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Although I had left school against the advice of my teachers, I had, without telling a

nyone, tried to continue my studies in literature (文学) at evening classes. It was a tiresome walk from one end of the city to another and to sit among adults was uninteresting. I was the youngest in the class, so the friendship I knew at school was absent, I put up with it for a short period. It was too long a walk on cold winter's nights and it was hard to put my heart into Shakespeare with wet shoes and trousers. So I continued reading books and started writing poetry at home. By chance, I won some prizes and award (奖励) for literature. A young woman from a TV com-pany came to the college one day. She told me that I had won a national poetry award. I stared at her in astonishment and disbelieved her. She wanted to make a short film about me, to which I said: "No, I couldn't do that. "Not that I had any real excuse, I was just frightened. In the end she persuaded me that I should do it the following.

1.The writer did not feel comfortable at the evening school because__________ .

A. he found it difficult to make friends with his classmates

B. he had to walk a long distance to the evening school

C. he could not put his heart into reading books after he was caught in the rain

D. all of the above

2. Which of the following has more probably been discussed in the paragraph above this passage?_______

A. The writer's unhappy childhood.

B. The poor teaching quality of the writer's school.

C. The writer's leaving school against his teachers' advice.

D. Whether it was worth leaving school for job training.

3.After he won some prizes and awards for literature, a young woman from a TV company().

A、wanted to make his success known to the public

B、came to make friends with him

C、invited him to make a speech

D、came to tell him that he had become a very important person

4.Which of the following is NOT true? ________

A. His parents worried that he would have no future if he returned to school.

B. His parents worried that he would leave school again.

C. It was difficult for one who studied literature to get a job.

D. His parents did not want him to continue his education.

5.After his success, the writer______________

A. decided to get a good job

B. decided to continue his studies in literature at the evening school

C. decided to return to the school he had left

D. began to feel very important and proud

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更多“Although I had left school aga…”相关的问题
When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leath
er wallet lying on the sidewalk. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could find out the owner's name. There was nothing inside it except some change and an old photograph-a picture of a woman and a young gift about twelve years old, who looked like the woman's daughter. I put the photograph back and took the wallet to the police station, where I handed it to the desk sergeant. Before I left, the sergeant took down my name and address in case the owner might want to write and thank me.

That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They had also invited a young woman so that there would be four people at the table. Her face was familiar. I was quite sure that we had not met before, but I couldn' t remember where I had seen her. In the course of conversation, however, the young woman happened to mention that she had lost her wallet that afternoon. All at once I realized where I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photograph, although she was now much older. She was very surprised, of course, when I was able to describe her wallet to her. Then I explained that I had recognized her from the photograph I had found in the wallet. My uncle insisted on going to the police station immediately to claim the wallet. As the police sergeant handed it over, he said that it was amazing that I had not only found the wallet, but also the person who had lost it.

The wallet which the writer found______.

A.was empty

B.had some money in it

C.had a few coins and a photograph in it

D.had an old photograph in it

It must have been after two o'clock in the morning when the last guests【C1】______their lea
ve, and although we had enjoyed their【C2】______, my wife and I were quite thankful to shut the door【C3】______them. We left all the dirty dishes and glasses【C4】______, and after opening a few windows to let some fresh air in and the smell of【C5】______out, we climbed into bed and fell asleep.

I【C6】______asleep for more than half an hour when I awoke with a strong smell of smoke in my nostrils(鼻孔).【C7】______half asleep, I【C8】______into the sitting room, and there, through【C9】______clouds of smoke, I saw that one of the curtains was【C10】______fire. I should have closed the windows then without delay, but【C11】______I tried to beat out the flames with a folded newspaper.【C12】______this failed I hastened into the kitchen to snatch a bucket(木桶)and【C13】______it with water. At the same time I shouted to Barbara, who【C14】______dialed 999 to call the brigade【C15】______coming to my aid. We had to work at top speed carrying buckets of water from the kitchen to prevent the flames,【C16】______by the breeze from the windows, from spreading. We【C17】______to extinguish the fire but we managed to keep it【C18】______in check until the arrival of the firemen. Fortunately, they promptly came and they had little difficulty【C19】______out the flames.

For most of the【C20】______of the day we worked hard.




C.were on

D.waited for

My car was stolen the other day and the police asked meto write down a description of it t

My car was stolen the other day and the police asked me

to write down a description of it to help them trace the thief.

I was surprised that it had been taken although there were S1.______

plenty of fast, more up-to-date models in the street, but perhaps S2.______

I was the only person foolish enough to leave my door

unlocking. I wrote the following description: "My car is a S3.______

standard 1965 Mini, painted red, number ABC456C.

It is in good condition, besides that there is a lot of play in the S4.______

steering. In fact, I was on my way to the garage to have the

steering be adjusted when the car was stolen. The only S5.______

accessories are the seat belts also for standard make and S6.______

design. The only distinguished mark that would help you is a S7.______

scratch on the paintwork about three inch long just above the S8.______

left rear wheel. The door on the passenger's side sticks and

does not open properly. But no doubt the thieves will spray it

some other color and change the number plates!"

The police reported the next day that they had found

the car in a side street three or four miles away. It was not

damaged but someone had stricken a note to the windscreen. S9.______

It read: "To the owner. If you want to kill yourself with this

steering, go away. I've got better things to do." S10.______


When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leath
er wallet lying on the sidewalk. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could find out the owner's name. There was nothing inside it except some change and an old photograph—a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old, who looked like the woman's daughter. I put the photograph back and took the wallet to the police station, where I handed it to the desk sergeant. Before I left, the sergeant took down my name and address in case the owner might want to write and thank me.

That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They had also invited a young woman so that there would be four people at the table. Her face was familiar. I was quite sure that we had not met before, but I couldn't remember where I had seen her. In the course of conversation, however, the young woman happened to mention that she had lost her wallet that afternoon. All at once I realized where I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photograph, although she was now much older. She was very surprised, of course, when I was able to describe her wallet to her. Then I explained that I had recognized her from the photograph I had found in the wallet. My uncle insisted on going to the police station immediately to claim the wallet. As the police sergeant handed it over, he said that it was amazing that I had not only found the wallet, but also the person who had lost it.

The wallet which the writer found ______.

A.was empty

B.had some money in it

C.had a few coins and a photograph in it

D.had an old photograph in it

Can ballet change Lives? ____Last night I was worried,very worried

Can ballet change Lives?

21.____Last night I was worried,very worried. I had the job of going to watch amateur ballet dancers performing on stage with one of the UK's top professional ballet companies. A performance like this seemed very risky and! asked myself, 'Are they mad?'Before I tell you the answer,I'll tell you why I had such big doubts.

22.____The idea of mixing amateur and professional dancers started a couple of years ago when two friends with very different jobs found a way of working together. One of the men had created an award-winning TV series. Musicality ,in which amateurs trained to perform. in the musical Chicago. The other man runs a charity called Youth at Risk which works with young people who have serious problems with aggression and antisocial behaviour. Although it was a risk, the two men thought they could make a TV programme in which ballet changed the lives of young people with problems.

23.____Their idea was this: if the young people could accept the strict discipline and challenge of ballet training,it would build their self-esteem and give them new confidence in themselves. The first step was to find suitable teenagers to take part and they asked teachers and youth workers already working professionally with young people at risk, to find candidates for the project. Through them 300 young people joined the programme and although about half dropped out,in the end sixty teenagers appeared on stage in the public performance.

24.____The ballet they chose was Sergei Prokofie's Romeo and Juliet ,choreographed by Sir Kenneth MacMillan. The story of Romeo and Juliet includes family conflict, the generation gap ,gangs, murder ,young love and teenage suicide so it is the perfect mirror for the lives of troubled young people in today's society.

25.____Going back to my original question: 'Are they mad?' The answer is definitely ‘no’. As soon as the ballet started, my worries disappeared. It was amazing how these unlikely dancers were magically transformed into their characters. At the end of the evening I was left with this thought: 'ballet can change lives'. It is a dancing cure, not a talking cure; it is silent so it stops arguments.

A. Why I love going to the ballet

B. Where the idea came from

C. Why I was worried

D. Romeo and Juliet is the perfect choice

E. A new star is born in Chicago

F. How they found the young people

G. My final thoughts

H. A dancer's life

Passage OneShortly after the war, my brother and I were invited to spend a few days' holid

Passage One

Shortly after the war, my brother and I were invited to spend a few days' holiday with an uncle who had just returned from abroad. He rented a cottage in the country, although he rarely spent much time there. The cottage, however, had no comfortable furniture in it, many of the windows were broken and the roof leaked, making the whole house damp.

On our first evening, we sat around the fire after supper listening to the stories our uncle had had to tell of his many adventures in distant countries. I was so tired after the long train journey that I would have preferred to go to bed, but I could not bear to miss any of my uncle's exciting tales.

He was just in the middle of describing a rather terrifying experience he had, when there was a loud crash from the bedroom above, the one where my brother and I were going to sleep.

"It sounds as if the roof has fallen in!" shouted my uncle, with a loud laugh.

When we got to the top of the stairs and opened the bedroom door, a strange sight met our eyes. A large part of the ceiling had collapsed (坍塌), falling right on to the pillow of my bed. I was glad that I had stayed up late to listen to my uncle's stories, otherwise I should certainly have been seriously injured, perhaps killed.

That night we all slept on the floor of the sitting room downstairs not wishing to risk our lives by sleeping under a roof which might at any moment collapse on our heads. We left for London the very next morning and my uncle gave up his cottage in the country. This was not the kind of adventure he cared for, either!

What does the writer say about his uncle during the war?

A.He had a lot of adventures.

B.He fought as a soldier.

C.He made a lot of money.

D.He enjoyed many of his adventures.

听力原文:M: Hey, Karen, you are not really reading it, are you?W: Pardon?M: The book! You

听力原文:M: Hey, Karen, you are not really reading it, are you?

W: Pardon?

M: The book! You haven't turned the page in the last ten minutes.

W: No, Jim, I suppose I haven't. I need to get through it though, but I keep drifting away.

M: So it doesn't really hold your interest?

W: No, not really. I wouldn't bother with it, to be honest, but I have to read it for a seminar. I'm at the university.

M: It's a labor of labor then rather than a labor of love.

W: I should say. I don't like Dickens at all, really, the author indeed I'm starting to like the whole course less and less.

M: It's not just the book. It's the course as well?

W: Yeah, in a way, although the course itself isn't really that bad. A lot of it is pretty good in fact, and the lecture is fine. It's me, I suppose. You see, I want to do Philosophy rather than English, but my parents talk me out of it.

M: So the course is OK as such, it's just that had it been left to you, you would have chosen a different one.

W: Oh, they had my best interest at heart of course, my parents, they always do, don't they? They believe that my job prospects would have been pretty limited with the degree in Philosophy, plus, they give me a really generous allowance, but I am beginning to feel that I'm wasting my time and their money. They would be so disappointed though if I told them I was quitting.


A.She is worried about the seminar.

B.The man keeps interrupting her.

C.She finds it too hard.

D.She lacks interest in it.

When I saw the notice "women film extras wanted" in a local newspaper, I jumped at the cha
nce. Since childhood, I had dreamt of being a film star.

The casting interview went well, and two days later I was told that I had been chosen. I was to lose some of my enthusiasm for the idea, however. Extras are often left in the dark for some time as to which role they will play. Finally the nature of my role was revealed: I was asked to play a mental hospital patient.

Despite my disappointment, I agreed to participate. Then, barely a week later, the day of filming dawned. All 13 of us extras, mainly housewives, were driven to an old hospital. The coffee and tea they served us looked and tasted like cement. Then we were rushed off to make-up. My hair was pinned back and make-up was applied that give me a pale appearance. Then we just sat in a minibus for a few hours, as the cameras rolled elsewhere.

After the second hour had passed I was becoming bored, I bet stars are never treated like this, I thought. I had expected to be so busy that I hadn't come prepared for a long wait. Many of the others had brought a book or knitting.

Three hours had now passed. Then at last we were called to do our scenes. When the director came in, we were instructed where to stand and what to do. Along with a few others, I was told to sit at a table and weave baskets. This was not all easy task. The cane(藤条) we had to use was very long. On several occasions my basket fell apart in front of my very eye. On others I only succeeded In hitting a cameraman in the eye.

Life for the other extras was far from easy. Jean, who was barefoot, had to circle the floor. Poor Alice was asked to pretend to bang her head against the wall. Meanwhile Veronica swept the floor.

Thankfully, after just a few attempts, the scenes were done. And so my first taste of this "glorious" career was over. Although I found the experience quite interesting, my first screen role will almost certainly be my last.

The word "extras" used in this story means people who______.

A.have little experience of acting

B.play unimportant parts in a film

C.pretend to be film stars

D.need a part-time job

回答{TSE}题: A Success Story At 19, Ben Way is already a millionaire, and one of a growing
number of teenagers who have 51__________ Their fortune through theInternet. 52__________makes Ben's storyall the more remarkable is that he is dyslexic, and was 53__________ by teachers at his juniorschool that he would never be able to read or write 54__________ . "I wanted to prove them 55__________", says Ben, creator and director of Way search, a net searchengine which can be used to find goods in online shopping malls. When he was eight, his local authorities 56__________him with a PC to help withschool work. Although he was 57__________toread the manuals, he had a natural ability with the computer, and 58__________by his father, he soonbegan 59 __________people 10 an hour for hisknowledge and skills. At the age of 15 he 60__________ up his own computer consultancy, QuadComputer, which he ran from his bedroom, and two years later he left schoolto 61__________all his time tobusiness. "By this time the company had grown and I needed to take ona 62__________of employees to help me", saysBen. "That enabled me to start 63__________businesswith bigger companies. " It was. his ability to consistently 64__________difficult challenges that ledhim to win the Young Entrepreneur of the Year awarding the same year that heformed Way search, and he has recently signed a deal 65__________ 25 million witha private investment company, which will finance his search engine. {TS}

A. taken

B. made

C. put

D. done

Tied __________ she was, I had to disturb her.A. thoughB. becauseC. althoughD. as

A. though

B. because

C. although

D. as

听力原文: Over the past two months, a group of secondary school students have taken turns
to clean private cars early in the morning before going to school.

Every day at dawn, two students from a Form. H class at Kung Lee College have headed for a block of luxury fiats in Tai Hang Road, to wash and mop private cars.

The students were not trying to make a few dollars for pocket money--they were trying to help a classmate.

This classmate's father, who worked as a cleaner at the building, was admitted to hospital recently with a serious heart disease.

His daughter, left by herself and with no other relative in Hong Kong, faced the biggest problem in her life.

To help her pay the medical expenses, the girl's classmates volunteered to help her by doing the cleaning job on her father's behalf.

However, the students' enthusiasm failed to change her tragic fortunes--her father died.

The students then chipped in with their savings to pay for the funeral expenses. They also called on residents of the building and asked them to contribute.

In addition, they took turns in taking their classmate to their homes to comfort and console her.

However, she recently returned to her home--a seventy square foot cubicle in the basement of the building--as she wanted to be independent.

"Although I've come across much misfortune I've not lost hope. I want to be a useful person and I want to find a meaningful job, "she said yesterday.

She said she had no immediate plans, although her ambition was to continue her studies and become a nurse.

Why did the students clean the cars?

A.They wanted to help the cleaner's daughter.

B.They wanted to earn some pocket money.

C.They needed money for their classmate's medical expenses.

D.They wanted to help a hospital.

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