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__________________create revenues, expenses, gains and losses.

A、A. Investing activities

B、B. Operating activities

C、C. Financing activities

D、D. None of the above

提问人:网友wzc152 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“__________________create reven…”相关的问题
听力原文: U.S. President George W. Bush will layout his new policy for Iraq Wednesday nigh
t in a TV speech. However, some details of the policy have been leaked to the media. National oil law:a date is to be announced for the release of a national oil law in Iraq. The law will give the Iraqi central government the power to distribute current and future oil revenues to provinces and regions, based on their population size. The achievement of a fair distribution of oil revenue is seen as a corner stone of Iraqi security. More troops: the U.S. now has 132,000 troops in Iraq. The number will temporarily be increased by 20,000. A renewed construction package costing up to 1 billion U.S. dollars is also to be announced. The money is to help create jobs and boost the Iraqi economy. Young Iraqis are to be encouraged to participate in the country's reconstruction by cleaning the streets and repairing schools.

Under the national oil law, the Iraqi government ______ .

A.will give more oil revenues to only a few provinces

B.will let provinces distribute their oil revenues

C.will distribute oil revenues according to population size

D.will distribute oil revenues according to security needs

The suicide note ______the possibility of murder.A、precludedB、ascertainedC、deniedD、expe





One major reason for Germany's high unemployment and the evident weakness of business inve
stment is the nature of the tax system, which tends to discourage both individual effort and investment. Nominal(名义上的)corporate(公司的)tax rates are, in fact, very high and it is these rates that potential investors primarily look at. However, the actual burden borne by companies is not as great as it might seem, because the tax base is fairly narrow. This combination in itself tends to encourage tax avoidance at both the personal and corporate levels. Moreover, by international standards, firms in Germany are still taxed quite heavily.

A reform. of corporate taxation, therefore, should start by reducing tax rates, cutting subsidies(津贴)arid broadening the taxable base. The resulting positive impact on growth would be reinforced if there were also a substantial easing of the net burden.

How do the current plans for a reform. of corporate taxation measure up to these goals? The overall tax burden on companies is to be brought down significantly, with the ceiling of 35% being set. To this end, a dramatic reduction in the corporate tax on retained earnings is planned. The related drop in revenues is to be offset(抵消)by changes in the rules governing tax breaks.

An approach incorporating these basic features would, be a welcome step. If realized in its present form, it should ensure that the objective of making tax rates more attractive for businesses is achieved. At the same time, however, it would be unfortunate if an excessive broadening of the taxable base made it impossible to attain the equally important goal of providing relief.

Comprehensive tax reform. is needed in Germany to spur investment and to create new jobs, thus putting the economy on a higher growth path. The drop in revenues caused by the tax relief granted to both companies and households would, in time, be at least partially offset by the larger volume of tax receipts produced by economic growth. The gaps that remained should primarily be closed through spending cuts. If measure of this sort proved inadequate, then, as a last resort, an increase in indirect taxes could perhaps be considered.

The author of the passage mainly intends to ______.

A.criticize Germany's tax system

B.help companies ease their tax burden

C.propose ways to reform. the tax system

D.examine the current corporate tax rates

With such a short time(leave)______,it’s impossible for US to finish this complicated expe

With such a short time(leave)______,it’s impossible for US to finish this complicated experiment.

A traditional private WAN can be () to build and manage.A、difficultB、easyC、cheapD、expe

A traditional private WAN can be () to build and manage.





If an economy’s GDP rises, then it must be the case that the economy’sA.income and expe

A.income and expenditure both ris

B.income rises and saving falls.

C.income and saving both ris

D.income rises and expenditure falls.

听力原文:President Bush is sending over 20,000 more U.S. troops into Iraq. In an address f

听力原文: President Bush is sending over 20,000 more U.S. troops into Iraq. In an address from the White House last night, Mr. Bush said he considered suggestions from U. S. lawmakers to scale back U. S. efforts in Iraq. But he warned that stepping back now would force a collapse of the Iraqi government.

The consequences of failure are clear. Radical Islamic extremists would grow in strength and gain new recruits. They would be in a better position to topple moderate governments, create chaos in the region, and use oil revenues to fund their ambitions. Iran would be emboldened in its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Our enemies would have a safe haven from which to plan and launch attacks on the American people.

But Democratic Senator Richard Durbin says the president's new plan runs contrary to what his own generals have advised him to do.

General John Abizaid until recently, the commanding general in Iraq and Afghanistan, said, "More American forces prevent the Iraqis from doing more, from taking more responsibility for their own future."

And Republican Senator Sam Brownback on a visit to Iraq said he does not believe Sending more troops to Iraq is the answer.

A collapse of Iraq government may lead to all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A.chaos in the region

B.stronger radical Islamic extremists

C.Iran's gaining new recruits

D.Iran's pursuing nuclear weapons openly

Stress is ______.A.always harmful to youB.a disease in your lifeC.an example of human expe

Stress is ______.

A.always harmful to you

B.a disease in your life

C.an example of human experience

D.a normal state for everyone

In an urban society in which fast-paced and stressful work surrounds you in life, expe

A.be it television watching or bird-watching

B.was it television watching or bird-watching

C.whether it television watching or bird-watching

D.were it television watching or bird-watching

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