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Who says two of the nine are children?A.The Minister.B.The Ministry.C.The Mayor.D.An offic

Who says two of the nine are children?

A.The Minister.

B.The Ministry.

C.The Mayor.

D.An official.

提问人:网友cherrylin 发布时间:2022-01-06
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A college football coach says that given any two linemen A and B,he always prefers the one who is bigger and faster.Is this preference relation transitive?Is it complete?

听力原文: The United Nations Refugee Agency, UNHCR, says some Afghan refugees who have liv
ed in Pakistan for two decades are returning home to areas of Afghanistan that are considered safe. Lisa Schlein in Geneva has this report.

The UN refugee agency says 41 refugee families --left Pishin District of Pakistan' s Baluchistan Province on Tuesday. They were bound for the Kandahar region of southwestern Afghanistan. This is the first group of Afghan refugees to return home from Pakistan this year with UNHCR assistance.

How many refugees have returned home earlier this year?



C.No one.

D.We can not say exactly.

听力原文: A United Nations report to be officially released later today will condemn the Z
imbabwe government's mass demolition of shantytown homes as disastrous. UN officials say more than two hundred thousand Zimbabweans have lost their homes although others put the figure much higher. The report was compiled by UN special envoy A. who spent two weeks in the country seeing the demolition first hand. Here is our UN correspondent S.P..

According to those who have seen it, the report says that more than two million people have been affected by the deliberate campaign of torching and bulldozing large areas of shantytowns. President Mugabe's government says the demolitions are meant to clean up Zimbabwe's towns and cities, tackle black market trading and ensure building regulations are observed, but critics have suggested that the campaign is to punish urban voters who support the opposition.

Which of the following is NOT included among Zimbabwe government's explanation of the mass demolitions?

A.They are meant to clean up towns and cities.

B.They are meant to tackle black market trading.

C.They are meant to punish urban voters.

D.They are meant to enforce building regulations.

Mark Clements, 53, a garageman, had long and untidy hair. Laura Shira, 43, who gives hairc
uts, needed car repairs. Rather than【36】for service, the two residents helped each other. A typical small-town favor, right? No, the two didn't know each other. They【37】the Neighborhood Service Exchange (NSE), where members【38】their skills. The exchange need not be direct; members earn credit for hours【39】and can cash in later from anyone in the group.

The NSE may help people save a little money, but at its heart it's building a(n)【40】of community in a place that was losing that small-town feel. In a recent【41】, 78% said they didn't feel comfortable asking a neighbor for help. "We want neighbors to【42】like neighbors again," says Kathryn Myron, who【43】the group in 1998.

It's working. Hidi Hanson, 53, agreed to make "【44】phone calls" to Katie O'Brien, 66, who had suffered a stroke. The two became fast friends who now talk on the phone almost daily. "I don't even bother to keep【45】my credits anymore," says O'Brien.







A college football coach says that given any two linemen A and B,he always prefers the one who is bigger and faster.Is this preference relation transitive?Is it complete?

There may be a good reason why some people are not able to stop smoking cigarettes. A new
study found that people who suffer from depression were two times as likely to fail when they tried to stop smoking.

Alexander Glassman presented the findings recently during the yearly meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Doctor Glassman is the director of an antismoking center at Columbia University in New York City. His study examined 100 smokers who have a history of depression. People with depression suffer periods of extreme sadness.

The researchers studied people who have succeeded and those who have failed in their efforts to stop smoking. The study found that people who did stop smoking were two times as likely to suffer from depression again within six months as those who continued to smoke.

Doctor Glassman says smokers who are depressed use tobacco to make themselves feel better. But, he says people with depression seem to have a much harder time stopping than non-depressed smokers.

So, drugs to fight depression are now also being used to help people stop smoking. Doctors say the most effective one is called Buproprion.

Buproprion mainly affects the brain chemical dopamine(多巴胺). nicotine(尼古丁) is a substance in tobacco that also affects dopamine. Buproprion helps people stop smoking because it eases the body's desire for nicotine. Doctor Glassman says the drug does not make people stop smoking. But it makes it easier for those who want to stop.

When people with depression tried to stop smoking they are ______.

A.as likely to fail as non-depressed smokers

B.more likely to fail than non-depressed smokers

C.more likely to succeed than non-depressed smokers

D.most likely to succeed among the smokers

听力原文: Russia: At least nine people were injured when a small bomb exploded at a busy u
nderground train station at Moscow. The Emergency Situations Ministry says two of the nine are children. Officials say they suffered mostly burns that are not serious. Officials are still searching for the people who placed the bomb. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luskov blamed terrorists.

At least nine people were injured when ______.

A.a car bomb exploded in Moscow

B.two trains collided at a train station

C.a bomb exploded in Moscow

D.an airplane crashed in Moscow

第二篇There may be a good reason why some people are not able to stop smoking cigarettes.


There may be a good reason why some people are not able to stop smoking cigarettes. A new study found that people who suffer from depression were two times as likely to fail when they tried to stop smoking.

Alexander Glassman presented the findings recently during the yearly meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Doctor Glassman is the director of an antismoking center at Columbia University in New York City. His study examined 100 smokers who have a history of depression. People with depression suffer periods of extreme sadness.

The researchers studied people who have succeeded and those who have failed in their efforts to stop smoking. The study found that people who did stop smoking were two times as likely to suffer from depression again within six months as those who continued to smoke.

Doctor Glassman says smokers who are depressed use tobacco to make themselves feel better. But, he says people with depression seem to have a much harder time stopping than non-depressed smokers.

So, drugs to fight depression are now also being used to help people stop smoking. Doctors say the most effective one is called Buproprion.

Buproprion mainly affects the brain chemical dopamine(多巴胺). nicotine(尼古丁) is a substance in tobacco that also affects dopamine. Buproprion helps people stop smoking because it eases the body's desire for nicotine. Doctor Glassman says the drug does not make people stop smoking. But it makes it easier for those who want to stop.

When people with depression tried to stop smoking they are ______.

A. as likely to fail as non-depressed smokers

B. more likely to fail than non-depressed smokers

C. more likely to succeed than non-depressed smokers

D. most likely to succeed among the smokers

Chronic Diseases: The World's Leading Killer Chronic diseases are the leading cause of dea

Chronic Diseases: The World's Leading Killer

Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. Yet health experts say these conditions are often the most preventable. Chronic diseases include heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes(糖尿病) and lung disorders.

The World Health Organization says chronic diseases lead to about seventeen million early deaths each year. This United Nations agency expects more than three hundred eighty million people to die of chronic diseases by two thousand fifteen. It says about eighty percent of the deaths will happen in developing nations.

The WHO says chronic diseases now cause two-thirds of all deaths in the Asia-Pacific area. In ten years it could be almost three-fourths. People are getting sick in their most economically' productive years. In fact, experts say chronic diseases are killing more middle-aged people in poorer countries than in wealthier ones.

The WHO estimates that chronic diseases will cost China alone more than five hundred thousand million dollars in the next ten years. That estimate represents the costs of medical treatment and lost productivity. Russia and India are also expected to face huge economic losses.

Kim Hak-Su is the head of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Last week in Bangkok he presented a WHO report on the problem. It says deaths from chronic diseases have increased largely as the result of economic gains in many countries.

The report details the latest findings from nine countries. They include Brazil, Britain, Canada, China, India and Nigeria. The others are Pakistan, Russia and Tanzania.

Mister Kim says infectious and parasitic (寄生的) diseases have until recently been the main killers in Asia and the Pacific. But he says they are no longer the major cause of death in most countries.

Health officials say as many as eighty percent of deaths from chronic diseases could be prevented. They say an important tool for governments is to restrict the marketing of alcohol and tobacco to young people. Also, more programs are needed to urge healthy eating and more physical activity.

UN officials aim through international action to reduce chronic-disease deaths by two percent each year through two thousand fifteen. They say meeting that target could save thirty-six million lives. That includes twenty-five million in Asia and the Pacific.

How many people in developing countries will probably die of chronic diseases by 2015?

A.More than 17 million.

B.More than 380 million.

C.More than 304 million.

D.More than 25 million.

听力原文:Sudanese opposition leader Sadeqal-Mahdi, who travels to Washington next week, sa

听力原文: Sudanese opposition leader Sadeqal-Mahdi, who travels to Washington next week, says he will push the Bush administration to urge both sides in his country's civil war to make peace and create a true democracy. In an interview with Reuters news agency, Mr. Mahdi says the United States can play an important role in pressuring both sides to reach a just peace through political talks, not war-fare.

Last week, Secretary of State Colin Powell visited the region and promised to try harder to end the Sudanese war, which has killed an estimated two million people. It pits the Muslim north against the largely Christian and animist south.

Sudan's President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir and rebel leader John Garang are to hold proximity talks Saturday in Nairobi along with east African leaders trying to mediate an end to the 18 year conflict. In addition to the Kenyan host, President Daniel-arap Moi, the Ugandan, Ethiopian and Eritrean leaders are to attend the session.

Who has visited Sudan last week?


B.Colin Powell.

C.Omar Hassan AL-Bashir.

D.President Bush.

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