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Why did you stop my car, police officer?()You just ran a red light.A. Your driver's

Why did you stop my car, police officer?

()You just ran a red light.

A. Your driver's license please.

B. I just want to.

C. No why.

提问人:网友lqlq2018 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Why did you stop my car, polic…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: You look awful. Did you walk all the way from the bus stop in this weather.M:

听力原文:W: You look awful. Did you walk all the way from the bus stop in this weather.

M: Yes, and I left my raincoat on the bus.

Q: Why was the woman surprised?


A.He walked a long distance.

B.He is tired.

C.He's wet.

D.He lost his raincoat.

听力原文:M: Just look at my car! I only bought it last week. You shouldn’t have been going
听力原文:M: Just look at my car! I only bought it last week. You shouldn’t have been going so fast. W: Well, I am sorry, but it was not my fault. There’s a ’stop’ sign, you must have missed it. You should be more careful and you’d better explain it to the police. Q: Why did the accident take place ()

A.The woman was driving too fast.

B.The woman was not careful enough.

C.The man’s car was out of control.

D.The man didn’t stop because he didn’t see the sign.

听力原文:M: Just look at my car! I only bought it last week. You shouldn't have been going
so fast.

W: Well, I am sorry, but it was not my fault. There's a "stop" sign, you must have missed it. You should be more careful and you'd better explain it to the police.

Q: Why did the accident take place?


A.The woman was driving too fast.

B.The woman was not careful enough.

C.The man's car was out of control.

D.The man didn't stop because he didn't see the sign.

听力原文:M: I see on your resume that you worked as a manager of a store called "Computer
Country". Could you tell me a little more about your responsibilities there?

W: Sure. I was responsible for overseeing about 30 employees. I did all of the ordering for the store, and I kept track of the inventory.

M: What was the most difficult part of your job?

W: Probably handling angry customers. We didn't have them very often, but when we did, I needed to make sure they were well taken care of. After all, the customer is always right.

M: That's how we feel here too. How long did you work there?

W: I was there for three and a half years. I left the company last month.

M: And why did you leave?

W: My husband has been transferred to Boston. And I understand your company has an opening there too.

M: Yes, that's right. We do. But the position won't start until early next month. Would that be a problem for you?

W: No, not at all. My husband's new job doesn't begin for a few weeks. So we thought we would spend some time driving to Boston and stop to see my parents.

M: That sounds nice. So tell me, why are you interested in this particular position?

W: I know that your company has a great reputation, and a wonderful product. I've thought many times that I would like to be a part of it. When I heard about the opening in Boston, I jumped to the opportunity.

M: Well I'm glad you did.


A.An accountant of a computer firm.

B.A director of a sales department.

C.A sales clerk at a shopping center.

D.A manager at a computer store.

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?W: About ten minutes.M: Did you notice W

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?

W: About ten minutes.

M: Did you notice Whether the number seven bus has gone by?

W: Yes, it is. I wish that it would rain and cool off.

M: Me too. This is unusual for March. I don't remember it ever being so hot dry in March before.

W: You're from Florida then.

M: Not really, I was born in New York, but I've lived here for ten years now.

W: My mother and I have just moved here from Indiana.

M: Pretty cold in Indiana, isn't it?

W: Yes. That's why we moved. But we didn't know that it would be so hot here. We should have gone to California. Do you think that we've missed the bus?

M: No, it's always a little late.

W: I have twenty to one, but my watch is a little fast.

M: Don't worry. It never comes exactly on the halfhour like it should.


A.She is waiting for the man.

B.She is waiting for her mother.

C.She is waiting for a bus.

D.She is waiting for it to stop raining.

听力原文:W: Okay. May I see your driver's license, please?M: What? Did I do anything wrong

听力原文:W: Okay. May I see your driver's license, please?

M: What? Did I do anything wrong?

W: License, please. And your car registration.

M: Oh, yeah. It's here somewhere in the glove compartment. Yeah, here it is.

W: Sir, did you realize you were speeding in a school zone?

M: What? No, I didn't, but that's probably because my odometer is broken, I mean, malfunctioning.

W: Yes, you were going 50 miles per hour in a 20 miles per hour zone. And, you failed to come to a complete stop at the intersection back there.

M: Rolling stops don't count?

W: And, one of your break lights is out, you're not wearing a seat belt, AND your driver's license expired six months ago.

M: Hey, my wife's cousin's husband works for the police department here. Or was that the fire department? Anyway, I thought you might be good pals, and you know ...

W: Hey, are you trying to influence an officer? I could have this car impounded right now because of these infractions.

M: No, of course not.

W: Okay, then. Here's your ticket. You can either appear in court to pay the fine or mail it in. Have a nice day.

Why is the man made to show his driver's license?

A.Because he didn't register his car.

B.Because he was speeding in a school zone.

C.Because he lost his mind.

D.Because he didn't stop when he was asked to.

听力原文:Man:I love deep-sea diving. I go at least once every summer. The deeper you go,th

听力原文:Man: I love deep-sea diving. I go at least once every summer. The deeper you go,the quieter everything becomes, until finally all you can hear is the sound of your own heartbeat. It's my way of getting away from it all, finding some peace for once. I spent my honeymoon diving, although my wife's not so keen, and it's not something we always do together. I don't need company necessarily, and I'm not looking for some incredible adventure. I did, however', once join some guys in a cage off Florida, searching for the great white shark. If sharks stop moving, they die. That sounds like me back home.

You hear a man talking about deep-sea diving. Why does he like the sport?

A.It suits his sociable nature.

B.It contrasts with his normal lifestyle.

C.It fulfils his need for a challenge in life.

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?W: About ten minutes.M: Did you notice w

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?

W: About ten minutes.

M: Did you notice whether the number seven bus has gone by?

W: Not while I've been standing here. I'm waiting for the number seven myself.

M: Good. Hot today, isn't it?

W: Yes, it is. I wish that it would rain .and cool off.

M: Me too. This is unusual for March. I don't remember it ever being so hot and dry in March before.

W: You're from Florida then.

M: Not really. I was born in New York, but I've lived here for ten years now.

W: My mother and I have just moved here from Indiana.

M: Pretty cold in Indiana, isn't it?

W: Yes. That's why we moved. But we didn't know that it would be so hot here. We should have gone to California. Do you think that we've missed the bus?

M: No. It's always a little late.

W: It's twenty to one, but my watch is a little fast.

M: Don't worry. It never comes exactly on the haft-hour like it should.


A.She is waiting for the man.

B.She is waiting for a bus.

C.She is waiting for her mother.

D.She is waiting for it to stop raining.

听力原文:A friend gave George a parrot which had a big vocabulary, but most of the words t

听力原文: A friend gave George a parrot which had a big vocabulary, but most of the words the bird knew were bad words. At first George thought it was funny, but when George had important guests, the bird's bad words embarrassed him very much.

As soon as the guests left, George angrily shouted to the parrot, "That language must stop!" But the bird answered him with curses. He shook the bird and shouted again, "Don't use those ugly words!" Again the bird cursed him.

George was really angry. He took the parrot and threw him into the freezer. This time there was silence. After two minutes, George opened the door and removed the very cold parrot. Slowly the frightened parrot walked up George's arm, sat on his shoulder and spoke into his ear, "I'm sorry for my behavior. and will never behave badly again."

George asked, "Why the change?" The bird answered, "Because I saw what you did to the other birds. What did the chicken say?"

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. What do we know about the parrot?

30. What did George feel about the parrot?

31. Why did the bird want to change?


A.He only knew bad words.

B.He could say a lot of words.

C.He was good at praising others.

D.He was not able to learn words taught by George.

一Why did you go to work so early?-In order to() the heavy traffic in the city.

A. avoid

B. stop

C. cancel

D. solve

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