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A common example of bad manners on the roads isA.not signaling when overtaking.B.following

A common example of bad manners on the roads is

A.not signaling when overtaking.

B.following no traffic lights.

C.preventing other vehicles from overtaking.

D.making holes in the roads on purpose.

提问人:网友wangjunbo 发布时间:2022-01-06
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Road Politeness

It is all very well to blame traffic jams, the cost of petrol and the quick peace of modern life,but manners on the roads are becoming horrible. You might tolerate the rude and inconsiderate driver, but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the exception to the rule.

Perhaps the situation calls for a "Be Kind to Other Drivers" campaign; otherwise, it may get completely out of hand.

Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense, too. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behaviors. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards relieving the tensions of motoring. A friendly nod or a wave of acknowledgement in response to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of goodwill and tolerance, so necessary in modern traffic conditions. But such acknowledgements of politeness are all too rare today. Many drivers nowadays don&39;t even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.

However, improper politeness can also be dangerous. A typical example is the driver who waves a child across a crossing into the path of oncoming vehicles that may be unable to stop in time. The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they care to.

A veteran driver, whose manners are faultless, told me it would help if motorists learn to filter correctly into traffic streams without causing the total blockages (堵塞)that give rise to bad temper.

Unfortunately, modern motorists can&39;t even learn to drive, let alone be well-mannered on the road.

Years ago the experts warned us that the car-ownership explosion would demand a lot more give-and-take from all road users. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.

According to this passage, troubles on the road are primarily caused by__________. 查看材料

A.the traffic jams

B.the quick peace of modern life

C.the cost of petrol

D.the behavior. of the driver

The fourth step of the process of tea ceremony is to _____ tea leaves and then brew the tea.
The bicameral Congress of the US is made up of the ____________ and the ____________.


B、House of Representatives

C、House of Lords

D、House of Commons

When economies of scale are realized, even though the average cost of each unit is reduced, more profits are able to be generated from selling more units to more markets.
p________ (n.) the deposition of pigment in animals or plants or human beings
⑴ Generally, the class size in urban public schools can be as large as ______ students.





Complete the words and phrases that match the meanings on the right. The first letters are already given. 1. i the bank that offers customers credit cards 2. q to give the price 3. c the process you go through when you arrive at a hotel 4. c the person who owns a credit card 5. s money that you have to pay in addition to the basic price of something 6. r an amount of money that is paid or charged for the room in a hotel

The necessary urban development of our cities must be compatible with the conservation of the Cultural and Historical Patrimony. This is particularly true in the ease of those cities, numerous, in the Iberian Peninsula and Europe, that are the result of a long historical tradition, often uninterrupted during almost two thousand years. The preservation of the Archaeological Patrimony in these cities, however, comes up against conflicts difficult to resolve, with very differing and opposed positions: the demand and the price of the ground, the harmonious development of the city, the presence of infrastructures and services, the aspiration of the citizens to worthy housing, the business projects of the promoters or the working plans of the constructors.

The common resource established to solve these conflicts is Urban Planning. Archaeology must take part actively in the elaboration of this planning, and use its abilities positively to prevent archaeological problems and look for an acceptable solution from the point of view of the protection of the Archaeological Patrimony with regard to urban development. Lamentably, archaeology frequently ignores the possibilities of this course of action and does not have the resources necessary to use the urban standard and the planning figures as other methodological instruments (alongside those traditionally used in Archaeology) to solve the archaeological impact of urban development.

Given that the planning figures are the most efficient way of regulating the ground plan and classify and organize the territory, they are also a useful instrument for organizing an action of the urban Archaeological Patrimony, to prevent its destruction, and, even, to give a value to these types of resources. To achieve this it is necessary to characterize, define and outline the spaces with Archaeological Patrimony within the plan. This outlining must extend from the element under protection towards its surroundings, and must seek the conservation of that space, as well as guarantee the control of the agents or activities that may act negatively upon them. The adequate organization of these spaces needs not only to apply the existing ground legislation, but also develop in each particular case (whether a city or a superior organizing community) a defined regulation. This regulation, adapted to the specification of the elements and surroundings to be protected, provides an adequate organization of the spaces that, due to their own historical values and potential social function, thus require it. To achieve this it will be necessary to not only limit their use, but also to establish solutions for their management and, even, for their socio-cultural use.

This study is illustrated with examples and experiences derived from Galician cities, each of which presents a particular problem: Santiago de Compostela (a mediaeval city, now Patrimony of Humanity) , Lugo (built on the remains of the most important Roman city of Galicia) , and Corona and Vigo (cities with roman-mediaeval antecedents and recent development which today have a very strong urban dynamic). However, instead of carrying out a mere case study based on particular examples, an effort is made to evaluate the Spanish context to help to contribute to making a general diagnosis of the problem and to define the basic conditions that from the author's point of view should comply with the previously mentioned specific regulations.

The word "patrimony" in the first sentence of the passage probably means






听力原文: In the US, Democratic presidential candidate (9) Barack Obama has dismissed a suggestion by rival Hillary Clinton that he run as vice presidential candidate on her ticket. Obama says he has won twice as many states as Clinton. He also says he has won more popular votes and has more delegates than Clinton. And that it's obvious that he will NOT become the running mate of a candidate in second place. Clinton and her husband—former President Bill Clinton—have been putting forward the idea of a joint ticket in recent days. But supporters of Obama say Clinton's proposal is only a political maneuver. Clinton is locked in a tight battle with Obama to win the race to become the Democratic nominee to face Republican Senator John McCain in the November election.

What was Baraek Obama's response toward HillARy's suggestion?

A.He made no eomments on Hillary's suggestion.

B.He had no choice but to accept Hillary's suggestion.

C.He refused to take Hillary's suggestion.

D.He decided to quit the election campaign.

Whenever we could, Joan and I took refuge in the streets of Gibraltar. The Englishman's home is his castle because he has not much choice. There is nowhere to sit in the streets of England, not even, after twilight, in the public gardens. The climate, very often, does not even permit him to walk outside. Naturally, he stays indoors and creates a cocoon of comfort. That was the way we lived in Leeds.

These southern people, on the other hand, look outwards. The Gibraltarian home is, typically, a small and crowded apartment up several flights of dark and dirty stairs. In it, one, two or even three old people share a few ill-lit rooms with the young family. Once he has eaten, changed his clothes, embraced his wife, kissed his children and his parents, there is nothing to keep the southern man at home. He hurries out, taking even his breakfast coffee at his local bar. He comes home late for his afternoon meal after an appetitive hour at his cafe. He sleeps for an hour, dresses, goes out again and stays out until late at night. His wife does not miss him, for she is out, too—at the market in the morning and in the afternoon sitting with other mothers, baby-minding in the sun.

The usual Gibraltarian home has no sitting-room, living-room or lounge. The parlour of our working-class houses "would be an intolerable -waste of space. Easy-chairs, sofas and such-like furniture are unknown. There are no bookshelves, because there are no books. Talking and drinking, as well as eating, are done on hard chairs round the dining-table, between a sideboard decorated with the best glasses and an inevitable display cabinet full of family treasures, photographs and souvenirs. The elaborate chandelier over this table proclaims it as the hub of the household and of the family. 'Hearth and home' makes very little sense in Gibraltaf. One's home is one's town or village, and one's hearth is the sunshine.

Our northern towns are dormitories with cubicles, by comparison. When we congregate— in the churches it used to be, now in the cinema, say, impersonally, or at public meetings, formally—we are scarcely ever man to man. Only in our pubs can you find the truly gregarious and communal spirit surviving, and in England even the pubs are divided along class lines.

Along this Mediterranean coast, home is only a refuge and a retreat. The people live together in the open air—in the street, market-place. Down here, there is a far stronger feeling of community than we had ever known. In crowded and circumscribed Gibraltar, with its complicated inter-marriages, its identity of interests, its surviving sense of siege, one can see and feel an integrated society.

To live in a tiny town with all the organization of a state, with Viceroy (总督), Premier, Parliament, Press and Pentagon, all in miniature, all within arm's reach, is an intensive course in civics. In such an environment, nothing can be hidden, for better or for worse. One's successes are seen and recognized; one's failures are immediately exposed. Social consciousness is at its strongest, with the result that there is a constant and firm pressure towards good social behaviour, towards courtesy and kindness. Gibraltar, with all its faults, is the friendliest and most tolerant of places. Straight from the cynical anonymity of a big city, we luxuriated in its happy personalism. We look back on it, like all its exiled sons and daughters, with true affection.

Which of the following best explains the differences in ways of living between the English and the Gibraltarians?

A.The family structure.

B.Religious belief.

C.The climate.

D.Bating habit.

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