing, the kidneys functioning and the body temperature stabilized. In general, men have a higher BMR than women.





CaloriesFor years now, calories have been all the rage-people are counting them and cuttin


For years now, calories have been all the rage-people are counting them and cutting them, and you'd be hard-pressed to find something at the supermarket that does not list its calories per serving somewhere on the package. But have you ever wondered what exactly a calorie is?

What is a Calorie

A calorie is a unit of energy. We tend to associate calories with food, but they apply to anything containing energy. For example, a gallon (about 4 liters) of gasoline contains about 31,000,000 calories.

Specifically, a calorie is the amount of energy, or heat, it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit). One calorie is equal to 4. 184 joules, a common unit of energy used in the physical sciences. Most of us think of calories in relation to food, as in "This can of soda has 200 calories." It turns out that the calories on a food package are actually kilocalories (1,000 calories = 1 kilocalorie). The word is sometimes capitalized to show the difference, but usually not. A food calorie contains 4,184 joules. A can of soda containing 200 food calories contains 200,000 regular calories, or 200 kilocalories. A gallon of gasoline contains 31,000 kilocalories.

The same applies to exercise — when a fitness chart says you burn about 100 calories for every mile you jog, it means 100 kilocalories. For the duration of this article, when we say "calorie," we mean "kilocalorie."

What Calories Do

Human beings need energy to survive — to breathe, move, pump blood — and they acquire this energy from food.

The number of calories in a food is a measure of how much potential energy that food possesses. A gram of carbohydrates(碳水化合物) has 4 calories, a gram of protein has 4 calories, and a gram of fat has 9 calories. Foods are a compilation (集合) of these three building blocks. So if you know how many carbohydrates, fats and proteins are in any given food, you know how many calories, or how much energy, that food contains.

If we look at the nutritional label on the back of a packet of maple-and-brown-sugar oatmeal, we find that it has 160 calories. This means that if we were to pour this oatmeal into a dish, set the oatmeal on fire and get it to burn completely (which is actually pretty tricky), the reaction would produce 160 kilocalories (remember: food calories are kilocalories) — enough energy to raise the temperature of 160 kilograms of water 1 degree Celsius. If we look closer at the nutritional label, we see that our oatmeal has 2 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein and 32 grams of carbohydrates, producing a total of 162 calories (apparently, food manufacturers like to round down). Of these 162 calories, 18 come from fat (9 cal × 2g), 16 come from protein(4 cal × 4g) and 128 come from carbohydrates (4 cal × 32g).

Your Calorie Needs

Just how many calories do our cells need to function well? The number is different for every person. You may notice on the nutritional labels of the foods you buy that the "percent daily values" are based on a 2,000 calorie diet — 2,000 calories is a rough average of what a person needs to eat in a day, but your body might need more or less than 2,000 calories. Height, weight, gender, age and activity level all affect your caloric needs. There are three main factors involved in calculating how many calories your body needs per day:

•Basal metabolic rate (基本新陈代谢率)

•Physical activity

•Thermic (热的) effect of food

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy your body needs to function at rest. This accounts for about 60 to 70 percent of calories burned in a day and includes the energy required to keep the heart beating, the lungs breathing, the kidneys functioning and the body temperature stabilized. In general, men have a higher BMR than women.




基础代谢率(basal metabolism rate,BMR)

基础代谢率(basal metabolism rate,BMR)

basal lamina,basement membrane (基膜)
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