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One day, I happened to(碰巧)talk to a stranger on the bus. When he found out that I was fr

One day, I happened to(碰巧)talk to a stranger on the bus. When he found out that I was from Chicago., he told me that one of his good friends lived there and he wondered if I happened to know him. At first I wanted to say that Chicago was a very big city. He was silent(沉默)for a few minutes, and then he began to tell me all about his friend.

He told me that his friend was an excellent tennis player, and that he even had his own tennis court(网球场). He added that he knew a lot of people with swimming pools, but that he only knew two people in the country had their own tennis courts. And his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several people like that. For example, my brother and my next door neighbour. I said that my brother was a doctor. The doctor had a tennis court. I told him that my next door neighbour went to Sacramento last summer and lived in the house next to my brother's. For a moment, we looked at each other. But we did not say anything.

"Would your friend's name happen to be Roland Kirkwood?" I asked finally. He laughed and said, "Would your brother's name happen to be Dr. Ray Flunter? It was my turn to laugh.

How many people does the story involve(涉及)?





提问人:网友leonjkx 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“One day, I happened to(碰巧)talk…”相关的问题
三.根据课文内容选择正确得答案。 A.right B.meet C.surprised D.about E.began One day I happen
ed to (31) _____ an Englishman in the street and soon we (32)_____ to talk. As I was talking (33) a____ how I was studying English, the foreigner looked very (34) _____and said, “You don’t say!” I was puzzled and thought, “Perhaps this is not the (35)_______thing to talk about.” so I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall?”

One day ,I happened to(碰巧)talk to a stranger on the bus. When he found out that I was fr

One day ,I happened to(碰巧)talk to a stranger on the bus. When he found out that I was from Chicago, he told me that one of his good friends lived there and he wondered if I happened to know him. At first I wanted to say that Chicago was a very big city. He was silent(沉默)for a few minutes, and then he began to tell me all about his friend.

He told me that his friend was an excellent tennis player, and that he even had his own tennis eourt(网球场). He added that he knew a lot of people with swimming pools, but that he only knew two people in the country had their own tennis courts. And his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several people like that. For example, my brother and my next door neighbour. I said that my brother was a doctor. The doctor had a tennis court. I told him that my next door neighbour went to Sacramento last summer and lived in the house next to my brother's. For a moment, we looked at each other. But we did not say anything.

"Would your friend's name happen to be Roland Kirkwood?" I asked finally. He laughed and said, "Would your brother's name happen to be Dr. Ray Hunter?" It was my turn to laugh.

How many people does the story involve(涉及)?





听力原文:What happened to me that day is just unbelievable. The first thing to go wrong wa

听力原文: What happened to me that day is just unbelievable. The first thing to go wrong was that all the parking spaces were taken. So I had to park on the grass, and hoped that I would not get a parking ticket. When I got to the ad- mission office, there was already a long line of students waiting. By the time it was my turn. two of the courses I needed were filled, and I had to go back to my adviser and make out a whole new timetable. Although I did sign up for all my courses, I missed the lunch. The next thing to go wrong was that the bookstore had sold out one of the textbooks required. As I was leaving, I wondered what else could possibly happen, and then there I saw a policeman standing beside my car and writing out a ticket.

Who is the speaker?

A.A student.

B.A teacher.

C.An officer clerk.

听力原文:M: So, Rebecca, what did you do for spring break?F: I went to southern California

听力原文:M: So, Rebecca, what did you do for spring break?

F: I went to southern California. I was in Los Angeles and San Diego. Oh, and I stopped in San Juan Capistrano. That's south of Los Angeles and north of San Diego. I happened to be there just about the time the swallows returned.

M: Oh, I've heard about that they always return on the same day, don't they?

F: That's right, on March 19th. And they always fly away on the same day, October 23rd. In the meantime, they migrate over 7,000 miles to get to their winter homes.

M: Seven thousand miles imagine! And always coming back on the same day!

F: Yes, except for one year, a long time ago they were delayed for a day by a storm at sea.

M: So, what's the town of San Juan Capistrano like?

F: Oh, it's a pleasant little town. Once there was a famous mission church there.

M: Once? What happened to it?

F: It was destroyed by an earthquake almost two hundred years ago. But there is an old adobe church that survived. The swallows build their nests in the walls and towers of that church.

M: You sure were lucky to be there on the one day of the year when the swallows return.

F: Well, I wasn't there exactly on that day. I got to town a couple of days later but I did see the parade celebrating the swallows' return.

M. They have a parade? The people there must really like those swallows.

F: Sure,they bring lots of tourists to town, and besides, the swallows eat insects including mosqui- toes!

Where is the town of San Juan Capistrano?

A.North of Los Angeles.

B.Between Los Angeles and San Diego.

C.East of San Diego.

D.Los Angeles

听力原文:M: So Rebecca, what did you do for spring break?W: I went to southern California.

听力原文:M: So Rebecca, what did you do for spring break?

W: I went to southern California. I was in Los Angeles and San Diego. Oh, and I stopped in San Juan Capistrano. That's south of Los Angeles and north of San Diego. I happened to be there just about the time the swallows returned.

M: Oh, I've heard about that—they always return on the same day, don't they?

W: That's right, on March 19th. And they always fly away on the same day, October 23rd. In the meantime, they migrate over 7,000 miles to get to their winter home.

M: Seven thousand miles—imagine! And always coming back on the same day!

W: Yes, except for one year, a long time ago-they were delayed for a day by a storm at sea.

M: You sure were lucky to be there on the one day of the year when the swallows return.

W: Well, I wasn't there exactly on that day. I got to town a couple of days latex—but I did see the parade celebrating the swallows' return.

M: They have a parade? The people there must really like those swallows.

W: Sure—they bring lots of tourists to town, and besides, the swallows eat insects, including mosquitoes.

Where is the town of San Juan Capistrano?

A.North of Los Angeles.

B.Between Los Angeles and San Diego.

C.East of San Diego.

D.Los Angeles.

听力原文:M: So, Rebecca, what did you do for spring break7F: I went to southern California

听力原文:M: So, Rebecca, what did you do for spring break7

F: I went to southern California. I was in Los Angeles and San Diego. Oh, and I stopped in San Juan Capistrano. That’s south of Los Angeles and north of San Diego. I happened to be there just about the time the swallows re-turned.

M: Oh, I’ve heard about that they always return on the same day, don't they?

F: That's right, on March 19th. And they always fly away on the same day, October 23rd. In the meantime, they migrate over 7,000 miles to get to their winter homes.

M: Seven thousand miles imagine! And always coming back on the same day!

F: Yes, except for one year, a long time ago they were delayed for a day by a storm at sea.

M: So, what's the town of San Juan Capistrano like?

F: Oh, it’s a pleasant little town. Once there was a famous mission church there.

M: Once? What happened to it?

F: It was destroyed by an earthquake almost two hundred years ago. But there is an old adobe church that sur-vived. The swallows build their nests in the walls and towers of that church.

M: You sure were lucky to be there on the one day of the year when the swallows return.

F: Well, I wasn’t there exactly on that day. I got to town a couple of days later——but I did see the parade celebrating the swallows’return.

M. They have a parade? The people there must really like those swallows.

F: Sure——they bring lots of tourists to town, and be-sides, the swallows eat insects——including mosqui-toes !

Where is the town of San Juan Capistrano?

A.North of Los Angeles.

B.Between Los Angeles and San Diego.

C.East of San Diego.

D.Los Angeles

What happened one day when the boy’s mother was out The boy with a
听力原文:When quite young, Daniel Webster did not always obey the rules at school. One day

听力原文: When quite young, Daniel Webster did not always obey the rules at school. One day the teacher caught him breaking a ruler and asked him to come forward to be punished. In that school, striking the open hand with a ruler was the punishment. Daniel's hands happened to be very dirty. On the way to the teacher's desk he wiped the palm of one hand on his pantaloons.

"Give me your hand, sir," demanded the teacher. Out went the right hand.

The teacher looked at it a moment and said, "Daniel, if you will find another hand in this schoolroom as dirty as that, I will let you go. " Instantly from behind Daniel's back came the left hand. "Here it is, sir," he replied.

"That will do," said the teacher, laughing. "You may go."


A.At home.

B.At church.

C.At school.

D.On the street.

What happened when Dreiser went to an orphan asylum one day?A.He burst into tears.B.He fel

What happened when Dreiser went to an orphan asylum one day?

A.He burst into tears.

B.He felt pity for the children there.

C.He shook his head.

D.All of the above.

Love to your life

“Everything happens for the best,“ my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. “If you carry on, one day something good will happen. And you‘ll realize that it wouldn‘t have happened if not for that (1)disappointment. “

Mother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college in 1932, I had decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way up to sports announcer. I hitchhiked to Chicago and(2)on the door of every station--and got turned down every time.

In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn‘ t risk hiring an(3)person. “Go out in the sticks and find a small station that‘ll give you a(4),“ she said. I thumbed home to Dixon, Illinois.

While there were no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its sports department. Since Dixon was where I had played high school football, I applied. The job(5)just right for me.

But I wasn‘t hired. My disappointment must have shown. “Everything happens for the best. “ Mom reminded me. Dad offered me the car to(6) job. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, a wonderful Scotsman named Peter Macarthur told me th

ey had already(7)an announcer.

As I left his office, my frustration boiled over. I asked aloud, “How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can‘t get a job in a(8)station.“ I was waiting for the elevator when I heard Macarthur calling, “What was you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?“ Then he stood me before a microphone and asked me to(9)an imaginary game. At last, Peter told me I would be broadcasting Saturday’s game!

On my way home, as I have many times since, I thought of my mother‘s(10): “If you carry on, one day something good will happen. Something wouldn‘t have happened if not for that previous disappointment.“

A. broadcast    E. important      I. words

B. train      F. radio        J. hunt

C. hired      G. sounded       K. chance

D. inexperienced  H. previous       L. knocked

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